path: root/lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp
diff options
authorwi <william.os4y@gmail.com>2015-05-01 18:38:55 +0200
committerwi <william.os4y@gmail.com>2015-05-01 18:38:55 +0200
commit2b143927e0363fd41b138a6955f9e9363b71b443 (patch)
tree6366bcbd5842e42e52f1429f4e7232f678778f67 /lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp
parentuse the termnial application specified by the user as the default-terminal. (diff)
parentFix/Fix a couple important bugs before announcing 0.8.4-release: (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into fm-term
Diffstat (limited to 'lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp b/lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp
index 0444a390..f44ace8f 100644
--- a/lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp
+++ b/lumina-fileinfo/dialog.cpp
@@ -4,363 +4,400 @@
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QImageReader>
#include "LuminaUtils.h"
#include <LuminaOS.h>
//this function is just like a regexp.
//we just change the required lines and we don't touch to the rest of the file and copy it back.
void Dialog::textReplace(QString &origin, QString from, QString to, QString topic)
- if (origin.contains(QRegExp("\n" + topic + "\\s*=\\s*" + from + "\n",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
- origin.replace(QRegExp("\n" + topic + "\\s*=\\s*" + from + "\n",Qt::CaseInsensitive),"\n" + topic + "=" + to + "\n");
- } else {
- origin.append(topic + "=" + to + "\n");
- }
+ if (origin.contains(QRegExp("\n" + topic + "\\s*=\\s*" + from + "\n",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
+ origin.replace(QRegExp("\n" + topic + "\\s*=\\s*" + from + "\n",Qt::CaseInsensitive),"\n" + topic + "=" + to + "\n");
+ } else {
+ origin.append(topic + "=" + to + "\n");
+ }
//get the template from the user home directory or from the qrc files
void Dialog::copyTemplate(QString templateType)
- if ((templateType == "-link") or (templateType == "-app")) {
- if (QFile::exists(QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo" + templateType + ".template")) {
- //We take the template from homedir
- QFile::copy(QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo" + templateType + ".template", desktopFileName);
- } else {
- //last possibility is to use the qrc template.
- //But based on the initialisation, this should never occurs
- QFile::copy(":defaults/fileinfo" + templateType + ".template", desktopFileName);
- }
- } else {
- //error message for developpers
- qDebug() << "copyTemplate only accept '-link' or '-app' as parameter";
- }
+ if ((templateType == "-link") or (templateType == "-app")) {
+ if (QFile::exists(QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo" + templateType + ".template")) {
+ //We take the template from homedir
+ QFile::copy(QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo" + templateType + ".template", desktopFileName);
+ } else {
+ //last possibility is to use the qrc template.
+ //But based on the initialisation, this should never occurs
+ QFile::copy(":defaults/fileinfo" + templateType + ".template", desktopFileName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //error message for developpers
+ qDebug() << "copyTemplate only accept '-link' or '-app' as parameter";
+ }
Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) :
- QDialog(parent),
- ui(new Ui::Dialog)
+ QDialog(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::Dialog)
- ui->setupUi(this);
- desktopType="Application"; //default value
- //Setup all the icons using libLumina
- setupIcons();
- //we copy qrc templates in the home dir of the user.
- //this allow the user to adapt those template to is own whishes
- QString templateFile = QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo-link.template";
- if (!QFile::exists(templateFile)) {
- QFile::copy(":defaults/fileinfo-link.template", templateFile);
- QFile(templateFile).setPermissions(QFileDevice::ReadUser|QFileDevice::WriteUser);
- }
- templateFile = QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo-app.template";
- if (!QFile::exists(templateFile)) {
- QFile::copy(":defaults/fileinfo-app.template", templateFile);
- QFile(templateFile).setPermissions(QFileDevice::ReadUser|QFileDevice::WriteUser);
- }
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ desktopType="Application"; //default value
+ //Setup all the icons using libLumina
+ setupIcons();
+ //we copy qrc templates in the home dir of the user.
+ //this allow the user to adapt those template to is own whishes
+ QString templateFile = QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo-link.template";
+ if (!QFile::exists(templateFile)) {
+ QFile::copy(":defaults/fileinfo-link.template", templateFile);
+ QFile(templateFile).setPermissions(QFileDevice::ReadUser|QFileDevice::WriteUser);
+ }
+ templateFile = QDir::homePath() + "/.lumina/LuminaDE/fileinfo-app.template";
+ if (!QFile::exists(templateFile)) {
+ QFile::copy(":defaults/fileinfo-app.template", templateFile);
+ QFile(templateFile).setPermissions(QFileDevice::ReadUser|QFileDevice::WriteUser);
+ }
- delete ui;
+ delete ui;
void Dialog::setupIcons(){
- this->setWindowIcon( LXDG::findIcon("unknown","") );
- ui->pbWorkingDir->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("folder","") );
- ui->pbCommand->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("system-search","") );
+ this->setWindowIcon( LXDG::findIcon("unknown","") );
+ ui->pbWorkingDir->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("folder","") );
+ ui->pbCommand->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("system-search","") );
//Inform the user that required input parameters are missing
void Dialog::MissingInputs()
- qDebug() << "We cannot continue without a desktop file !!!";
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Lumina-fileinfo requires inputs:")+"\n"+QString(tr("Example: \"%1\"")).arg("lumina-fileinfo <-application>|<-link> desktopfile") );
- exit(1);
+ qDebug() << "We cannot continue without a desktop file !!!";
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Lumina-fileinfo requires inputs:")+"\n"+QString(tr("Example: \"%1\"")).arg("lumina-fileinfo <-application>|<-link> desktopfile") );
+ exit(1);
//Initialise the layout of the screen.
void Dialog::Initialise(QString param)
- //in case of "link", several objects are no required
- if (param.startsWith("-link")) {
- ui->cbRunInTerminal->setVisible(false);
- ui->cbStartupNotification->setVisible(false);
- ui->lCommand->setVisible(false);
- ui->pbCommand->setVisible(false);
- ui->lblCommand->setVisible(false);
- ui->lblOptions->setVisible(false);
- ui->lblWorkingDir->setText(tr("URL")); //we use the WorkingDir boxes for URL
- desktopType="link";
- }
- if (param.startsWith("-app")) {
- ui->cbRunInTerminal->setVisible(true);
- ui->cbStartupNotification->setVisible(true);
- ui->lCommand->setVisible(true);
- ui->pbCommand->setVisible(true);
- ui->lblCommand->setVisible(true);
- ui->lblOptions->setVisible(true);
- ui->lblWorkingDir->setText(tr("Working dir"));
- desktopType="app";
- }
+ //in case of "link", several objects are no required
+ if (param.startsWith("-link")) {
+ ui->cbRunInTerminal->setVisible(false);
+ ui->cbStartupNotification->setVisible(false);
+ ui->lCommand->setVisible(false);
+ ui->pbCommand->setVisible(false);
+ ui->lblCommand->setVisible(false);
+ ui->lblOptions->setVisible(false);
+ ui->lblWorkingDir->setText(tr("URL")); //we use the WorkingDir boxes for URL
+ desktopType="link";
+ }
+ if (param.startsWith("-app")) {
+ ui->cbRunInTerminal->setVisible(true);
+ ui->cbStartupNotification->setVisible(true);
+ ui->lCommand->setVisible(true);
+ ui->pbCommand->setVisible(true);
+ ui->lblCommand->setVisible(true);
+ ui->lblOptions->setVisible(true);
+ ui->lblWorkingDir->setText(tr("Working dir"));
+ desktopType="app";
+ }
//load the desktop file or the required template
void Dialog::LoadDesktopFile(QString input)
- //if we have "-" as 1st char, it means that this is not a desktop file, but a parameter
- desktopFileName = input;
- if (input.startsWith("-")) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Error"),tr("The filename cannot start with a \"-\"."));
- exit(1);
+ //if we have "-" as 1st char, it means that this is not a desktop file, but a parameter
+ desktopFileName = input;
+ if (input.startsWith("-")) {
+ QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Error"),tr("The filename cannot start with a \"-\"."));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ //if proposed file does not exist, than we will create one based on the templates
+ if (!QFile::exists(input)) {
+ if (desktopType=="link") {
+ copyTemplate("-link");
+ } else {
+ copyTemplate("-app");
- //if proposed file does not exist, than we will create one based on the templates
- if (!QFile::exists(input)) {
- if (desktopType=="link") {
- copyTemplate("-link");
- } else {
- copyTemplate("-app");
- }
+ }
+ this->setWindowTitle(desktopFileName.section("/",-1));
+ ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); //always start on the file info tab
+ //Now load the file info and put it into the UI
+ QFileInfo info(desktopFileName);
+ QString mime = LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(desktopFileName);
+ QList<QByteArray> fmt = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats();
+ bool foundimage=false;
+ for(int i=0; i<fmt.length(); i++){
+ if(info.suffix().toLower() == QString(fmt[i]).toLower()){foundimage=true; break; }
- //use the standard LXDG object and load the desktop file
- bool ok = false;
- if(desktopFileName.endsWith(".desktop")){
- DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(desktopFileName, ok);
+ if(foundimage){
+ ui->label_file_icon->setPixmap( QPixmap(desktopFileName).scaledToHeight(64) );
+ }else{
+ ui->label_file_icon->setPixmap( LXDG::findMimeIcon(mime).pixmap(QSize(64,64)) );
+ }
+ ui->label_file_mimetype->setText(mime);
+ QString type;
+ if(desktopFileName.endsWith(".desktop")){ type = tr("XDG Shortcut"); }
+ else if(info.isDir()){ type = tr("Directory"); ui->label_file_icon->setPixmap( LXDG::findIcon("folder","").pixmap(QSize(64,64)) ); }
+ else if(info.isExecutable()){ type = tr("Binary"); }
+ else{ type = info.suffix().toUpper(); }
+ if(info.isHidden()){ type = QString(tr("Hidden %1")).arg(type); }
+ ui->label_file_type->setText(type);
+ double bytes = info.size();
+ QStringList lab; lab << "B" << "KB" << "MB" << "GB" << "TB" << "PB";
+ int i=0;
+ while(i<lab.length() && bytes>1024){
+ bytes = bytes/1024;
+ i++; //next label
+ }
+ //convert the size to two decimel places and add the label
+ QString sz = QString::number( qRound(bytes*100)/100.0 )+lab[i];
+ ui->label_file_size->setText( sz );
+ ui->label_file_owner->setText(info.owner());
+ ui->label_file_group->setText(info.group());
+ QString perms;
+ if(info.isReadable() && info.isWritable()){ perms = tr("Read/Write"); }
+ else if(info.isReadable()){ perms = tr("Read Only"); }
+ else if(info.isWritable()){ perms = tr("Write Only"); }
+ else{ perms = tr("No Access"); }
+ ui->label_file_perms->setText(perms);
+ ui->label_file_created->setText( info.created().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate) );
+ ui->label_file_modified->setText( info.lastModified().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate) );
+ //use the standard LXDG object and load the desktop file
+ bool ok = false;
+ if(desktopFileName.endsWith(".desktop")){
+ DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(desktopFileName, ok);
+ }
+ if( ok ) {
+ if ((DF.type == XDGDesktop::LINK) && (desktopType!="link" )) {
+ //we open a desktop type "link" but it was not mentionned by parameters
+ Dialog::Initialise("-link");
- if( ok ) {
- if ((DF.type == XDGDesktop::LINK) && (desktopType!="link" )) {
- //we open a desktop type "link" but it was not mentionned by parameters
- Dialog::Initialise("-link");
- }
- ui->lName->setText(DF.name);
- ui->lComment->setText(DF.comment);
- ui->lCommand->setText(DF.exec);
- //in case of "link" desktop, we populate the correct content in lWorkingDir
- if (desktopType=="link") {
- ui->lWorkingDir->setText(DF.url);
- } else {
- ui->lWorkingDir->setText(DF.path);
- }
- if (DF.startupNotify) ui->cbStartupNotification->setChecked(true); else ui->cbStartupNotification->setChecked(false);
- if (DF.useTerminal) ui->cbRunInTerminal->setChecked(true); else ui->cbRunInTerminal->setChecked(false);
- iconFileName="";
- ui->pbIcon->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon(DF.icon,""));
- this->setWindowTitle(DF.filePath.section("/",-1));
+ ui->lName->setText(DF.name);
+ ui->lComment->setText(DF.comment);
+ ui->lCommand->setText(DF.exec);
+ //in case of "link" desktop, we populate the correct content in lWorkingDir
+ if (desktopType=="link") {
+ ui->lWorkingDir->setText(DF.url);
} else {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Invalid File Supplied:") +"\n"+desktopFileName );
- exit(1);
+ ui->lWorkingDir->setText(DF.path);
- //we load the file in memory and will adapt it before saving it to disk
- QFile file(desktopFileName);
- inMemoryFile="";
- if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
- QTextStream fileData(&file);
- inMemoryFile = fileData.readAll();
- file.close();
- //perform some validation checks
- //TODO: put those Regex in a config file.
- //this will allow checks improvements without compilation of the file
- if ((inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp(".*\\[Desktop Entry\\].*\n"))) &&
- (inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\n\\s*Type\\s*=.*\n"))) &&
- (inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\n\\s*Name\\s*=.*\n")))) {
- //qDebug() << "sounds a good file";
- } else {
- //qDebug() << "wrong file!!!!";
- QMessageBox msgBox;
- msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question);
- msgBox.setText(tr("There are some issues with this file !!!!"));
- msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Either you correct this file your self with an editor, or you start from scratch using the link or app template.\nPlease note that this process will update the file called:") + desktopFileName);
- QPushButton *linkButton = msgBox.addButton("Link",QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
- QPushButton *appButton = msgBox.addButton("App",QMessageBox::ResetRole);
- QPushButton *cancelButton = msgBox.addButton("Cancel",QMessageBox::NoRole);
- msgBox.exec();
- if (msgBox.clickedButton() == linkButton) {
- QFile::remove(desktopFileName);
- copyTemplate("-link");
- Initialise("-link");
- LoadDesktopFile(desktopFileName);
- }
- if (msgBox.clickedButton() == appButton) {
- QFile::remove(desktopFileName);
- copyTemplate("-app");
- Initialise("-app");
- LoadDesktopFile(desktopFileName);
- }
- if (msgBox.clickedButton() == cancelButton) {
- //we stop here
- exit(0);
- }
- }
+ if (DF.startupNotify) ui->cbStartupNotification->setChecked(true); else ui->cbStartupNotification->setChecked(false);
+ if (DF.useTerminal) ui->cbRunInTerminal->setChecked(true); else ui->cbRunInTerminal->setChecked(false);
+ iconFileName="";
+ ui->pbIcon->setIcon(LXDG::findIcon(DF.icon,""));
+ if(!info.isWritable()){ ui->tab_deskedit->setEnabled(false); }
+ } else {
+ ui->tabWidget->removeTab(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ //we load the file in memory and will adapt it before saving it to disk
+ QFile file(desktopFileName);
+ inMemoryFile="";
+ if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
+ QTextStream fileData(&file);
+ inMemoryFile = fileData.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ //perform some validation checks
+ //this will allow checks improvements without compilation of the file
+ if ((inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp(".*\\[Desktop Entry\\].*\n"))) &&
+ (inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\n\\s*Type\\s*=.*\n"))) &&
+ (inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\n\\s*Name\\s*=.*\n")))) {
+ //qDebug() << "sounds a good file";
+ } else {
+ //qDebug() << "wrong file!!!!";
+ QMessageBox msgBox;
+ msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question);
+ msgBox.setText(tr("There are some issues with this file !!!!"));
+ msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Either you correct this file your self with an editor, or you start from scratch using the link or app template.\nPlease note that this process will update the file called:") + desktopFileName);
+ QPushButton *linkButton = msgBox.addButton("Link",QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
+ QPushButton *appButton = msgBox.addButton("App",QMessageBox::ResetRole);
+ QPushButton *cancelButton = msgBox.addButton("Cancel",QMessageBox::NoRole);
+ msgBox.exec();
+ if (msgBox.clickedButton() == linkButton) {
+ QFile::remove(desktopFileName);
+ copyTemplate("-link");
+ Initialise("-link");
+ LoadDesktopFile(desktopFileName);
+ }
+ if (msgBox.clickedButton() == appButton) {
+ QFile::remove(desktopFileName);
+ copyTemplate("-app");
+ Initialise("-app");
+ LoadDesktopFile(desktopFileName);
+ }
+ if (msgBox.clickedButton() == cancelButton) {
+ //we stop here
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
void Dialog::on_pbCommand_clicked()
- //the default directory is the user's home directory
- QString commandFolder = QDir::homePath();
- if (!ui->lCommand->text().isEmpty()) commandFolder = ui->lCommand->text().section('/', 0, -2);
- if (commandFolder.isEmpty()) commandFolder = QDir::homePath();
- QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
+ //the default directory is the user's home directory
+ QString commandFolder = QDir::homePath();
+ if (!ui->lCommand->text().isEmpty()) commandFolder = ui->lCommand->text().section('/', 0, -2);
+ if (commandFolder.isEmpty()) commandFolder = QDir::homePath();
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open command"), commandFolder, tr("All Files (*)"));
- if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
- ui->lCommand->setText(fileName);
- ui->lCommand->setModified(true);
- }
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ ui->lCommand->setText(fileName);
+ ui->lCommand->setModified(true);
+ }
void Dialog::on_pbWorkingDir_clicked()
- //the default directory is /
- QString workingDir = "/";
- if (ui->lWorkingDir->text().isEmpty()) workingDir = "/";
- else workingDir = ui->lWorkingDir->text();
- QFileDialog::Options options = QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly;
- QString directory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
+ //the default directory is /
+ QString workingDir = "/";
+ if (ui->lWorkingDir->text().isEmpty()) workingDir = "/";
+ else workingDir = ui->lWorkingDir->text();
+ QFileDialog::Options options = QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly;
+ QString directory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
tr("Working Directory"),
- if (!directory.isEmpty()) {
- ui->lWorkingDir->setText(directory);
- ui->lWorkingDir->setModified(true);
- }
+ if (!directory.isEmpty()) {
+ ui->lWorkingDir->setText(directory);
+ ui->lWorkingDir->setModified(true);
+ }
//we save the changes to the destination file
void Dialog::on_pbApply_clicked()
- QString from,to;
- QString desktopTypeVal="Application";
- if (DF.type == XDGDesktop::APP) { desktopTypeVal="Application"; }
- else if (DF.type == XDGDesktop::LINK) { desktopTypeVal="Link"; }
- else if (DF.type == XDGDesktop::DIR) { desktopTypeVal="Dir"; }
- textReplace(inMemoryFile, desktopTypeVal, desktopType, "Type");
- if (ui->lName->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.name, ui->lName->text(), "Name");}
- if (ui->lComment->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.comment, ui->lComment->text(), "Comment");}
- if (ui->lCommand->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.exec, ui->lCommand->text(),"Exec");}
- if (desktopType=="link") {
- //incase of "link" layout WorkingDir is corresponding to the URL
- if (ui->lWorkingDir->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.url, ui->lWorkingDir->text(),"URL");}
- } else {
- if (ui->lWorkingDir->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.path, ui->lWorkingDir->text(),"Path");}
- }
- if (ui->cbStartupNotification->isChecked() != DF.startupNotify) {
- if (DF.startupNotify) {from="true"; to="false";} else {from="false"; to="true";}
- textReplace(inMemoryFile, from, to,"StartupNotify");
- }
- if (ui->cbRunInTerminal->isChecked() != DF.useTerminal) {
- if (DF.useTerminal) {from="true"; to="false";} else {from="false"; to="true";}
- textReplace(inMemoryFile, from, to,"Terminal");
- }
- if (!iconFileName.isEmpty()) {
- from=DF.icon;
- to=iconFileName;
- textReplace(inMemoryFile, from, to,"Icon");
- }
- QFile file(desktopFileName);
- if (file.open(QFile::ReadWrite)) {
- file.seek(0);
- file.write(inMemoryFile.toUtf8());
- file.resize(file.pos());//remove possible trailing lines
- file.close();
- } else {
- //problem to write to the disk
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem to write to disk"), tr("We have a problem to write the adapted desktop file to the disk. Can you re-try the modification after solving the issue with the disk ?"));
- }
- //hack required to update the icon on the desktop
- QTemporaryFile tempFile ;
- tempFile.setAutoRemove(false);
- tempFile.setFileTemplate("/tmp/lumina-XXXXXX");
- tempFile.open();
- tempFile.close();
- QString cmd = "mv";
- cmd = cmd + " " + desktopFileName + " " + tempFile.fileName();
- int ret = LUtils::runCmd(cmd);
- if (ret !=0 ) {
- qDebug() << "Problem to execute:" << cmd;
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem to write to disk"), tr("We have a problem to execute the following command:") + cmd);
- }
- cmd = "mv";
- cmd = cmd + " " + tempFile.fileName() + " " + desktopFileName;
- ret = LUtils::runCmd(cmd);
- if (ret !=0 ) {
- qDebug() << "Problem to execute:" << cmd;
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem to write to disk"), tr("We have a problem to execute the following command:") + cmd);
- }
+ QString from,to;
+ QString desktopTypeVal="Application";
+ if (DF.type == XDGDesktop::APP) { desktopTypeVal="Application"; }
+ else if (DF.type == XDGDesktop::LINK) { desktopTypeVal="Link"; }
+ else if (DF.type == XDGDesktop::DIR) { desktopTypeVal="Dir"; }
+ textReplace(inMemoryFile, desktopTypeVal, desktopType, "Type");
+ if (ui->lName->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.name, ui->lName->text(), "Name");}
+ if (ui->lComment->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.comment, ui->lComment->text(), "Comment");}
+ if (ui->lCommand->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.exec, ui->lCommand->text(),"Exec");}
+ if (desktopType=="link") {
+ //incase of "link" layout WorkingDir is corresponding to the URL
+ if (ui->lWorkingDir->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.url, ui->lWorkingDir->text(),"URL");}
+ } else {
+ if (ui->lWorkingDir->isModified()) { textReplace(inMemoryFile, DF.path, ui->lWorkingDir->text(),"Path");}
+ }
+ if (ui->cbStartupNotification->isChecked() != DF.startupNotify) {
+ if (DF.startupNotify) {from="true"; to="false";} else {from="false"; to="true";}
+ textReplace(inMemoryFile, from, to,"StartupNotify");
+ }
+ if (ui->cbRunInTerminal->isChecked() != DF.useTerminal) {
+ if (DF.useTerminal) {from="true"; to="false";} else {from="false"; to="true";}
+ textReplace(inMemoryFile, from, to,"Terminal");
+ }
+ if (!iconFileName.isEmpty()) {
+ from=DF.icon;
+ to=iconFileName;
+ textReplace(inMemoryFile, from, to,"Icon");
+ }
+ QFile file(desktopFileName);
+ if (file.open(QFile::ReadWrite)) {
+ file.seek(0);
+ file.write(inMemoryFile.toUtf8());
+ file.resize(file.pos());//remove possible trailing lines
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ //problem to write to the disk
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem to write to disk"), tr("We have a problem to write the adapted desktop file to the disk. Can you re-try the modification after solving the issue with the disk ?"));
+ }
+ //hack required to update the icon on the desktop
+ QTemporaryFile tempFile ;
+ tempFile.setAutoRemove(false);
+ tempFile.setFileTemplate("/tmp/lumina-XXXXXX");
+ tempFile.open();
+ tempFile.close();
+ QString cmd = "mv";
+ cmd = cmd + " " + desktopFileName + " " + tempFile.fileName();
+ int ret = LUtils::runCmd(cmd);
+ if (ret !=0 ) {
+ qDebug() << "Problem to execute:" << cmd;
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem to write to disk"), tr("We have a problem to execute the following command:") + cmd);
+ }
+ cmd = "mv";
+ cmd = cmd + " " + tempFile.fileName() + " " + desktopFileName;
+ ret = LUtils::runCmd(cmd);
+ if (ret !=0 ) {
+ qDebug() << "Problem to execute:" << cmd;
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem to write to disk"), tr("We have a problem to execute the following command:") + cmd);
+ }
void Dialog::on_pbIcon_clicked()
- //the default directory is local/share/icons
- QString iconFolder = LOS::AppPrefix()+"/share/icons";
- if (!iconFileName.isEmpty()) iconFolder = iconFileName.section('/', 0, -2);
- else if (!DF.icon.isEmpty()) iconFolder = DF.icon.section('/', 0, -2);
- if (iconFolder.isEmpty()) iconFolder = LOS::AppPrefix()+"/share/icons";
- QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
+ //the default directory is local/share/icons
+ QString iconFolder = LOS::AppPrefix()+"/share/icons";
+ if (!iconFileName.isEmpty()) iconFolder = iconFileName.section('/', 0, -2);
+ else if (!DF.icon.isEmpty()) iconFolder = DF.icon.section('/', 0, -2);
+ if (iconFolder.isEmpty()) iconFolder = LOS::AppPrefix()+"/share/icons";
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open command"), iconFolder, tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"));
- if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
- ui->pbIcon->setIcon(QPixmap(fileName));
- iconFileName=fileName;
- }
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ ui->pbIcon->setIcon(QPixmap(fileName));
+ iconFileName=fileName;
+ }
void Dialog::on_lName_textChanged(QString text)
- if (text != DF.name && inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\nName\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
- QMessageBox msgBox;
- msgBox.setText(tr("By modifying this value, you will loose all translated versions"));
- msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("The field: Name is translated in several other languages. If you want to continue, you will loose all translated versions"));
- msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
- int answer = msgBox.exec();
- if (answer==QMessageBox::Ok) {
- //remove all translated versions. The lang cannot be null, but the value can be.
- inMemoryFile.replace(QRegExp("\nName\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=[^\n]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive), "");
- } else {
- ui->lName->setText(DF.name);
- }
- }
+ if (text != DF.name && inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\nName\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
+ QMessageBox msgBox;
+ msgBox.setText(tr("By modifying this value, you will loose all translated versions"));
+ msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("The field: Name is translated in several other languages. If you want to continue, you will loose all translated versions"));
+ msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
+ int answer = msgBox.exec();
+ if (answer==QMessageBox::Ok) {
+ //remove all translated versions. The lang cannot be null, but the value can be.
+ inMemoryFile.replace(QRegExp("\nName\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=[^\n]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive), "");
+ } else {
+ ui->lName->setText(DF.name);
+ }
+ }
void Dialog::on_lComment_textChanged(QString text)
- if (text != DF.name && inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\nComment\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
- QMessageBox msgBox;
- msgBox.setText(tr("By modifying this value, you will loose all translated versions"));
- msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("The field: Comment is translated in several other languages. If you want to continue, you will loose all translated versions"));
- msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
- int answer = msgBox.exec();
- if (answer==QMessageBox::Ok) {
- //remove all translated versions. The lang cannot be null, but the value can be.
- inMemoryFile.replace(QRegExp("\nComment\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=[^\n]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive), "");
- } else {
- ui->lName->setText(DF.comment);
- }
- }
+ if (text != DF.name && inMemoryFile.contains(QRegExp("\nComment\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
+ QMessageBox msgBox;
+ msgBox.setText(tr("By modifying this value, you will loose all translated versions"));
+ msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("The field: Comment is translated in several other languages. If you want to continue, you will loose all translated versions"));
+ msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
+ int answer = msgBox.exec();
+ if (answer==QMessageBox::Ok) {
+ //remove all translated versions. The lang cannot be null, but the value can be.
+ inMemoryFile.replace(QRegExp("\nComment\\[\\S+\\]\\s*=[^\n]*",Qt::CaseInsensitive), "");
+ } else {
+ ui->lName->setText(DF.comment);
+ }
+ }