path: root/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar')
2 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar/LDeskBar.cpp b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar/LDeskBar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c685fbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar/LDeskBar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2012, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+#include "LDeskBar.h"
+#include "../../LSession.h"
+LDeskBarPlugin::LDeskBarPlugin(QWidget *parent, QString id, bool horizontal) : LPPlugin(parent, id, horizontal){
+ this->layout()->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ this->setStyleSheet( "QToolButton::menu-indicator{ image: none; } QToolButton{ padding: 0px; }");
+ //Find the path to the desktop folder
+ if(QFile::exists(QDir::homePath()+"/Desktop")){ desktopPath = QDir::homePath()+"/Desktop"; }
+ else if(QFile::exists(QDir::homePath()+"/desktop")){ desktopPath = QDir::homePath()+"/desktop"; }
+ else{ desktopPath=""; }
+ //Setup the filter lists for the different types of files
+ audioFilter <<"*.ogg"<<"*.mp3"<<"*.wav"<<"*.aif"<<"*.iff"<<"*.m3u"<<"*.m4a"<<"*.mid"<<"*.mpa"<<"*.ra"<<"*.wma";
+ videoFilter <<"*.3g2"<<"*.3gp"<<"*.asf"<<"*.asx"<<"*.avi"<<"*.flv"<<"*.m4v"<<"*.mov"<<"*.mp4"<<"*.mpg"<<"*.rm"<<"*.srt"<<"*.swf"<<"*.vob"<<"*.wmv";
+ pictureFilter <<"*.bmp"<<"*.dds"<<"*.gif"<<"*.jpg"<<"*.png"<<"*.psd"<<"*.thm"<<"*.tif"<<"*.tiff"<<"*.ai"<<"*.eps"<<"*.ps"<<"*.svg"<<"*.ico";
+ docsFilter << "*.txt"<<"*.rtf"<<"*.doc"<<"*.docx"<<"*.odf"<<"*.pdf";
+ //initialize the desktop bar items
+ initializeDesktop();
+ //setup the directory watcher
+ watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this);
+ if(!desktopPath.isEmpty()){
+ watcher->addPath(desktopPath);
+ }
+ connect(watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(desktopChanged()) );
+ QTimer::singleShot(1,this, SLOT(desktopChanged()) ); //make sure to load it the first time
+ QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(OrientationChange()) ); //adjust sizes/layout
+ if(!desktopPath.isEmpty()){
+ watcher->removePath(desktopPath);
+ disconnect(watcher);
+ }
+ delete watcher;
+// =======================
+// =======================
+void LDeskBarPlugin::initializeDesktop(){
+ //Applications on the desktop
+ appB = new QToolButton(this);
+ appB->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("favorites", "") );
+ appB->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
+ appB->setToolTip(tr("Favorite Applications"));
+ appB->setAutoRaise(true);
+ appB->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup);
+ appM = new QMenu(this);
+ appB->setMenu(appM);
+ this->layout()->addWidget(appB);
+ connect(appM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ //Directories on the desktop
+ dirB = new QToolButton(this);
+ dirB->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("folder", "") );
+ dirB->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
+ dirB->setToolTip(tr("Favorite Folders"));
+ dirB->setAutoRaise(true);
+ dirB->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup);
+ dirM = new QMenu(this);
+ dirB->setMenu(dirM);
+ this->layout()->addWidget(dirB);
+ connect(dirM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ //Audio Files on the desktop
+ audioM = new QMenu(tr("Audio"), this);
+ connect(audioM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ audioM->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("audio-x-generic","") );
+ //Video Files on the desktop
+ videoM = new QMenu(tr("Video"), this);
+ connect(videoM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ videoM->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("video-x-generic","") );
+ //Picture Files on the desktop
+ pictureM = new QMenu(tr("Pictures"), this);
+ connect(pictureM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ pictureM->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("image-x-generic","") );
+ //Other Files on the desktop
+ otherM = new QMenu(tr("Other Files"), this);
+ connect(otherM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ otherM->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("unknown","") );
+ docM = new QMenu(tr("Documents"), this);
+ connect(docM,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this,SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ docM->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("x-office-document","") );
+ //All Files Button
+ fileB = new QToolButton(this);
+ fileB->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-multiple", "") );
+ fileB->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
+ fileB->setToolTip(tr("Favorite Files") );
+ fileB->setAutoRaise(true);
+ fileB->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup);
+ fileM = new QMenu(this);
+ fileB->setMenu(fileM);
+ this->layout()->addWidget(fileB);
+QAction* LDeskBarPlugin::newAction(QString filepath, QString name, QString iconpath){
+ return newAction(filepath, name, QIcon(iconpath));
+QAction* LDeskBarPlugin::newAction(QString filepath, QString name, QIcon icon){
+ QAction *act = new QAction(icon, name, this);
+ act->setWhatsThis(filepath);
+ return act;
+void LDeskBarPlugin::updateMenu(QMenu* menu, QFileInfoList files, bool trim){
+ menu->clear();
+ //re-create the menu (since it is hidden from view)
+ for(int i=0; i<files.length(); i++){
+ qDebug() << "New Menu Item:" << files[i].fileName();
+ if(trim){ totals.removeAll(files[i]); }
+ menu->addAction( newAction( files[i].canonicalFilePath(), files[i].fileName(), "") );
+ }
+// =======================
+// =======================
+void LDeskBarPlugin::ActionTriggered(QAction* act){
+ //Open up the file with the appropriate application
+ QString cmd = "lumina-open \""+act->whatsThis()+"\"";
+ qDebug() << "Open File:" << cmd;
+ LSession::LaunchApplication(cmd);
+void LDeskBarPlugin::desktopChanged(){
+ if(!desktopPath.isEmpty()){
+ QDir dir(desktopPath);
+ totals = dir.entryInfoList( QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name);
+ //Update all the special menus (trimming the totals list as we go)
+ updateMenu(dirM, dir.entryInfoList( QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name) );
+ updateMenu(audioM, dir.entryInfoList( audioFilter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name) );
+ updateMenu(videoM, dir.entryInfoList( videoFilter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name) );
+ updateMenu(pictureM, dir.entryInfoList( pictureFilter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name) );
+ updateMenu(docM, dir.entryInfoList( docsFilter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name) );
+ //Now update the launchers
+ QFileInfoList exe = dir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << "*.desktop", QDir::Files, QDir::Name );
+ // - Get a complete list of apps (in alphabetical order)
+ QList<XDGDesktop> exeList;
+ for(int i=0; i<exe.length(); i++){
+ totals.removeAll(exe[i]); //Remove this item from the totals
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop df = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(exe[i].canonicalFilePath(), ok);
+ if(ok){
+ if( LXDG::checkValidity(df) && !df.isHidden ){ exeList << df; }
+ }
+ }
+ exeList = LXDG::sortDesktopNames(exeList);
+ // - Now re-create the menu with the apps
+ appM->clear();
+ bool listApps = true; //turn this off for the moment (make dynamic later)
+ if(!listApps){
+ //go through the current items and remove them all
+ while( APPLIST.length() > 0){
+ delete this->layout()->takeAt(3); //always after the 3 main menu buttons
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<exeList.length(); i++){
+ if(listApps){ appM->addAction( newAction(exeList[i].filePath, exeList[i].name, LXDG::findIcon(exeList[i].icon, ":/images/default-application.png")) ); }
+ else{
+ //Create a new LTBWidget for this app
+ QToolButton *it = new QToolButton(this);
+ it->setWhatsThis(exeList[i].filePath);
+ it->setToolTip(exeList[i].name);
+ it->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon(exeList[i].icon, "") );
+ it->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
+ it->setAutoRaise(true);
+ it->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup);
+ if(it->icon().isNull()){ it->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("application-x-executable","") ); }
+ connect(it, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this , SLOT(ActionTriggered(QAction*)) );
+ APPLIST << it;
+ this->layout()->addWidget(it);
+ }
+ }
+ //Now update the other menu with everything else that is left
+ updateMenu(otherM, totals, false);
+ //Now update the file menu as appropriate
+ fileM->clear();
+ if(!audioM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(audioM); }
+ if(!docM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(docM); }
+ if(!pictureM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(pictureM); }
+ if(!videoM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(videoM); }
+ if(!otherM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(otherM); }
+ //Check for a single submenu, and skip the main if need be
+ if(fileM->actions().length()==1){
+ if(!audioM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(audioM); }
+ else if(!pictureM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(pictureM); }
+ else if(!videoM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(videoM); }
+ else if(!docM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(docM); }
+ else if(!otherM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(otherM); }
+ }else{
+ fileB->setMenu(fileM);
+ }
+ }
+ //Setup the visibility of the buttons
+ appB->setVisible( !appM->isEmpty() );
+ dirB->setVisible( !dirM->isEmpty() );
+ fileB->setVisible( !fileM->isEmpty() );
+ //Clear the totals list (since no longer in use)
+ totals.clear();
diff --git a/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar/LDeskBar.h b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar/LDeskBar.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e42bd95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/desktopbar/LDeskBar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2012, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+// This plugin displays the contents of the user's home directory
+// as organized within a couple buttons on the panel (apps, dirs, files)
+// Qt includes
+#include <QWidget>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QAction>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QFileSystemWatcher>
+#include <QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QToolButton>
+#include <QDebug>
+// libLumina includes
+#include <LuminaXDG.h>
+// local includes
+//#include "../LTBWidget.h"
+#include "../LPPlugin.h"
+class LDeskBarPlugin : public LPPlugin{
+ LDeskBarPlugin(QWidget* parent=0, QString id = "desktopbar", bool horizontal=true);
+ ~LDeskBarPlugin();
+ //QHBoxLayout *layout;
+ QString desktopPath;
+ QFileSystemWatcher *watcher;
+ //Special toolbuttons and menus
+ QToolButton *appB, *fileB, *dirB;
+ QMenu *appM, *dirM, *audioM, *videoM, *pictureM, *fileM, *otherM, *docM;
+ QStringList audioFilter, videoFilter, pictureFilter, docsFilter;
+ QFileInfoList totals;
+ QList<QToolButton*> APPLIST;
+ void initializeDesktop();
+ //bool readDesktopFile(QString path, QString &name, QString &iconpath);
+ QAction* newAction(QString filepath, QString name, QString iconpath);
+ QAction* newAction(QString filepath, QString name, QIcon icon);
+ void updateMenu(QMenu* menu, QFileInfoList files, bool trim = true);
+private slots:
+ void ActionTriggered(QAction* act);
+ void desktopChanged();
+public slots:
+ void OrientationChange(){
+ QSize sz;
+ if(this->layout()->direction()==QBoxLayout::LeftToRight){
+ this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
+ sz = QSize(this->height(), this->height());
+ }else{
+ this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
+ sz = QSize(this->width(), this->width());
+ }
+ appB->setIconSize(sz);
+ fileB->setIconSize(sz);
+ dirB->setIconSize(sz);
+ for(int i=0; i<APPLIST.length(); i++){
+ APPLIST[i]->setIconSize(sz);
+ }
+ this->layout()->update();
+ }