path: root/lumina-desktop/desktop-plugins/LDPluginContainer.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-desktop/desktop-plugins/LDPluginContainer.h b/lumina-desktop/desktop-plugins/LDPluginContainer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7388a80..00000000
--- a/lumina-desktop/desktop-plugins/LDPluginContainer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-// Lumina-DE source code
-// Copyright (c) 2014, Ken Moore
-// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
-// See the LICENSE file for full details
-// This class is the generic container for a desktop plugin that handles
-// saving/restoring all the movement and sizing
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QMdiSubWindow>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QSettings>
-#include <QMoveEvent>
-#include <QResizeEvent>
-#include <QCloseEvent>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include "LDPlugin.h"
-class LDPluginContainer : public QMdiSubWindow{
- QTimer *syncTimer;
- bool locked, setup;
- LDPlugin *PLUG;
-private slots:
- void saveGeometry(){
- if(PLUG==0){ return; }
- //if(!locked && !setup){
- PLUG->saveSetting("location/x", this->pos().x());
- PLUG->saveSetting("location/y", this->pos().y());
- PLUG->saveSetting("location/width", this->width()-4);
- PLUG->saveSetting("location/height", this->height()-4);
- //}
- }
- LDPluginContainer(LDPlugin *plugin = 0, bool islocked = true) : QMdiSubWindow(){
- locked = islocked;
- setup=true;
- PLUG = plugin;
- syncTimer = new QTimer(this);
- syncTimer->setInterval(500); //save settings 1/2 second after it is moved
- syncTimer->setSingleShot(true); //no repeats
- connect(syncTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(saveGeometry()) );
- this->setWhatsThis(plugin->ID());
- this->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
- if(!locked){
- //this->setStyleSheet("LDPluginContainer{ border-width: 1px;}");
- this->setWindowTitle( plugin->ID().replace("---"," - ") );
- //this->setWidget( new QWidget() );
- this->setWidget( plugin );
- //this->setWindowIcon(QIcon()); //remove the Qt icon
- }else{
- this->setStyleSheet("LDPluginContainer{ background: transparent; border: none;}");
- this->setWidget(plugin);
- }
- //qDebug() << "New Container:" << PLUG->size() << PLUG->sizeHint();
- connect(PLUG, SIGNAL(PluginResized()), this, SLOT(loadInitialPosition()) );
- }
- ~LDPluginContainer(){
- }
- void saveNewPosition(QPoint pt){
- //generally only used while a plugin is locked and does not have an initial position
- // This works around an issue with QMdiArea moving the new container out of alignment
- if(PLUG==0){ return; }
- PLUG->saveSetting("location/x",pt.x());
- PLUG->saveSetting("location/y", pt.y());
- }
- bool hasFixedPosition(){
- return (PLUG->readSetting("location/x",-12345).toInt() != -12345);
- }
-public slots:
- void loadInitialSize(){
- if(PLUG==0){ return; }
- QSize sz(PLUG->readSetting("location/width",100).toInt(), PLUG->readSetting("location/height",100).toInt());
- this->resize(sz);
- }
- void loadInitialPosition(){
- QRect set(PLUG->readSetting("location/x",-12345).toInt(), PLUG->readSetting("location/y",-12345).toInt(), PLUG->readSetting("location/width",PLUG->size().width()).toInt() +4, PLUG->readSetting("location/height",PLUG->size().height()).toInt()+4);
- //qDebug() << "Initial Plugin Location:" << set.x() << set.y() << set.width() << set.height();
- if(set.height() < 10){ set.setHeight(10); } //to prevent foot-shooting
- if(set.width() < 10){ set.setWidth(10); } //to prevent foot-shooting
- if(set.x()!=-12345 && set.y()!=-12345){
- //this->move(set.x(), set.y());
- this->setGeometry(set);
- }else{
- qDebug() << " - Found Size:" << set;
- this->resize(set.width(), set.height());
- qDebug() << " - Assigning location:" << this->pos();
- saveNewPosition(this->pos());
- }
- this->show();
- QApplication::processEvents();
- setup=false; //done with setup
- }
- void PluginRemoved(QString);
- void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event){
- //qDebug() << "Move Event: " << PLUG->ID() << setup;
- //Save this location to the settings
- if( !setup ){
- if(syncTimer->isActive()){ syncTimer->stop(); }
- syncTimer->start();
- //qDebug() << "DP Move:" << event->pos().x() << event->pos().y();
- }
- QMdiSubWindow::moveEvent(event); //be sure to pass this event along to the container
- }
- void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event){
- //Save this size info to the settings
- if(!setup){
- //qDebug() << "DP Resize:" << event->size().width() << event->size().height();
- if(syncTimer->isActive()){ syncTimer->stop(); }
- syncTimer->start();
- }
- QMdiSubWindow::resizeEvent(event); //be sure to pass this event along to the container
- }
- void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event){
- //qDebug() << "Desktop Plugin Close Event:" << this->whatsThis();
- if( !this->whatsThis().isEmpty() && !locked){
- //Plugin removed by the user - delete the settings file
- locked = true; //ensure that the save settings routines don't do anything during the close
- emit PluginRemoved( this->whatsThis() );
- }
- if(syncTimer->isActive()){ syncTimer->stop(); } //prevent save routine from running in a moment
- //settings = 0; //ensure we don't touch the settings file after a close event
- QMdiSubWindow::closeEvent(event); //continue closing this window
- }