path: root/lumina-open/LFileDialog.cpp
diff options
authorKen Moore <moorekou@gmail.com>2016-04-25 13:08:12 -0400
committerKen Moore <moorekou@gmail.com>2016-04-25 13:08:12 -0400
commited5ecf7ea7a482b4649e66ecb35fbc60af680684 (patch)
treeacc0fa17d228259e847f55c678db9fb0a9b50f0c /lumina-open/LFileDialog.cpp
parentMerge branch 'master' of github.com:pcbsd/lumina (diff)
Rearrange the Lumina source tree quite a bit:
Now the utilites are arranged by category (core, core-utils, desktop-utils), so all the -utils may be excluded by a package system (or turned into separate packages) as needed.
Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-open/LFileDialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 286 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-open/LFileDialog.cpp b/lumina-open/LFileDialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c0417935..00000000
--- a/lumina-open/LFileDialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-// Lumina-DE source code
-// Copyright (c) 2013, Ken Moore
-// Available under the 3-clause BSD license
-// See the LICENSE file for full details
-#include "LFileDialog.h"
-#include "ui_LFileDialog.h"
-LFileDialog::LFileDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::LFileDialog() ){
- ui->setupUi(this); //load the designer file
- //set the output flags to the defaults
- appSelected = false;
- setDefault = false;
- appExec.clear();
- appPath.clear();
- appFile.clear();
- QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina");
- settings = new QSettings("LuminaDE", "lumina-open",this);
- //Connect the signals/slots
- connect(ui->combo_apps, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateUI()) );
- connect(ui->radio_rec, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(radioChanged()) );
- connect(ui->radio_avail, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(radioChanged()) );
- connect(ui->radio_custom, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(radioChanged()) );
-// ----------
-// ----------
-void LFileDialog::setFileInfo(QString filename, QString extension, bool isFile){
- //Set the labels for the file
- qDebug() << "SetFileInfo:" << filename << extension << isFile;
- ui->label_file->setText( this->fontMetrics().elidedText( filename, Qt::ElideMiddle, 300 ) );
- bool shownetwork = false;
- if(isFile){ ui->label_extension->setText( "("+extension+")"); }
- else if(extension=="email"){ ui->label_extension->setText( QString(tr("(Email Link)")) ); shownetwork = true; }
- else if(extension.startsWith("x-scheme-handler/")){ ui->label_extension->setText( QString(tr("(Internet URL - %1)")).arg(extension.section("/",-1)) ); shownetwork = true; }
- else{ui->label_extension->setText("("+extension+" link)"); }
- fileEXT = extension; //NOTE: this is the mime-type for the file now, not the extension
- generateAppList(shownetwork);
-//static functions
-QString LFileDialog::getDefaultApp(QString extension){
- QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina");
- if(extension.contains("/")){
- return LXDG::findDefaultAppForMime(extension);
- }else{
- return QSettings("LuminaDE", "lumina-open").value("default/"+extension,"").toString();
- }
-void LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(QString extension, QString appFile){
- if(extension.contains("/")){
- //mime type default: set on the system itself
- if(appFile.endsWith(".desktop")){ appFile = appFile.section("/",-1); } //only need the relative path
- LXDG::setDefaultAppForMime(extension, appFile);
- }else{
- QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina");
- if(appFile.isEmpty()){
- QSettings("LuminaDE", "lumina-open").remove("default/"+extension);
- }else{
- QSettings("LuminaDE", "lumina-open").setValue("default/"+extension,appFile);
- }
- }
-// -----------
-// -----------
-QStringList LFileDialog::getPreferredApplications(){
- QStringList out;
- //First list all the applications registered for that same mimetype
- QString mime = fileEXT;
- out << LXDG::findAvailableAppsForMime(mime);
- //Now search the internal settings for that extension and find any applications last used
- QStringList keys = settings->allKeys();
- for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
- if(keys[i].startsWith("default/")){ continue; } //ignore the defaults (they will also be in the main)
- if(keys[i].toLower() == fileEXT.toLower()){
- QStringList files = settings->value(keys[i]).toString().split(":::");
- qDebug() << "Found Files:" << keys[i] << files;
- bool cleaned = false;
- for(int j=0; j<files.length(); j++){
- if(QFile::exists(files[j])){ out << files[j]; }
- else{ files.removeAt(j); j--; cleaned=true; } //file no longer available - remove it
- }
- if(cleaned){ settings->setValue(keys[i], files.join(":::")); } //update the registry
- if(!out.isEmpty()){ break; } //already found files
- }
- }
- //Make sure we don't have any duplicates before we return the list
- out.removeDuplicates();
- return out;
-void LFileDialog::setPreferredApplication(QString desktopfile){
- QStringList keys = settings->allKeys();
- for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
- if(keys[i].toLower() == fileEXT.toLower()){
- QStringList files = settings->value(keys[i]).toString().split(":::");
- files.removeAll(desktopfile);
- QStringList newfiles;
- newfiles << desktopfile;
- //Only keep the 5 most recent preferred applications per extension
- for(int j=0; j<5 && j<files.length(); j++){
- newfiles << files[j];
- }
- settings->setValue(keys[i], newfiles.join(":::"));
- return;
- }
- }
- //No key found for this extension - make a new one
- settings->setValue(fileEXT.toLower(), desktopfile);
-QString LFileDialog::translateCat(QString cat){
- QString out;
- if(cat=="Audio"){ out = tr("Audio"); }
- else if(cat=="Video"){ out = tr("Video"); }
- else if(cat=="Multimedia"){ out = tr("Multimedia"); }
- else if(cat=="Development"){ out = tr("Development"); }
- else if(cat=="Education"){ out = tr("Education"); }
- else if(cat=="Game"){ out = tr("Game"); }
- else if(cat=="Graphics"){ out = tr("Graphics"); }
- else if(cat=="Network"){ out = tr("Network"); }
- else if(cat=="Office"){ out = tr("Office"); }
- else if(cat=="Science"){ out = tr("Science"); }
- else if(cat=="Settings"){ out = tr("Settings"); }
- else if(cat=="System"){ out = tr("System"); }
- else if(cat=="Utility"){ out = tr("Utilities"); }
- else if(cat=="Other"){ out = tr("Other"); }
- else{ out = cat; }
- return out;
-// -----------------
-// -----------------
-void LFileDialog::updateUI(){
- //Check for a selected application
- bool good = false;
- if(ui->radio_custom->isChecked()){
- if(!ui->line_bin->text().isEmpty()){
- QString bin = ui->line_bin->text();
- good = LUtils::isValidBinary(bin);
- //Now verify that the file exists and is executable
- if( good ){
- ui->label_goodbin->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/icons/good.png"));
- }else{
- ui->label_goodbin->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/icons/bad.png"));
- }
- }
- }
- else if(ui->radio_rec->isChecked()){
- good = true; //a valid app is always selected on this page if it is available
- }
- else if(ui->combo_apps->count() > 0 && !ui->combo_apps->currentData().toString().isEmpty() ){
- good=true;
- }
- ui->tool_ok->setEnabled(good);
-void LFileDialog::generateAppList(bool shownetwork){
- //Now load the preferred applications
- PREFAPPS = getPreferredApplications();
- ui->combo_rec->clear();
- //Now get the application mimetype for the file extension (if available)
- QString mimetype = fileEXT;
- //Now add all the detected applications
- QHash< QString, QList<XDGDesktop> > hash = LXDG::sortDesktopCats( LXDG::systemDesktopFiles() );
- QStringList cat = hash.keys();
- cat.sort(); //sort alphabetically
- ui->combo_apps->clear();
- for(int c=0; c<cat.length(); c++){
- QList<XDGDesktop> app = hash[cat[c]];
- if(app.length()<1){ continue; }
- if(ui->combo_apps->count() >1){ ui->combo_apps->insertSeparator(ui->combo_apps->count()); }
- ui->combo_apps->addItem(translateCat(cat[c]));
- ui->combo_apps->insertSeparator(ui->combo_apps->count());
- for(int a=0; a<app.length(); a++){
- if(shownetwork && (cat[c].toLower()=="network" || cat[c].toLower()=="utility") ){
- //Need to show preferred internet applications - look for ones that handle URL's
- if(app[a].exec.contains("%u") || app[a].exec.contains("%U")){
- PREFAPPS << app[a].filePath;
- }
- }
- ui->combo_apps->addItem(LXDG::findIcon(app[a].icon, "application-x-desktop"), app[a].name, app[a].filePath);
- //Check to see if this app matches the mime type
- if(app[a].mimeList.contains(mimetype) && !mimetype.isEmpty()){
- // also put this app in the preferred list
- PREFAPPS.append(app[a].filePath);
- //If this is the first preferred app found - select this app initially
- if(ui->combo_apps->currentIndex()<=0){ ui->combo_apps->setCurrentIndex(ui->combo_apps->count()-1); }
- }
- }
- }
- if(ui->combo_apps->currentIndex()<=0){ ui->combo_apps->setCurrentIndex(2); } //Start on the first "real" app - not the first category header
- //Now add all the preferred applications
- PREFAPPS.removeDuplicates();
- for(int i=0; i<PREFAPPS.length(); i++){
- bool ok = false;
- XDGDesktop dFile = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(PREFAPPS[i], ok);
- if( LXDG::checkValidity(dFile) && ok ){
- ui->combo_rec->addItem( LXDG::findIcon(dFile.icon, "application-x-desktop"), dFile.name);
- if(i==0){ ui->combo_rec->setCurrentIndex(0); } //make sure the first item is selected
- }else{
- PREFAPPS.removeAt(i); //invalid app
- i--;
- }
- }
- //Update the UI
- if(PREFAPPS.isEmpty()){
- ui->radio_rec->setEnabled(false); //no preferred apps
- ui->radio_avail->setChecked(true);
- }else{
- ui->radio_rec->setChecked(true);
- }
-void LFileDialog::radioChanged(){
- if(ui->radio_rec->isChecked()){
- ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_rec);
- }else if(ui->radio_avail->isChecked()){
- ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_avail);
- }else{
- ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_custom);
- }
- //ui->check_default->setEnabled( !ui->radio_custom->isChecked() );
- updateUI();
-/*void LFileDialog::on_group_binary_toggled(bool checked){
- ui->label_goodbin->setVisible(checked);
- ui->line_bin->setVisible(checked);
- ui->tool_findBin->setVisible(checked);
- updateUI();
-void LFileDialog::on_tool_ok_clicked(){
- appSelected = true;
- setDefault = ui->check_default->isChecked();
- if(ui->radio_custom->isChecked()){
- appExec = ui->line_bin->text();
- }else if(ui->radio_rec->isChecked()){
- //application selected
- bool ok = false;
- XDGDesktop app = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(PREFAPPS[ui->combo_rec->currentIndex()], ok);
- //Set the output variables
- appExec = LXDG::getDesktopExec(app);
- appPath = app.path;
- appFile = app.filePath;
- setPreferredApplication(app.filePath); //bump this to the top of the preferred list for next time
- }else{
- //application selected
- bool ok = false;
- XDGDesktop app = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(ui->combo_apps->currentData().toString(), ok);
- //Set the output variables
- appExec = LXDG::getDesktopExec(app);
- appPath = app.path;
- appFile = app.filePath;
- setPreferredApplication(app.filePath); //save this app to this extension as a recommendation
- }
- this->close();
-void LFileDialog::on_tool_cancel_clicked(){
- appSelected = false;
- this->close();
-void LFileDialog::on_tool_findBin_clicked(){
- QString filepath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Find Application Binary"), QDir::homePath() );
- if(filepath.isEmpty()){ return; }
- ui->line_bin->setText(filepath);
-void LFileDialog::on_line_bin_textChanged(){
- updateUI();