path: root/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu
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Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu')
2 files changed, 98 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.cpp b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.cpp
index c64f934b..928a93d9 100644
--- a/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.cpp
+++ b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.cpp
@@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ LAppMenuPlugin::LAppMenuPlugin(QWidget *parent, QString id, bool horizontal) : L
button = new QToolButton(this);
- button->setMenu( LSession::handle()->applicationMenu() );
- connect(button->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()));
+ mainmenu = new QMenu(this);
+ button->setMenu( mainmenu );
+ connect(mainmenu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()));
+ connect(mainmenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(LaunchItem(QAction*)) );
+ connect(LSession::handle()->applicationMenu(), SIGNAL(AppMenuUpdated()), this, SIGNAL(UpdateMenu()));
QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(OrientationChange())); //Update icons/sizes
+ QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(UpdateMenu()) );
@@ -37,12 +40,95 @@ void LAppMenuPlugin::updateButtonVisuals(){
// ========================
// ========================
-/*void LAppMenuPlugin::openMenu(){
- usermenu->UpdateMenu();
- menu->popup(this->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)));
+void LAppMenuPlugin::LaunchItem(QAction* item){
+ QString appFile = item->whatsThis();
+ if(appFile.startsWith("internal::")){
+ appFile = appFile.section("::",1,50); //cut off the "internal" flag
+ if(appFile=="logout"){ LSession::handle()->systemWindow(); }
+ }else if(!appFile.isEmpty()){
+ LSession::LaunchApplication("lumina-open "+appFile);
+ }
-void LAppMenuPlugin::closeMenu(){
- menu->hide();
+void LAppMenuPlugin::UpdateMenu(){
+ mainmenu->clear();
+ QHash<QString, QList<XDGDesktop> > *HASH = LSession::handle()->applicationMenu()->currentAppHash();
+ //Now Re-create the menu (orignally copied from the AppMenu class)
+ bool ok; //for checking inputs
+ //Add link to the file manager
+ QAction *tmpact = mainmenu->addAction( LXDG::findIcon("user-home", ""), tr("Browse Files") );
+ tmpact->setWhatsThis("~");
+ //--Look for the app store
+ XDGDesktop store = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(LOS::AppStoreShortcut(), ok);
+ if(ok){
+ tmpact = mainmenu->addAction( LXDG::findIcon(store.icon, ""), tr("Install Applications") );
+ tmpact->setWhatsThis("\""+store.filePath+"\"");
+ }
+ //--Look for the control panel
+ store = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(LOS::ControlPanelShortcut(), ok);
+ if(ok){
+ tmpact = mainmenu->addAction( LXDG::findIcon(store.icon, ""), tr("Control Panel") );
+ tmpact->setWhatsThis("\""+store.filePath+"\"");
+ }
+ mainmenu->addSeparator();
+ //--Now create the sub-menus
+ QStringList cats = HASH->keys();
+ cats.sort(); //make sure they are alphabetical
+ for(int i=0; i<cats.length(); i++){
+ //Make sure they are translated and have the right icons
+ QString name, icon;
+ if(cats[i]=="All"){continue; } //skip this listing for the menu
+ else if(cats[i] == "Multimedia"){ name = tr("Multimedia"); icon = "applications-multimedia"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Development"){ name = tr("Development"); icon = "applications-development"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Education"){ name = tr("Education"); icon = "applications-education"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Game"){ name = tr("Games"); icon = "applications-games"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Graphics"){ name = tr("Graphics"); icon = "applications-graphics"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Network"){ name = tr("Network"); icon = "applications-internet"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Office"){ name = tr("Office"); icon = "applications-office"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Science"){ name = tr("Science"); icon = "applications-science"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Settings"){ name = tr("Settings"); icon = "preferences-system"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "System"){ name = tr("System"); icon = "applications-system"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Utility"){ name = tr("Utility"); icon = "applications-utilities"; }
+ else if(cats[i] == "Wine"){ name = tr("Wine"); icon = "wine"; }
+ else{ name = tr("Unsorted"); icon = "applications-other"; }
+ QMenu *menu = new QMenu(name, this);
+ menu->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon(icon,""));
+ QList<XDGDesktop> appL = HASH->value(cats[i]);
+ for( int a=0; a<appL.length(); a++){
+ if(appL[a].actions.isEmpty()){
+ //Just a single entry point - no extra actions
+ QAction *act = new QAction(LXDG::findIcon(appL[a].icon, ""), appL[a].name, menu);
+ act->setToolTip(appL[a].comment);
+ act->setWhatsThis("\""+appL[a].filePath+"\"");
+ menu->addAction(act);
+ }else{
+ //This app has additional actions - make this a sub menu
+ // - first the main menu/action
+ QMenu *submenu = new QMenu(appL[a].name, menu);
+ submenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon(appL[a].icon,"") );
+ //This is the normal behavior - not a special sub-action (although it needs to be at the top of the new menu)
+ QAction *act = new QAction(LXDG::findIcon(appL[a].icon, ""), appL[a].name, submenu);
+ act->setToolTip(appL[a].comment);
+ act->setWhatsThis(appL[a].filePath);
+ submenu->addAction(act);
+ //Now add entries for every sub-action listed
+ for(int sa=0; sa<appL[a].actions.length(); sa++){
+ QAction *sact = new QAction(LXDG::findIcon(appL[a].actions[sa].icon, appL[a].icon), appL[a].actions[sa].name, this);
+ sact->setToolTip(appL[a].comment);
+ sact->setWhatsThis("-action \""+appL[a].actions[sa].ID+"\" \""+appL[a].filePath+"\"");
+ submenu->addAction(sact);
+ }
+ menu->addMenu(submenu);
+ }
+ }//end loop over apps within this category
+ mainmenu->addMenu(menu);
+ } //end loop over categories
+ //Now add any logout options
+ mainmenu->addSeparator();
+ //QMenu *tmpmenu = mainmenu->addMenu(LXDG::findIcon("system-log-out",""), tr("Leave"));
+ tmpact =mainmenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("system-log-out"),tr("Leave"));
+ tmpact->setWhatsThis("internal::logout");
diff --git a/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.h b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.h
index cd8d1c1e..36cd8605 100644
--- a/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.h
+++ b/lumina-desktop/panel-plugins/appmenu/LAppMenuPlugin.h
@@ -30,12 +30,13 @@ public:
QToolButton *button;
+ QMenu *mainmenu;
void updateButtonVisuals();
private slots:
- //void openMenu();
- //void closeMenu();
+ void LaunchItem(QAction* item);
+ void UpdateMenu();
public slots:
void OrientationChange(){