path: root/lumina-open/main.cpp
diff options
authorKris Moore <kris@pcbsd.org>2014-09-04 11:42:13 -0400
committerKris Moore <kris@pcbsd.org>2014-09-04 11:42:13 -0400
commit71737f70949bd25f9aa8bc4e7d03039ba83c6cb1 (patch)
treeab29e864d1ae59d10cc6875af9541e3ad306b2fb /lumina-open/main.cpp
parentInitial commit (diff)
Initial import of the lumina code from pcbsd git repo
Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-open/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-open/main.cpp b/lumina-open/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb09e979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lumina-open/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Lumina-DE source code
+// Copyright (c) 2012, Ken Moore
+// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
+// See the LICENSE file for full details
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QX11Info>
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <QProcessEnvironment>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QTranslator>
+#include <QLocale>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include "LFileDialog.h"
+#include <LuminaXDG.h>
+#include <LuminaOS.h>
+#ifndef PREFIX
+#define PREFIX QString("/usr/local")
+void printUsageInfo(){
+ qDebug() << "lumina-open: Application launcher for the Lumina Desktop Environment";
+ qDebug() << "Description: Given a file (with absolute path) or URL, this utility will try to find the appropriate application with which to open the file. If the file is a *.desktop application shortcut, it will just start the application appropriately. It can also perform a few specific system operations if given special flags.";
+ qDebug() << "Usage: lumina-open [-select] <absolute file path or URL>";
+ qDebug() << " lumina-open [-volumeup, -volumedown, -brightnessup, -brightnessdown]";
+ qDebug() << " [-select] (optional) flag to bypass any default application settings and show the application selector window";
+ qDebug() << "Special Flags:";
+ qDebug() << " \"-volume[up/down]\" Flag to increase/decrease audio volume by 5%";
+ qDebug() << " \"-brightness[up/down]\" Flag to increase/decrease screen brightness by 5%";
+ exit(1);
+QString cmdFromUser(int argc, char **argv, QString inFile, QString extension, QString& path, bool showDLG=false){
+ //First check to see if there is a default for this extension
+ QString defApp = LFileDialog::getDefaultApp(extension);
+ if(extension=="directory" && defApp.isEmpty() && !showDLG){
+ //Just use the Lumina File Manager
+ return "lumina-fm";
+ }else if( !defApp.isEmpty() && !showDLG ){
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(defApp, ok);
+ if(ok){
+ QString exec = LXDG::getDesktopExec(DF);
+ if(!exec.isEmpty()){
+ qDebug() << "[lumina-open] Using default application:" << DF.name << "File:" << inFile;
+ if(!DF.path.isEmpty()){ path = DF.path; }
+ return exec;
+ }
+ }
+ //invalid default - reset it and continue on
+ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, "");
+ }
+ //No default set -- Start up the application selection dialog
+ QApplication a(argc, argv);
+ QTranslator translator;
+ QLocale mylocale;
+ QString langCode = mylocale.name();
+ if(!QFile::exists(PREFIX + "/share/Lumina-DE/i18n/lumina-open_" + langCode + ".qm") ){
+ langCode.truncate( langCode.indexOf("_") );
+ }
+ translator.load( QString("lumina-open_") + langCode, PREFIX + "/share/Lumina-DE/i18n/" );
+ a.installTranslator( &translator );
+ qDebug() << "Locale:" << langCode;
+ LFileDialog w;
+ if(inFile.startsWith(extension)){
+ //URL
+ w.setFileInfo(inFile, extension, false);
+ }else{
+ //File
+ if(inFile.endsWith("/")){ inFile.chop(1); }
+ w.setFileInfo(inFile.section("/",-1), extension, true);
+ }
+ w.show();
+ a.exec();
+ if(!w.appSelected){ exit(1); }
+ //Return the run path if appropriate
+ if(!w.appPath.isEmpty()){ path = w.appPath; }
+ //Just do the default application registration here for now
+ // might move it to the runtime phase later after seeing that the app has successfully started
+ if(w.setDefault){ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, w.appFile); }
+ else{ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, ""); }
+ //Now return the resulting application command
+ return w.appExec;
+void getCMD(int argc, char ** argv, QString& binary, QString& args, QString& path){
+ //Get the input file
+ QString inFile;
+ bool showDLG = false; //flag to bypass any default application setting
+ if(argc > 1){
+ for(int i=1; i<argc; i++){
+ if(QString(argv[i]).simplified() == "-select"){
+ showDLG = true;
+ }else if(QString(argv[i]).simplified() == "-volumeup"){
+ LOS::changeAudioVolume(5); //increase 5%
+ return;
+ }else if(QString(argv[i]).simplified() == "-volumedown"){
+ LOS::changeAudioVolume(-5); //decrease 5%
+ return;
+ }else if(QString(argv[i]).simplified() == "-brightnessup"){
+ int bright = LOS::ScreenBrightness();
+ if(bright > 0){ //brightness control available
+ bright = bright+5; //increase 5%
+ if(bright>100){ bright = 100; }
+ LOS::setScreenBrightness(bright);
+ }
+ return;
+ }else if(QString(argv[i]).simplified() == "-brightnessdown"){
+ int bright = LOS::ScreenBrightness();
+ if(bright > 0){ //brightness control available
+ bright = bright-5; //decrease 5%
+ if(bright<0){ bright = 0; }
+ LOS::setScreenBrightness(bright);
+ }
+ return;
+ }else{
+ inFile = argv[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ printUsageInfo();
+ }
+ //Make sure that it is a valid file/URL
+ bool isFile=false; bool isUrl=false;
+ if(QFile::exists(inFile)){ isFile=true; }
+ else if(QUrl(inFile).isValid()){ isUrl=true; }
+ if( !isFile && !isUrl ){ qDebug() << "Error: Invalid file or URL"; return;}
+ //Determing the type of file (extension)
+ QString extension;
+ if(isFile){
+ QFileInfo info(inFile);
+ extension=info.completeSuffix();
+ if(info.isDir()){ extension="directory"; }
+ else if(info.isExecutable() && extension.isEmpty()){ extension="binary"; }
+ }else if(isUrl){ extension = inFile.section(":",0,0); }
+ //if not an application - find the right application to open the file
+ QString cmd;
+ bool useInputFile = false;
+ if(extension=="desktop" && !showDLG){
+ bool ok = false;
+ XDGDesktop DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(inFile, ok);
+ if(!ok){
+ qDebug() << "[ERROR] Input *.desktop file could not be read:" << inFile;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ switch(DF.type){
+ case XDGDesktop::APP:
+ if(!DF.exec.isEmpty()){
+ cmd = LXDG::getDesktopExec(DF);
+ if(!DF.path.isEmpty()){ path = DF.path; }
+ }else{
+ qDebug() << "[ERROR] Input *.desktop application file is missing the Exec line:" << inFile;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case XDGDesktop::LINK:
+ if(!DF.url.isEmpty()){
+ //This is a URL - so adjust the input variables appropriately
+ inFile = DF.url;
+ cmd.clear();
+ extension = inFile.section(":",0,0);
+ }else{
+ qDebug() << "[ERROR] Input *.desktop link file is missing the URL line:" << inFile;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case XDGDesktop::DIR:
+ if(!DF.path.isEmpty()){
+ //This is a directory link - adjust inputs
+ inFile = DF.path;
+ cmd.clear();
+ extension = "directorypath";
+ }else{
+ qDebug() << "[ERROR] Input *.desktop directory file is missing the Path line:" << inFile;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ qDebug() << "[ERROR] Unknown *.desktop file type:" << inFile;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(cmd.isEmpty()){
+ if(extension=="binary"){ cmd = inFile; }
+ else{
+ //Find out the proper application to use this file/directory
+ useInputFile=true;
+ cmd = cmdFromUser(argc, argv, inFile, extension, path, showDLG);
+ }
+ }
+ //qDebug() << "Found Command:" << cmd << "Extension:" << extension;
+ //Clean up the command appropriately for output
+ if(cmd.contains("%")){cmd = cmd.remove("%U").remove("%u").remove("%F").remove("%f").simplified(); }
+ binary = cmd;
+ if(useInputFile){ args = inFile; }
+int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ //Run all the actual code in a separate function to have as little memory usage
+ // as possible aside from the main application when running
+ //Make sure the XDG environment variables exist first
+ LXDG::setEnvironmentVars();
+ //now get the command
+ QString cmd, args, path;
+ getCMD(argc, argv, cmd, args, path);
+ //qDebug() << "Run CMD:" << cmd << args;
+ //Now run the command (move to execvp() later?)
+ if(cmd.isEmpty()){ return 0; } //no command to run (handled internally)
+ if(!args.isEmpty()){ cmd.append(" \""+args+"\""); }
+ int retcode = system( cmd.toUtf8() );
+ /*
+ QProcess *p = new QProcess();
+ p->setProcessEnvironment(QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment());
+ if(!path.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(path)){ p->setWorkingDirectory(path); }
+ p->start(cmd+" \""+args+"\"");
+ //Check the startup procedure
+ while(!p->waitForStarted(5000)){
+ if(p->state() == QProcess::NotRunning){
+ //bad/invalid start
+ qDebug() << "[lumina-open] Application did not startup properly:"<<cmd+" "+args;
+ return p->exitCode();
+ }else if(p->state() == QProcess::Running){
+ //This just missed the "started" signal - continue
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Now check up on it once every minute until it is finished
+ while(!p->waitForFinished(60000)){
+ if(p->state() != QProcess::Running){ break; } //somehow missed the finished signal
+ }
+ int retcode = p->exitCode();*/
+ if(retcode!=0){
+ qDebug() << "[lumina-open] Application Error:" << retcode;
+ QMessageBox::critical(0,QObject::tr("Application Error"), QObject::tr("The following application experienced an error and needed to close:")+"\n\n"+cmd);
+ }
+ return retcode;