path: root/src-qt5/core/libLumina
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-qt5/core/libLumina')
5 files changed, 1575 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
index 1ab3faac..dd4c75c4 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaUtils.cpp
@@ -159,9 +159,8 @@ QString LUtils::GenerateOpenTerminalExec(QString term, QString dirpath){
//Pull the binary name out of the shortcut
- bool ok = false;
- XDGDesktop DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(term,ok);
- if(!ok){ term = "xterm"; }
+ XDGDesktop DF(term);
+ if(DF.type == XDGDesktop::BAD){ term = "xterm"; }
else{ term= DF.exec.section(" ",0,0); } //only take the binary name - not any other flags
term = "xterm"; //fallback
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
index 48185a38..96f77ff9 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.cpp
@@ -15,11 +15,398 @@
static QStringList mimeglobs;
static qint64 mimechecktime;
+// XDGDesktop CLASS
+XDGDesktop::XDGDesktop(QString file, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent){
+ isHidden=false;
+ useTerminal=false;
+ startupNotify=false;
+ type = XDGDesktop::BAD;
+ filePath = file;
+ exec = tryexec = ""; // just to make sure this is initialized
+ if(!filePath.isEmpty()){ sync(); } //if an input file is given - go ahead and sync now
+void XDGDesktop::sync(){
+ //Reset internal vars
+ isHidden=false;
+ useTerminal=false;
+ startupNotify=false;
+ type = XDGDesktop::BAD;
+ exec = tryexec = "";
+ //Read in the File
+ if(!filePath.endsWith(".desktop")){ return; }
+ lastRead = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ QStringList file = LUtils::readFile(filePath);
+ if(file.isEmpty()){ return; } //done with init right here - nothing to load
+ //Get the current localization code
+ type = XDGDesktop::APP; //assume this initially if we read the file properly
+ QString lang = QLocale::system().name(); //lang code
+ QString slang = lang.section("_",0,0); //short lang code
+ //Now start looping over the information
+ XDGDesktopAction CDA; //current desktop action
+ bool insection=false;
+ bool inaction=false;
+ for(int i=0; i<file.length(); i++){
+ QString line = file[i];
+ //if(filePath.contains("pcbsd")){ qDebug() << " - Check Line:" << line << inaction << insection; }
+ //Check if this is the end of a section
+ if(line.startsWith("[") && inaction){
+ insection=false; inaction=false;
+ //Add the current Action structure to the main desktop structure if appropriate
+ if(!CDA.ID.isEmpty()){ actions << CDA; CDA = XDGDesktopAction(); }
+ }else if(line.startsWith("[")){ insection=false; inaction = false; }
+ //Now check if this is the beginning of a section
+ if(line=="[Desktop Entry]"){ insection=true; continue; }
+ else if(line.startsWith("[Desktop Action ")){
+ //Grab the ID of the action out of the label
+ CDA.ID = line.section("]",0,0).section("Desktop Action",1,1).simplified();
+ inaction = true;
+ continue;
+ }else if( (!insection && !inaction) || line.startsWith("#")){ continue; }
+ //Now parse out the file
+ line = line.simplified();
+ QString var = line.section("=",0,0).simplified();
+ QString loc = var.section("[",1,1).section("]",0,0).simplified(); // localization
+ var = var.section("[",0,0).simplified(); //remove the localization
+ QString val = line.section("=",1,50).simplified();
+ //-------------------
+ if(var=="Name"){
+ if(insection){
+ if(name.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ name = val; }
+ else if(name.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ name = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ name = val; }
+ }else if(inaction){
+ if(CDA.name.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ CDA.name = val; }
+ else if(CDA.name.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ CDA.name = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ CDA.name = val; }
+ }
+ //hasName = true;
+ }else if(var=="GenericName" && insection){
+ if(genericName.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ genericName = val; }
+ else if(genericName.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ genericName = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ genericName = val; }
+ }else if(var=="Comment" && insection){
+ if(comment.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ comment = val; }
+ else if(comment.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ comment = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ comment = val; }
+ }else if(var=="Icon"){
+ if(insection){
+ if(icon.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ icon = val; }
+ else if(icon.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ icon = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ icon = val; }
+ }else if(inaction){
+ if(CDA.icon.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ CDA.icon = val; }
+ else if(CDA.icon.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ CDA.icon = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ CDA.icon = val; }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( (var=="TryExec") && (tryexec.isEmpty()) && insection) { tryexec = val; }
+ else if(var=="Exec"){
+ if(insection && exec.isEmpty() ){ exec = val; }
+ else if(inaction && CDA.exec.isEmpty() ){ CDA.exec = val; }
+ }
+ else if( (var=="Path") && (path.isEmpty() ) && insection){ path = val; }
+ else if(var=="NoDisplay" && !isHidden && insection){ isHidden = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="Hidden" && !isHidden && insection){ isHidden = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="Categories" && insection){ catList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="OnlyShowIn" && insection){ showInList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="NotShowIn" && insection){ notShowInList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="Terminal" && insection){ useTerminal= (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="Actions" && insection){ actionList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="MimeType" && insection){ mimeList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="Keywords" && insection){
+ if(keyList.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ keyList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(loc == lang){ keyList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ }
+ else if(var=="StartupNotify" && insection){ startupNotify = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="StartupWMClass" && insection){ startupWM = val; }
+ else if(var=="URL" && insection){ url = val;}
+ else if(var=="Type" && insection){
+ if(val.toLower()=="application"){ type = XDGDesktop::APP; }
+ else if(val.toLower()=="link"){ type = XDGDesktop::LINK; }
+ else if(val.toLower()=="dir"){ type = XDGDesktop::DIR; }
+ else{ type = XDGDesktop::BAD; } //Unknown type
+ //hasType = true;
+ }
+ } //end reading file
+ file.clear(); //done with contents of file
+ //If there are OnlyShowIn desktops listed, add them to the name
+ if( !showInList.isEmpty() && !showInList.contains("Lumina", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ){
+ name.append(" ("+showInList.join(", ")+")");
+ }
+ //Quick fix for showing "wine" applications (which quite often don't list a category, or have other differences)
+ if(catList.isEmpty() && filePath.contains("/wine/")){
+ catList << "Wine"; //Internal Lumina category only (not in XDG specs as of 11/14/14)
+ //Also add a fix for the location of Wine icons
+ if( !icon.isEmpty() ){
+ QStringList sizes; sizes << "256x256" << "128x128" << "64x64" << "48x48" << "32x32" << "16x16";
+ QString upath = QDir::homePath()+"/.local/share/icons/hicolor/%1/apps/%2.png";
+ //qDebug() << "Wine App: Check icon" << upath;
+ for(int i=0; i<sizes.length(); i++){
+ if( QFile::exists(upath.arg(sizes[i],icon)) ){
+ icon = upath.arg(sizes[i],icon);
+ //qDebug() << " - Found Icon:" << icon;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool XDGDesktop::isValid(bool showAll){
+ bool ok=true;
+ //bool DEBUG = false;
+ //if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "[LXDG] Check File validity:" << dFile.name << dFile.filePath; }
+ switch (type){
+ case XDGDesktop::BAD:
+ ok=false;
+ //if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Bad file type"; }
+ break;
+ case XDGDesktop::APP:
+ if(!tryexec.isEmpty() && !LXDG::checkExec(tryexec)){ ok=false; }//if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - tryexec does not exist";} }
+ else if(exec.isEmpty() || name.isEmpty()){ ok=false; }//if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - exec or name is empty";} }
+ else if(!LXDG::checkExec(exec.section(" ",0,0,QString::SectionSkipEmpty)) ){ ok=false; }//if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - first exec binary does not exist";} }
+ break;
+ case XDGDesktop::LINK:
+ ok = !url.isEmpty();
+ //if(DEBUG && !ok){ qDebug() << " - Link with missing URL"; }
+ break;
+ case XDGDesktop::DIR:
+ ok = !path.isEmpty();
+ //if(DEBUG && !ok){ qDebug() << " - Dir with missing path"; }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ok=false;
+ //if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Unknown file type"; }
+ }
+ if(!showAll){
+ QString cdesk = getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
+ if(cdesk.isEmpty()){ cdesk="Lumina"; }
+ if(!showInList.isEmpty()){ ok = showInList.contains(cdesk, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }
+ else if(!notShowInList.isEmpty()){ ok = !notShowInList.contains(cdesk,Qt::CaseInsensitive); }
+ else if(name.isEmpty()){ ok = false; }
+ }
+ return ok;
+QString XDGDesktop::getDesktopExec(QString ActionID){
+ //Generate the executable line for the application
+ QString out = exec;
+ if( !ActionID.isEmpty() ){
+ //Go through and grab the proper exec for the listed action
+ for(int i=0; i<actions.length(); i++){
+ if(actions[i].ID == ActionID){
+ out = actions[i].exec;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(out.isEmpty()){ return ""; }
+ else if(useTerminal){
+ //Get the currently default terminal
+ QString term = LXDG::findDefaultAppForMime("application/terminal");
+ if(!QFile::exists(term)){ term = "xterm -lc"; }
+ else if(term.endsWith(".desktop")){
+ XDGDesktop DF(term);
+ if(DF.isValid()){ term = DF.getDesktopExec(); }
+ else{ term = "xterm -lc"; }
+ //DF.deleteLater(); //done with this struct
+ }else if( !LUtils::isValidBinary(term)){ term = "xterm -lc"; }
+ out = term+" -e "+out; //-e is a nearly-universal flag for terminal emulators
+ }
+ //Now perform any of the XDG flag substitutions as appropriate (9/2014 standards)
+ if(out.contains("%i") && !icon.isEmpty() ){ out.replace("%i", "--icon \'"+icon+"\'"); }
+ if(out.contains("%c")){
+ if(!name.isEmpty()){ out.replace("%c", "\'"+name+"\'"); }
+ else if(!genericName.isEmpty()){ out.replace("%c", "\'"+genericName+"\'"); }
+ else{ out.replace("%c", "\'"+filePath.section("/",-1).section(".desktop",0,0)+"\'"); }
+ }
+ if(out.contains("%k")){ out.replace("%k", "\'"+filePath+"\'"); }
+ return out;
+bool XDGDesktop::saveDesktopFile(bool merge){
+ qDebug() << "Save Desktop File:" << filePath << "Merge:" << merge;
+ bool autofile = filePath.contains("/autostart/"); //use the "Hidden" field instead of the "NoDisplay"
+ int insertloc = -1;
+ QStringList info;
+ if(QFile::exists(filePath) && merge){
+ //Load the existing file and merge in in any changes
+ info = LUtils::readFile(filePath);
+ //set a couple flags based on the contents before we start iterating through
+ // - determine if a translated field was changed (need to remove all the now-invalid translations)
+ bool clearName, clearComment, clearGName;
+ QString tmp = "";
+ if(!info.filter("Name=").isEmpty()){ tmp = info.filter("Name=").first().section("=",1,50); }
+ clearName=(tmp!=name);
+ tmp.clear();
+ if(!info.filter("Comment=").isEmpty()){ tmp = info.filter("Comment=").first().section("=",1,50); }
+ clearComment=(tmp!=comment);
+ tmp.clear();
+ if(!info.filter("GenericName=").isEmpty()){ tmp = info.filter("GenericName=").first().section("=",1,50); }
+ clearGName=(tmp!=genericName);
+ //Now start iterating through the file and changing fields as necessary
+ bool insection = false;
+ for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
+ if(info[i]=="[Desktop Entry]"){
+ insection = true;
+ continue;
+ }else if(info[i].startsWith("[")){
+ if(insection){ insertloc = i; } //save this location for later insertions
+ insection = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!insection || info[i].isEmpty() || info[i].section("#",0,0).simplified().isEmpty()){ continue; }
+ QString var = info[i].section("=",0,0);
+ QString val = info[i].section("=",1,50).simplified();
+ //NOTE: Clear the dFile variable as it is found/set in the file (to keep track of what has been used already)
+ // For boolian values, set them to false
+ if(var.startsWith("Name")){
+ if(var.contains("[") && clearName){ info.removeAt(i); i--; continue;}
+ else if(!var.contains("[")){ info[i] = var+"="+name; name.clear(); }
+ }else if(var.startsWith("GenericName")){
+ if(var.contains("[") && clearGName){ info.removeAt(i); i--; continue;}
+ else if(!var.contains("[")){ info[i] = var+"="+genericName; genericName.clear(); }
+ }else if(var.startsWith("Comment")){
+ if(var.contains("[") && clearComment){ info.removeAt(i); i--; continue;}
+ else if(!var.contains("[")){ info[i] = var+"="+comment; comment.clear(); }
+ }else if(var=="Exec"){ info[i] = var+"="+exec; exec.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="TryExec"){ info[i] = var+"="+tryexec; tryexec.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="Path"){ info[i] = var+"="+path; path.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="Icon"){ info[i] = var+"="+icon; icon.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="StartupWMClass"){ info[i] = var+"="+startupWM; startupWM.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="MimeType"){ info[i] = var+"="+mimeList.join(";"); mimeList.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="Categories"){ info[i] = var+"="+catList.join(";"); catList.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="Keywords"){ info[i] = var+"="+keyList.join(";"); keyList.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="Actions"){ info[i] = var+"="+actionList.join(";"); actionList.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="OnlyShowIn"){ info[i] = var+"="+showInList.join(";"); showInList.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="NotShowIn"){ info[i] = var+"="+notShowInList.join(";"); notShowInList.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="URL"){ info[i] = var+"="+url; url.clear(); }
+ else if(var=="Hidden"){
+ if(!autofile){ info.removeAt(i); i--; continue; }
+ else{ info[i] = var+"="+(isHidden ? "true": "false"); isHidden=false;}
+ }else if(var=="NoDisplay"){
+ if(autofile){ info.removeAt(i); i--; continue; }
+ else{ info[i] = var+"="+(isHidden ? "true": "false"); isHidden=false;}
+ }else if(var=="Terminal"){
+ info[i] = var+"="+(useTerminal ? "true": "false"); useTerminal=false;
+ }else if(var=="StartupNotify"){
+ info[i] = var+"="+(startupNotify ? "true": "false"); startupNotify=false;
+ }
+ // Remove any lines that have been un-set or removed from the file
+ if(info[i].section("=",1,50).simplified().isEmpty()){ info.removeAt(i); i--; }
+ }
+ }else{
+ //Just write a new file and overwrite any old one
+ // (pre-set some values here which are always required)
+ info << "[Desktop Entry]";
+ info << "Version=1.0";
+ if(type==XDGDesktop::APP){ info << "Type=Application"; }
+ else if(type==XDGDesktop::LINK){ info << "Type=Link"; }
+ else if(type==XDGDesktop::DIR){ info << "Type=Dir"; }
+ }
+ if(insertloc<0){ insertloc = info.size(); }//put it at the end
+ //Now add in any items that did not exist in the original file
+ if( !exec.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Exec="+exec); }
+ if( !tryexec.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"TryExec="+tryexec); }
+ if( !path.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Path="+path); }
+ if( !icon.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Icon="+icon); }
+ if( !name.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Name="+name); }
+ if( !genericName.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"GenericName="+genericName); }
+ if( !comment.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Comment="+comment); }
+ if( !startupWM.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"StartupWMClass="+startupWM); }
+ if( !mimeList.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"MimeType="+mimeList.join(";")); }
+ if( !catList.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Categories="+catList.join(";")); }
+ if( !keyList.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Keywords="+keyList.join(";")); }
+ if( !actionList.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Actions="+actionList.join(";")); }
+ if( !showInList.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"OnlyShowIn="+showInList.join(";")); }
+ else if( !notShowInList.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"NotShowIn="+notShowInList.join(";")); }
+ if( !url.isEmpty() ){ info.insert(insertloc,"URL="+url); }
+ if( isHidden && autofile ){ info.insert(insertloc,"Hidden=true"); }
+ else if(isHidden){ info.insert(insertloc,"NoDisplay=true"); }
+ if( useTerminal){ info.insert(insertloc,"Terminal=true"); }
+ if( startupNotify ){ info.insert(insertloc,"StartupNotify=true"); }
+ //Now save the file
+ return LUtils::writeFile(filePath, info, true);
+bool XDGDesktop::setAutoStarted(bool autostart){
+ //First get the list of system directories to search (system first, user-provided files come later and overwrite sys files as needed)
+ QStringList paths = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")).split(":");
+ QString upath = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")).section(":",0,0);
+ if(upath.isEmpty()){ upath = QDir::homePath()+"/.config/autostart/"; }
+ else{ upath.append("/autostart/"); }
+ //Verify that the autostart directory exists
+ if(!QFile::exists(upath)){
+ QDir dir;
+ dir.mkpath(upath);
+ }
+ //Quick check/finish for user-defined files which are getting disabled (just remove the file)
+ if(filePath.startsWith(upath) && !autostart){
+ return QFile::remove(filePath);
+ }
+ bool sysfile = false;
+ for(int i=0; i<paths.length(); i++){
+ if(filePath.startsWith(paths[i]+"/autostart/") ){
+ sysfile = true;
+ //Change it to the user-modifiable directory
+ filePath = filePath.replace(paths[i]+"/autostart/", upath);
+ }
+ }
+ //Make sure the user-autostart dir is specified, and clean the app structure as necessary
+ if( !filePath.startsWith(upath) && autostart){
+ //Some other non-override autostart file - set it up to open with lumina-open
+ if(!filePath.endsWith(".desktop")){
+ exec = "lumina-open \""+filePath+"\"";
+ tryexec = filePath; //make sure this file exists
+ if(name.isEmpty()){ name = filePath.section("/",-1); }
+ if(icon.isEmpty()){ icon = LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(filePath); icon.replace("/","-"); }
+ filePath = upath+filePath.section("/",-1)+".desktop";
+ type = XDGDesktop::APP;
+ }else{
+ //Some other *.desktop file on the system (keep almost all the existing settings/values)
+ // - setup a redirect to the other file
+ exec = "lumina-open \""+filePath+"\"";
+ tryexec = filePath; //make sure this file exists
+ // - Adjust the actual path where this file will get saved
+ filePath = upath+filePath.section("/",-1);
+ }
+ }
+ //Now save the "hidden" value into the file
+ isHidden = !autostart; //if hidden, it will not be autostarted
+ //Now save the file as necessary
+ bool saved = false;
+ //qDebug() << " - Saving AutoStart File:" << filePath << name << isHidden;
+ if(sysfile){
+ //Just an override file for the "hidden" field - nothing more
+ QStringList info;
+ info << "[Desktop Entry]" << "Type=Application" << QString("Hidden=")+ (isHidden ? QString("true"): QString("false"));
+ saved = LUtils::writeFile(filePath, info, true);
+ }else{
+ //Need to actually save the full file
+ saved = saveDesktopFile();
+ }
+ return saved;
//====XDGDesktopList Functions ====
XDGDesktopList::XDGDesktopList(QObject *parent, bool watchdirs) : QObject(parent){
- synctimer = new QTimer(this);
- synctimer->setInterval(60000); //1 minute intervals. since the polling/update only takes a few ms, this is completely reasonable
+ synctimer = new QTimer(this); //interval set automatically based on changes/interactions
connect(synctimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateList()) );
+ keepsynced = watchdirs;
watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this);
connect(watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(watcherChanged()) );
@@ -34,7 +421,9 @@ XDGDesktopList::~XDGDesktopList(){
void XDGDesktopList::watcherChanged(){
- QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(updateList()) ); //1 second delay before check kicks off
+ if(synctimer->isActive()){ synctimer->stop(); }
+ synctimer->setInterval(1000); //1 second delay before check kicks off
+ synctimer->start();
void XDGDesktopList::updateList(){
@@ -47,53 +436,62 @@ void XDGDesktopList::updateList(){
bool firstrun = lastCheck.isNull() || oldkeys.isEmpty();
lastCheck = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
//Variables for internal loop use only (to prevent re-initializing variable on every iteration)
- bool ok; QString path; QDir dir; QStringList apps; XDGDesktop dFile;
+ bool ok; QString path; QDir dir; QStringList apps;
for(int i=0; i<appDirs.length(); i++){
if( !dir.cd(appDirs[i]) ){ continue; } //could not open dir for some reason
apps = dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.desktop",QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
for(int a=0; a<apps.length(); a++){
path = dir.absoluteFilePath(apps[a]);
- if(files.contains(path) && (files.value(path).lastRead>QFileInfo(path).lastModified()) ){
+ if(files.contains(path) && (files.value(path)->lastRead>QFileInfo(path).lastModified()) ){
//Re-use previous data for this file (nothing changed)
- dFile = files[path];
+ found << files[path]->name; //keep track of which files were already found
- dFile = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(path,ok); //will change the "ok" variable as needed
- appschanged = true; //flag that something changed - needed to load a file
- }
- if(ok && !found.contains(dFile.name)){
- if(!oldkeys.contains(path)){ newfiles << path; } //brand new file (not an update to a previously-read file)
- files.insert(path, dFile);
- found << dFile.name;
- oldkeys.removeAll(path); //make sure this key does not get cleaned up later
+ if(files.contains(path)){ appschanged = true; files.take(path)->deleteLater(); } //files.remove(path); }
+ XDGDesktop *dFile = new XDGDesktop(path, this); //will change the "ok" variable as needed
+ if(dFile->type!=XDGDesktop::BAD){
+ appschanged = true; //flag that something changed - needed to load a file
+ if(!oldkeys.contains(path)){ newfiles << path; } //brand new file (not an update to a previously-read file)
+ files.insert(path, dFile);
+ found << dFile->name;
+ }else{
+ dFile->deleteLater(); //bad file - discard it
+ }
+ oldkeys.removeAll(path); //make sure this key does not get cleaned up later
} //end loop over apps
} //end loop over appDirs
//Save the extra info to the internal lists
- if(!firstrun){ removedApps = oldkeys; }//files which were removed
- if(!firstrun){ newApps = newfiles; }//files which were added
+ if(!firstrun){
+ removedApps = oldkeys;//files which were removed
+ newApps = newfiles; //files which were added
+ }
//Now go through and cleanup any old keys where the associated file does not exist anymore
for(int i=0; i<oldkeys.length(); i++){
- files.remove(oldkeys[i]);
+ //qDebug() << "Removing file from internal map:" << oldkeys[i];
+ if(i==0){ appschanged = true; }
+ //files.remove(oldkeys[i]);
+ files.take(oldkeys[i])->deleteLater();
//If this class is automatically managing the lists, update the watched files/dirs and send out notifications
- //qDebug() << "App List Updated:" << lastCheck << appschanged << newfiles << oldkeys;
+ if(appschanged){ qDebug() << "Auto App List Update:" << lastCheck << "Files Found:" << files.count(); }
watcher->removePaths(QStringList() << watcher->files() << watcher->directories());
if(appschanged){ emit appsUpdated(); }
+ synctimer->setInterval(60000); //Update in 1 minute if nothing changes before then
+ synctimer->start();
- synctimer->start();
-QList<XDGDesktop> XDGDesktopList::apps(bool showAll, bool showHidden){
+QList<XDGDesktop*> XDGDesktopList::apps(bool showAll, bool showHidden){
//showAll: include invalid files, showHidden: include NoShow/Hidden files
QStringList keys = files.keys();
- QList<XDGDesktop> out;
+ QList<XDGDesktop*> out;
for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
- if( LXDG::checkValidity(files[keys[i]], showAll) ){
- if( showHidden || !files[keys[i]].isHidden ){
+ if( showHidden || !files[keys[i]]->isHidden ){ //this is faster than the "checkValidity()" function below - so always filter here first
+ if( files[keys[i]]->isValid(showAll) ){
out << files[keys[i]];
@@ -104,6 +502,7 @@ QList<XDGDesktop> XDGDesktopList::apps(bool showAll, bool showHidden){
//==== LFileInfo Functions ====
//Need some extra information not usually available by a QFileInfo
void LFileInfo::loadExtraInfo(){
+ desk = 0;
//Now load the extra information
mime = "inode/directory";
@@ -122,11 +521,10 @@ void LFileInfo::loadExtraInfo(){
}else if( this->suffix()=="desktop"){
mime = "application/x-desktop";
icon = "application-x-desktop"; //default value
- bool ok = false;
- desk = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(this->absoluteFilePath(), ok);
- if(ok){
+ desk = new XDGDesktop(this->absoluteFilePath(), 0);
+ if(desk->type!=XDGDesktop::BAD){
//use the specific desktop file info (if possible)
- if(!desk.icon.isEmpty()){ icon = desk.icon; }
+ if(!desk->icon.isEmpty()){ icon = desk->icon; }
//Generic file, just determine the mimetype
@@ -167,12 +565,12 @@ QString LFileInfo::iconfile(){
// -- Check if this is an XDG desktop file
bool LFileInfo::isDesktopFile(){
- return (!desk.filePath.isEmpty());
+ return (!desk->filePath.isEmpty());
// -- Allow access to the XDG desktop data structure
XDGDesktop* LFileInfo::XDG(){
- return &desk;
+ return desk;
// -- Check if this is a readable image file (for thumbnail support)
@@ -188,17 +586,17 @@ bool LFileInfo::isAVFile(){
//==== LXDG Functions ====
-XDGDesktop LXDG::loadDesktopFile(QString filePath, bool& ok){
+/*XDGDesktop *LXDG::loadDesktopFile(QString filePath, bool& ok, QObject *parent){
//Create the outputs
- XDGDesktop DF;
- DF.isHidden=false;
- DF.useTerminal=false;
- DF.startupNotify=false;
- DF.type = XDGDesktop::APP;
- DF.filePath = filePath;
- DF.lastRead = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
- DF.exec = DF.tryexec = ""; // just to make sure this is initialized
+ XDGDesktop *DF = new XDGDesktop(parent);
+ DF->isHidden=false;
+ DF->useTerminal=false;
+ DF->startupNotify=false;
+ DF->type = XDGDesktop::APP;
+ DF->filePath = filePath;
+ DF->lastRead = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ DF->exec = DF->tryexec = ""; // just to make sure this is initialized
//Get the current localization code
QString lang = QLocale::system().name(); //lang code
@@ -218,7 +616,7 @@ XDGDesktop LXDG::loadDesktopFile(QString filePath, bool& ok){
if(line.startsWith("[") && inaction){
insection=false; inaction=false;
//Add the current Action structure to the main desktop structure if appropriate
- if(!CDA.ID.isEmpty()){ DF.actions << CDA; CDA = XDGDesktopAction(); }
+ if(!CDA.ID.isEmpty()){ DF->actions << CDA; CDA = XDGDesktopAction(); }
}else if(line.startsWith("[")){ insection=false; inaction = false; }
//Now check if this is the beginning of a section
if(line=="[Desktop Entry]"){ insection=true; continue; }
@@ -234,13 +632,12 @@ XDGDesktop LXDG::loadDesktopFile(QString filePath, bool& ok){
QString loc = var.section("[",1,1).section("]",0,0).simplified(); // localization
var = var.section("[",0,0).simplified(); //remove the localization
QString val = line.section("=",1,50).simplified();
- //if(filePath.contains("pcbsd")){ qDebug() << " -- " << var << val << loc; }
- if(DF.name.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF.name = val; }
- else if(DF.name.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF.name = val; } //short locale code
- else if(loc == lang){ DF.name = val; }
+ if(DF->name.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF->name = val; }
+ else if(DF->name.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF->name = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ DF->name = val; }
}else if(inaction){
if(CDA.name.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ CDA.name = val; }
else if(CDA.name.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ CDA.name = val; } //short locale code
@@ -248,89 +645,81 @@ XDGDesktop LXDG::loadDesktopFile(QString filePath, bool& ok){
//hasName = true;
}else if(var=="GenericName" && insection){
- if(DF.genericName.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF.genericName = val; }
- else if(DF.genericName.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF.genericName = val; } //short locale code
- else if(loc == lang){ DF.genericName = val; }
+ if(DF->genericName.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF->genericName = val; }
+ else if(DF->genericName.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF->genericName = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ DF->genericName = val; }
}else if(var=="Comment" && insection){
- if(DF.comment.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF.comment = val; }
- else if(DF.comment.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF.comment = val; } //short locale code
- else if(loc == lang){ DF.comment = val; }
+ if(DF->comment.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF->comment = val; }
+ else if(DF->comment.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF->comment = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ DF->comment = val; }
}else if(var=="Icon"){
- if(DF.icon.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF.icon = val; }
- else if(DF.icon.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF.icon = val; } //short locale code
- else if(loc == lang){ DF.icon = val; }
+ if(DF->icon.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF->icon = val; }
+ else if(DF->icon.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ DF->icon = val; } //short locale code
+ else if(loc == lang){ DF->icon = val; }
}else if(inaction){
if(CDA.icon.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ CDA.icon = val; }
else if(CDA.icon.isEmpty() && loc==slang){ CDA.icon = val; } //short locale code
else if(loc == lang){ CDA.icon = val; }
- else if( (var=="TryExec") && (DF.tryexec.isEmpty()) && insection) { DF.tryexec = val; }
+ else if( (var=="TryExec") && (DF->tryexec.isEmpty()) && insection) { DF->tryexec = val; }
else if(var=="Exec"){
- if(insection && DF.exec.isEmpty() ){ DF.exec = val; }
+ if(insection && DF->exec.isEmpty() ){ DF->exec = val; }
else if(inaction && CDA.exec.isEmpty() ){ CDA.exec = val; }
- else if( (var=="Path") && (DF.path.isEmpty() ) && insection){ DF.path = val; }
- else if(var=="NoDisplay" && !DF.isHidden && insection){ DF.isHidden = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
- else if(var=="Hidden" && !DF.isHidden && insection){ DF.isHidden = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
- else if(var=="Categories" && insection){ DF.catList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
- else if(var=="OnlyShowIn" && insection){ DF.showInList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
- else if(var=="NotShowIn" && insection){ DF.notShowInList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
- else if(var=="Terminal" && insection){ DF.useTerminal= (val.toLower()=="true"); }
- else if(var=="Actions" && insection){ DF.actionList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
- else if(var=="MimeType" && insection){ DF.mimeList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if( (var=="Path") && (DF->path.isEmpty() ) && insection){ DF->path = val; }
+ else if(var=="NoDisplay" && !DF->isHidden && insection){ DF->isHidden = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="Hidden" && !DF->isHidden && insection){ DF->isHidden = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="Categories" && insection){ DF->catList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="OnlyShowIn" && insection){ DF->showInList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="NotShowIn" && insection){ DF->notShowInList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="Terminal" && insection){ DF->useTerminal= (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="Actions" && insection){ DF->actionList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(var=="MimeType" && insection){ DF->mimeList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
else if(var=="Keywords" && insection){
- if(DF.keyList.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF.keyList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
- else if(loc == lang){ DF.keyList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ if(DF->keyList.isEmpty() && loc.isEmpty()){ DF->keyList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
+ else if(loc == lang){ DF->keyList = val.split(";",QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
- else if(var=="StartupNotify" && insection){ DF.startupNotify = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
- else if(var=="StartupWMClass" && insection){ DF.startupWM = val; }
- else if(var=="URL" && insection){ DF.url = val;}
+ else if(var=="StartupNotify" && insection){ DF->startupNotify = (val.toLower()=="true"); }
+ else if(var=="StartupWMClass" && insection){ DF->startupWM = val; }
+ else if(var=="URL" && insection){ DF->url = val;}
else if(var=="Type" && insection){
- if(val.toLower()=="application"){ DF.type = XDGDesktop::APP; }
- else if(val.toLower()=="link"){ DF.type = XDGDesktop::LINK; }
- else if(val.toLower()=="dir"){ DF.type = XDGDesktop::DIR; }
- else{ DF.type = XDGDesktop::BAD; } //Unknown type
+ if(val.toLower()=="application"){ DF->type = XDGDesktop::APP; }
+ else if(val.toLower()=="link"){ DF->type = XDGDesktop::LINK; }
+ else if(val.toLower()=="dir"){ DF->type = XDGDesktop::DIR; }
+ else{ DF->type = XDGDesktop::BAD; } //Unknown type
//hasType = true;
} //end reading file
- //file.close();
+ file.clear(); //done with contents of file
//If there are OnlyShowIn desktops listed, add them to the name
- if( !DF.showInList.isEmpty() && !DF.showInList.contains("Lumina", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ){
- /*QStringList added;
- //Need to be careful about case insensitivity here - the QList functions don't understand it
- for(int i=0; i<DF.showInList.length(); i++){
- if(DF.showInList[i].toLower()!="lumina"){ added << DF.showInList[i]; }
- }*/
- //if(!added.isEmpty()){
- DF.name.append(" ("+DF.showInList.join(", ")+")");
- //}
+ if( !DF->showInList.isEmpty() && !DF->showInList.contains("Lumina", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ){
+ DF->name.append(" ("+DF->showInList.join(", ")+")");
//Quick fix for showing "wine" applications (which quite often don't list a category, or have other differences)
- if(DF.catList.isEmpty() && filePath.contains("/wine/")){
- DF.catList << "Wine"; //Internal Lumina category only (not in XDG specs as of 11/14/14)
+ if(DF->catList.isEmpty() && filePath.contains("/wine/")){
+ DF->catList << "Wine"; //Internal Lumina category only (not in XDG specs as of 11/14/14)
//Also add a fix for the location of Wine icons
- if( !DF.icon.isEmpty() ){
+ if( !DF->icon.isEmpty() ){
QStringList sizes; sizes << "256x256" << "128x128" << "64x64" << "48x48" << "32x32" << "16x16";
QString upath = QDir::homePath()+"/.local/share/icons/hicolor/%1/apps/%2.png";
//qDebug() << "Wine App: Check icon" << upath;
for(int i=0; i<sizes.length(); i++){
- if( QFile::exists(upath.arg(sizes[i],DF.icon)) ){
- DF.icon = upath.arg(sizes[i],DF.icon);
- //qDebug() << " - Found Icon:" << DF.icon;
+ if( QFile::exists(upath.arg(sizes[i],DF->icon)) ){
+ DF->icon = upath.arg(sizes[i],DF->icon);
+ //qDebug() << " - Found Icon:" << DF->icon;
//Return the structure
- //if (hasName && hasType) ok = true; //without Name and Type, the structure cannot be a valid .desktop file
ok = true; //was able to open/read the file - validity determined later
return DF;
-bool LXDG::saveDesktopFile(XDGDesktop dFile, bool merge){
+/*bool LXDG::saveDesktopFile(XDGDesktop dFile, bool merge){
qDebug() << "Save Desktop File:" << dFile.filePath << "Merge:" << merge;
bool autofile = dFile.filePath.contains("/autostart/"); //use the "Hidden" field instead of the "NoDisplay"
int insertloc = -1;
@@ -442,9 +831,9 @@ bool LXDG::saveDesktopFile(XDGDesktop dFile, bool merge){
//Now save the file
return LUtils::writeFile(dFile.filePath, info, true);
-bool LXDG::checkValidity(XDGDesktop dFile, bool showAll){
+/*bool LXDG::checkValidity(XDGDesktop dFile, bool showAll){
bool ok=true;
bool DEBUG = false;
if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "[LXDG] Check File validity:" << dFile.name << dFile.filePath; }
@@ -476,7 +865,7 @@ bool LXDG::checkValidity(XDGDesktop dFile, bool showAll){
else if(dFile.name.isEmpty()){ ok = false; }
return ok;
bool LXDG::checkExec(QString exec){
//Return true(good) or false(bad)
@@ -510,40 +899,43 @@ QStringList LXDG::systemApplicationDirs(){
return out;
-XDGDesktopList* LXDG::systemAppsList(){
- static XDGDesktopList *sysapps = new XDGDesktopList(0,true); //set this to automatically update as needed
+/*XDGDesktopList* LXDG::systemAppsList(){
+ static XDGDesktopList *sysapps = 0;
+ if(sysapps == 0){ qDebug() << "Generating new apps list"; sysapps = new XDGDesktopList(0,true); }//set this to automatically update as needed
if(sysapps->lastCheck.isNull()){ sysapps->updateList(); } //catch the first time the class was used, and prompt for an update right now
return sysapps;
-QList<XDGDesktop> LXDG::systemDesktopFiles(bool showAll, bool showHidden){
- //Quick overload for backwards compatibility which uses the static/global class for managing app entries
- XDGDesktopList list(0, false);
- return list.apps(showAll, showHidden);
+/*QList<XDGDesktop*> LXDG::systemDesktopFiles(bool showAll, bool showHidden){
+ //If this is going to be used regularly, it is better to use a custom instance of an XDGDesktopList() which self-updates instead.
+ // Since this function will need to re-read the entire system app registry every time.
+ XDGDesktopList sysapps;
+ sysapps.updateList();
+ return sysapps.apps(showAll, showHidden);
-QHash<QString,QList<XDGDesktop> > LXDG::sortDesktopCats(QList<XDGDesktop> apps){
+QHash<QString,QList<XDGDesktop*> > LXDG::sortDesktopCats(QList<XDGDesktop*> apps){
//Sort the list of applications into their different categories (main categories only)
//Create the category lists
- QList<XDGDesktop> multimedia, dev, ed, game, graphics, network, office, science, settings, sys, utility, other, wine;
+ QList<XDGDesktop*> multimedia, dev, ed, game, graphics, network, office, science, settings, sys, utility, other, wine;
//Sort the apps into the lists
for(int i=0; i<apps.length(); i++){
- if(apps[i].catList.contains("AudioVideo")){ multimedia << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Development")){ dev << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Education")){ ed << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Game")){ game << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Graphics")){ graphics << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Network")){ network << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Office")){ office << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Science")){ science << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Settings")){ settings << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("System")){ sys << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Utility")){ utility << apps[i]; }
- else if(apps[i].catList.contains("Wine")){ wine << apps[i]; }
+ if(apps[i]->catList.contains("AudioVideo")){ multimedia << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Development")){ dev << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Education")){ ed << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Game")){ game << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Graphics")){ graphics << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Network")){ network << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Office")){ office << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Science")){ science << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Settings")){ settings << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("System")){ sys << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Utility")){ utility << apps[i]; }
+ else if(apps[i]->catList.contains("Wine")){ wine << apps[i]; }
else{ other << apps[i]; }
//Now create the output hash
- QHash<QString,QList<XDGDesktop> > out;
+ QHash<QString,QList<XDGDesktop*> > out;
if(!multimedia.isEmpty()){ out.insert("Multimedia", LXDG::sortDesktopNames(multimedia)); }
if(!dev.isEmpty()){ out.insert("Development", LXDG::sortDesktopNames(dev)); }
if(!ed.isEmpty()){ out.insert("Education", LXDG::sortDesktopNames(ed)); }
@@ -579,23 +971,23 @@ QString LXDG::DesktopCatToIcon(QString cat){
return icon;
-QList<XDGDesktop> LXDG::sortDesktopNames(QList<XDGDesktop> apps){
+QList<XDGDesktop*> LXDG::sortDesktopNames(QList<XDGDesktop*> apps){
//Sort the list by name of the application
- QHash<QString, XDGDesktop> sorter;
+ QHash<QString, XDGDesktop*> sorter;
for(int i=0; i<apps.length(); i++){
- sorter.insert(apps[i].name.toLower(), apps[i]);
+ sorter.insert(apps[i]->name.toLower(), apps[i]);
QStringList keys = sorter.keys();
//Re-assemble the output list
- QList<XDGDesktop> out;
+ QList<XDGDesktop*> out;
for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
out << sorter[keys[i]];
return out;
-QString LXDG::getDesktopExec(XDGDesktop app, QString ActionID){
+/*QString LXDG::getDesktopExec(XDGDesktop app, QString ActionID){
//Generate the executable line for the application
QString out;
QString exec = app.exec;
@@ -633,7 +1025,7 @@ QString LXDG::getDesktopExec(XDGDesktop app, QString ActionID){
if(out.contains("%k")){ out.replace("%k", "\'"+app.filePath+"\'"); }
return out;
void LXDG::setEnvironmentVars(){
//Set the default XDG environment variables if not already set
@@ -1107,19 +1499,23 @@ QStringList LXDG::loadMimeFileGlobs2(){
- }
+ if(i==dirs.length()-1 && mimeglobs.isEmpty()){
+ //Could not find the mimetype database on the system - use the fallback file distributed with Lumina
+ dirs << LOS::LuminaShare();
+ }
+ }//end loop over dirs
return mimeglobs;
//Find all the autostart *.desktop files
-QList<XDGDesktop> LXDG::findAutoStartFiles(bool includeInvalid){
+QList<XDGDesktop*> LXDG::findAutoStartFiles(bool includeInvalid){
//First get the list of directories to search (system first, user-provided files come later and overwrite sys files as needed)
QStringList paths = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")).split(":");
paths << QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")).split(":");
//Now go through them and find any valid *.desktop files
- QList<XDGDesktop> files;
+ QList<XDGDesktop*> files;
QStringList filenames; //make it easy to see if this filename is an override
QDir dir;
for(int i=0;i<paths.length(); i++){
@@ -1127,23 +1523,23 @@ QList<XDGDesktop> LXDG::findAutoStartFiles(bool includeInvalid){
QStringList tmp = dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.desktop", QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
for(int t=0; t<tmp.length(); t++){
- bool ok = false;
- XDGDesktop desk = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(dir.absoluteFilePath(tmp[t]), ok);
- if(!ok){ continue; } //could not read file
+ XDGDesktop *desk = new XDGDesktop(dir.absoluteFilePath(tmp[t]));
+ if(desk->type == XDGDesktop::BAD){ continue; } //could not read file
//Now figure out what to do with it
//This is an overwrite of a lower-priority (system?) autostart file
// find the other file
int old = -1;
for(int o=0; o<files.length(); o++){
- if(files[o].filePath.endsWith("/"+tmp[t])){ old = o; break; } //found it
+ if(files[o]->filePath.endsWith("/"+tmp[t])){ old = o; break; } //found it
- if(LXDG::checkValidity(desk, false)){
+ if(desk->isValid(false)){
//Full override of the lower-priority file (might be replacing exec/tryexec fields)
- files[old] = desk;
+ files.takeAt(old)->deleteLater();
+ files.insert(old,desk);
//Small override file (only the "Hidden" field listed in spec)
- files[old].isHidden = desk.isHidden; //replace this value with the override
+ files[old]->isHidden = desk->isHidden; //replace this value with the override
//files << desk; //still add this to the array (will be ignored/skipped later)
@@ -1157,18 +1553,17 @@ QList<XDGDesktop> LXDG::findAutoStartFiles(bool includeInvalid){
//Now filter the results by validity if desired
for(int i=0; i<files.length(); i++){
- if( !LXDG::checkValidity(files[i], false) || files[i].isHidden ){
+ if( !files[i]->isValid(false) || files[i]->isHidden ){
//Invalid file - go ahead and remove it from the output list
- files.removeAt(i);
+ files.takeAt(i)->deleteLater();
return files;
-bool LXDG::setAutoStarted(bool autostart, XDGDesktop app){
+/*bool LXDG::setAutoStarted(bool autostart, XDGDesktop *app){
//First get the list of system directories to search (system first, user-provided files come later and overwrite sys files as needed)
QStringList paths = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")).split(":");
QString upath = QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")).section(":",0,0);
@@ -1181,12 +1576,12 @@ bool LXDG::setAutoStarted(bool autostart, XDGDesktop app){
//Quick check/finish for user-defined files which are getting disabled (just remove the file)
- if(app.filePath.startsWith(upath) && !autostart){
- return QFile::remove(app.filePath);
+ if(app->filePath.startsWith(upath) && !autostart){
+ return QFile::remove(app->filePath);
bool sysfile = false;
for(int i=0; i<paths.length(); i++){
- if(app.filePath.startsWith(paths[i]+"/autostart/") ){
+ if(app->filePath.startsWith(paths[i]+"/autostart/") ){
sysfile = true;
//Change it to the user-modifiable directory
app.filePath = app.filePath.replace(paths[i]+"/autostart/", upath);
@@ -1226,18 +1621,18 @@ bool LXDG::setAutoStarted(bool autostart, XDGDesktop app){
saved = LXDG::saveDesktopFile(app);
return saved;
bool LXDG::setAutoStarted(bool autostart, QString filePath){
//Convenience function for the auto-start setter
- XDGDesktop desk;
- if(filePath.endsWith(".desktop")){
- bool ok = false;
- desk = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(filePath, ok);
- if(!ok){ return false; } //error reading input file
- }else{
+ XDGDesktop desk(filePath);
+ if(!filePath.endsWith(".desktop")){
+ //bool ok = false;
+ //desk = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(filePath, ok);
+ //if(!ok){ return false; } //error reading input file
+ //}else{
desk.filePath = filePath;
desk.useTerminal = false;
- return LXDG::setAutoStarted(autostart, desk);
+ return desk.setAutoStarted(autostart);
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.h b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.h
index 996e5a20..dd9d1c67 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.h
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/LuminaXDG.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
// ======================
// FreeDesktop Desktop Actions Framework (data structure)
// ======================
-class XDGDesktopAction{
+struct XDGDesktopAction{
//Admin variables
QString ID; //The ID name for this action (should correspond to an entry in the "actionList" for the XDGDesktop below)
//General Variables
@@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ public:
// ======================
// FreeDesktop Desktop Entry Framework (data structure)
// ======================
-class XDGDesktop{
+class XDGDesktop : public QObject{
enum XDGDesktopType { BAD, APP, LINK, DIR };
//Admin variables
QString filePath; //which file this structure contains the information for (absolute path)
QDateTime lastRead; //when this structure was created from the file
@@ -64,10 +66,19 @@ public:
QList<XDGDesktopAction> actions;
//Type 2 (LINK) variables
QString url;
- //Constructor/destructor
- XDGDesktop(){}
- ~XDGDesktop(){}
+ //Constructor/destructor
+ XDGDesktop(QString filePath="", QObject *parent = 0);
+ ~XDGDesktop(){}
+ //Functions for using this structure in various ways
+ void sync(); //syncronize this structure with the backend file(as listed in the "filePath" variable)
+ bool isValid(bool showAll = true); //See if this is a valid .desktop entry (showAll: don't filter out based on DE exclude/include lists)
+ QString getDesktopExec(QString ActionID = "");
+ bool saveDesktopFile(bool merge = true); //This will use the "filePath" variable for where to save the file
+ bool setAutoStarted(bool autostart = true);
// ========================
@@ -80,12 +91,12 @@ public:
XDGDesktopList(QObject *parent = 0, bool watchdirs = false);
//Main Interface functions
- QList<XDGDesktop> apps(bool showAll, bool showHidden); //showAll: include invalid files, showHidden: include NoShow/Hidden files
+ QList<XDGDesktop*> apps(bool showAll, bool showHidden); //showAll: include invalid files, showHidden: include NoShow/Hidden files
//Administration variables (not typically used directly)
QDateTime lastCheck;
QStringList newApps, removedApps; //list of "new/removed" apps found during the last check
- QHash<QString, XDGDesktop> files; //<filepath>/<XDGDesktop structure>
+ QHash<QString, XDGDesktop*> files; //<filepath>/<XDGDesktop structure>
public slots:
void updateList(); //run the check routine
@@ -93,6 +104,7 @@ public slots:
QFileSystemWatcher *watcher;
QTimer *synctimer;
+ bool keepsynced;
private slots:
void watcherChanged();
@@ -107,7 +119,7 @@ signals:
class LFileInfo : public QFileInfo{
QString mime, icon;
- XDGDesktop desk;
+ XDGDesktop *desk;
void loadExtraInfo();
@@ -115,7 +127,9 @@ public:
//Couple overloaded contructors
LFileInfo(QString filepath);
LFileInfo(QFileInfo info);
- ~LFileInfo(){}
+ ~LFileInfo(){
+ desk->deleteLater();
+ }
//Functions for accessing the extra information
// -- Return the mimetype for the file
@@ -142,25 +156,25 @@ typedef QList<LFileInfo> LFileInfoList;
class LXDG{
//Read/write a *.desktop file
- static XDGDesktop loadDesktopFile(QString filePath, bool& ok);
- static bool saveDesktopFile(XDGDesktop dFile, bool merge = true);
+ //static XDGDesktop* loadDesktopFile(QString filepath, bool&ok, QObject *parent = 0);
+ //static bool saveDesktopFile(XDGDesktop *dFile, bool merge = true);
//Check a *.desktop file for validity (showAll skips the DE-exclusivity checks)
- static bool checkValidity(XDGDesktop dFile, bool showAll = true);
+ //static bool checkValidity(XDGDesktop *dFile, bool showAll = true);
//Check for a valid executable
static bool checkExec(QString exec);
//Get a list of all the directories where *.desktop files exist
static QStringList systemApplicationDirs();
//Get a list of all the *.desktop files available on the system
- static XDGDesktopList* systemAppsList(); //return a pointer to the entire class
- static QList<XDGDesktop> systemDesktopFiles(bool showAll = false, bool showHidden = false); //simplification for getting just the files
+ //static XDGDesktopList* systemAppsList(); //return a pointer to the entire class
+ //static QList<XDGDesktop*> systemDesktopFiles(bool showAll = false, bool showHidden = false); //simplification for getting just the files
//Sort a list of Desktop files into the proper categories
- static QHash< QString, QList<XDGDesktop> > sortDesktopCats(QList<XDGDesktop> apps);
+ static QHash< QString, QList<XDGDesktop*> > sortDesktopCats(QList<XDGDesktop*> apps);
//Return the icon to use for the given category
static QString DesktopCatToIcon(QString cat);
//Sort a list of Desktop files by name
- static QList<XDGDesktop> sortDesktopNames(QList<XDGDesktop> apps);
+ static QList<XDGDesktop*> sortDesktopNames(QList<XDGDesktop*> apps);
//Get the executable line from a Desktop file
- static QString getDesktopExec(XDGDesktop app, QString ActionID = "");
+ //static QString getDesktopExec(XDGDesktop *app, QString ActionID = "");
//Set all the default XDG Environment variables
static void setEnvironmentVars();
//Find an icon from the current/default theme
@@ -191,8 +205,8 @@ public:
static QStringList loadMimeFileGlobs2();
//Find all the autostart *.desktop files
- static QList<XDGDesktop> findAutoStartFiles(bool includeInvalid = false);
- static bool setAutoStarted(bool autostart, XDGDesktop app);
+ static QList<XDGDesktop*> findAutoStartFiles(bool includeInvalid = false);
+ //static bool setAutoStarted(bool autostart, XDGDesktop *app);
static bool setAutoStarted(bool autostart, QString filePath); //for convenience
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/libLumina.pro b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/libLumina.pro
index 7f9e4203..2786b875 100644
--- a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/libLumina.pro
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/libLumina.pro
@@ -62,4 +62,7 @@ themes.files=themes/*.qss.template
-INSTALLS += target include colors themes
+INSTALLS += target include colors themes globs
diff --git a/src-qt5/core/libLumina/xtrafiles/globs2 b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/xtrafiles/globs2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a783316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-qt5/core/libLumina/xtrafiles/globs2
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+# Fallback "globs2" file from the FreeDesktop mimetype database (9/23/16)
+# This is only used if the official database cannot be found on the system