path: root/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-fm/widgets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-fm/widgets')
1 files changed, 870 insertions, 872 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-fm/widgets/DirWidget2.cpp b/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-fm/widgets/DirWidget2.cpp
index 9633df89..6c2d4f35 100644
--- a/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-fm/widgets/DirWidget2.cpp
+++ b/src-qt5/desktop-utils/lumina-fm/widgets/DirWidget2.cpp
@@ -1,873 +1,871 @@
- //===========================================
- // Lumina-DE source code
- // Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore
- // Available under the 3-clause BSD license
- // See the LICENSE file for full details
- //===========================================
- #include "DirWidget2.h"
- #include "ui_DirWidget2.h"
- #include <QActionGroup>
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include <QCursor>
- #include <QClipboard>
- #include <QMimeData>
- #include <QTimer>
- #include <QInputDialog>
- #include <QScrollBar>
- #include <QSettings>
- #include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>
- #include <QFileSystemModel>
- #include <LuminaOS.h>
- #include <LuminaXDG.h>
- #include <LUtils.h>
- #include <ExternalProcess.h>
- #include "../ScrollDialog.h"
- #define DEBUG 0
- DirWidget::DirWidget(QString objID, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::DirWidget){
- ui->setupUi(this); //load the designer file
- ID = objID;
- //Assemble the toolbar for the widget
- toolbar = new QToolBar(this);
- toolbar->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
- toolbar->setFloatable(false);
- toolbar->setMovable(false);
- toolbar->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
- toolbar->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
- //toolbar->setIconSize(QSize(32,32));
- ui->toolbar_layout->addWidget(toolbar);
- // - Add the buttons to the toolbar
- toolbar->addAction(ui->actionBack);
- toolbar->addAction(ui->actionUp);
- toolbar->addAction(ui->actionHome);
- line_dir = new QLineEdit(this);
- toolbar->addWidget(line_dir);
- connect(line_dir, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(dir_changed()) );
- QActionGroup *columnActionGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
- toolbar->addAction(ui->actionSingleColumn);
- ui->actionSingleColumn->setChecked(true);
- columnActionGroup->addAction(ui->actionSingleColumn);
- toolbar->addAction(ui->actionDualColumn);
- columnActionGroup->addAction(ui->actionDualColumn);
- toolbar->addAction(ui->actionMenu);
- //Add the browser widgets
- RCBW = 0; //right column browser is unavailable initially
- BW = new BrowserWidget("", this);
- ui->browser_layout->addWidget(BW);
- connect(BW, SIGNAL(dirChange(QString)), this, SLOT(currentDirectoryChanged()) );
- connect(BW, SIGNAL(itemsActivated()), this, SLOT(runFiles()) );
- connect(BW, SIGNAL(DataDropped(QString, QStringList)), this, SIGNAL(PasteFiles(QString, QStringList)) );
- connect(BW, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested()), this, SLOT(OpenContextMenu()) );
- connect(BW, SIGNAL(updateDirectoryStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(dirStatusChanged(QString)) );
- connect(BW, SIGNAL(hasFocus(QString)), this, SLOT(setCurrentBrowser(QString)) );
- // Create treeviewpane QFileSystemModel model and populate
- QString folderTreePath = QDir::rootPath();
- dirtreeModel = new QFileSystemModel(this);
- dirtreeModel->setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllDirs); // remove extraneous dirs
- dirtreeModel->setRootPath(folderTreePath);
- ui->folderViewPane->setModel(dirtreeModel);
- ui->splitter->setSizes( QList<int>() << this->width()/3 << 2*this->width()/3);
- ui->folderViewPane->setHeaderHidden(true);
- ui->folderViewPane->resizeColumnToContents(0);
- ui->folderViewPane->setColumnHidden(1, true);
- ui->folderViewPane->setColumnHidden(2, true);
- ui->folderViewPane->setColumnHidden(3, true);
- //Now update the rest of the UI
- canmodify = false; //initial value
- contextMenu = new QMenu(this);
- cNewMenu = cOpenMenu = cFModMenu = cFViewMenu = cOpenWithMenu = 0; //not created yet
- connect(contextMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(UpdateContextMenu()) );
- UpdateIcons();
- UpdateText();
- createShortcuts();
- createMenus();
- }
- DirWidget::~DirWidget(){
- //stopload = true; //just in case another thread is still loading/running
- }
- void DirWidget::setFocusLineDir() {
- line_dir->setFocus();
- line_dir->selectAll();
- }
- void DirWidget::cleanup(){
- //stopload = true; //just in case another thread is still loading/running
- //if(thumbThread.isRunning()){ thumbThread.waitForFinished(); } //this will stop really quickly with the flag set
- }
- void DirWidget::ChangeDir(QString dirpath){
- //stopload = true; //just in case it is still loading
- //emit LoadDirectory(ID, dirpath);
- //qDebug() << "ChangeDir:" << dirpath;
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dirpath);
- }
- void DirWidget::setDirCompleter(QCompleter *comp){
- //line_dir->setCompleter(comp);
- }
- QString DirWidget::id(){
- return ID;
- }
- QString DirWidget::currentDir(){
- return currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
- }
- void DirWidget::setShowDetails(bool show){
- BW->showDetails(show);
- if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->showDetails(show); }
- }
- void DirWidget::showHidden(bool show){
- BW->showHiddenFiles(show);
- if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->showHiddenFiles(show); }
- }
- void DirWidget::showThumbnails(bool show){
- BW->showThumbnails(show);
- if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->showThumbnails(show); }
- }
- void DirWidget::setThumbnailSize(int px){
- BW->setThumbnailSize(px);
- if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->setThumbnailSize(px); }
- ui->tool_zoom_in->setEnabled(px < 256); //upper limit on image sizes
- ui->tool_zoom_out->setEnabled(px >16); //lower limit on image sizes
- }
- //====================
- // Folder Pane
- //====================
- void DirWidget::showDirTreePane(bool show){
- if(show !=showdirtree){
- showdirtree = show;
- }
- }
- bool DirWidget::showingDirTreePane(){
- return showdirtree;
- }
- void DirWidget::on_folderViewPane_clicked(const QModelIndex &index){
- QString tPath = dirtreeModel->fileInfo(index).absoluteFilePath(); // get what was clicked
- ChangeDir(tPath);
- }
- // ================
- // ================
- void DirWidget::LoadSnaps(QString basedir, QStringList snaps){
- //Save these value internally for use later
- //qDebug() << "ZFS Snapshots available:" << basedir << snaps;
- snapbasedir = basedir;
- snapshots = snaps;
- //if(!snapbasedir.isEmpty()){ watcher->addPath(snapbasedir); } //add this to the watcher in case snapshots get created/removed
- //Now update the UI as necessary
- if(ui->tool_snap->menu()==0){
- ui->tool_snap->setMenu(new QMenu(this));
- connect(ui->tool_snap->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(direct_snap_selected(QAction*)) );
- }
- ui->tool_snap->menu()->clear();
- for(int i=0; i<snapshots.length(); i++){
- QAction *tmp = ui->tool_snap->menu()->addAction(snapshots[i]);
- tmp->setWhatsThis(snapshots[i]);
- }
- ui->slider_snap->setRange(0, snaps.length());
- if(currentBrowser()->currentDirectory().contains(ZSNAPDIR)){
- //The user was already within a snapshot - figure out which one and set the slider appropriately
- int index = snaps.indexOf( currentBrowser()->currentDirectory().section(ZSNAPDIR,1,1).section("/",0,0) );
- if(index < 0){ index = snaps.length(); } //unknown - load the system (should never happen)
- ui->slider_snap->setValue(index);
- }else{
- ui->slider_snap->setValue(snaps.length()); //last item (normal system)
- }
- on_slider_snap_valueChanged();
- QApplication::processEvents(); //let the slider changed signal get thrown away before we re-enable the widget
- ui->group_snaps->setEnabled(!snaps.isEmpty());
- ui->group_snaps->setVisible(!snaps.isEmpty());
- ui->tool_snap_newer->setEnabled(ui->slider_snap->value() < ui->slider_snap->maximum());
- ui->tool_snap_older->setEnabled(ui->slider_snap->value() > ui->slider_snap->minimum());
- }
- void DirWidget::refresh(){
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(""); //refresh current dir
- }
- //Theme change functions
- void DirWidget::UpdateIcons(){
- //Snapshot buttons
- ui->tool_snap_newer->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("go-next-view","") );
- ui->tool_snap_older->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("go-previous-view","") );
- //ToolBar Buttons
- ui->actionBack->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-previous","") );
- ui->actionUp->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-up","") );
- ui->actionHome->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-home","") );
- ui->actionMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("view-more-vertical","format-list-unordered") );
- ui->actionSingleColumn->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("view-right-close","view-close") );
- ui->actionDualColumn->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("view-right-new","view-split-left-right") );
- ui->tool_zoom_in->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("zoom-in",""));
- ui->tool_zoom_out->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("zoom-out",""));
- }
- void DirWidget::UpdateText(){
- ui->retranslateUi(this);
- BW->retranslate();
- if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->retranslate(); }
- }
- // =================
- // =================
- void DirWidget::createShortcuts(){
- kZoomIn= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::ZoomIn),this);
- kZoomOut= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::ZoomOut),this);
- kNewFile= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_F),this);
- kNewDir= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_N),this);
- kNewXDG= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_G),this);
- kCut= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Cut),this);
- kCopy= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Copy),this);
- kPaste= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Paste),this);
- kRename= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F2),this);
- kExtract= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E), this);
- kFav= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F3),this);
- kDel= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Delete),this);
- kOpSS= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6),this);
- kOpMM= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F7),this);
- kOpTerm = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F1),this);
- connect(kZoomIn, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(on_tool_zoom_in_clicked()) );
- connect(kZoomOut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(on_tool_zoom_out_clicked()) );
- connect(kNewFile, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(createNewFile()) );
- connect(kNewDir, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(createNewDir()) );
- connect(kNewXDG, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(createNewXDGEntry()) );
- connect(kCut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(cutFiles()) );
- connect(kCopy, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(copyFiles()) );
- connect(kPaste, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(pasteFiles()) );
- connect(kRename, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(renameFiles()) );
- connect(kExtract, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(autoExtractFiles()) );
- connect(kFav, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(favoriteFiles()) );
- connect(kDel, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(removeFiles()) );
- connect(kOpSS, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openInSlideshow()) );
- connect(kOpMM, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openMultimedia()) );
- connect(kOpTerm, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openTerminal()) );
- }
- void DirWidget::createMenus(){
- //Note: contextMenu already created - this is just for the sub-items
- if(cNewMenu==0){ cNewMenu = new QMenu(this); }
- else{ cNewMenu->clear(); }
- cNewMenu->setTitle(tr("Create...") );
- cNewMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
- cNewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("document-new",""), tr("File"), this, SLOT(createNewFile()), kNewFile->key() );
- cNewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("folder-new",""), tr("Directory"), this, SLOT(createNewDir()), kNewDir->key() );
- if(LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-fileinfo")){ cNewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-run",""), tr("Application Launcher"), this, SLOT(createNewXDGEntry()), kNewXDG->key() ); }
- if(cOpenMenu==0){ cOpenMenu = new QMenu(this); }
- else{ cOpenMenu->clear(); }
- cOpenMenu->setTitle(tr("Launch..."));
- cOpenMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("quickopen","") );
- cOpenMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("utilities-terminal",""), tr("Terminal"), this, SLOT(openTerminal()), kOpTerm->key());
- cOpenMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("media-slideshow",""), tr("SlideShow"), this, SLOT(openInSlideshow()), kOpSS->key());
- cOpenMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("media-playback-start-circled","media-playback-start"), tr("Multimedia Player"), this, SLOT(openMultimedia()), kOpMM->key());
- /*
- if(cFModMenu==0){ cFModMenu = new QMenu(this); }
- else{ cFModMenu->clear(); }
- cFModMenu->setTitle(tr("Modify Files..."));
- cFModMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-edit","") );
- cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-cut",""), tr("Cut Selection"), this, SLOT(cutFiles()), kCut->key() );
- cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-copy",""), tr("Copy Selection"), this, SLOT(copyFiles()), kCopy->key() );
- cFModMenu->addSeparator();
- cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-rename",""), tr("Rename..."), this, SLOT(renameFiles()), kRename->key() );
- cFModMenu->addSeparator();
- cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-delete",""), tr("Delete Selection"), this, SLOT(removeFiles()), kDel->key() );
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------//
- /*
- if(cOpenWithMenu==0){ cOpenWithMenu = new QMenu(this); }
- else{ cOpenWithMenu->clear(); }
- cOpenWithMenu->setTitle(tr("Open with..."));
- cOpenWithMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("run-build-configure","") );
- XDGDesktopList applist;
- applist.updateList();
- PREFAPPS = getPreferredApplications();
- //qDebug() << "Preferred Apps:" << PREFAPPS;
- cOpenWithMenu->clear();
- //Now get the application mimetype for the file extension (if available)
- QStringList mimetypes = LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(filePath, true).split("::::"); //use all mimetypes
- //Now add all the detected applications
- QHash< QString, QList<XDGDesktop*> > hash = LXDG::sortDesktopCats( applist.apps(false,true) );
- QStringList cat = hash.keys();
- cat.sort(); //sort alphabetically
- for(int c=0; c<cat.length(); c++){
- QList<XDGDesktop*> app = hash[cat[c]];
- if(app.length()<1){ cOpenWithMenu =0; continue; }
- for(int a=0; a<app.length(); a++){
- QString program = app[a]->filePath;
- QStringList arguments;
- arguments << "%u";
- QProcess *p = new QProcess();
- p->start(program, arguments);
- cOpenWithMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon(app[a]->icon), (app[a]->name), this, SLOT(p->start(program, arguments)) );}}
- cOpenWithMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("run-build-configure",""), tr("Other..."), this, SLOT(runWithFiles()) );
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------//
- if(cFViewMenu==0){ cFViewMenu = new QMenu(this); }
- else{ cFViewMenu->clear(); }
- cFViewMenu->setTitle(tr("View Files..."));
- cFViewMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-preview","") );
- cFViewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("document-encrypted",""), tr("Checksums"), this, SLOT(fileCheckSums()) );
- if(LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-fileinfo")){
- cFViewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-find-replace",""), tr("Properties"), this, SLOT(fileProperties()) );
- }
- }
- BrowserWidget* DirWidget::currentBrowser(){
- if(cBID.isEmpty() || RCBW==0){ return BW; }
- else{ return RCBW; }
- }
- QStringList DirWidget::currentDirFiles(){
- return currentBrowser()->currentItems(-1); //files only
- }
- // =================
- // =================
- void DirWidget::on_tool_zoom_in_clicked(){
- int size = BW->thumbnailSize();
- size += 16;
- setThumbnailSize(size);
- //Now Save the size value as the default for next time
- QSettings SET("lumina-desktop","lumina-fm");
- SET.setValue("iconsize", size);
- }
- void DirWidget::on_tool_zoom_out_clicked(){
- int size = BW->thumbnailSize();
- if(size <= 16){ return; }
- size -= 16;
- setThumbnailSize(size);
- //Now Save the size value as the default for next time
- QSettings SET("lumina-desktop","lumina-fm");
- SET.setValue("iconsize", size);
- }
- // -- Top Snapshot Buttons
- void DirWidget::on_tool_snap_newer_clicked(){
- ui->slider_snap->setValue( ui->slider_snap->value()+1 );
- }
- void DirWidget::on_tool_snap_older_clicked(){
- ui->slider_snap->setValue( ui->slider_snap->value()-1 );
- }
- void DirWidget::on_slider_snap_valueChanged(int val){
- bool labelsonly = false;
- if(val==-1){ val = ui->slider_snap->value(); labelsonly=true; }
- //Update the snapshot interface
- ui->tool_snap_newer->setEnabled(val < ui->slider_snap->maximum());
- ui->tool_snap_older->setEnabled(val > ui->slider_snap->minimum());
- if(val >= snapshots.length() || val < 0){
- ui->tool_snap->setText(tr("Current"));
- }else if(QFile::exists(snapbasedir+snapshots[val])){
- ui->tool_snap->setText( QFileInfo(snapbasedir+snapshots[val]).lastModified().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate) );
- }
- //Exit if a non-interactive snapshot change
- if(!ui->group_snaps->isEnabled() || labelsonly){ return; } //internal change - do not try to change the actual info
- //Determine which snapshot is now selected
- QString dir;
- if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Changing snapshot:" << currentBrowser()->currentDirectory() << val << snapbasedir; }
- //stopload = true; //stop any currently-loading procedures
- if(val >= snapshots.length() || val < 0){ //active system selected
- if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Load Active system:" << normalbasedir; }
- dir = normalbasedir;
- }else{
- dir = snapbasedir+snapshots[val]+"/";
- if(!QFile::exists(dir)){
- //This snapshot must have been removed in the background by pruning tools
- // move to a newer snapshot or the current base dir as necessary
- qDebug() << "Snapshot no longer available:" << dir;
- qDebug() << " - Reloading available snapshots";
- emit findSnaps(ID, normalbasedir);
- return;
- }
- //Need to figure out the relative path within the snapshot
- snaprelpath = normalbasedir.section(snapbasedir.section(ZSNAPDIR,0,0), 1,1000);
- if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - new snapshot-relative path:" << snaprelpath; }
- dir.append(snaprelpath);
- dir.replace("//","/"); //just in case any duplicate slashes from all the split/combining
- if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Load Snapshot:" << dir; }
- }
- //Make sure this directory exists, and back up as necessary
- if(dir.isEmpty()){ return; }
- //Load the newly selected snapshot
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
- }
- void DirWidget::direct_snap_selected(QAction *act){
- QString snap = act->whatsThis();
- int val = snapshots.indexOf(snap);
- if(val<0){ return; }
- else{ ui->slider_snap->setValue(val); }
- }
- //Top Toolbar buttons
- void DirWidget::on_actionBack_triggered(){
- QStringList history = currentBrowser()->history();
- if(history.length()<2){ return; } //cannot do anything
- QString dir = history.takeLast();
- //qDebug() << "Go Back:" << dir << normalbasedir << history;
- if(dir == normalbasedir){
- dir = history.takeLast();
- }
- history << dir; //make sure the current dir is always last in the history
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
- currentBrowser()->setHistory(history); //re-write the history to account for going backwards
- ui->actionBack->setEnabled(history.length()>1);
- }
- void DirWidget::on_actionUp_triggered(){
- QString dir = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory().section("/",0,-2);
- if(dir.isEmpty())
- dir = "/";
- //Quick check to ensure the directory exists
- while(!QFile::exists(dir) && !dir.isEmpty()){
- dir = dir.section("/",0,-2); //back up one additional dir
- }
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
- }
- void DirWidget::on_actionHome_triggered(){
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(QDir::homePath());
- }
- void DirWidget::dir_changed(){
- QString dir = line_dir->text().simplified();
- //Run the dir through the user-input checks
- dir = LUtils::PathToAbsolute(dir);
- //qDebug() << "Dir Changed:" << dir;
- //Quick check to ensure the directory exists
- while(!QFile::exists(dir) && !dir.isEmpty()){
- dir = dir.section("/",0,-2); //back up one additional dir
- }
- //qDebug() << " - Now Dir:" << dir;
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
- //emit LoadDirectory(ID, dir);
- }
- void DirWidget::on_actionSingleColumn_triggered(bool checked){
- if(!checked){ return; }
- if(RCBW==0){ return; } //nothing to do
- ui->browser_layout->removeWidget(RCBW);
- RCBW->deleteLater();
- RCBW = 0;
- setCurrentBrowser(""); //reset back to the remaining browser
- }
- void DirWidget::on_actionDualColumn_triggered(bool checked){
- if(!checked){ return; }
- if(RCBW!=0){ return; } //nothing to do
- RCBW = new BrowserWidget("rc", this);
- ui->browser_layout->addWidget(RCBW);
- connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(dirChange(QString)), this, SLOT(currentDirectoryChanged()) );
- connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(itemsActivated()), this, SLOT(runFiles()) );
- connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(DataDropped(QString, QStringList)), this, SIGNAL(PasteFiles(QString, QStringList)) );
- connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested()), this, SLOT(OpenContextMenu()) );
- connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(updateDirectoryStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(dirStatusChanged(QString)) );
- connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(hasFocus(QString)), this, SLOT(setCurrentBrowser(QString)) );
- //Now make sure it has all the same settings as the main browser
- setCurrentBrowser("rc");
- RCBW->showDetails(BW->hasDetails());
- RCBW->showHiddenFiles( BW->hasHiddenFiles());
- RCBW->setThumbnailSize( BW->thumbnailSize());
- RCBW->changeDirectory( BW->currentDirectory());
- }
- void DirWidget::on_actionMenu_triggered(){
- OpenContextMenu();
- }
- // - Other Actions without a specific button on the side
- void DirWidget::fileCheckSums(){
- QStringList files = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(files.isEmpty()){ return; }
- qDebug() << "Run Checksums:" << files;
- QStringList info = LOS::Checksums(files);
- qDebug() << " - Info:" << info;
- if(info.isEmpty() || (info.length() != files.length()) ){ return; }
- for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
- info[i] = QString("%2\n\t(%1)").arg(files[i].section("/",-1), info[i]);
- }
- ScrollDialog dlg(this);
- dlg.setWindowTitle( tr("File Checksums:") );
- dlg.setWindowIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-encrypted","") );
- dlg.setText(info.join("\n"));
- dlg.exec();
- }
- void DirWidget::fileProperties(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- //qDebug() << "Open File properties:" << sel;
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
- if(!LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-fileinfo")){
- //It should never get to this point due to checks earlier - but just in case...
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Missing Utility"), tr("The \"lumina-fileinfo\" utility could not be found on the system. Please install it first.") );
- return;
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+#include "DirWidget2.h"
+#include "ui_DirWidget2.h"
+#include <QActionGroup>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QCursor>
+#include <QClipboard>
+#include <QMimeData>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QInputDialog>
+#include <QScrollBar>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>
+#include <QFileSystemModel>
+#include <LuminaOS.h>
+#include <LuminaXDG.h>
+#include <LUtils.h>
+#include <ExternalProcess.h>
+#include "../ScrollDialog.h"
+#define DEBUG 0
+DirWidget::DirWidget(QString objID, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::DirWidget){
+ ui->setupUi(this); //load the designer file
+ ID = objID;
+ //Assemble the toolbar for the widget
+ toolbar = new QToolBar(this);
+ toolbar->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+ toolbar->setFloatable(false);
+ toolbar->setMovable(false);
+ toolbar->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
+ toolbar->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
+ //toolbar->setIconSize(QSize(32,32));
+ ui->toolbar_layout->addWidget(toolbar);
+ // - Add the buttons to the toolbar
+ toolbar->addAction(ui->actionBack);
+ toolbar->addAction(ui->actionUp);
+ toolbar->addAction(ui->actionHome);
+ line_dir = new QLineEdit(this);
+ toolbar->addWidget(line_dir);
+ connect(line_dir, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(dir_changed()) );
+ QActionGroup *columnActionGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+ toolbar->addAction(ui->actionSingleColumn);
+ ui->actionSingleColumn->setChecked(true);
+ columnActionGroup->addAction(ui->actionSingleColumn);
+ toolbar->addAction(ui->actionDualColumn);
+ columnActionGroup->addAction(ui->actionDualColumn);
+ toolbar->addAction(ui->actionMenu);
+ //Add the browser widgets
+ RCBW = 0; //right column browser is unavailable initially
+ BW = new BrowserWidget("", this);
+ ui->browser_layout->addWidget(BW);
+ connect(BW, SIGNAL(dirChange(QString)), this, SLOT(currentDirectoryChanged()) );
+ connect(BW, SIGNAL(itemsActivated()), this, SLOT(runFiles()) );
+ connect(BW, SIGNAL(DataDropped(QString, QStringList)), this, SIGNAL(PasteFiles(QString, QStringList)) );
+ connect(BW, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested()), this, SLOT(OpenContextMenu()) );
+ connect(BW, SIGNAL(updateDirectoryStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(dirStatusChanged(QString)) );
+ connect(BW, SIGNAL(hasFocus(QString)), this, SLOT(setCurrentBrowser(QString)) );
+ // Create treeviewpane QFileSystemModel model and populate
+ QString folderTreePath = QDir::rootPath();
+ dirtreeModel = new QFileSystemModel(this);
+ dirtreeModel->setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllDirs); // remove extraneous dirs
+ dirtreeModel->setRootPath(folderTreePath);
+ ui->folderViewPane->setModel(dirtreeModel);
+ ui->splitter->setSizes( QList<int>() << this->width()/3 << 2*this->width()/3);
+ ui->folderViewPane->setHeaderHidden(true);
+ ui->folderViewPane->resizeColumnToContents(0);
+ ui->folderViewPane->setColumnHidden(1, true);
+ ui->folderViewPane->setColumnHidden(2, true);
+ ui->folderViewPane->setColumnHidden(3, true);
+ //Now update the rest of the UI
+ canmodify = false; //initial value
+ contextMenu = new QMenu(this);
+ cNewMenu = cOpenMenu = cFModMenu = cFViewMenu = cOpenWithMenu = 0; //not created yet
+ connect(contextMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(UpdateContextMenu()) );
+ UpdateIcons();
+ UpdateText();
+ createShortcuts();
+ createMenus();
+ //stopload = true; //just in case another thread is still loading/running
+void DirWidget::setFocusLineDir() {
+ line_dir->setFocus();
+ line_dir->selectAll();
+void DirWidget::cleanup(){
+ //stopload = true; //just in case another thread is still loading/running
+ //if(thumbThread.isRunning()){ thumbThread.waitForFinished(); } //this will stop really quickly with the flag set
+void DirWidget::ChangeDir(QString dirpath){
+ //stopload = true; //just in case it is still loading
+ //emit LoadDirectory(ID, dirpath);
+ //qDebug() << "ChangeDir:" << dirpath;
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dirpath);
+void DirWidget::setDirCompleter(QCompleter *comp){
+ //line_dir->setCompleter(comp);
+QString DirWidget::id(){
+ return ID;
+QString DirWidget::currentDir(){
+ return currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
+void DirWidget::setShowDetails(bool show){
+ BW->showDetails(show);
+ if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->showDetails(show); }
+void DirWidget::showHidden(bool show){
+ BW->showHiddenFiles(show);
+ if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->showHiddenFiles(show); }
+void DirWidget::showThumbnails(bool show){
+ BW->showThumbnails(show);
+ if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->showThumbnails(show); }
+void DirWidget::setThumbnailSize(int px){
+ BW->setThumbnailSize(px);
+ if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->setThumbnailSize(px); }
+ ui->tool_zoom_in->setEnabled(px < 256); //upper limit on image sizes
+ ui->tool_zoom_out->setEnabled(px >16); //lower limit on image sizes
+// Folder Pane
+void DirWidget::showDirTreePane(bool show){
+ if(show !=showdirtree){
+ showdirtree = show;
+ }
+bool DirWidget::showingDirTreePane(){
+ return showdirtree;
+void DirWidget::on_folderViewPane_clicked(const QModelIndex &index){
+ QString tPath = dirtreeModel->fileInfo(index).absoluteFilePath(); // get what was clicked
+ ChangeDir(tPath);
+// ================
+// ================
+void DirWidget::LoadSnaps(QString basedir, QStringList snaps){
+ //Save these value internally for use later
+ //qDebug() << "ZFS Snapshots available:" << basedir << snaps;
+ snapbasedir = basedir;
+ snapshots = snaps;
+ //if(!snapbasedir.isEmpty()){ watcher->addPath(snapbasedir); } //add this to the watcher in case snapshots get created/removed
+ //Now update the UI as necessary
+ if(ui->tool_snap->menu()==0){
+ ui->tool_snap->setMenu(new QMenu(this));
+ connect(ui->tool_snap->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(direct_snap_selected(QAction*)) );
+ }
+ ui->tool_snap->menu()->clear();
+ for(int i=0; i<snapshots.length(); i++){
+ QAction *tmp = ui->tool_snap->menu()->addAction(snapshots[i]);
+ tmp->setWhatsThis(snapshots[i]);
+ }
+ ui->slider_snap->setRange(0, snaps.length());
+ if(currentBrowser()->currentDirectory().contains(ZSNAPDIR)){
+ //The user was already within a snapshot - figure out which one and set the slider appropriately
+ int index = snaps.indexOf( currentBrowser()->currentDirectory().section(ZSNAPDIR,1,1).section("/",0,0) );
+ if(index < 0){ index = snaps.length(); } //unknown - load the system (should never happen)
+ ui->slider_snap->setValue(index);
+ }else{
+ ui->slider_snap->setValue(snaps.length()); //last item (normal system)
+ }
+ on_slider_snap_valueChanged();
+ QApplication::processEvents(); //let the slider changed signal get thrown away before we re-enable the widget
+ ui->group_snaps->setEnabled(!snaps.isEmpty());
+ ui->group_snaps->setVisible(!snaps.isEmpty());
+ ui->tool_snap_newer->setEnabled(ui->slider_snap->value() < ui->slider_snap->maximum());
+ ui->tool_snap_older->setEnabled(ui->slider_snap->value() > ui->slider_snap->minimum());
+void DirWidget::refresh(){
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(""); //refresh current dir
+//Theme change functions
+void DirWidget::UpdateIcons(){
+ //Snapshot buttons
+ ui->tool_snap_newer->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("go-next-view","") );
+ ui->tool_snap_older->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("go-previous-view","") );
+ //ToolBar Buttons
+ ui->actionBack->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-previous","") );
+ ui->actionUp->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-up","") );
+ ui->actionHome->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-home","") );
+ ui->actionMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("view-more-vertical","format-list-unordered") );
+ ui->actionSingleColumn->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("view-right-close","view-close") );
+ ui->actionDualColumn->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("view-right-new","view-split-left-right") );
+ ui->tool_zoom_in->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("zoom-in",""));
+ ui->tool_zoom_out->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon("zoom-out",""));
+void DirWidget::UpdateText(){
+ ui->retranslateUi(this);
+ BW->retranslate();
+ if(RCBW!=0){ RCBW->retranslate(); }
+// =================
+// =================
+void DirWidget::createShortcuts(){
+ kZoomIn= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::ZoomIn),this);
+ kZoomOut= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::ZoomOut),this);
+ kNewFile= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_F),this);
+ kNewDir= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_N),this);
+ kNewXDG= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_G),this);
+ kCut= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Cut),this);
+ kCopy= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Copy),this);
+ kPaste= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Paste),this);
+ kRename= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F2),this);
+ kExtract= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E), this);
+ kFav= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F3),this);
+ kDel= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Delete),this);
+ kOpSS= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6),this);
+ kOpMM= new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F7),this);
+ kOpTerm = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F1),this);
+ connect(kZoomIn, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(on_tool_zoom_in_clicked()) );
+ connect(kZoomOut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(on_tool_zoom_out_clicked()) );
+ connect(kNewFile, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(createNewFile()) );
+ connect(kNewDir, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(createNewDir()) );
+ connect(kNewXDG, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(createNewXDGEntry()) );
+ connect(kCut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(cutFiles()) );
+ connect(kCopy, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(copyFiles()) );
+ connect(kPaste, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(pasteFiles()) );
+ connect(kRename, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(renameFiles()) );
+ connect(kExtract, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(autoExtractFiles()) );
+ connect(kFav, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(favoriteFiles()) );
+ connect(kDel, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(removeFiles()) );
+ connect(kOpSS, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openInSlideshow()) );
+ connect(kOpMM, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openMultimedia()) );
+ connect(kOpTerm, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(openTerminal()) );
+void DirWidget::createMenus(){
+ //Note: contextMenu already created - this is just for the sub-items
+ if(cNewMenu==0){ cNewMenu = new QMenu(this); }
+ else{ cNewMenu->clear(); }
+ cNewMenu->setTitle(tr("Create...") );
+ cNewMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ cNewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("document-new",""), tr("File"), this, SLOT(createNewFile()), kNewFile->key() );
+ cNewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("folder-new",""), tr("Directory"), this, SLOT(createNewDir()), kNewDir->key() );
+ if(LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-fileinfo")){ cNewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-run",""), tr("Application Launcher"), this, SLOT(createNewXDGEntry()), kNewXDG->key() ); }
+ if(cOpenMenu==0){ cOpenMenu = new QMenu(this); }
+ else{ cOpenMenu->clear(); }
+ cOpenMenu->setTitle(tr("Launch..."));
+ cOpenMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("quickopen","") );
+ cOpenMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("utilities-terminal",""), tr("Terminal"), this, SLOT(openTerminal()), kOpTerm->key());
+ cOpenMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("media-slideshow",""), tr("SlideShow"), this, SLOT(openInSlideshow()), kOpSS->key());
+ cOpenMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("media-playback-start-circled","media-playback-start"), tr("Multimedia Player"), this, SLOT(openMultimedia()), kOpMM->key());
+ if(cFModMenu==0){ cFModMenu = new QMenu(this); }
+ else{ cFModMenu->clear(); }
+ cFModMenu->setTitle(tr("Modify Files..."));
+ cFModMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-edit","") );
+ cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-cut",""), tr("Cut Selection"), this, SLOT(cutFiles()), kCut->key() );
+ cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-copy",""), tr("Copy Selection"), this, SLOT(copyFiles()), kCopy->key() );
+ cFModMenu->addSeparator();
+ cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-rename",""), tr("Rename..."), this, SLOT(renameFiles()), kRename->key() );
+ cFModMenu->addSeparator();
+ cFModMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-delete",""), tr("Delete Selection"), this, SLOT(removeFiles()), kDel->key() );
+ /*
+ if(cOpenWithMenu==0){ cOpenWithMenu = new QMenu(this); }
+ else{ cOpenWithMenu->clear(); }
+ cOpenWithMenu->setTitle(tr("Open with..."));
+ cOpenWithMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("run-build-configure","") );
+ XDGDesktopList applist;
+ applist.updateList();
+ PREFAPPS = getPreferredApplications();
+ //qDebug() << "Preferred Apps:" << PREFAPPS;
+ cOpenWithMenu->clear();
+ //Now get the application mimetype for the file extension (if available)
+ QStringList mimetypes = LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(filePath, true).split("::::"); //use all mimetypes
+ //Now add all the detected applications
+ QHash< QString, QList<XDGDesktop*> > hash = LXDG::sortDesktopCats( applist.apps(false,true) );
+ QStringList cat = hash.keys();
+ cat.sort(); //sort alphabetically
+ for(int c=0; c<cat.length(); c++){
+ QList<XDGDesktop*> app = hash[cat[c]];
+ if(app.length()<1){ cOpenWithMenu =0; continue; }
+ for(int a=0; a<app.length(); a++){
+ QString program = app[a]->filePath;
+ QStringList arguments;
+ arguments << "%u";
+ QProcess *p = new QProcess();
+ p->start(program, arguments);
+ cOpenWithMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon(app[a]->icon), (app[a]->name), this, SLOT(p->start(program, arguments)) );}}
+ cOpenWithMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("run-build-configure",""), tr("Other..."), this, SLOT(runWithFiles()) );
+ if(cFViewMenu==0){ cFViewMenu = new QMenu(this); }
+ else{ cFViewMenu->clear(); }
+ cFViewMenu->setTitle(tr("View Files..."));
+ cFViewMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-preview","") );
+ cFViewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("document-encrypted",""), tr("Checksums"), this, SLOT(fileCheckSums()) );
+ if(LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-fileinfo")){
+ cFViewMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-find-replace",""), tr("Properties"), this, SLOT(fileProperties()) );
+ }
+BrowserWidget* DirWidget::currentBrowser(){
+ if(cBID.isEmpty() || RCBW==0){ return BW; }
+ else{ return RCBW; }
+QStringList DirWidget::currentDirFiles(){
+ return currentBrowser()->currentItems(-1); //files only
+// =================
+// =================
+void DirWidget::on_tool_zoom_in_clicked(){
+ int size = BW->thumbnailSize();
+ size += 16;
+ setThumbnailSize(size);
+ //Now Save the size value as the default for next time
+ QSettings SET("lumina-desktop","lumina-fm");
+ SET.setValue("iconsize", size);
+void DirWidget::on_tool_zoom_out_clicked(){
+ int size = BW->thumbnailSize();
+ if(size <= 16){ return; }
+ size -= 16;
+ setThumbnailSize(size);
+ //Now Save the size value as the default for next time
+ QSettings SET("lumina-desktop","lumina-fm");
+ SET.setValue("iconsize", size);
+// -- Top Snapshot Buttons
+void DirWidget::on_tool_snap_newer_clicked(){
+ ui->slider_snap->setValue( ui->slider_snap->value()+1 );
+void DirWidget::on_tool_snap_older_clicked(){
+ ui->slider_snap->setValue( ui->slider_snap->value()-1 );
+void DirWidget::on_slider_snap_valueChanged(int val){
+ bool labelsonly = false;
+ if(val==-1){ val = ui->slider_snap->value(); labelsonly=true; }
+ //Update the snapshot interface
+ ui->tool_snap_newer->setEnabled(val < ui->slider_snap->maximum());
+ ui->tool_snap_older->setEnabled(val > ui->slider_snap->minimum());
+ if(val >= snapshots.length() || val < 0){
+ ui->tool_snap->setText(tr("Current"));
+ }else if(QFile::exists(snapbasedir+snapshots[val])){
+ ui->tool_snap->setText( QFileInfo(snapbasedir+snapshots[val]).lastModified().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate) );
+ }
+ //Exit if a non-interactive snapshot change
+ if(!ui->group_snaps->isEnabled() || labelsonly){ return; } //internal change - do not try to change the actual info
+ //Determine which snapshot is now selected
+ QString dir;
+ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Changing snapshot:" << currentBrowser()->currentDirectory() << val << snapbasedir; }
+ //stopload = true; //stop any currently-loading procedures
+ if(val >= snapshots.length() || val < 0){ //active system selected
+ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Load Active system:" << normalbasedir; }
+ dir = normalbasedir;
+ }else{
+ dir = snapbasedir+snapshots[val]+"/";
+ if(!QFile::exists(dir)){
+ //This snapshot must have been removed in the background by pruning tools
+ // move to a newer snapshot or the current base dir as necessary
+ qDebug() << "Snapshot no longer available:" << dir;
+ qDebug() << " - Reloading available snapshots";
+ emit findSnaps(ID, normalbasedir);
+ return;
+ }
+ //Need to figure out the relative path within the snapshot
+ snaprelpath = normalbasedir.section(snapbasedir.section(ZSNAPDIR,0,0), 1,1000);
+ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - new snapshot-relative path:" << snaprelpath; }
+ dir.append(snaprelpath);
+ dir.replace("//","/"); //just in case any duplicate slashes from all the split/combining
+ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Load Snapshot:" << dir; }
+ }
+ //Make sure this directory exists, and back up as necessary
+ if(dir.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ //Load the newly selected snapshot
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
+void DirWidget::direct_snap_selected(QAction *act){
+ QString snap = act->whatsThis();
+ int val = snapshots.indexOf(snap);
+ if(val<0){ return; }
+ else{ ui->slider_snap->setValue(val); }
+//Top Toolbar buttons
+void DirWidget::on_actionBack_triggered(){
+ QStringList history = currentBrowser()->history();
+ if(history.length()<2){ return; } //cannot do anything
+ QString dir = history.takeLast();
+ //qDebug() << "Go Back:" << dir << normalbasedir << history;
+ if(dir == normalbasedir){
+ dir = history.takeLast();
+ }
+ history << dir; //make sure the current dir is always last in the history
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
+ currentBrowser()->setHistory(history); //re-write the history to account for going backwards
+ ui->actionBack->setEnabled(history.length()>1);
+void DirWidget::on_actionUp_triggered(){
+QString dir = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory().section("/",0,-2);
+ if(dir.isEmpty())
+ dir = "/";
+ //Quick check to ensure the directory exists
+ while(!QFile::exists(dir) && !dir.isEmpty()){
+ dir = dir.section("/",0,-2); //back up one additional dir
+ }
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
+void DirWidget::on_actionHome_triggered(){
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(QDir::homePath());
+void DirWidget::dir_changed(){
+ QString dir = line_dir->text().simplified();
+ //Run the dir through the user-input checks
+ dir = LUtils::PathToAbsolute(dir);
+ //qDebug() << "Dir Changed:" << dir;
+ //Quick check to ensure the directory exists
+ while(!QFile::exists(dir) && !dir.isEmpty()){
+ dir = dir.section("/",0,-2); //back up one additional dir
+ }
+ //qDebug() << " - Now Dir:" << dir;
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory(dir);
+ //emit LoadDirectory(ID, dir);
+void DirWidget::on_actionSingleColumn_triggered(bool checked){
+ if(!checked){ return; }
+ if(RCBW==0){ return; } //nothing to do
+ ui->browser_layout->removeWidget(RCBW);
+ RCBW->deleteLater();
+ RCBW = 0;
+ setCurrentBrowser(""); //reset back to the remaining browser
+void DirWidget::on_actionDualColumn_triggered(bool checked){
+ if(!checked){ return; }
+ if(RCBW!=0){ return; } //nothing to do
+ RCBW = new BrowserWidget("rc", this);
+ ui->browser_layout->addWidget(RCBW);
+ connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(dirChange(QString)), this, SLOT(currentDirectoryChanged()) );
+ connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(itemsActivated()), this, SLOT(runFiles()) );
+ connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(DataDropped(QString, QStringList)), this, SIGNAL(PasteFiles(QString, QStringList)) );
+ connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested()), this, SLOT(OpenContextMenu()) );
+ connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(updateDirectoryStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(dirStatusChanged(QString)) );
+ connect(RCBW, SIGNAL(hasFocus(QString)), this, SLOT(setCurrentBrowser(QString)) );
+ //Now make sure it has all the same settings as the main browser
+ setCurrentBrowser("rc");
+ RCBW->showDetails(BW->hasDetails());
+ RCBW->showHiddenFiles( BW->hasHiddenFiles());
+ RCBW->setThumbnailSize( BW->thumbnailSize());
+ RCBW->changeDirectory( BW->currentDirectory());
+void DirWidget::on_actionMenu_triggered(){
+ OpenContextMenu();
+// - Other Actions without a specific button on the side
+void DirWidget::fileCheckSums(){
+ QStringList files = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(files.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ qDebug() << "Run Checksums:" << files;
+ QStringList info = LOS::Checksums(files);
+ qDebug() << " - Info:" << info;
+ if(info.isEmpty() || (info.length() != files.length()) ){ return; }
+ for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
+ info[i] = QString("%2\n\t(%1)").arg(files[i].section("/",-1), info[i]);
+ }
+ ScrollDialog dlg(this);
+ dlg.setWindowTitle( tr("File Checksums:") );
+ dlg.setWindowIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-encrypted","") );
+ dlg.setText(info.join("\n"));
+ dlg.exec();
+void DirWidget::fileProperties(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ //qDebug() << "Open File properties:" << sel;
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ if(!LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-fileinfo")){
+ //It should never get to this point due to checks earlier - but just in case...
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Missing Utility"), tr("The \"lumina-fileinfo\" utility could not be found on the system. Please install it first.") );
+ return;
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
+ QProcess::startDetached("lumina-fileinfo \""+sel[i]+"\""); //use absolute paths
+ }
+void DirWidget::openTerminal(){
+ emit LaunchTerminal(currentBrowser()->currentDirectory());
+//Browser Functions
+void DirWidget::OpenContextMenu(){
+ //Now open the menu at the current cursor location
+ contextMenu->popup(QCursor::pos());
+void DirWidget::UpdateContextMenu(){
+ //First generate the context menu based on the selection
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ //qDebug() << "Update context menu";
+ //qDebug() << " Selection:" << sel;
+ contextMenu->clear();
+ if(!sel.isEmpty()){
+ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-run",""), tr("Open"), this, SLOT(runFiles()) );
+ //contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-run-with",""), tr("Open With..."), this, SLOT(runWithFiles()) );
+ }
+ contextMenu->addSection(LXDG::findIcon("unknown",""), tr("File Operations"));
+ // contextMenu->addMenu(cFModMenu);
+ // cFModMenu->setEnabled(!sel.isEmpty() && canmodify);
+ if(!sel.isEmpty()){
+ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-rename",""), tr("Rename..."), this, SLOT(renameFiles()), kRename->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
+ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-cut",""), tr("Cut Selection"), this, SLOT(cutFiles()), kCut->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
+ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-copy",""), tr("Copy Selection"), this, SLOT(copyFiles()), kCopy->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
+ if(LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-archiver") && sel.length() ==1){ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("archive",""), tr("Auto-Extract"), this, SLOT(autoExtractFiles()), kExtract->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify); }
+ }
+ if( QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat("x-special/lumina-copied-files") ){
+ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-paste",""), tr("Paste"), this, SLOT(pasteFiles()), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_V) )->setEnabled(canmodify);
+ }
+ if(!sel.isEmpty()){
+ contextMenu->addSeparator();
+ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-delete",""), tr("Delete Selection"), this, SLOT(removeFiles()), kDel->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
+ contextMenu->addSeparator();
+ }
+ contextMenu->addMenu(cFViewMenu);
+ cFViewMenu->setEnabled(!sel.isEmpty());
+ //Now add the general selection options
+ contextMenu->addSection(LXDG::findIcon("folder","inode/directory"), tr("Directory Operations"));
+ if(canmodify){
+ contextMenu->addMenu(cNewMenu);
+ }
+ contextMenu->addMenu(cOpenMenu);
+void DirWidget::currentDirectoryChanged(bool widgetonly){
+ QString cur = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
+ QFileInfo info(cur);
+ canmodify = info.isWritable();
+ if(widgetonly){ ui->label_status->setText(currentBrowser()->status()); }
+ else if( !currentBrowser()->isEnabled() ){ ui->label_status->setText(tr("Loading...")); }
+ //qDebug() << "Start search for snapshots";
+ if(!cur.contains("/.zfs/snapshot") ){
+ normalbasedir = cur;
+ ui->group_snaps->setVisible(false);
+ emit findSnaps(ID, cur);
+ qDebug() << "Changed to directory:" << cur;
+ }else{
+ //Re-assemble the normalbasedir variable (in case moving around within a snapshot)
+ normalbasedir = cur;
+ normalbasedir.replace( QRegExp("\\/\\.zfs\\/snapshot/([^/]+)\\/"), "/" );
+ qDebug() << "Changed to snapshot:" << cur << normalbasedir;
+ }
+ ui->actionBack->setEnabled( currentBrowser()->history().length()>1 );
+ line_dir->setText(normalbasedir);
+ emit TabNameChanged(ID, normalbasedir.section("/",-1));
+ QModelIndex index = dirtreeModel->index(cur,0);
+ ui->folderViewPane->setCurrentIndex( index );
+ ui->folderViewPane->scrollTo(index);
+void DirWidget::dirStatusChanged(QString stat){
+ if(!canmodify){ stat.prepend(tr("(Limited Access) ")); }
+ ui->label_status->setText(stat);
+void DirWidget::setCurrentBrowser(QString id){
+ //qDebug() << "Set Current Browser:" << id;
+ if(id==cBID){ return; } //no change
+ cBID = id;
+ currentDirectoryChanged(true); //update all the averarching widget elements (widget only)
+ //Now adjust the frame/highlighting around the "active" browser
+ if(RCBW==0){ BW->setShowActive(true); }
+ else{
+ BW->setShowActive( cBID.isEmpty() );
+ RCBW->setShowActive( !cBID.isEmpty() );
+ }
+//Context Menu Functions
+void DirWidget::createNewFile(){
+ if(!canmodify){ return; } //cannot create anything here
+ //Prompt for the new filename
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString newdocument = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Document"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", \
+ &ok, 0, Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly | Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly);
+ if(!ok || newdocument.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ //Create the empty file
+ QString full = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
+ if(!full.endsWith("/")){ full.append("/"); }
+ //verify the new file does not already exist
+ if(QFile::exists(full+newdocument)){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Name"), tr("A file or directory with that name already exists! Please pick a different name."));
+ QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(createNewFile()) ); //repeat this function
+ return;
+ }
+ QFile file(full+newdocument);
+ if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)){
+ //If successfully opened, it has created a blank file
+ file.close();
+ }else{
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error Creating Document"), tr("The document could not be created. Please ensure that you have the proper permissions."));
+ }
+void DirWidget::createNewDir(){
+ if(!canmodify){ return; } //cannot create anything here
+ //Prompt for the new dir name
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString newdir = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Directory"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", \
+ &ok, 0, Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly | Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly);
+ if(!ok || newdir.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ //Now create the new dir
+ QString full = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
+ if(!full.endsWith("/")){ full.append("/"); }
+ QDir dir(full); //open the current dir
+ full.append(newdir); //append the new name to the current dir
+ //Verify that the new dir does not already exist
+ if(dir.exists(full)){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Name"), tr("A file or directory with that name already exists! Please pick a different name."));
+ QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(createNewDir()) ); //repeat this function
+ }else{
+ if(!dir.mkdir(newdir) ){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error Creating Directory"), tr("The directory could not be created. Please ensure that you have the proper permissions to modify the current directory."));
+ }
+ }
+void DirWidget::createNewXDGEntry(){
+ if(!canmodify){ return; } //cannot create anything here
+ //Prompt for the new filename
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString newdocument = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Document"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", \
+ &ok, 0, Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly | Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly);
+ if(!ok || newdocument.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ if(!newdocument.endsWith(".desktop")){ newdocument.append(".desktop"); }
+ //Create the empty file
+ QString full = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
+ if(!full.endsWith("/")){ full.append("/"); }
+ //Verify the file does not already exist
+ if(QFile::exists(full+newdocument)){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Name"), tr("A file or directory with that name already exists! Please pick a different name."));
+ QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(createNewFile()) ); //repeat this function
+ return;
+ }
+ QProcess::startDetached("lumina-fileinfo -application \""+full+newdocument+"\"");
+/*void DirWidget::createNewSymlink{
+ }*/
+// - Selected FILE operations
+QStringList DirWidget::getPreferredApplications(){
+ QStringList out;
+ //First list all the applications registered for that same mimetype
+ QString mime = fileEXT;
+ out << LXDG::findAvailableAppsForMime(mime);
+ //Now search the internal settings for that extension and find any applications last used
+ QStringList keys = settings->allKeys();
+ for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
+ if(keys[i].startsWith("default/")){ continue; } //ignore the defaults (they will also be in the main)
+ if(keys[i].toLower() == fileEXT.toLower()){
+ QStringList files = settings->value(keys[i]).toString().split(":::");
+ qDebug() << "Found Files:" << keys[i] << files;
+ bool cleaned = false;
+ for(int j=0; j<files.length(); j++){
+ if(QFile::exists(files[j])){ out << files[j]; }
+ else{ files.removeAt(j); j--; cleaned=true; } //file no longer available - remove it
- for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
- QProcess::startDetached("lumina-fileinfo \""+sel[i]+"\""); //use absolute paths
- }
- }
- void DirWidget::openTerminal(){
- emit LaunchTerminal(currentBrowser()->currentDirectory());
- }
- //Browser Functions
- void DirWidget::OpenContextMenu(){
- //Now open the menu at the current cursor location
- contextMenu->popup(QCursor::pos());
- }
- void DirWidget::UpdateContextMenu(){
- //First generate the context menu based on the selection
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- //qDebug() << "Update context menu";
- //qDebug() << " Selection:" << sel;
- contextMenu->clear();
- if(!sel.isEmpty()){
- contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-run",""), tr("Open"), this, SLOT(runFiles()) );
- //contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-run-with",""), tr("Open With..."), this, SLOT(runWithFiles()) );
- }
- contextMenu->addSection(LXDG::findIcon("unknown",""), tr("File Operations"));
- // contextMenu->addMenu(cFModMenu);
- // cFModMenu->setEnabled(!sel.isEmpty() && canmodify);
- if(!sel.isEmpty()){
- contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-rename",""), tr("Rename..."), this, SLOT(renameFiles()), kRename->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
- contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-cut",""), tr("Cut Selection"), this, SLOT(cutFiles()), kCut->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
- contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-copy",""), tr("Copy Selection"), this, SLOT(copyFiles()), kCopy->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
- if(LUtils::isValidBinary("lumina-archiver") && sel.length() ==1){ contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("archive",""), tr("Auto-Extract"), this, SLOT(autoExtractFiles()), kExtract->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify); }
- }
- if( QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat("x-special/lumina-copied-files") ){
- contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-paste",""), tr("Paste"), this, SLOT(pasteFiles()), QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_V) )->setEnabled(canmodify);
- }
- if(!sel.isEmpty()){
- contextMenu->addSeparator();
- contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-delete",""), tr("Delete Selection"), this, SLOT(removeFiles()), kDel->key() )->setEnabled(canmodify);
- contextMenu->addSeparator();
- }
- contextMenu->addMenu(cFViewMenu);
- cFViewMenu->setEnabled(!sel.isEmpty());
- //Now add the general selection options
- contextMenu->addSection(LXDG::findIcon("folder","inode/directory"), tr("Directory Operations"));
- if(canmodify){
- contextMenu->addMenu(cNewMenu);
- }
- contextMenu->addMenu(cOpenMenu);
- }
- void DirWidget::currentDirectoryChanged(bool widgetonly){
- QString cur = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
- QFileInfo info(cur);
- canmodify = info.isWritable();
- if(widgetonly){ ui->label_status->setText(currentBrowser()->status()); }
- else if( !currentBrowser()->isEnabled() ){ ui->label_status->setText(tr("Loading...")); }
- //qDebug() << "Start search for snapshots";
- if(!cur.contains("/.zfs/snapshot") ){
- normalbasedir = cur;
- ui->group_snaps->setVisible(false);
- emit findSnaps(ID, cur);
- qDebug() << "Changed to directory:" << cur;
- }else{
- //Re-assemble the normalbasedir variable (in case moving around within a snapshot)
- normalbasedir = cur;
- normalbasedir.replace( QRegExp("\\/\\.zfs\\/snapshot/([^/]+)\\/"), "/" );
- qDebug() << "Changed to snapshot:" << cur << normalbasedir;
- }
- ui->actionBack->setEnabled( currentBrowser()->history().length()>1 );
- line_dir->setText(normalbasedir);
- emit TabNameChanged(ID, normalbasedir.section("/",-1));
- QModelIndex index = dirtreeModel->index(cur,0);
- ui->folderViewPane->setCurrentIndex( index );
- ui->folderViewPane->scrollTo(index);
- }
- void DirWidget::dirStatusChanged(QString stat){
- if(!canmodify){ stat.prepend(tr("(Limited Access) ")); }
- ui->label_status->setText(stat);
- }
- void DirWidget::setCurrentBrowser(QString id){
- //qDebug() << "Set Current Browser:" << id;
- if(id==cBID){ return; } //no change
- cBID = id;
- currentDirectoryChanged(true); //update all the averarching widget elements (widget only)
- //Now adjust the frame/highlighting around the "active" browser
- if(RCBW==0){ BW->setShowActive(true); }
- else{
- BW->setShowActive( cBID.isEmpty() );
- RCBW->setShowActive( !cBID.isEmpty() );
- }
- }
- //Context Menu Functions
- void DirWidget::createNewFile(){
- if(!canmodify){ return; } //cannot create anything here
- //Prompt for the new filename
- bool ok = false;
- QString newdocument = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Document"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", \
- &ok, 0, Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly | Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly);
- if(!ok || newdocument.isEmpty()){ return; }
- //Create the empty file
- QString full = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
- if(!full.endsWith("/")){ full.append("/"); }
- //verify the new file does not already exist
- if(QFile::exists(full+newdocument)){
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Name"), tr("A file or directory with that name already exists! Please pick a different name."));
- QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(createNewFile()) ); //repeat this function
- return;
- }
- QFile file(full+newdocument);
- if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)){
- //If successfully opened, it has created a blank file
- file.close();
- }else{
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error Creating Document"), tr("The document could not be created. Please ensure that you have the proper permissions."));
- }
- }
- void DirWidget::createNewDir(){
- if(!canmodify){ return; } //cannot create anything here
- //Prompt for the new dir name
- bool ok = false;
- QString newdir = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Directory"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", \
- &ok, 0, Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly | Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly);
- if(!ok || newdir.isEmpty()){ return; }
- //Now create the new dir
- QString full = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
- if(!full.endsWith("/")){ full.append("/"); }
- QDir dir(full); //open the current dir
- full.append(newdir); //append the new name to the current dir
- //Verify that the new dir does not already exist
- if(dir.exists(full)){
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Name"), tr("A file or directory with that name already exists! Please pick a different name."));
- QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(createNewDir()) ); //repeat this function
- }else{
- if(!dir.mkdir(newdir) ){
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error Creating Directory"), tr("The directory could not be created. Please ensure that you have the proper permissions to modify the current directory."));
- }
- }
- }
- void DirWidget::createNewXDGEntry(){
- if(!canmodify){ return; } //cannot create anything here
- //Prompt for the new filename
- bool ok = false;
- QString newdocument = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Document"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", \
- &ok, 0, Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly | Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly);
- if(!ok || newdocument.isEmpty()){ return; }
- if(!newdocument.endsWith(".desktop")){ newdocument.append(".desktop"); }
- //Create the empty file
- QString full = currentBrowser()->currentDirectory();
- if(!full.endsWith("/")){ full.append("/"); }
- //Verify the file does not already exist
- if(QFile::exists(full+newdocument)){
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Name"), tr("A file or directory with that name already exists! Please pick a different name."));
- QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(createNewFile()) ); //repeat this function
- return;
- }
- QProcess::startDetached("lumina-fileinfo -application \""+full+newdocument+"\"");
- }
- /*void DirWidget::createNewSymlink{
- }*/
- // - Selected FILE operations
- //---------------------------------------------------//
- /*
- QStringList DirWidget::getPreferredApplications(){
- QStringList out;
- //First list all the applications registered for that same mimetype
- QString mime = fileEXT;
- out << LXDG::findAvailableAppsForMime(mime);
- //Now search the internal settings for that extension and find any applications last used
- QStringList keys = settings->allKeys();
- for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
- if(keys[i].startsWith("default/")){ continue; } //ignore the defaults (they will also be in the main)
- if(keys[i].toLower() == fileEXT.toLower()){
- QStringList files = settings->value(keys[i]).toString().split(":::");
- qDebug() << "Found Files:" << keys[i] << files;
- bool cleaned = false;
- for(int j=0; j<files.length(); j++){
- if(QFile::exists(files[j])){ out << files[j]; }
- else{ files.removeAt(j); j--; cleaned=true; } //file no longer available - remove it
- }
- if(cleaned){ settings->setValue(keys[i], files.join(":::")); } //update the registry
- if(!out.isEmpty()){ break; } //already found files
- }
- }
- //Make sure we don't have any duplicates before we return the list
- out.removeDuplicates();
- return out;
- }
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------//
- void DirWidget::cutFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty() || !canmodify){ return; }
- emit CutFiles(sel);
- }
- void DirWidget::copyFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
- emit CopyFiles(sel);
- }
- void DirWidget::pasteFiles(){
- if( !canmodify ){ return; }
- emit PasteFiles(currentBrowser()->currentDirectory(), QStringList() );
- }
- void DirWidget::renameFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty() || !canmodify){ return; }
- qDebug() << "Deleting selected Items:" << sel;
- emit RenameFiles(sel);
- }
- void DirWidget::favoriteFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
- emit FavoriteFiles(sel);
- }
- void DirWidget::removeFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty() || !canmodify){ return; }
- qDebug() << "Deleting selected Items:" << sel;
- emit RemoveFiles(sel);
- }
- void DirWidget::runFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
- QStringList dirs;
- for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
- if(QFileInfo(sel[i]).isDir()){
- dirs << sel[i];
- }else{
- QProcess::startDetached("lumina-open \""+sel[i]+"\"");
- }
- }
- if(!dirs.isEmpty()){
- currentBrowser()->changeDirectory( dirs.takeFirst()); //load the first directory in this widget
- }
- if(!dirs.isEmpty()){
- emit OpenDirectories(dirs); //open the rest of the directories in other tabs
- }
- }
- void DirWidget::runWithFiles(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
- QStringList dirs;
- for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
- if(QFileInfo(sel[i]).isDir()){
- dirs << sel[i];
- }else{
- QProcess::startDetached("lumina-open -select \""+sel[i]+"\"");
- }
- }
- if(!dirs.isEmpty()){
- emit OpenDirectories(dirs); //open the rest of the directories in other tabs
- }
- }
- /*void DirWidget::attachToNewEmail(){
- }*/
- // - Context-specific operations
- void DirWidget::openInSlideshow(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ sel = currentDirFiles(); }
- //Now turn them all into a list and emit them
- LFileInfoList list;
- for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
- if(sel.endsWith(".desktop")){ continue; } //simplification to make sure we don't read any files which are not needed
- LFileInfo info(sel[i]);
- if( info.isImage() ){ list << info; } //add to the list
- }
- if(!list.isEmpty()){ emit ViewFiles(list); }
- }
- void DirWidget::openMultimedia(){
- QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- if(sel.isEmpty()){ sel = currentDirFiles(); }
- //Now turn them all into a list and emit them
- LFileInfoList list;
- for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
- if(sel.endsWith(".desktop")){ continue; } //simplification to make sure we don't read any files which are not needed
- LFileInfo info(sel[i]);
- if( info.isAVFile() ){ list << info; } //add to the list
- }
- if(!list.isEmpty()){ emit PlayFiles(list); }
- }
- void DirWidget::autoExtractFiles(){
- QStringList files = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- qDebug() << "Starting auto-extract:" << files;
- ExternalProcess::launch("lumina-archiver", QStringList() << "--ax" << files);
- /*ExternalProcess *pExtract= new ExternalProcess(this);
- QString program = "lumina-archiver --ax ";
- QStringList files = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
- for(int i=0; i<files.length(); i++){
- QString runline = program + files[i];
- pExtract->start(runline);*/
- }
- //====================
- //====================
- void DirWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev){
- static Qt::MouseButtons backmap = Qt::BackButton | Qt::ExtraButton5;
- //qDebug() << "Mouse Click:" << ev->button();
- if(backmap.testFlag(ev->button())){
- ev->accept();
- on_actionBack_triggered();
- //}else if(ev->button()==Qt::ForwardButton()){
- //ev->accept();
- }else{
- ev->ignore(); //not handled here
- }
- }
+ if(cleaned){ settings->setValue(keys[i], files.join(":::")); } //update the registry
+ if(!out.isEmpty()){ break; } //already found files
+ }
+ }
+ //Make sure we don't have any duplicates before we return the list
+ out.removeDuplicates();
+ return out;
+ */
+ //---------------------------------------------------//
+void DirWidget::cutFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty() || !canmodify){ return; }
+ emit CutFiles(sel);
+void DirWidget::copyFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ emit CopyFiles(sel);
+void DirWidget::pasteFiles(){
+ if( !canmodify ){ return; }
+ emit PasteFiles(currentBrowser()->currentDirectory(), QStringList() );
+void DirWidget::renameFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty() || !canmodify){ return; }
+ qDebug() << "Deleting selected Items:" << sel;
+ emit RenameFiles(sel);
+void DirWidget::favoriteFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ emit FavoriteFiles(sel);
+void DirWidget::removeFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty() || !canmodify){ return; }
+ qDebug() << "Deleting selected Items:" << sel;
+ emit RemoveFiles(sel);
+void DirWidget::runFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ QStringList dirs;
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
+ if(QFileInfo(sel[i]).isDir()){
+ dirs << sel[i];
+ }else{
+ QProcess::startDetached("lumina-open \""+sel[i]+"\"");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!dirs.isEmpty()){
+ currentBrowser()->changeDirectory( dirs.takeFirst()); //load the first directory in this widget
+ }
+ if(!dirs.isEmpty()){
+ emit OpenDirectories(dirs); //open the rest of the directories in other tabs
+ }
+void DirWidget::runWithFiles(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ QStringList dirs;
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
+ if(QFileInfo(sel[i]).isDir()){
+ dirs << sel[i];
+ }else{
+ QProcess::startDetached("lumina-open -select \""+sel[i]+"\"");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!dirs.isEmpty()){
+ emit OpenDirectories(dirs); //open the rest of the directories in other tabs
+ }
+/*void DirWidget::attachToNewEmail(){
+// - Context-specific operations
+void DirWidget::openInSlideshow(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ sel = currentDirFiles(); }
+ //Now turn them all into a list and emit them
+ LFileInfoList list;
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
+ if(sel.endsWith(".desktop")){ continue; } //simplification to make sure we don't read any files which are not needed
+ LFileInfo info(sel[i]);
+ if( info.isImage() ){ list << info; } //add to the list
+ }
+ if(!list.isEmpty()){ emit ViewFiles(list); }
+void DirWidget::openMultimedia(){
+ QStringList sel = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ if(sel.isEmpty()){ sel = currentDirFiles(); }
+ //Now turn them all into a list and emit them
+ LFileInfoList list;
+ for(int i=0; i<sel.length(); i++){
+ if(sel.endsWith(".desktop")){ continue; } //simplification to make sure we don't read any files which are not needed
+ LFileInfo info(sel[i]);
+ if( info.isAVFile() ){ list << info; } //add to the list
+ }
+ if(!list.isEmpty()){ emit PlayFiles(list); }
+void DirWidget::autoExtractFiles(){
+ QStringList files = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ qDebug() << "Starting auto-extract:" << files;
+ ExternalProcess::launch("lumina-archiver", QStringList() << "--ax" << files);
+ /*ExternalProcess *pExtract= new ExternalProcess(this);
+ QString program = "lumina-archiver --ax ";
+ QStringList files = currentBrowser()->currentSelection();
+ for(int i=0; i<files.length(); i++){
+ QString runline = program + files[i];
+ pExtract->start(runline);*/
+void DirWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev){
+ static Qt::MouseButtons backmap = Qt::BackButton | Qt::ExtraButton5;
+ //qDebug() << "Mouse Click:" << ev->button();
+ if(backmap.testFlag(ev->button())){
+ ev->accept();
+ on_actionBack_triggered();
+ //}else if(ev->button()==Qt::ForwardButton()){
+ //ev->accept();
+ }else{
+ ev->ignore(); //not handled here
+ }