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diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 5e4ace33..d8c39359 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-lumina-desktop ( unstable; urgency=low
+lumina-desktop ( unstable; urgency=low
* New git snapshot
- - remove custom startApps (Lumina now uses XDG autostart)
+ - remove custom luminaStartapps (Lumina now uses XDG autostart)
+ - update luminaDesktop.conf
-- Christopher Roy Bratusek <nano@jpberlin.de> Wed, 13 May 2015 18:42:16 +0200
diff --git a/debian/luminaDesktop.conf b/debian/luminaDesktop.conf
index f163ea15..fe79a02c 100644
--- a/debian/luminaDesktop.conf
+++ b/debian/luminaDesktop.conf
@@ -2,15 +2,16 @@
# For any setting that can take a list of values, each vale needs to be seperated by a comma and a space (", ")
# Example: some.setting=item1, item2, item3
-#NOTE: To pre-setup default applications for particular mime-types, you need to provide
-# an additional file which contains all the registrations: "<Lumina Share>/defaultapps.conf"
+#NOTE: To pre-setup default applications for particular mime-types, you need to create *.desktop entries on
+# system corresponding to the XDG mime-type specifications for default applications
+# See Here for specifications: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/mime-apps-spec/
-# Possible Desktop Plugins (Lumina version 0.8.1):
+# Possible Desktop Plugins (Lumina version 0.8.4):
# calendar, applauncher[::absolute path to *.desktop file], desktopview, notepad, audioplayer
-# Possible Panel Plugins (Lumina version 0.8.1):
+# Possible Panel Plugins (Lumina version 0.8.4):
# userbutton, desktopbar, spacer, desktopswitcher, battery, clock, systemdashboard
-# taskmanager[-nogroups], systemtray, homebutton, appmenu
-# Possible Menu Plugins (Lumina version 0.8.1):
+# taskmanager[-nogroups], systemtray, homebutton, appmenu, applauncher[::absolute path to *.desktop file]
+# Possible Menu Plugins (Lumina version 0.8.4):
# terminal, filemanager, applications, line, settings, windowlist, app::<absolute path to *.desktop file>
@@ -18,6 +19,14 @@ session.enablenumlock=true #[true/false] Enable numlock on login using "numlockx
session.playloginaudio=false #[true/false] Play the audio chimes on log in
session.playlogoutaudio=false #[true/false] Play the audio chimes on log out
+# Provide the full path to *.desktop file, or a binary name which exists on PATH
+# *.desktop files provide better support for input formats, and are recommended
theme.themefile=/usr/share/Lumina-DE/themes/None.qss.template #Absolute path to the theme template file to use (disable for Lumina-Default)
#theme.colorfile=<file path> #Absolute path to the color spec file to use for theming
@@ -34,7 +43,7 @@ desktop.plugins=desktopview, calendar #list of plugins to be shown on the deskto
#PANEL SETTINGS (preface with panel1.<setting> or panel2.<setting>, depending on the number of panels you have visible by default)
#NOTE: If two panels, they need to be on opposite screen edges (top/bottom or left/right)
panel1.location=top #[top/bottom/left/right] Screen edge the panel should be on
-panel1.pixelsize=30 #number of pixels wide/high the panel should be
+panel1.pixelsize=4%H #number of pixels wide/high the panel should be (or <number>%[W/H] for a percentage of the screen width/height)
panel1.autohide=false #[true/false] Have the panel become visible on mouse-over
panel1.plugins=userbutton, taskmanager, spacer, systemtray, clock, systemdashboard #list of plugins for the panel