path: root/lumina-config/mainUI.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-config/mainUI.cpp')
1 files changed, 1436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-config/mainUI.cpp b/lumina-config/mainUI.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52361ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lumina-config/mainUI.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1436 @@
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2014, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+#include "mainUI.h"
+#include "ui_mainUI.h" //the designer *.ui file
+MainUI::MainUI() : QMainWindow(), ui(new Ui::MainUI()){
+ ui->setupUi(this); //load the designer file
+ this->setWindowIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-display","") );
+ PINFO = new LPlugins(); //load the info class
+ //Be careful about the QSettings setup, it must match the lumina-desktop setup
+ QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina");
+ settings = new QSettings( QSettings::UserScope, "LuminaDE", "desktopsettings", this);
+ appsettings = new QSettings( QSettings::UserScope, "LuminaDE", "lumina-open", this);
+ sessionsettings = new QSettings( QSettings::UserScope, "LuminaDE","sessionsettings", this);
+ qDebug() << "Settings File:" << settings->fileName();
+ desktop = new QDesktopWidget();
+ ui->spin_screen->setMinimum(1);
+ //Make sure this is only allows the current number of screens
+ ui->spin_screen->setMaximum(desktop->screenCount());
+ ui->spin_screen->setValue(desktop->primaryScreen()+1); //have the current screen auto-selected
+ //qDebug() << "Number of Screens:" << desktop->screenCount();
+ sysApps = LXDG::sortDesktopNames( LXDG::systemDesktopFiles() );
+ //Now finish setting up the UI
+ setupIcons();
+ setupMenus();
+ setupConnections();
+ //Start on the Desktop page
+ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_desktop);
+ slotChangePage(false);
+ QTimer::singleShot(10, this, SLOT(loadCurrentSettings()) );
+ //Disable the incomplete pages/items at the moment
+ ui->check_session_playloginaudio->setVisible(false);
+ ui->check_session_playlogoutaudio->setVisible(false);
+void MainUI::slotSingleInstance(){
+ //Make sure this window is visible
+ this->showNormal();
+ this->activateWindow();
+ this->raise();
+void MainUI::setupIcons(){
+ //Pull all the icons from the current theme using libLumina (LXDG)
+ //General UI
+ ui->actionDesktop->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-wallpaper","") );
+ ui->actionPanels->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("configure-toolbars","") );
+ ui->actionMenu->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-icons","") );
+ ui->actionShortcuts->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("configure-shortcuts","") );
+ ui->actionDefaults->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-filetype-association","") );
+ ui->actionSession->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-system-session-services","") );
+ ui->push_save->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-save","") );
+ //Desktop Page
+ ui->tool_desk_addbg->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_desk_rmbg->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_desk_addplug->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ //Panels Page
+ ui->tool_panel1_add->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_panel1_rm->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_panel1_addplugin->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_panel1_rmplugin->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_panel1_upplug->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-up","") );
+ ui->tool_panel1_dnplug->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-down","") );
+ ui->tool_panel1_getcolor->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-color","") );
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setItemIcon(0,LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-display",""));
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setItemIcon(1,LXDG::findIcon("preferences-plugin",""));
+ ui->tool_panel2_add->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_panel2_rm->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_panel2_addplugin->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_panel2_rmplugin->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_panel2_upplug->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-up","") );
+ ui->tool_panel2_dnplug->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-down","") );
+ ui->tool_panel2_getcolor->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-color","") );
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setItemIcon(0,LXDG::findIcon("preferences-desktop-display",""));
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setItemIcon(1,LXDG::findIcon("preferences-plugin",""));
+ //Menu Page
+ ui->tool_menu_add->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_menu_rm->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_menu_up->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-up","") );
+ ui->tool_menu_dn->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("go-down","") );
+ ui->tool_menu_findterm->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("system-search","") );
+ //Shortcuts Page
+ ui->tool_shortcut_set->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("input-keyboard","") );
+ ui->tool_shortcut_clear->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("edit-clear","") );
+ //Defaults Page
+ ui->tool_defaults_addextension->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_defaults_addgroup->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
+ ui->tool_defaults_clear->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("edit-clear","") );
+ ui->tool_defaults_set->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("system-run","") );
+ //Session Page
+ ui->tool_session_rmapp->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-remove","") );
+ ui->tool_session_addapp->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("system-run","") );
+ ui->tool_session_addbin->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("system-search","") );
+ ui->tool_session_addfile->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("run-build-file","") );
+void MainUI::setupConnections(){
+ //General UI
+ connect(ui->actionDesktop, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( slotChangePage(bool)) );
+ connect(ui->actionPanels, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( slotChangePage(bool)) );
+ connect(ui->actionMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( slotChangePage(bool)) );
+ connect(ui->actionShortcuts, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( slotChangePage(bool)) );
+ connect(ui->actionDefaults, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( slotChangePage(bool)) );
+ connect(ui->actionSession, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT( slotChangePage(bool)) );
+ connect(ui->push_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveCurrentSettings()) );
+ connect(ui->spin_screen, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotChangeScreen()) );
+ //Desktop Page
+ connect(ui->combo_desk_plugs, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(deskplugchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->combo_desk_bg, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(deskbgchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->radio_desk_multi, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(desktimechanged()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_desk_addplug, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deskplugadded()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_desk_addbg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deskbgadded()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_desk_rmbg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deskbgremoved()) );
+ connect(ui->spin_desk_min, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(desktimechanged()) );
+ //Panels Page
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_add,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addpanel1()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_add,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addpanel2()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_rm,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rmpanel1()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_rm,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rmpanel2()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_getcolor,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getpanel1color()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_getcolor,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getpanel2color()) );
+ connect(ui->toolBox_panel1, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustpanel2()) );
+ connect(ui->toolBox_panel2, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustpanel1()) );
+ connect(ui->combo_panel1_loc, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustpanel2()) );
+ connect(ui->combo_panel2_loc, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustpanel1()) );
+ connect(ui->spin_panel1_size, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustpanel2()) );
+ connect(ui->spin_panel2_size, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjustpanel1()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_addplugin, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addpanel1plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_rmplugin, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rmpanel1plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_upplug, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(uppanel1plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel1_dnplug, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(dnpanel1plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_addplugin, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addpanel2plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_rmplugin, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rmpanel2plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_upplug, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(uppanel2plugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_panel2_dnplug, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(dnpanel2plugin()) );
+ //Menu Page
+ connect(ui->tool_menu_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addmenuplugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_menu_rm, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rmmenuplugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_menu_up, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(upmenuplugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_menu_dn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(downmenuplugin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_menu_findterm, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findmenuterminal()) );
+ connect(ui->list_menu, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(checkmenuicons()) );
+ connect(ui->line_menu_term, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkmenuicons()) );
+ //Shortcuts Page
+ connect(ui->tool_shortcut_clear, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearKeyBinding()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_shortcut_set, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getKeyPress()) );
+ //Defaults Page
+ connect(ui->tool_defaults_addextension, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(adddefaultextension()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_defaults_addgroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(adddefaultgroup()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_defaults_clear, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cleardefaultitem()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_defaults_set, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setdefaultitem()) );
+ connect(ui->tree_defaults, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(checkdefaulticons()) );
+ //Session Page
+ connect(ui->tool_session_addapp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addsessionstartapp()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_session_addbin, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addsessionstartbin()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_session_addfile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addsessionstartfile()) );
+ connect(ui->tool_session_rmapp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(rmsessionstartitem()) );
+ connect(ui->combo_session_wfocus, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->combo_session_wloc, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->combo_session_wtheme, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->check_session_numlock, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->check_session_playloginaudio, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->check_session_playlogoutaudio, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->spin_session_wkspaces, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionoptchanged()) );
+ connect(ui->list_session_start, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sessionstartchanged()) );
+void MainUI::setupMenus(){
+ //Desktop Plugin Menu
+ ui->combo_desk_plugs->clear();
+ QStringList plugs = PINFO->desktopPlugins();
+ for(int i=0; i<plugs.length(); i++){
+ LPI info = PINFO->desktopPluginInfo(plugs[i]);
+ ui->combo_desk_plugs->addItem( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,""), info.name, plugs[i]);
+ }
+ ui->tool_desk_addplug->setEnabled(!plugs.isEmpty());
+ deskplugchanged(); //make sure it loads the right info
+ //Panel locations
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->clear();
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->clear();
+ QStringList loc; loc << tr("Top") << tr("Bottom") << tr("Left") << tr("Right");
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->addItems(loc);
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->addItems(loc);
+ //Session window manager settings
+ ui->combo_session_wfocus->clear();
+ ui->combo_session_wfocus->addItem( tr("Click To Focus"), "ClickToFocus");
+ ui->combo_session_wfocus->addItem( tr("Active Mouse Focus"), "MouseFocus");
+ ui->combo_session_wfocus->addItem( tr("Strict Mouse Focus"), "StrictMouseFocus");
+ ui->combo_session_wloc->clear();
+ ui->combo_session_wloc->addItem( tr("Align in a Row"), "RowSmartPlacement");
+ ui->combo_session_wloc->addItem( tr("Align in a Column"), "ColSmartPlacement");
+ ui->combo_session_wloc->addItem( tr("Cascade"), "CascadePlacement");
+ ui->combo_session_wloc->addItem( tr("Underneath Mouse"), "UnderMousePlacement");
+ ui->combo_session_wtheme->clear();
+ #ifdef __FreeBSD__
+ QDir fbdir("/usr/local/share/fluxbox/styles");
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __linux__
+ QDir fbdir("/usr/share/fluxbox/styles");
+ #endif
+ QStringList fbstyles = fbdir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name);
+ for(int i=0; i<fbstyles.length(); i++){
+ ui->combo_session_wtheme->addItem(fbstyles[i], fbdir.absoluteFilePath(fbstyles[i]));
+ }
+int MainUI::currentDesktop(){
+ return ui->spin_screen->value()-1; //backend starts at 0, not 1
+QString MainUI::getColorStyle(QString current){
+ QString out;
+ //Convert the current color string into a QColor
+ QStringList col = current.section(")",0,0).section("(",1,1).split(",");
+ if(col.length()!=4){ col.clear(); col << "255" << "255" << "255" << "255"; }
+ QColor ccol = QColor(col[0].toInt(), col[1].toInt(), col[2].toInt(), col[3].toInt()); //RGBA
+ QColor ncol = QColorDialog::getColor(ccol, this, tr("Select Panel Color"), QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel);
+ //Now convert the new color into a usable string and return
+ if(ncol.isValid()){ //if the dialog was not cancelled
+ out = "rgba("+QString::number(ncol.red())+","+QString::number(ncol.green())+","+QString::number(ncol.blue())+","+QString::number(ncol.alpha())+")";
+ }
+ return out;
+QString MainUI::getNewPanelPlugin(){
+ QString out;
+ //Now let the user select a new panel plugin
+ QStringList plugs = PINFO->panelPlugins();
+ QStringList names;
+ for(int i=0; i<plugs.length(); i++){
+ names << PINFO->panelPluginInfo(plugs[i]).name;
+ }
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString sel = QInputDialog::getItem(this, tr("New Panel Plugin"), tr("Add Plugin:"), names, 0, false, &ok);
+ if(ok && !sel.isEmpty()){
+ out = plugs[ names.indexOf(sel) ];
+ }
+ return out;
+XDGDesktop MainUI::getSysApp(){
+ //Prompt the user to select an application on the system
+ QStringList apps;
+ for(int i=0; i<sysApps.length(); i++){
+ apps << sysApps[i].name;
+ }
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString app = QInputDialog::getItem(this, tr("Select Application"), tr("App Name:"), apps, 0, false, &ok);
+ int index = apps.indexOf(app);
+ if(app.isEmpty() || index < 0 || !ok){ return XDGDesktop(); } //nothing selected
+ else{ return sysApps[index]; }
+//Convert to/from fluxbox key codes
+QString MainUI::dispToFluxKeys(QString in){
+ in.replace("Ctrl", "Control");
+ in.replace("Shift", "Shift");
+ in.replace("Alt", "Mod1");
+ in.replace("Meta", "Mod4");
+ in.replace("PgUp", "Prior");
+ in.replace("PgDown", "Next");
+ in.replace("Del", "Delete");
+ in.replace("Backspace", "BackSpace");
+ in.replace("Ins","Insert");
+ in.replace("Volume Up", "XF86AudioRaiseVolume"); //multimedia key
+ in.replace("Volume Down", "XF86AudioLowerVolume"); //multimedia key
+ return in;
+QString MainUI::fluxToDispKeys(QString in){
+ in.replace("Control", "Ctrl");
+ in.replace("Shift", "Shift");
+ in.replace("Mod1", "Alt");
+ in.replace("Mod4", "Meta");
+ in.replace("Prior", "PgUp");
+ in.replace("Next", "PgDown");
+ //in.replace("Delete", "Del"); //the "Delete" is better looking
+ in.replace("BackSpace", "Backspace");
+ //in.replace("Insert", "Ins"); //the "Insert" is better looking
+ in.replace("XF86AudioRaiseVolume", "Volume Up"); //multimedia key
+ in.replace("XF86AudioLowerVolume", "Volume Down"); //multimedia key
+ return in;
+//Read/overwrite a text file
+QStringList MainUI::readFile(QString path){
+ QStringList out;
+ QFile file(path);
+ if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
+ QTextStream txt(&file);
+ while(!txt.atEnd()){
+ out << txt.readLine();
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ return out;
+bool MainUI::overwriteFile(QString path, QStringList contents){
+ QFile file(path);
+ if(file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)){
+ QTextStream txt(&file);
+ for(int i=0; i<contents.length(); i++){
+ txt << contents[i]+"\n";
+ }
+ file.close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void MainUI::slotChangePage(bool enabled){
+ //Do not allow the user to de-select a button (make them act like radio buttons)
+ //qDebug() << "Page Change:" << enabled;
+ bool showScreen = false; //set this for pages that have per-screen settings
+ if(!enabled){
+ //Re-enable the current button
+ ui->actionDesktop->setChecked(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_desktop);
+ ui->actionPanels->setChecked(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_panels);
+ ui->actionMenu->setChecked(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_menu);
+ ui->actionShortcuts->setChecked(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_shortcuts);
+ ui->actionDefaults->setChecked(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_defaults);
+ ui->actionSession->setChecked(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_session);
+ showScreen = (ui->actionDesktop->isChecked() || ui->actionPanels->isChecked());
+ //Ask if they want to reset any changes on the current page
+ }else{
+ //uncheck the button associated with the currently open page
+ if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_desktop){ ui->actionDesktop->setChecked(false); }
+ if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_panels){ ui->actionPanels->setChecked(false); }
+ if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_menu){ ui->actionMenu->setChecked(false); }
+ if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_shortcuts){ ui->actionShortcuts->setChecked(false); }
+ if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_defaults){ ui->actionDefaults->setChecked(false); }
+ if(ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()==ui->page_session){ ui->actionSession->setChecked(false); }
+ //switch to the new page
+ if(ui->actionDesktop->isChecked()){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_desktop); showScreen=true;}
+ else if(ui->actionPanels->isChecked()){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_panels); showScreen=true; }
+ else if(ui->actionMenu->isChecked()){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_menu); }
+ else if(ui->actionShortcuts->isChecked()){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_shortcuts); }
+ else if(ui->actionDefaults->isChecked()){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_defaults); }
+ else if(ui->actionSession->isChecked()){ ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_session); }
+ }
+ ui->group_screen->setVisible(showScreen && (ui->spin_screen->maximum()>1) );
+ if(ui->page_panels->isVisible()){ checkpanels(); }
+void MainUI::slotChangeScreen(){
+ static int cscreen = 0; //current screen
+ int newscreen = currentDesktop();
+ if(cscreen!=newscreen){
+ if(moddesk || modpan){
+ if(QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Save Changes?"), tr("You currently have unsaved changes for this screen. Do you want to save them first?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes) ){
+ saveCurrentSettings(true); //only save current screen settings
+ }
+ }
+ loadCurrentSettings(true);
+ cscreen = newscreen; //save that this screen is current now
+ }
+void MainUI::saveAndQuit(){
+ saveCurrentSettings();
+ this->close();
+//General Utility Functions
+void MainUI::loadCurrentSettings(bool screenonly){
+ loading = true;
+ settings->sync();
+ appsettings->sync();
+ int cdesk = currentDesktop();
+ QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+QString::number(cdesk)+"/";
+ bool primary = (desktop->screenGeometry(cdesk).x()==0);
+ //Desktop Page
+ QStringList bgs = settings->value(DPrefix+"background/filelist", QStringList()<<"default").toStringList();
+ ui->combo_desk_bg->clear();
+ for(int i=0; i<bgs.length(); i++){
+ if(bgs[i]=="default"){ ui->combo_desk_bg->addItem( QIcon(DEFAULTBG), tr("System Default"), bgs[i] ); }
+ else{ ui->combo_desk_bg->addItem( QIcon(bgs[i]), bgs[i].section("/",-1), bgs[i] ); }
+ }
+ ui->radio_desk_multi->setEnabled(bgs.length()>1);
+ if(bgs.length()>1){ ui->radio_desk_multi->setChecked(true);}
+ else{ ui->radio_desk_single->setChecked(true); }
+ ui->spin_desk_min->setValue( settings->value(DPrefix+"background/minutesToChange", 5).toInt() );
+ desktimechanged(); //ensure the display gets updated (in case the radio selection did not change);
+ ui->label_desk_res->setText( tr("Screen Resolution:")+"\n"+QString::number(desktop->screenGeometry(cdesk).width())+"x"+QString::number(desktop->screenGeometry(cdesk).height()) );
+ //Panels Page
+ int panels = settings->value(DPrefix+"panels",-1).toInt();
+ if(panels==-1 && primary){ panels=1; }
+ panelnumber = 0;
+ if(panels >= 1){
+ //Load the panel 1 information
+ QString PPrefix = "panel"+QString::number(cdesk)+".0/";
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setVisible(true);
+ ui->spin_panel1_size->setValue( settings->value( PPrefix+"height",30).toInt() );
+ QString loc = settings->value(PPrefix+"location","top").toString().toLower();
+ if(loc=="top"){ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(0); }
+ else if(loc=="bottom"){ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(1); }
+ else if(loc=="left"){ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(2); }
+ else{ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(3); } //right
+ QStringList plugs = settings->value(PPrefix+"pluginlist", QStringList()).toStringList();
+ if(plugs.isEmpty() && primary){ plugs << "userbutton" << "taskmanager" << "systemtray" << "clock" << "systemdashboard"; }
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->clear();
+ for(int i=0; i<plugs.length(); i++){
+ QString pid = plugs[i].section("---",0,0);
+ LPI info = PINFO->panelPluginInfo(pid);
+ if(!info.ID.isEmpty()){
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,""), info.name );
+ it->setWhatsThis(plugs[i]); //make sure to preserve the entire plugin ID (is the unique version)
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->addItem(it);
+ }
+ }
+ QString color = settings->value(PPrefix+"color","rgba(255,255,255,160)").toString();
+ ui->label_panel1_sample->setWhatsThis(color);
+ ui->label_panel1_sample->setStyleSheet("background: "+color);
+ panelnumber++;
+ }else{
+ //Panel 1 defaults
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setVisible(false); //not initially visible
+ ui->spin_panel1_size->setValue(30);
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(0); //Top
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->clear();
+ ui->label_panel1_sample->setWhatsThis("rgba(255,255,255,160)");
+ ui->label_panel1_sample->setStyleSheet("background: rgba(255,255,255,160)");
+ }
+ if(panels >= 2){
+ //Load the panel 2 information
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setVisible(true);
+ QString PPrefix = "panel"+QString::number(cdesk)+".1/";
+ ui->spin_panel2_size->setValue( settings->value( PPrefix+"height",30).toInt() );
+ QString loc = settings->value(PPrefix+"location","top").toString().toLower();
+ if(loc=="top"){ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(0); }
+ else if(loc=="bottom"){ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(1); }
+ else if(loc=="left"){ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(2); }
+ else{ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(3); } //right
+ QStringList plugs = settings->value(PPrefix+"pluginlist", QStringList()).toStringList();
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->clear();
+ for(int i=0; i<plugs.length(); i++){
+ QString pid = plugs[i].section("---",0,0);
+ LPI info = PINFO->panelPluginInfo(pid);
+ if(!info.ID.isEmpty()){
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,""), info.name );
+ it->setWhatsThis(plugs[i]); //make sure to preserve the entire plugin ID (is the unique version)
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->addItem(it);
+ }
+ }
+ QString color = settings->value(PPrefix+"color","rgba(255,255,255,160)").toString();
+ ui->label_panel2_sample->setWhatsThis(color);
+ ui->label_panel2_sample->setStyleSheet("background: "+color);
+ panelnumber++;
+ }else{
+ //Panel 2 defaults
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setVisible(false); //not initially visible
+ ui->spin_panel2_size->setValue(30);
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(1); //Bottom
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->clear();
+ ui->label_panel2_sample->setWhatsThis("rgba(255,255,255,160)");
+ ui->label_panel2_sample->setStyleSheet("background: rgba(255,255,255,160)");
+ }
+ checkpanels(); //make sure buttons are updated
+ if(!screenonly){
+ // Menu Page
+ //Default terminal binary
+ ui->line_menu_term->setText( settings->value("default-terminal","xterm").toString() );
+ //Menu Items
+ QStringList items = settings->value("menu/itemlist", QStringList() ).toStringList();
+ if(items.isEmpty()){ items << "terminal" << "filemanager" << "applications" << "line" << "settings"; }
+ //qDebug() << "Menu Items:" << items;
+ ui->list_menu->clear();
+ for(int i=0; i<items.length(); i++){
+ LPI info = PINFO->menuPluginInfo(items[i]);
+ if(items[i].startsWith("app::::")){
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop desk = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(items[i].section("::::",1,1), ok);
+ if(!ok){ continue; } //invalid application file (no longer installed?)
+ QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem();
+ item->setWhatsThis( items[i] );
+ item->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon(desk.icon) );
+ item->setText( desk.name );
+ item->setToolTip( desk.comment );
+ ui->list_menu->addItem(item);
+ continue; //now go to the next item
+ }
+ if(info.ID.isEmpty()){ continue; } //invalid plugin
+ //qDebug() << "Add Menu Item:" << info.ID;
+ QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem();
+ item->setWhatsThis( info.ID );
+ item->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,"") );
+ item->setText( info.name );
+ item->setToolTip( info.description );
+ ui->list_menu->addItem(item);
+ }
+ checkmenuicons(); //update buttons
+ }
+ //Shortcuts Page
+ if(!screenonly){ loadKeyboardShortcuts(); }
+ //Defaults Page
+ if(!screenonly){ loadDefaultSettings(); }
+ //Session Page
+ if(!screenonly){ loadSessionSettings(); }
+ //Now disable the save button since nothing has changed yet
+ loading = false;
+ moddesk = modpan =false;
+ if(!screenonly){ modmenu = modshort = moddef = modses = false; }//all setup back to original
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(modmenu || modshort || moddef || modses);
+void MainUI::saveCurrentSettings(bool screenonly){
+ QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+QString::number(currentDesktop())+"/";
+ // Desktop Page
+ if(moddesk){
+ QStringList bgs; //get the list of backgrounds to use
+ if(ui->radio_desk_multi->isChecked()){
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->combo_desk_bg->count(); i++){
+ bgs << ui->combo_desk_bg->itemData(i).toString();
+ }
+ }else if(ui->combo_desk_bg->count() > 0){
+ bgs << ui->combo_desk_bg->itemData( ui->combo_desk_bg->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ bgs.removeAll("default");
+ }
+ settings->setValue(DPrefix+"background/filelist", bgs);
+ settings->setValue(DPrefix+"background/minutesToChange", ui->spin_desk_min->value());
+ }
+ // Panels Page
+ if(modpan){
+ settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", panelnumber);
+ if(panelnumber>=1){
+ QString PPrefix = "panel"+QString::number(currentDesktop())+".0/";
+ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"color", ui->label_panel1_sample->whatsThis());
+ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"height", ui->spin_panel1_size->value());
+ int loc = ui->combo_panel1_loc->currentIndex();
+ if(loc==0){ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "top"); }
+ else if(loc==1){ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "bottom"); }
+ else if(loc==2){ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "left"); }
+ else{ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "right"); }
+ QStringList plugs;
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->list_panel1_plugins->count(); i++){
+ plugs << ui->list_panel1_plugins->item(i)->whatsThis();
+ }
+ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"pluginlist",plugs);
+ }else{
+ //Clear that panel's saved settings
+ QStringList keys = settings->allKeys().filter("panel"+QString::number(currentDesktop())+".0/");
+ for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){ settings->remove(keys[i]); }
+ }
+ if(panelnumber>=2){
+ QString PPrefix = "panel"+QString::number(currentDesktop())+".1/";
+ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"color", ui->label_panel2_sample->whatsThis());
+ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"height", ui->spin_panel2_size->value());
+ int loc = ui->combo_panel2_loc->currentIndex();
+ if(loc==0){ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "top"); }
+ else if(loc==1){ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "bottom"); }
+ else if(loc==2){ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "left"); }
+ else{ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"location", "right"); }
+ QStringList plugs;
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->list_panel2_plugins->count(); i++){
+ plugs << ui->list_panel2_plugins->item(i)->whatsThis();
+ }
+ settings->setValue(PPrefix+"pluginlist",plugs);
+ }else{
+ //Clear that panel's saved settings
+ QStringList keys = settings->allKeys().filter("panel"+QString::number(currentDesktop())+".1/");
+ for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){ settings->remove(keys[i]); }
+ }
+ }
+ // Menu Page
+ if(modmenu && !screenonly){
+ settings->setValue("default-terminal", ui->line_menu_term->text() );
+ QStringList items;
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->list_menu->count(); i++){
+ items << ui->list_menu->item(i)->whatsThis();
+ }
+ settings->setValue("menu/itemlist", items);
+ }
+ //Shortcuts page
+ if(modshort && !screenonly){
+ saveKeyboardShortcuts();
+ }
+ //Defaults page
+ if(moddef && !screenonly){
+ saveDefaultSettings();
+ }
+ //Session Page
+ if(modses && !screenonly){
+ saveSessionSettings();
+ }
+ //All done - make sure the changes get saved to file right now
+ settings->sync();
+ appsettings->sync();
+ moddesk = modpan = false;
+ if(!screenonly){ modmenu = modshort = moddef = modses = false; }
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(modmenu || modshort || moddef || modses); //wait for new changes
+void MainUI::deskplugchanged(){
+ //NOTE: This is not a major change and will not enable the save button
+ if(ui->combo_desk_plugs->count()==0){
+ //No plugins available
+ ui->label_desk_pluginfo->setText("");
+ return;
+ }
+ //Load the new plugin summary
+ QString plug = ui->combo_desk_plugs->itemData( ui->combo_desk_plugs->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ LPI info = PINFO->desktopPluginInfo(plug);
+ ui->label_desk_pluginfo->setText( info.description );
+void MainUI::deskbgchanged(){
+ //Load the new image preview
+ if(ui->combo_desk_bg->count()==0){
+ ui->label_desk_bgview->setPixmap(QPixmap());
+ ui->label_desk_bgview->setText(tr("No Background")+"\n"+tr("(use system default)"));
+ }else{
+ QString path = ui->combo_desk_bg->itemData( ui->combo_desk_bg->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ if(path=="default"){ path = DEFAULTBG; }
+ if(QFile::exists(path)){
+ QSize sz = ui->label_desk_bgview->size();
+ sz.setWidth( sz.width() - (2*ui->label_desk_bgview->frameWidth()) );
+ sz.setHeight( sz.height() - (2*ui->label_desk_bgview->frameWidth()) );
+ ui->label_desk_bgview->setPixmap( QPixmap(path).scaled(sz, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) );
+ }else{
+ ui->label_desk_bgview->setPixmap(QPixmap());
+ ui->label_desk_bgview->setText(tr("File does not exist"));
+ }
+ }
+ //See if this constitues a change to the current settings and enable the save button
+ if(!loading && ui->radio_desk_single->isChecked()){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); moddesk=true;}
+ //Disable the background rotation option if only one background selected
+ if(ui->combo_desk_bg->count()<2){
+ ui->radio_desk_single->setChecked(true);
+ ui->radio_desk_multi->setEnabled(false);
+ ui->spin_desk_min->setEnabled(false);
+ }else{
+ ui->radio_desk_multi->setEnabled(true);
+ ui->spin_desk_min->setEnabled(ui->radio_desk_multi->isChecked());
+ }
+ //Disable the bg remove button if no backgrounds loaded
+ ui->tool_desk_rmbg->setEnabled(ui->combo_desk_bg->count()>0);
+void MainUI::desktimechanged(){
+ ui->spin_desk_min->setEnabled(ui->radio_desk_multi->isChecked());
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); moddesk = true; }
+void MainUI::deskbgremoved(){
+ if(ui->combo_desk_bg->count()<1){ return; } //nothing to remove
+ ui->combo_desk_bg->removeItem( ui->combo_desk_bg->currentIndex() );
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ moddesk = true;
+void MainUI::deskbgadded(){
+ //Prompt the user to find an image file to use for a background
+ QString dir = "/usr/local/share/wallpapers/Lumina-DE";
+ if( !QFile::exists(dir) ){ dir = QDir::homePath(); }
+ QStringList bgs = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Find Background Image(s)"), dir, "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)");
+ if(bgs.isEmpty()){ return; }
+ for(int i=0; i<bgs.length(); i++){
+ ui->combo_desk_bg->addItem( QIcon(bgs[i]), bgs[i].section("/",-1), bgs[i]);
+ }
+ //Now move to the last item in the list (the new image(s));
+ ui->combo_desk_bg->setCurrentIndex( ui->combo_desk_bg->count()-1 );
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); //this is definitely a change
+ moddesk = true;
+void MainUI::deskplugadded(){
+ settings->sync(); //make sure we have the newly-modified list from the desktop (unique IDs for new plugins)
+ QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+QString::number(currentDesktop())+"/";
+ QStringList plugins = settings->value(DPrefix+"pluginlist").toStringList();
+ //qDebug() << "Current Plugins:" << plugins;
+ plugins << ui->combo_desk_plugs->itemData( ui->combo_desk_plugs->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ //qDebug() << "New Plugins:" << plugins;
+ settings->setValue(DPrefix+"pluginlist", plugins);
+ settings->sync();
+void MainUI::addpanel1(){
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setVisible(true);
+ checkpanels();
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modpan = true;
+ panelnumber = 1;
+void MainUI::addpanel2(){
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setVisible(true);
+ checkpanels();
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modpan = true;
+ panelnumber = 2;
+void MainUI::rmpanel1(){
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setVisible(false);
+ checkpanels();
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modpan = true;
+ panelnumber = 0;
+void MainUI::rmpanel2(){
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setVisible(false);
+ checkpanels();
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modpan = true;
+ panelnumber = 1;
+void MainUI::checkpanels(){
+ //This checks the primary panel buttons/visibility
+ ui->tool_panel1_add->setVisible(!ui->toolBox_panel1->isVisible());
+ ui->tool_panel1_rm->setVisible(ui->toolBox_panel1->isVisible());
+ if(ui->tool_panel1_add->isVisible()){
+ //No panels at all yet - disable the 2nd panel options
+ ui->tool_panel2_add->setVisible(false);
+ ui->tool_panel2_rm->setVisible(false);
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setVisible(false);
+ ui->label_panel2->setVisible(false);
+ ui->gridLayout_panels->setColumnStretch(2,1);
+ panelnumber = 0; //no panels at the moment
+ }else{
+ //Panel 1 is visible - also show options for panel 2 appropriately
+ ui->tool_panel2_add->setVisible(!ui->toolBox_panel2->isVisible());
+ ui->tool_panel2_rm->setVisible(ui->toolBox_panel2->isVisible());
+ ui->label_panel2->setVisible(true);
+ ui->tool_panel1_rm->setVisible(!ui->toolBox_panel2->isVisible());
+ ui->gridLayout_panels->setColumnStretch(2,0);
+ if(ui->tool_panel2_add->isVisible()){ panelnumber = 1; }
+ else{panelnumber = 2; }
+ }
+void MainUI::adjustpanel1(){
+ //Adjust panel 1 to complement a panel 2 change
+ if(loading){ return; }
+ qDebug() << "Adjust Panel 1:";
+ ui->toolBox_panel1->setCurrentIndex( ui->toolBox_panel2->currentIndex() );
+ switch(ui->combo_panel2_loc->currentIndex()){
+ case 0:
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(1); break;
+ case 1:
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(0); break;
+ case 2:
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(3); break;
+ case 3:
+ ui->combo_panel1_loc->setCurrentIndex(2); break;
+ }
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::adjustpanel2(){
+ if(loading){ return; }
+ //Adjust panel 2 to complement a panel 1 change
+ qDebug() << "Adjust Panel 2:";
+ ui->toolBox_panel2->setCurrentIndex( ui->toolBox_panel1->currentIndex() );
+ switch(ui->combo_panel1_loc->currentIndex()){
+ case 0:
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(1); break;
+ case 1:
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(0); break;
+ case 2:
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(3); break;
+ case 3:
+ ui->combo_panel2_loc->setCurrentIndex(2); break;
+ }
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::getpanel1color(){
+ QString color = getColorStyle(ui->label_panel1_sample->whatsThis());
+ if(color.isEmpty()){ return; } //nothing selected
+ ui->label_panel1_sample->setStyleSheet("background: "+color);
+ ui->label_panel1_sample->setWhatsThis(color);
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modpan = true;
+void MainUI::getpanel2color(){
+ QString color = getColorStyle(ui->label_panel2_sample->whatsThis());
+ if(color.isEmpty()){ return; } //nothing selected
+ ui->label_panel2_sample->setStyleSheet("background: "+color);
+ ui->label_panel2_sample->setWhatsThis(color);
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modpan = true;
+void MainUI::addpanel1plugin(){
+ QString pan = getNewPanelPlugin();
+ if(pan.isEmpty()){ return; } //nothing selected
+ //Add the new plugin to the list
+ LPI info = PINFO->panelPluginInfo(pan);
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,""), info.name);
+ it->setWhatsThis(info.ID);
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->addItem(it);
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->setCurrentItem(it);
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->scrollToItem(it);
+ checkpanels(); //update buttons
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::addpanel2plugin(){
+ QString pan = getNewPanelPlugin();
+ if(pan.isEmpty()){ return; } //nothing selected
+ //Add the new plugin to the list
+ LPI info = PINFO->panelPluginInfo(pan);
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,""), info.name);
+ it->setWhatsThis(info.ID);
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->addItem(it);
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->setCurrentItem(it);
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->scrollToItem(it);
+ checkpanels(); //update buttons
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::rmpanel1plugin(){
+ if(ui->list_panel1_plugins->currentRow() < 0){ return; }
+ delete ui->list_panel1_plugins->takeItem( ui->list_panel1_plugins->currentRow() );
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::rmpanel2plugin(){
+ if(ui->list_panel2_plugins->currentRow() < 0){ return; }
+ delete ui->list_panel2_plugins->takeItem( ui->list_panel2_plugins->currentRow() );
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::uppanel1plugin(){
+ int row = ui->list_panel1_plugins->currentRow();
+ if( row <= 0){ return; }
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->insertItem(row-1, ui->list_panel1_plugins->takeItem(row));
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->setCurrentRow(row-1);
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::uppanel2plugin(){
+ int row = ui->list_panel2_plugins->currentRow();
+ if( row <= 0){ return; }
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->insertItem(row-1, ui->list_panel2_plugins->takeItem(row));
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->setCurrentRow(row-1);
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::dnpanel1plugin(){
+ int row = ui->list_panel1_plugins->currentRow();
+ if( row < 0 || row >= (ui->list_panel1_plugins->count()-1) ){ return; }
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->insertItem(row+1, ui->list_panel1_plugins->takeItem(row));
+ ui->list_panel1_plugins->setCurrentRow(row+1);
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::dnpanel2plugin(){
+ int row = ui->list_panel2_plugins->currentRow();
+ if( row < 0 || row >= (ui->list_panel2_plugins->count()-1) ){ return; }
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->insertItem(row+1, ui->list_panel2_plugins->takeItem(row));
+ ui->list_panel2_plugins->setCurrentRow(row+1);
+ if(!loading){ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true); modpan = true; }
+void MainUI::addmenuplugin(){
+ QStringList names;
+ QStringList plugs = PINFO->menuPlugins();
+ for(int i=0; i<plugs.length(); i++){ names << PINFO->menuPluginInfo(plugs[i]).name; }
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString sel = QInputDialog::getItem(this,tr("New Menu Plugin"),tr("Plugin:"), names,0,false,&ok);
+ if(sel.isEmpty() || names.indexOf(sel) < 0 || !ok){ return; }
+ //Now add the item to the list
+ LPI info = PINFO->menuPluginInfo( plugs[ names.indexOf(sel) ] );
+ QListWidgetItem *it;
+ if(info.ID=="app"){
+ //Need to prompt for the exact application to add to the menu
+ // Note: whatsThis() format: "app::::< *.desktop file path >"
+ XDGDesktop desk = getSysApp();
+ if(desk.filePath.isEmpty()){ return; }//nothing selected
+ //Create the item for the list
+ it = new QListWidgetItem(LXDG::findIcon(desk.icon,""), desk.name );
+ it->setWhatsThis(info.ID+"::::"+desk.filePath);
+ it->setToolTip( desk.comment );
+ }else{
+ it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(info.icon,""), info.name );
+ it->setWhatsThis(info.ID);
+ it->setToolTip( info.description );
+ }
+ ui->list_menu->addItem(it);
+ ui->list_menu->setCurrentRow(ui->list_menu->count()-1); //make sure it is auto-selected
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modmenu = true;
+void MainUI::rmmenuplugin(){
+ if(ui->list_menu->currentRow() < 0){ return; } //no selection
+ delete ui->list_menu->takeItem( ui->list_menu->currentRow() );
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modmenu = true;
+void MainUI::upmenuplugin(){
+ int row = ui->list_menu->currentRow();
+ if(row <= 0){ return; }
+ ui->list_menu->insertItem(row-1, ui->list_menu->takeItem(row));
+ ui->list_menu->setCurrentRow(row-1);
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ checkmenuicons();
+ modmenu = true;
+void MainUI::downmenuplugin(){
+ int row = ui->list_menu->currentRow();
+ if(row < 0 || row >= (ui->list_menu->count()-1) ){ return; }
+ ui->list_menu->insertItem(row+1, ui->list_menu->takeItem(row));
+ ui->list_menu->setCurrentRow(row+1);
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ checkmenuicons();
+ modmenu = true;
+void MainUI::findmenuterminal(){
+ QString chkpath = "/usr/local/bin";
+ if(!QFile::exists(chkpath)){ chkpath = QDir::homePath(); }
+ QString bin = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Set Default Terminal Application"), chkpath, tr("Application Binaries (*)") );
+ if( bin.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(bin) ){ return; } //cancelled
+ if( !QFileInfo(bin).isExecutable() ){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Binary"), tr("The selected file is not executable!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ ui->line_menu_term->setText(bin);
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modmenu = true;
+void MainUI::checkmenuicons(){
+ ui->tool_menu_up->setEnabled( ui->list_menu->currentRow() > 0 );
+ ui->tool_menu_dn->setEnabled( ui->list_menu->currentRow() < (ui->list_menu->count()-1) );
+ ui->tool_menu_rm->setEnabled( ui->list_menu->currentRow() >=0 );
+ if(settings->value("default-terminal","").toString()!=ui->line_menu_term->text()){
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modmenu = true;
+ }
+// Shortcuts Page
+void MainUI::loadKeyboardShortcuts(){
+ ui->tree_shortcut->clear();
+ QStringList info = readFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/fluxbox-keys");
+ //First take care of the special Lumina options
+ QStringList special;
+ special << "Exec lumina-open -volumeup::::"+tr("Audio Volume Up") \
+ << "Exec lumina-open -volumedown::::"+tr("Audio Volume Down") \
+ << "Exec lumina-open -brightnessup::::"+tr("Screen Brightness Up") \
+ << "Exec lumina-open -brightnessdown::::"+tr("Screen Brightness Down") \
+ << "Exec lumina-screenshot::::"+tr("Take Screenshot");
+ for(int i=0; i<special.length(); i++){
+ QString spec = info.filter(":"+special[i].section("::::",0,0)).join("").simplified();
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = new QTreeWidgetItem();
+ it->setText(0, special[i].section("::::",1,1));
+ it->setWhatsThis(0, special[i].section("::::",0,0));
+ if(!spec.isEmpty()){
+ info.removeAll(spec); //this line has been dealt with - remove it
+ it->setText(1, fluxToDispKeys(spec.section(":",0,0)) ); //need to make this easier to read later
+ it->setWhatsThis(1, spec.section(":",0,0) );
+ }
+ ui->tree_shortcut->addTopLevelItem(it);
+ }
+ //Now add support for all the other fluxbox shortcuts
+ for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
+ //skip empty/invalid lines, as well as non-global shortcuts (OnMenu, OnWindow, etc..)
+ if(info[i].isEmpty() || info[i].startsWith("#") || info[i].startsWith("!") || info[i].startsWith("On")){ continue; }
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = new QTreeWidgetItem();
+ it->setText(0, info[i].section(":",1,10).replace("Exec ","Run ").section("{",0,0).simplified());
+ it->setWhatsThis(0, info[i].section(":",1,10));
+ it->setText(1, fluxToDispKeys(info[i].section(":",0,0)) ); //need to make this easier to read later
+ it->setWhatsThis(1, info[i].section(":",0,0) );
+ ui->tree_shortcut->addTopLevelItem(it);
+ }
+void MainUI::saveKeyboardShortcuts(){
+ //First get all the current listings
+ QStringList current;
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->tree_shortcut->topLevelItemCount(); i++){
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = ui->tree_shortcut->topLevelItem(i);
+ current << it->whatsThis(1)+" :"+it->whatsThis(0); //Full Fluxbox command line
+ }
+ QStringList info = readFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/fluxbox-keys");
+ for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
+ if(info[i].isEmpty() || info[i].startsWith("#") || info[i].startsWith("!")){ continue; }
+ if(current.filter(info[i].section(":",1,10)).length() > 0){
+ //Found Item to be replaced/removed
+ QString it = current.filter(info[i].section(":",1,10)).join("\n").section("\n",0,0); //ensure only the first match
+ if(it.section(" :",0,0).isEmpty()){ info.removeAt(i); i--; } //remove this entry
+ else{ info[i] = it; } //replace this entry
+ current.removeAll(it); //already taken care of - remove it from the current list
+ }
+ }
+ //Now save the new contents
+ for(int i=0; i<current.length(); i++){
+ if(!current[i].section(" :",0,0).isEmpty()){ info << current[i]; }
+ }
+ bool ok = overwriteFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/fluxbox-keys", info);
+ if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Warning: Could not save ~/.lumina/fluxbox-keys"; }
+void MainUI::clearKeyBinding(){
+ if(ui->tree_shortcut->currentItem()==0){ return; }
+ ui->tree_shortcut->currentItem()->setText(1,"");
+ ui->tree_shortcut->currentItem()->setWhatsThis(1,"");
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modshort=true;
+void MainUI::getKeyPress(){
+ if(ui->tree_shortcut->currentItem()==0){ return; } //nothing selected
+ KeyCatch dlg(this);
+ dlg.exec();
+ if(dlg.cancelled){ return; }
+ qDebug() << "Key Press:" << dlg.xkeys << dlg.qkeys;
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = ui->tree_shortcut->currentItem();
+ //if(dlg.qkeys.endsWith("+")){ dlg.qkeys.replace("+"," "); dlg.qkeys = dlg.qkeys.append("+").simplified(); }
+ //else{ dlg.qkeys.replace("+"," "); }
+ it->setText(1,dlg.qkeys);
+ it->setWhatsThis(1,dispToFluxKeys(dlg.xkeys));
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modshort=true;
+// Defaults Page
+void MainUI::loadDefaultSettings(){
+ ui->tree_defaults->clear();
+ QStringList keys = appsettings->allKeys();
+ QStringList groups = keys.filter("Groups/");
+ if(groups.isEmpty()){
+ //setup default groups
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Web", QStringList() << "http" << "https" << "ftp");
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Email", QStringList() << "eml" << "msg");
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Development-C",QStringList() << "c" << "cpp" << "h" << "hpp");
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Development-Ruby",QStringList() << "rb" << "rbw");
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Development-Python",QStringList() << "py" << "pyw");
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Development-Fortran",QStringList() <<"f"<<"for"<<"f90"<<"f95"<<"f03"<<"f15");
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/Images",QStringList() <<"jpg"<<"png"<<"tif"<<"gif"<<"bmp"<<"raw"<<"svg"<<"jpeg");
+ //Add more default groups later
+ appsettings->sync();
+ groups = appsettings->allKeys().filter("Groups/");
+ }
+ groups << "Uncategorized";
+ QStringList defaults = keys.filter("default/");
+ for(int g=0; g<groups.length(); g++){
+ //Create the group entry
+ QTreeWidgetItem *group = new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << groups[g].section("/",-1) << "" );
+ ui->tree_defaults->addTopLevelItem(group);
+ //Now populate the group
+ if(g == groups.length()-1){
+ //uncategorized - everything leftover
+ for(int i=0; i<defaults.length(); i++){
+ QString path = appsettings->value(defaults[i],"").toString();
+ if(path.isEmpty()){ continue; } //ignore empty/uncategoried defaults
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop file = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(path, ok);
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList() << defaults[i].section("/",-1) << "");
+ it->setWhatsThis(1,path);
+ if(!ok || file.filePath.isEmpty()){
+ //Might be a binary - just print out the raw "path"
+ it->setText(1,path);
+ }else{
+ it->setText(1, file.name);
+ it->setIcon(1, LXDG::findIcon(file.icon,"") );
+ }
+ group->addChild(it);
+ }
+ }else{
+ QStringList ch = appsettings->value(groups[g],QStringList()).toStringList();
+ for(int i=0; i<ch.length(); i++){
+ int index = defaults.indexOf("default/"+ch[i]);
+ if(index>=0){ defaults.removeAt(index); } //remove this item from the list
+ QString path = appsettings->value("default/"+ch[i],"").toString();
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList() << ch[i] << "");
+ if( !path.isEmpty() ){
+ //has something saved
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop file = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(path, ok);
+ it->setWhatsThis(1,path);
+ if(!ok || file.filePath.isEmpty()){
+ //Might be a binary - just print out the raw "path"
+ it->setText(1,path);
+ }else{
+ it->setText(1, file.name);
+ it->setIcon(1, LXDG::findIcon(file.icon,"") );
+ }
+ }
+ group->addChild(it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ checkdefaulticons();
+void MainUI::saveDefaultSettings(){
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->tree_defaults->topLevelItemCount(); i++){
+ //Groups
+ QTreeWidgetItem *group = ui->tree_defaults->topLevelItem(i);
+ QStringList items;
+ for(int c=0; c<group->childCount(); c++){
+ //Save this individual default value (and remember it later)
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = group->child(c);
+ items << it->text(0);
+ if( !it->whatsThis(1).isEmpty()){
+ appsettings->setValue("default/"+it->text(0), it->whatsThis(1));
+ }
+ }
+ //Do not save the uncategorized group header (internal only)
+ if(group->text(0).toLower()!="uncategorized" && !items.isEmpty()){
+ appsettings->setValue("Groups/"+group->text(0), items);
+ }
+ }
+void MainUI::adddefaultgroup(){
+ //Prompt for the group name
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Application Group"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok);
+ if(name.isEmpty() || !ok){ return; } //cancelled
+ //Make sure that name is not already taken
+ //Add it as a new top-level item
+ ui->tree_defaults->addTopLevelItem( new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << name << "" ) );
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ moddef = true;
+void MainUI::adddefaultextension(){
+ //Verify which group is selected
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = ui->tree_defaults->currentItem();
+ if(it==0){ return; } //no selection
+ if(it->parent()!=0){ it = it->parent(); } //make sure to get the group item
+ //Prompt for the extension name
+ bool ok = false;
+ QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New File Extension"), tr("Extension:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok);
+ if(name.isEmpty() || !ok){ return; } //cancelled
+ //Make sure that name is not already taken
+ //Add it as a new child of this group item
+ it->addChild( new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList() << name << "" ) );
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ moddef = true;
+void MainUI::cleardefaultitem(){
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = ui->tree_defaults->currentItem();
+ if(it==0){ return; } //no item selected
+ QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> list;
+ for(int i=0; i<it->childCount(); i++){
+ list << it->child(i);
+ }
+ if(list.isEmpty()){ list << it; } //just do the current item
+ //Now clear the items
+ for(int i=0; i<list.length(); i++){
+ list[i]->setWhatsThis(1,""); //clear the app path
+ list[i]->setIcon(1,QIcon()); //clear the icon
+ list[i]->setText(1,""); //clear the name
+ }
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ moddef = true;
+void MainUI::setdefaultitem(){
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = ui->tree_defaults->currentItem();
+ if(it==0){ return; } //no item selected
+ QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> list;
+ for(int i=0; i<it->childCount(); i++){
+ list << it->child(i);
+ }
+ if(list.isEmpty()){ list << it; } //just do the current item
+ //Prompt for which application to use
+ XDGDesktop desk = getSysApp();
+ if(desk.filePath.isEmpty()){ return; }//nothing selected
+ //Now set the items
+ for(int i=0; i<list.length(); i++){
+ list[i]->setWhatsThis(1,desk.filePath); //app path
+ list[i]->setIcon(1,LXDG::findIcon(desk.icon,"")); //clear the icon
+ list[i]->setText(1,desk.name); //clear the name
+ }
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ moddef = true;
+void MainUI::checkdefaulticons(){
+ QTreeWidgetItem *it = ui->tree_defaults->currentItem();
+ ui->tool_defaults_set->setEnabled(it!=0);
+ ui->tool_defaults_clear->setEnabled(it!=0);
+ ui->tool_defaults_addextension->setEnabled( it!=0);
+ if(it!=0){
+ if(it->text(0)=="Uncategorized"){
+ ui->tool_defaults_set->setEnabled(false);
+ ui->tool_defaults_clear->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+// Session Page
+void MainUI::loadSessionSettings(){
+ QStringList FB = readFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/fluxbox-init");
+ QString val;
+ //Do the window placement
+ val = FB.filter("session.screen0.windowPlacement:").join("").section(":",1,1).simplified();
+ //qDebug() << "Window Placement:" << val;
+ int index = ui->combo_session_wloc->findData(val);
+ if(index<0){ index = 0;} //use the default
+ ui->combo_session_wloc->setCurrentIndex(index);
+ //Do the window focus
+ val = FB.filter("session.screen0.focusModel:").join("").section(":",1,1).simplified();
+ //qDebug() << "Window Focus:" << val;
+ index = ui->combo_session_wfocus->findData(val);
+ if(index<0){ index = 0;} //use the default
+ ui->combo_session_wfocus->setCurrentIndex(index);
+ //Do the window theme
+ val = FB.filter("session.styleFile:").join("").section(":",1,1).simplified();
+ //qDebug() << "Window Theme:" << val;
+ index = ui->combo_session_wtheme->findData(val);
+ if(index<0){ index = 0;} //use the default
+ ui->combo_session_wtheme->setCurrentIndex(index);
+ //Now the number of workspaces
+ val = FB.filter("session.screen0.workspaces:").join("").section(":",1,1).simplified();
+ //qDebug() << "Number of Workspaces:" << val;
+ if(!val.isEmpty()){ ui->spin_session_wkspaces->setValue(val.toInt()); }
+ //Now do the startup applications
+ QStringList STARTUP = readFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/startapps");
+ ui->list_session_start->clear();
+ for(int i=0; i<STARTUP.length(); i++){
+ if(STARTUP[i].startsWith("#")){ continue; }
+ else if(STARTUP[i].startsWith("lumina-open ")){
+ //Application or file
+ QString file = STARTUP[i].section("lumina-open ",0,0,QString::SectionSkipEmpty).simplified();
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop desk = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(file, ok);
+ if(!desk.filePath.isEmpty() && ok && desk.filePath.endsWith(".desktop") ){
+ //Application
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(desk.icon,""), desk.name);
+ it->setWhatsThis(STARTUP[i]); //keep the raw line
+ ui->list_session_start->addItem(it);
+ }else{
+ //Some other file
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon("unknown",""), file.section("/",-1));
+ it->setWhatsThis(STARTUP[i]); //keep the raw line
+ ui->list_session_start->addItem(it);
+ }
+ }else{
+ //Some other utility (binary?)
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon("application-x-executable",""), STARTUP[i].section(" ",0,0) );
+ it->setWhatsThis(STARTUP[i]); //keep the raw line
+ ui->list_session_start->addItem(it);
+ }
+ }
+ //Now do the general session options
+ ui->check_session_numlock->setChecked( sessionsettings->value("EnableNumlock", true).toBool() );
+ ui->check_session_playloginaudio->setChecked( sessionsettings->value("PlayStartupAudio",true).toBool() );
+ ui->check_session_playlogoutaudio->setChecked( sessionsettings->value("PlayLogoutAudio",true).toBool() );
+ sessionstartchanged(); //make sure to update buttons
+void MainUI::saveSessionSettings(){
+ //Do the fluxbox settings first
+ QStringList FB = readFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/fluxbox-init");
+ // - window placement
+ int index = FB.indexOf( FB.filter("session.screen0.windowPlacement:").join("") );
+ QString line = "session.screen0.windowPlacement:\t"+ui->combo_session_wloc->itemData( ui->combo_session_wloc->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ if(index < 0){ FB << line; } //add line to the end of the file
+ else{ FB[index] = line; } //replace the current setting with the new one
+ // - window focus
+ index = FB.indexOf( FB.filter("session.screen0.focusModel:").join("") );
+ line = "session.screen0.focusModel:\t"+ui->combo_session_wfocus->itemData( ui->combo_session_wfocus->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ if(index < 0){ FB << line; } //add line to the end of the file
+ else{ FB[index] = line; } //replace the current setting with the new one
+ // - window theme
+ index = FB.indexOf( FB.filter("session.styleFile:").join("") );
+ line = "session.styleFile:\t"+ui->combo_session_wtheme->itemData( ui->combo_session_wtheme->currentIndex() ).toString();
+ if(index < 0){ FB << line; } //add line to the end of the file
+ else{ FB[index] = line; } //replace the current setting with the new one
+ // - workspace number
+ index = FB.indexOf( FB.filter("session.screen0.workspaces:").join("") );
+ line = "session.screen0.workspaces:\t"+QString::number(ui->spin_session_wkspaces->value());
+ if(index < 0){ FB << line; } //add line to the end of the file
+ else{ FB[index] = line; } //replace the current setting with the new one
+ //Save the fluxbox settings
+ bool ok = overwriteFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/fluxbox-init", FB);
+ if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Warning: Could not save ~/.lumina/startapps"; }
+ //Now do the start apps
+ QStringList STARTUP;
+ for(int i=0; i<ui->list_session_start->count(); i++){
+ STARTUP << ui->list_session_start->item(i)->whatsThis();
+ }
+ ok = overwriteFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/startapps", STARTUP);
+ if(!ok){ qDebug() << "Warning: Could not save ~/.lumina/startapps"; }
+ //Now do the general session options
+ sessionsettings->setValue("EnableNumlock", ui->check_session_numlock->isChecked());
+ sessionsettings->setValue("PlayStartupAudio", ui->check_session_playloginaudio->isChecked());
+ sessionsettings->setValue("PlayLogoutAudio", ui->check_session_playlogoutaudio->isChecked());
+void MainUI::rmsessionstartitem(){
+ if(ui->list_session_start->currentRow() < 0){ return; } //no item selected
+ delete ui->list_session_start->takeItem(ui->list_session_start->currentRow());
+ sessionoptchanged();
+void MainUI::addsessionstartapp(){
+ //Prompt for the application to start
+ XDGDesktop desk = getSysApp();
+ if(desk.filePath.isEmpty()){ return; } //cancelled
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon(desk.icon,""), desk.name );
+ it->setWhatsThis("lumina-open "+desk.filePath); //command to be saved/run
+ ui->list_session_start->addItem(it);
+ ui->list_session_start->setCurrentItem(it);
+ sessionoptchanged();
+void MainUI::addsessionstartbin(){
+ QString chkpath = "/usr/local/bin";
+ if(!QFile::exists(chkpath)){ chkpath = QDir::homePath(); }
+ QString bin = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select Binary"), chkpath, tr("Application Binaries (*)") );
+ if( bin.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(bin) ){ return; } //cancelled
+ if( !QFileInfo(bin).isExecutable() ){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Binary"), tr("The selected file is not executable!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon("application-x-executable",""), bin.section("/",-1) );
+ it->setWhatsThis(bin); //command to be saved/run
+ ui->list_session_start->addItem(it);
+ ui->list_session_start->setCurrentItem(it);
+ sessionoptchanged();
+void MainUI::addsessionstartfile(){
+ QString chkpath = QDir::homePath();
+ QString bin = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select File"), chkpath, tr("All Files (*)") );
+ if( bin.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(bin) ){ return; } //cancelled
+ QListWidgetItem *it = new QListWidgetItem( LXDG::findIcon("unknown",""), bin.section("/",-1) );
+ it->setWhatsThis("lumina-open "+bin); //command to be saved/run
+ ui->list_session_start->addItem(it);
+ ui->list_session_start->setCurrentItem(it);
+ sessionoptchanged();
+void MainUI::sessionoptchanged(){
+ if(!loading){
+ ui->push_save->setEnabled(true);
+ modses = true;
+ }
+void MainUI::sessionstartchanged(){
+ ui->tool_session_rmapp->setEnabled( ui->list_session_start->currentRow()>=0 );