path: root/archive/omni-patching
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/omni-patching')
2 files changed, 2036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/omni-patching/browser/omni.ja/chrome/browser/content/browser/preferences/in-content/privacy.js b/archive/omni-patching/browser/omni.ja/chrome/browser/content/browser/preferences/in-content/privacy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24cfc62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/omni-patching/browser/omni.ja/chrome/browser/content/browser/preferences/in-content/privacy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2022 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+/* import-globals-from extensionControlled.js */
+/* import-globals-from preferences.js */
+/* FIXME: ESlint globals workaround should be removed once bug 1395426 gets fixed */
+/* globals DownloadUtils, LoadContextInfo */
+ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PluralForm",
+ "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm");
+ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "LoginHelper",
+ "resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.jsm");
+ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "SiteDataManager",
+ "resource:///modules/SiteDataManager.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingUiEnabled",
+ "browser.contentblocking.ui.enabled");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingCookiesAndSiteDataRejectTrackersRecommended",
+ "browser.contentblocking.cookies-site-data.ui.reject-trackers.recommended");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingCookiesAndSiteDataRejectTrackersEnabled",
+ "browser.contentblocking.cookies-site-data.ui.reject-trackers.enabled");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingFastBlockUiEnabled",
+ "browser.contentblocking.fastblock.ui.enabled");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingTrackingProtectionUiEnabled",
+ "browser.contentblocking.trackingprotection.ui.enabled");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingRejectTrackersUiEnabled",
+ "browser.contentblocking.rejecttrackers.ui.enabled");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingRejectTrackersRecommended",
+ "browser.contentblocking.rejecttrackers.ui.recommended");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "contentBlockingEnabled",
+ "browser.contentblocking.enabled");
+const PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED = "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled";
+const TRACKING_PROTECTION_KEY = "websites.trackingProtectionMode";
+const TRACKING_PROTECTION_PREFS = ["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled",
+ "privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled"];
+const PREF_OPT_OUT_STUDIES_ENABLED = "app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled";
+const PREF_NORMANDY_ENABLED = "app.normandy.enabled";
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "AlertsServiceDND", function() {
+ try {
+ let alertsService = Cc["@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAlertsDoNotDisturb);
+ // This will throw if manualDoNotDisturb isn't implemented.
+ alertsService.manualDoNotDisturb;
+ return alertsService;
+ } catch (ex) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // Content Blocking
+ { id: "browser.contentblocking.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ // FastBlock
+ { id: "browser.fastblock.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ // Tracking Protection
+ { id: "privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ // This isn't a configuration pref, rather it's for saving the previous state
+ // of the UI when we turn off the TP controls when the user checks off the
+ // All Detected Trackers under Content Blocking. This pref isn't listed in
+ // all.js/firefox.js to make sure it doesn't appear in about:config by default.
+ { id: "browser.privacy.trackingprotection.menu", type: "string" },
+ // Button prefs
+ { id: "pref.privacy.disable_button.cookie_exceptions", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "pref.privacy.disable_button.view_cookies", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "pref.privacy.disable_button.change_blocklist", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "pref.privacy.disable_button.tracking_protection_exceptions", type: "bool" },
+ // Location Bar
+ { id: "browser.urlbar.autocomplete.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.urlbar.suggest.history", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage", type: "bool" },
+ // History
+ { id: "places.history.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.formfill.enable", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "privacy.history.custom", type: "bool" },
+ // Cookies
+ { id: "network.cookie.cookieBehavior", type: "int" },
+ { id: "network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", type: "int" },
+ { id: "network.cookie.blockFutureCookies", type: "bool" },
+ // Clear Private Data
+ { id: "privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "privacy.sanitize.timeSpan", type: "int" },
+ // Do not track
+ { id: "privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ // Media
+ { id: "media.autoplay.default", type: "int" },
+ { id: "media.autoplay.enabled.ask-permission", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed", type: "bool" },
+ // Popups
+ { id: "dom.disable_open_during_load", type: "bool" },
+ // Passwords
+ { id: "signon.rememberSignons", type: "bool" },
+ // Buttons
+ { id: "pref.privacy.disable_button.view_passwords", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "pref.privacy.disable_button.view_passwords_exceptions", type: "bool" },
+ /* Certificates tab
+ * security.default_personal_cert
+ * - a string:
+ * "Select Automatically" select a certificate automatically when a site
+ * requests one
+ * "Ask Every Time" present a dialog to the user so he can select
+ * the certificate to use on a site which
+ * requests one
+ */
+ { id: "security.default_personal_cert", type: "string" },
+ { id: "security.disable_button.openCertManager", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "security.disable_button.openDeviceManager", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "security.OCSP.enabled", type: "int" },
+ // Add-ons, malware, phishing
+ { id: "xpinstall.whitelist.required", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "urlclassifier.malwareTable", type: "string" },
+ { id: "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_potentially_unwanted", type: "bool" },
+ { id: "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_uncommon", type: "bool" },
+// Study opt out
+if (AppConstants.MOZ_DATA_REPORTING) {
+ Preferences.addAll([
+ // Preference instances for prefs that we need to monitor while the page is open.
+ { id: PREF_OPT_OUT_STUDIES_ENABLED, type: "bool" },
+ { id: PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED, type: "bool" },
+ ]);
+// Data Choices tab
+if (AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) {
+ Preferences.add({ id: "browser.chrome.errorReporter.enabled", type: "bool" });
+if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
+ Preferences.add({ id: "browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.autoSubmit2", type: "bool" });
+function setEventListener(aId, aEventType, aCallback) {
+ document.getElementById(aId)
+ .addEventListener(aEventType, aCallback.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+var gPrivacyPane = {
+ _pane: null,
+ /**
+ * Whether the prompt to restart Firefox should appear when changing the autostart pref.
+ */
+ _shouldPromptForRestart: true,
+ /**
+ * Initialize the tracking protection prefs and linkify its Learn More link.
+ */
+ _initTrackingProtection() {
+ setEventListener("trackingProtectionRadioGroup", "command",
+ this.trackingProtectionWritePrefs);
+ setEventListener("changeBlockList", "command", this.showBlockLists);
+ let link = document.getElementById("trackingProtectionLearnMore");
+ let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "tracking-protection";
+ link.setAttribute("href", url);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the tracking protection UI to deal with extension control.
+ */
+ _updateTrackingProtectionUI() {
+ let isLocked = TRACKING_PROTECTION_PREFS.some(
+ pref => Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(pref));
+ function setInputsDisabledState(isControlled) {
+ let disabled = isLocked || isControlled;
+ if (contentBlockingUiEnabled) {
+ let tpCheckbox =
+ document.getElementById("contentBlockingTrackingProtectionCheckbox");
+ // Only enable the TP menu if content blocking and Detect All Trackers
+ // are enabled.
+ document.getElementById("trackingProtectionMenu").disabled = disabled ||
+ !tpCheckbox.checked ||
+ !contentBlockingEnabled;
+ // Only enable the TP category checkbox if content blocking is enabled.
+ tpCheckbox.disabled = disabled || !contentBlockingEnabled;
+ } else {
+ document.querySelectorAll("#trackingProtectionRadioGroup > radio")
+ .forEach((element) => {
+ element.disabled = disabled;
+ });
+ document.querySelector("#trackingProtectionDesc > label")
+ .disabled = disabled;
+ }
+ // Notify observers that the TP UI has been updated.
+ // This is needed since our tests need to be notified about the
+ // trackingProtectionMenu element getting disabled/enabled at the right time.
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(window, "privacy-pane-tp-ui-updated");
+ }
+ if (isLocked) {
+ // An extension can't control this setting if either pref is locked.
+ hideControllingExtension(TRACKING_PROTECTION_KEY);
+ setInputsDisabledState(false);
+ } else {
+ handleControllingExtension(
+ .then(setInputsDisabledState);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set up handlers for showing and hiding controlling extension info
+ * for tracking protection.
+ */
+ _initTrackingProtectionExtensionControl() {
+ let disableButton = contentBlockingUiEnabled ?
+ "contentBlockingDisableTrackingProtectionExtension" : "disableTrackingProtectionExtension";
+ setEventListener(disableButton, "command",
+ makeDisableControllingExtension(
+ let trackingProtectionObserver = {
+ observe(subject, topic, data) {
+ gPrivacyPane._updateTrackingProtectionUI();
+ },
+ };
+ for (let pref of TRACKING_PROTECTION_PREFS) {
+ Services.prefs.addObserver(pref, trackingProtectionObserver);
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("unload", () => {
+ for (let pref of TRACKING_PROTECTION_PREFS) {
+ Services.prefs.removeObserver(pref, trackingProtectionObserver);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize autocomplete to ensure prefs are in sync.
+ */
+ _initAutocomplete() {
+ Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete"]
+ .getService(Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets up the UI for the number of days of history to keep, and updates the
+ * label of the "Clear Now..." button.
+ */
+ init() {
+ this._updateSanitizeSettingsButton();
+ this.initializeHistoryMode();
+ this.initAutoplay();
+ this.updateAutoplayMediaControlsVisibility();
+ this.updateHistoryModePane();
+ this.updatePrivacyMicroControls();
+ this.initAutoStartPrivateBrowsingReverter();
+ this._initAutocomplete();
+ /* Initialize Content Blocking / Tracking Protection */
+ if (contentBlockingUiEnabled) {
+ this.initContentBlocking();
+ } else {
+ this._initTrackingProtection();
+ }
+ this.trackingProtectionReadPrefs();
+ this.networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs();
+ this._initTrackingProtectionExtensionControl();
+ this.updateContentBlockingVisibility();
+ Preferences.get("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.trackingProtectionReadPrefs.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ Preferences.get("privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.trackingProtectionReadPrefs.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ // Watch all of the prefs that the new Cookies & Site Data UI depends on
+ Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ Preferences.get("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ setEventListener("trackingProtectionExceptions", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showTrackingProtectionExceptions);
+ Preferences.get("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane._updateSanitizeSettingsButton.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.updatePrivacyMicroControls.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ Preferences.get("media.autoplay.enabled.ask-permission").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.updateAutoplayMediaControlsVisibility.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ Preferences.get("media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.updateAutoplayMediaControlsVisibility.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ setEventListener("historyMode", "command", function() {
+ gPrivacyPane.updateHistoryModePane();
+ gPrivacyPane.updateHistoryModePrefs();
+ gPrivacyPane.updatePrivacyMicroControls();
+ gPrivacyPane.updateAutostart();
+ });
+ setEventListener("clearHistoryButton", "command", function() {
+ let historyMode = document.getElementById("historyMode");
+ // Select "everything" in the clear history dialog if the
+ // user has set their history mode to never remember history.
+ gPrivacyPane.clearPrivateDataNow(historyMode.value == "dontremember");
+ });
+ setEventListener("openSearchEnginePreferences", "click", function(event) {
+ if (event.button == 0) {
+ gotoPref("search");
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ setEventListener("privateBrowsingAutoStart", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.updateAutostart);
+ setEventListener("cookieExceptions", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showCookieExceptions);
+ setEventListener("clearDataSettings", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showClearPrivateDataSettings);
+ setEventListener("passwordExceptions", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showPasswordExceptions);
+ setEventListener("useMasterPassword", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.updateMasterPasswordButton);
+ setEventListener("changeMasterPassword", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.changeMasterPassword);
+ setEventListener("showPasswords", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showPasswords);
+ setEventListener("addonExceptions", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showAddonExceptions);
+ setEventListener("viewCertificatesButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showCertificates);
+ setEventListener("viewSecurityDevicesButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showSecurityDevices);
+ this._pane = document.getElementById("panePrivacy");
+ this._initMasterPasswordUI();
+ this._initSafeBrowsing();
+ setEventListener("notificationSettingsButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showNotificationExceptions);
+ setEventListener("locationSettingsButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showLocationExceptions);
+ setEventListener("cameraSettingsButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showCameraExceptions);
+ setEventListener("microphoneSettingsButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showMicrophoneExceptions);
+ setEventListener("popupPolicyButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showPopupExceptions);
+ setEventListener("autoplayMediaCheckbox", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.toggleAutoplayMedia);
+ setEventListener("autoplayMediaPolicyButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showAutoplayMediaExceptions);
+ setEventListener("autoplayMediaPolicyComboboxButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showAutoplayMediaExceptions);
+ setEventListener("notificationsDoNotDisturb", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.toggleDoNotDisturbNotifications);
+ if (AlertsServiceDND) {
+ let notificationsDoNotDisturbBox =
+ document.getElementById("notificationsDoNotDisturbBox");
+ notificationsDoNotDisturbBox.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ let checkbox = document.getElementById("notificationsDoNotDisturb");
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(checkbox, "permissions-notification-pause");
+ if (AlertsServiceDND.manualDoNotDisturb) {
+ let notificationsDoNotDisturb =
+ document.getElementById("notificationsDoNotDisturb");
+ notificationsDoNotDisturb.setAttribute("checked", true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.initSiteDataControls();
+ setEventListener("clearSiteDataButton", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.clearSiteData);
+ setEventListener("siteDataSettings", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.showSiteDataSettings);
+ let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "storage-permissions";
+ document.getElementById("siteDataLearnMoreLink").setAttribute("href", url);
+ let notificationInfoURL =
+ Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "push";
+ document.getElementById("notificationPermissionsLearnMore").setAttribute("href",
+ notificationInfoURL);
+ let drmInfoURL =
+ Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "drm-content";
+ document.getElementById("playDRMContentLink").setAttribute("href", drmInfoURL);
+ let emeUIEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.eme.ui.enabled");
+ // Force-disable/hide on WinXP:
+ if (navigator.platform.toLowerCase().startsWith("win")) {
+ emeUIEnabled = emeUIEnabled && parseFloat(Services.sysinfo.get("version")) >= 6;
+ }
+ if (!emeUIEnabled) {
+ // Don't want to rely on .hidden for the toplevel groupbox because
+ // of the pane hiding/showing code potentially interfering:
+ document.getElementById("drmGroup").setAttribute("style", "display: none !important");
+ }
+ if (AppConstants.MOZ_DATA_REPORTING) {
+ this.initDataCollection();
+ if (AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) {
+ this.initCollectBrowserErrors();
+ }
+ if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
+ this.initSubmitCrashes();
+ }
+ this.initSubmitHealthReport();
+ setEventListener("submitHealthReportBox", "command",
+ gPrivacyPane.updateSubmitHealthReport);
+ this.initOptOutStudyCheckbox();
+ }
+ this._initA11yState();
+ let signonBundle = document.getElementById("signonBundle");
+ let pkiBundle = document.getElementById("pkiBundle");
+ appendSearchKeywords("showPasswords", [
+ signonBundle.getString("loginsDescriptionAll2"),
+ ]);
+ appendSearchKeywords("viewSecurityDevicesButton", [
+ pkiBundle.getString("enable_fips"),
+ ]);
+ if (!PrivateBrowsingUtils.enabled) {
+ document.getElementById("privateBrowsingAutoStart").hidden = true;
+ document.querySelector("menuitem[value='dontremember']").hidden = true;
+ }
+ // Notify observers that the UI is now ready
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(window, "privacy-pane-loaded");
+ },
+ initSiteDataControls() {
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sitedatamanager:sites-updated");
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sitedatamanager:updating-sites");
+ let unload = () => {
+ window.removeEventListener("unload", unload);
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sitedatamanager:sites-updated");
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sitedatamanager:updating-sites");
+ };
+ window.addEventListener("unload", unload);
+ SiteDataManager.updateSites();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initializes the content blocking section.
+ */
+ initContentBlocking() {
+ let contentBlockingCheckbox = document.getElementById("contentBlockingCheckbox");
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingToggle", "command",
+ () => contentBlockingCheckbox.click());
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingToggle", "command",
+ this.updateContentBlockingControls);
+ setEventListener("changeBlockListLink", "click", this.showBlockLists);
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingRestoreDefaults", "command",
+ this.restoreContentBlockingPrefs);
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingTrackingProtectionCheckbox", "command",
+ this.trackingProtectionWritePrefs);
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingTrackingProtectionCheckbox", "command",
+ this._updateTrackingProtectionUI);
+ setEventListener("trackingProtectionMenu", "command",
+ this.trackingProtectionWritePrefs);
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingChangeCookieSettings", "command",
+ this.changeCookieSettings);
+ setEventListener("contentBlockingBlockCookiesCheckbox", "command",
+ this.writeBlockCookiesCheckbox);
+ Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior").on("change",
+ gPrivacyPane.readBlockCookiesCheckbox.bind(gPrivacyPane));
+ this.readBlockCookiesCheckbox();
+ let link = document.getElementById("contentBlockingLearnMore");
+ let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "tracking-protection";
+ link.setAttribute("href", url);
+ // Honour our Content Blocking category UI prefs. If each pref is set to false,
+ // Make all descendants of the corresponding selector hidden.
+ let selectorPrefMap = {
+ ".fast-block-ui": contentBlockingFastBlockUiEnabled,
+ ".tracking-protection-ui": contentBlockingTrackingProtectionUiEnabled,
+ ".reject-trackers-ui": contentBlockingRejectTrackersUiEnabled,
+ };
+ for (let selector in selectorPrefMap) {
+ let pref = selectorPrefMap[selector];
+ if (!pref) {
+ let elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ for (let element of elements) {
+ element.hidden = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allow turning off the "(recommended)" label using a pref
+ let blockCookiesFromTrackers = document.getElementById("blockCookiesFromTrackersCB");
+ if (contentBlockingRejectTrackersRecommended) {
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(blockCookiesFromTrackers, "content-blocking-reject-trackers-block-trackers-option-recommended");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Resets all user-exposed content blocking preferences to their default values.
+ */
+ async restoreContentBlockingPrefs() {
+ function clearIfNotLocked(pref) {
+ if (!Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(pref)) {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref(pref);
+ }
+ }
+ clearIfNotLocked("browser.contentblocking.enabled");
+ clearIfNotLocked("browser.fastblock.enabled");
+ clearIfNotLocked("urlclassifier.trackingTable");
+ clearIfNotLocked("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ clearIfNotLocked("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy");
+ let controllingExtension = await getControllingExtension(
+ if (!controllingExtension) {
+ for (let preference of TRACKING_PROTECTION_PREFS) {
+ clearIfNotLocked(preference);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Highlights the Cookies & Site Data UI section.
+ */
+ changeCookieSettings() {
+ gotoPref("privacy-sitedata");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Changes the visibility of elements in the TP/CB section depending on the
+ * content blocking UI pref.
+ */
+ updateContentBlockingVisibility() {
+ // First, update the content blocking UI.
+ let visibleState = {
+ "contentBlockingHeader": true,
+ "contentBlockingDescription": true,
+ "contentBlockingLearnMore": true,
+ "contentBlockingRestoreDefaults": true,
+ "contentBlockingCheckboxContainer": true,
+ "contentBlockingCategories": true,
+ "trackingProtectionHeader": false,
+ "trackingProtectionDescription": false,
+ "trackingProtectionBox": false,
+ };
+ for (let id in visibleState) {
+ document.getElementById(id).hidden = contentBlockingUiEnabled != visibleState[id];
+ }
+ if (contentBlockingUiEnabled) {
+ // Update the Do Not Track section to not mention "Tracking Protection".
+ let dntDefaultRadioItem =
+ document.querySelector("#doNotTrackRadioGroup > radio[value=false]");
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ dntDefaultRadioItem, "do-not-track-option-default-content-blocking");
+ // Potentially hide the global toggle.
+ document.getElementById("contentBlockingCheckboxContainer").hidden =
+ !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.contentblocking.global-toggle.enabled", true);
+ }
+ // Allow turning off the "(recommended)" label using a pref
+ let blockCookiesFromTrackers = document.getElementById("blockCookiesFromTrackers");
+ if (contentBlockingCookiesAndSiteDataRejectTrackersRecommended) {
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(blockCookiesFromTrackers, "sitedata-block-trackers-option-recommended");
+ }
+ // Allow hiding the Reject Trackers option based on a pref
+ if (!contentBlockingCookiesAndSiteDataRejectTrackersEnabled) {
+ blockCookiesFromTrackers.remove();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Updates the preferences UI to reflect the browser.contentblocking.enabled pref.
+ * This affects the button to toggle the pref and the disabled state of the dependent controls.
+ */
+ updateContentBlockingToggle() {
+ let onOrOff = contentBlockingEnabled ? "on" : "off";
+ let contentBlockingToggle = document.getElementById("contentBlockingToggle");
+ let contentBlockingToggleLabel = document.getElementById("contentBlockingToggleLabel");
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(contentBlockingToggle,
+ "content-blocking-toggle-" + onOrOff);
+ contentBlockingToggle.setAttribute("aria-pressed", contentBlockingEnabled);
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(contentBlockingToggleLabel,
+ "content-blocking-toggle-label-" + onOrOff);
+ this.updateContentBlockingControls();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Changes the disabled state of controls that depend on the browser.contentblocking.enabled pref.
+ */
+ updateContentBlockingControls() {
+ let dependentControls = [
+ "#content-blocking-categories-label",
+ ".content-blocking-checkbox",
+ "#changeBlockListLink",
+ "#contentBlockingChangeCookieSettings",
+ "#blockCookiesCB, #blockCookiesCB > radio",
+ "#blockCookies, #blockCookies > radio",
+ ];
+ this._toggleControls(dependentControls, contentBlockingEnabled);
+ // The list of dependent controls here would normally include #blockCookiesLabel,
+ // #blockCookiesMenu, #keepUntil and #keepCookiesUntil, but in order to avoid
+ // having two parts of the code responsible for figuring out whether these
+ // controls must be enabled or disabled, we offload that responsibility to
+ // networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs() which already knows how to deal with it.
+ this.networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs();
+ // If Content Blocking gets disabled, show the warning in the Cookies and Site Data section.
+ let blockCookiesWarning = document.getElementById("blockCookiesWarning");
+ blockCookiesWarning.hidden = contentBlockingEnabled;
+ // Need to make sure we account for pref locking/extension overrides when enabling the TP menu.
+ this._updateTrackingProtectionUI();
+ // If we are turning Content Blocking on, we may need to keep some parts of the Third-Party Cookies
+ // UI off, depending on the value of the cookieBehavior pref. readBlockCookiesCheckbox() can do
+ // the work that is needed for that.
+ this.readBlockCookiesCheckbox();
+ },
+ _toggleControls(dependentControls, enabled) {
+ for (let selector of dependentControls) {
+ let controls = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ for (let control of controls) {
+ if (enabled) {
+ control.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ } else {
+ control.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Selects the right item of the Tracking Protection radiogroup.
+ */
+ trackingProtectionReadPrefs() {
+ let enabledPref = Preferences.get("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled");
+ let pbmPref = Preferences.get("privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled");
+ let btpmPref = Preferences.get("browser.privacy.trackingprotection.menu");
+ let tpControl,
+ tpCheckbox;
+ if (contentBlockingUiEnabled) {
+ tpControl = document.getElementById("trackingProtectionMenu");
+ tpCheckbox = document.getElementById("contentBlockingTrackingProtectionCheckbox");
+ } else {
+ tpControl = document.getElementById("trackingProtectionRadioGroup");
+ }
+ let savedMenuValue;
+ if (contentBlockingUiEnabled) {
+ // Only look at the backup pref when restoring the checkbox next to
+ // "All Detected Trackers".
+ if (["always", "private"].includes(btpmPref.value) &&
+ tpCheckbox.checked) {
+ savedMenuValue = btpmPref.value;
+ }
+ }
+ this._updateTrackingProtectionUI();
+ // Global enable takes precedence over enabled in Private Browsing.
+ if (enabledPref.value) {
+ tpControl.value = "always";
+ if (tpCheckbox) {
+ tpCheckbox.checked = true;
+ }
+ } else if (pbmPref.value) {
+ tpControl.value = "private";
+ if (tpCheckbox) {
+ tpCheckbox.checked = true;
+ }
+ } else if (!tpCheckbox) {
+ tpControl.value = "never";
+ } else {
+ if (savedMenuValue) {
+ tpControl.value = savedMenuValue;
+ }
+ tpCheckbox.checked = false;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Selects the right items of the new Cookies & Site Data UI.
+ */
+ networkCookieBehaviorReadPrefs() {
+ let behavior = Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior").value;
+ let blockCookiesCtrl = document.getElementById("blockCookies");
+ let blockCookiesLabel = document.getElementById("blockCookiesLabel");
+ let blockCookiesMenu = document.getElementById("blockCookiesMenu");
+ let keepUntilLabel = document.getElementById("keepUntil");
+ let keepUntilMenu = document.getElementById("keepCookiesUntil");
+ let disabledByCB = contentBlockingUiEnabled ? !contentBlockingEnabled : false;
+ let blockCookies = (behavior != 0);
+ let cookieBehaviorLocked = Services.prefs.prefIsLocked("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ let blockCookiesControlsDisabled = !blockCookies || cookieBehaviorLocked || disabledByCB;
+ blockCookiesLabel.disabled = blockCookiesMenu.disabled = blockCookiesControlsDisabled;
+ let completelyBlockCookies = (behavior == 2);
+ let privateBrowsing = Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart").value;
+ let cookieExpirationLocked = Services.prefs.prefIsLocked("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy");
+ let keepUntilControlsDisabled = privateBrowsing || completelyBlockCookies ||
+ cookieExpirationLocked || disabledByCB;
+ keepUntilLabel.disabled = keepUntilMenu.disabled = keepUntilControlsDisabled;
+ switch (behavior) {
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT:
+ blockCookiesCtrl.value = "allow";
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN:
+ blockCookiesCtrl.value = "disallow";
+ blockCookiesMenu.value = "all-third-parties";
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT:
+ blockCookiesCtrl.value = "disallow";
+ blockCookiesMenu.value = "always";
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN:
+ blockCookiesCtrl.value = "disallow";
+ blockCookiesMenu.value = "unvisited";
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER:
+ blockCookiesCtrl.value = "disallow";
+ blockCookiesMenu.value = "trackers";
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the pref values based on the selected item of the radiogroup.
+ */
+ trackingProtectionWritePrefs() {
+ let enabledPref = Preferences.get("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled");
+ let pbmPref = Preferences.get("privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled");
+ let btpmPref = Preferences.get("browser.privacy.trackingprotection.menu");
+ let tpControl,
+ tpCheckbox;
+ if (contentBlockingUiEnabled) {
+ tpControl = document.getElementById("trackingProtectionMenu");
+ tpCheckbox = document.getElementById("contentBlockingTrackingProtectionCheckbox");
+ } else {
+ tpControl = document.getElementById("trackingProtectionRadioGroup");
+ }
+ let value;
+ if (tpCheckbox) {
+ if (tpCheckbox.checked) {
+ value = tpControl.value;
+ btpmPref.value = value;
+ } else {
+ value = "never";
+ }
+ } else {
+ value = tpControl.value;
+ }
+ switch (value) {
+ case "always":
+ enabledPref.value = true;
+ pbmPref.value = true;
+ break;
+ case "private":
+ enabledPref.value = false;
+ pbmPref.value = true;
+ break;
+ case "never":
+ enabledPref.value = false;
+ pbmPref.value = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * The list of preferences which affect the initial history mode settings.
+ * If the auto start private browsing mode pref is active, the initial
+ * history mode would be set to "Don't remember anything".
+ * If ALL of these preferences are set to the values that correspond
+ * to keeping some part of history, and the auto-start
+ * private browsing mode is not active, the initial history mode would be
+ * set to "Remember everything".
+ * Otherwise, the initial history mode would be set to "Custom".
+ *
+ * Extensions adding their own preferences can set values here if needed.
+ */
+ prefsForKeepingHistory: {
+ "places.history.enabled": true, // History is enabled
+ "browser.formfill.enable": true, // Form information is saved
+ "privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown": false, // Private date is NOT cleared on shutdown
+ },
+ /**
+ * The list of control IDs which are dependent on the auto-start private
+ * browsing setting, such that in "Custom" mode they would be disabled if
+ * the auto-start private browsing checkbox is checked, and enabled otherwise.
+ *
+ * Extensions adding their own controls can append their IDs to this array if needed.
+ */
+ dependentControls: [
+ "rememberHistory",
+ "rememberForms",
+ "alwaysClear",
+ "clearDataSettings",
+ ],
+ /**
+ * Check whether preferences values are set to keep history
+ *
+ * @param aPrefs an array of pref names to check for
+ * @returns boolean true if all of the prefs are set to keep history,
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ _checkHistoryValues(aPrefs) {
+ for (let pref of Object.keys(aPrefs)) {
+ if (Preferences.get(pref).value != aPrefs[pref])
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize the history mode menulist based on the privacy preferences
+ */
+ initializeHistoryMode() {
+ let mode;
+ let getVal = aPref => Preferences.get(aPref).value;
+ if (getVal("privacy.history.custom"))
+ mode = "custom";
+ else if (this._checkHistoryValues(this.prefsForKeepingHistory)) {
+ if (getVal("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart"))
+ mode = "dontremember";
+ else
+ mode = "remember";
+ } else
+ mode = "custom";
+ document.getElementById("historyMode").value = mode;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the selected pane based on the history mode menulist
+ */
+ updateHistoryModePane() {
+ let selectedIndex = -1;
+ switch (document.getElementById("historyMode").value) {
+ case "remember":
+ selectedIndex = 0;
+ break;
+ case "dontremember":
+ selectedIndex = 1;
+ break;
+ case "custom":
+ selectedIndex = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ document.getElementById("historyPane").selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
+ Preferences.get("privacy.history.custom").value = selectedIndex == 2;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the private browsing auto-start pref and the history mode
+ * micro-management prefs based on the history mode menulist
+ */
+ updateHistoryModePrefs() {
+ let pref = Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart");
+ switch (document.getElementById("historyMode").value) {
+ case "remember":
+ if (pref.value)
+ pref.value = false;
+ // select the remember history option if needed
+ Preferences.get("places.history.enabled").value = true;
+ // select the remember forms history option
+ Preferences.get("browser.formfill.enable").value = true;
+ // select the clear on close option
+ Preferences.get("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown").value = false;
+ break;
+ case "dontremember":
+ if (!pref.value)
+ pref.value = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the privacy micro-management controls based on the
+ * value of the private browsing auto-start preference.
+ */
+ updatePrivacyMicroControls() {
+ // Set "Keep cookies until..." to "I close Nightly" and disable the setting
+ // when we're in auto private mode (or reset it back otherwise).
+ document.getElementById("keepCookiesUntil").value = this.readKeepCookiesUntil();
+ let clearDataSettings = document.getElementById("clearDataSettings");
+ if (document.getElementById("historyMode").value == "custom") {
+ let disabled = Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart").value;
+ this.dependentControls.forEach(function(aElement) {
+ let control = document.getElementById(aElement);
+ let preferenceId = control.getAttribute("preference");
+ if (!preferenceId) {
+ let dependentControlId = control.getAttribute("control");
+ if (dependentControlId) {
+ let dependentControl = document.getElementById(dependentControlId);
+ preferenceId = dependentControl.getAttribute("preference");
+ }
+ }
+ let preference = preferenceId ? Preferences.get(preferenceId) : {};
+ control.disabled = disabled || preference.locked;
+ });
+ clearDataSettings.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ // adjust the checked state of the sanitizeOnShutdown checkbox
+ document.getElementById("alwaysClear").checked = disabled ? false :
+ Preferences.get("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown").value;
+ // adjust the checked state of the remember history checkboxes
+ document.getElementById("rememberHistory").checked = disabled ? false :
+ Preferences.get("places.history.enabled").value;
+ document.getElementById("rememberForms").checked = disabled ? false :
+ Preferences.get("browser.formfill.enable").value;
+ if (!disabled) {
+ // adjust the Settings button for sanitizeOnShutdown
+ this._updateSanitizeSettingsButton();
+ }
+ } else {
+ clearDataSettings.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ * Preferences:
+ *
+ * privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown
+ * - true if the user's private data is cleared on startup according to the
+ * Clear Private Data settings, false otherwise
+ */
+ /**
+ * Displays the Clear Private Data settings dialog.
+ */
+ showClearPrivateDataSettings() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/sanitize.xul", "resizable=no");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays a dialog from which individual parts of private data may be
+ * cleared.
+ */
+ clearPrivateDataNow(aClearEverything) {
+ var ts = Preferences.get("privacy.sanitize.timeSpan");
+ var timeSpanOrig = ts.value;
+ if (aClearEverything) {
+ ts.value = 0;
+ }
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/sanitize.xul", "resizable=no", null, () => {
+ // reset the timeSpan pref
+ if (aClearEverything) {
+ ts.value = timeSpanOrig;
+ }
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "clear-private-data");
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Enables or disables the "Settings..." button depending
+ * on the privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown preference value
+ */
+ _updateSanitizeSettingsButton() {
+ var settingsButton = document.getElementById("clearDataSettings");
+ var sanitizeOnShutdownPref = Preferences.get("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown");
+ settingsButton.disabled = !sanitizeOnShutdownPref.value;
+ },
+ toggleDoNotDisturbNotifications(event) {
+ AlertsServiceDND.manualDoNotDisturb = event.target.checked;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize the starting state for the auto-start private browsing mode pref reverter.
+ */
+ initAutoStartPrivateBrowsingReverter() {
+ let mode = document.getElementById("historyMode");
+ let autoStart = document.getElementById("privateBrowsingAutoStart");
+ this._lastMode = mode.selectedIndex;
+ this._lastCheckState = autoStart.hasAttribute("checked");
+ },
+ _lastMode: null,
+ _lastCheckState: null,
+ async updateAutostart() {
+ let mode = document.getElementById("historyMode");
+ let autoStart = document.getElementById("privateBrowsingAutoStart");
+ let pref = Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart");
+ if ((mode.value == "custom" && this._lastCheckState == autoStart.checked) ||
+ (mode.value == "remember" && !this._lastCheckState) ||
+ (mode.value == "dontremember" && this._lastCheckState)) {
+ // These are all no-op changes, so we don't need to prompt.
+ this._lastMode = mode.selectedIndex;
+ this._lastCheckState = autoStart.hasAttribute("checked");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this._shouldPromptForRestart) {
+ // We're performing a revert. Just let it happen.
+ return;
+ }
+ let buttonIndex = await confirmRestartPrompt(autoStart.checked, 1,
+ true, false);
+ pref.value = autoStart.hasAttribute("checked");
+ Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._shouldPromptForRestart = false;
+ if (this._lastCheckState) {
+ autoStart.checked = "checked";
+ } else {
+ autoStart.removeAttribute("checked");
+ }
+ pref.value = autoStart.hasAttribute("checked");
+ mode.selectedIndex = this._lastMode;
+ mode.doCommand();
+ this._shouldPromptForRestart = true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays fine-grained, per-site preferences for tracking protection.
+ */
+ showTrackingProtectionExceptions() {
+ let params = {
+ permissionType: "trackingprotection",
+ hideStatusColumn: true,
+ };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul",
+ null, params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the available block lists for tracking protection.
+ */
+ showBlockLists() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/blocklists.xul", null);
+ },
+ /*
+ * Preferences:
+ *
+ * network.cookie.cookieBehavior
+ * - determines how the browser should handle cookies:
+ * 0 means enable all cookies
+ * 1 means reject all third party cookies
+ * 2 means disable all cookies
+ * 3 means reject third party cookies unless at least one is already set for the eTLD
+ * see netwerk/cookie/src/nsCookieService.cpp for details
+ * network.cookie.lifetimePolicy
+ * - determines how long cookies are stored:
+ * 0 means keep cookies until they expire
+ * 2 means keep cookies until the browser is closed
+ */
+ readKeepCookiesUntil() {
+ let privateBrowsing = Preferences.get("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart").value;
+ if (privateBrowsing) {
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.ACCEPT_SESSION;
+ }
+ let lifetimePolicy = Preferences.get("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy").value;
+ if (lifetimePolicy == Ci.nsICookieService.ACCEPT_SESSION) {
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.ACCEPT_SESSION;
+ }
+ // network.cookie.lifetimePolicy can be set to any value, but we just
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.ACCEPT_NORMALLY;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Reads the network.cookie.cookieBehavior preference value and
+ * enables/disables the rest of the new cookie & site data UI accordingly.
+ *
+ * Returns "allow" if cookies are accepted and "disallow" if they are entirely
+ * disabled.
+ */
+ readBlockCookies() {
+ // enable the rest of the UI for anything other than "accept all cookies"
+ let pref = Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ let blockCookies = (pref.value != 0);
+ // Our top-level setting is a radiogroup that only sets "enable all"
+ // and "disable all", so convert the pref value accordingly.
+ return blockCookies ? "disallow" : "allow";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Updates the "accept third party cookies" menu based on whether the
+ * "accept cookies" or "block cookies" radio buttons are selected.
+ */
+ writeBlockCookies() {
+ let block = document.getElementById("blockCookies");
+ let blockCookiesMenu = document.getElementById("blockCookiesMenu");
+ // if we're disabling cookies, automatically select 'third-party trackers'
+ if (block.value == "disallow") {
+ blockCookiesMenu.selectedIndex = 0;
+ return this.writeBlockCookiesFrom();
+ }
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT;
+ },
+ enableThirdPartyCookiesUI() {
+ document.getElementById("blockCookiesCBDeck").selectedIndex = 0;
+ document.getElementById("contentBlockingChangeCookieSettings").hidden = true;
+ let dependentControls = [
+ ".reject-trackers-ui .content-blocking-checkbox",
+ "#blockCookiesCB, #blockCookiesCB > radio",
+ "#blockCookiesCBDeck",
+ ];
+ this._toggleControls(dependentControls, contentBlockingEnabled);
+ },
+ disableThirdPartyCookiesUI(reason) {
+ let deckIndex = 0;
+ switch (reason) {
+ case "always":
+ deckIndex = 1;
+ break;
+ case "unvisited":
+ deckIndex = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ document.getElementById("blockCookiesCBDeck").selectedIndex = deckIndex;
+ document.getElementById("contentBlockingChangeCookieSettings").hidden = false;
+ let dependentControls = [
+ ".reject-trackers-ui .content-blocking-checkbox",
+ "#blockCookiesCB, #blockCookiesCB > radio",
+ "#blockCookiesCBDeck",
+ ];
+ this._toggleControls(dependentControls, false);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Converts between network.cookie.cookieBehavior and the new content blocking UI
+ */
+ readBlockCookiesCB() {
+ let pref = Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ switch (pref.value) {
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN:
+ return "all-third-parties";
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER:
+ return "trackers";
+ default:
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ writeBlockCookiesCB() {
+ let block = document.getElementById("blockCookiesCB").selectedItem;
+ switch (block.value) {
+ case "trackers":
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER;
+ case "all-third-parties":
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN;
+ default:
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ writeBlockCookiesCheckbox() {
+ let pref = Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ let bcCheckbox = document.getElementById("contentBlockingBlockCookiesCheckbox");
+ let bcControl = document.getElementById("blockCookiesCB");
+ let value;
+ if (bcCheckbox.checked) {
+ value = bcControl.selectedItem.value;
+ } else {
+ value = "none";
+ }
+ switch (value) {
+ case "trackers":
+ case "all-third-parties":
+ bcControl.disabled = false;
+ pref.value = this.writeBlockCookiesCB();
+ break;
+ default:
+ bcControl.disabled = true;
+ pref.value = Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ readBlockCookiesCheckbox() {
+ let pref = Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ let bcCheckbox = document.getElementById("contentBlockingBlockCookiesCheckbox");
+ let bcControl = document.getElementById("blockCookiesCB");
+ switch (pref.value) {
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT:
+ this.enableThirdPartyCookiesUI();
+ bcCheckbox.checked = false;
+ bcControl.disabled = true;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT:
+ this.disableThirdPartyCookiesUI("always");
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN:
+ this.disableThirdPartyCookiesUI("unvisited");
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN:
+ this.enableThirdPartyCookiesUI();
+ bcCheckbox.checked = true;
+ bcControl.disabled = !contentBlockingEnabled;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER:
+ this.enableThirdPartyCookiesUI();
+ bcCheckbox.checked = true;
+ bcControl.disabled = !contentBlockingEnabled;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Converts between network.cookie.cookieBehavior and the new third-party cookies UI
+ */
+ readBlockCookiesFrom() {
+ let pref = Preferences.get("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
+ switch (pref.value) {
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN:
+ return "all-third-parties";
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT:
+ return "always";
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN:
+ return "unvisited";
+ case Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER:
+ return "trackers";
+ default:
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ writeBlockCookiesFrom() {
+ let block = document.getElementById("blockCookiesMenu").selectedItem;
+ switch (block.value) {
+ case "trackers":
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER;
+ case "unvisited":
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN;
+ case "always":
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT;
+ case "all-third-parties":
+ return Ci.nsICookieService.BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN;
+ default:
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays fine-grained, per-site preferences for cookies.
+ */
+ showCookieExceptions() {
+ var params = {
+ blockVisible: true,
+ sessionVisible: true,
+ allowVisible: true,
+ prefilledHost: "",
+ permissionType: "cookie",
+ };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul",
+ null, params);
+ },
+ showSiteDataSettings() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/siteDataSettings.xul");
+ },
+ toggleSiteData(shouldShow) {
+ let clearButton = document.getElementById("clearSiteDataButton");
+ let settingsButton = document.getElementById("siteDataSettings");
+ clearButton.disabled = !shouldShow;
+ settingsButton.disabled = !shouldShow;
+ },
+ showSiteDataLoading() {
+ let totalSiteDataSizeLabel = document.getElementById("totalSiteDataSize");
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(totalSiteDataSizeLabel, "sitedata-total-size-calculating");
+ },
+ updateTotalDataSizeLabel(siteDataUsage) {
+ SiteDataManager.getCacheSize().then(function(cacheUsage) {
+ let totalSiteDataSizeLabel = document.getElementById("totalSiteDataSize");
+ let totalUsage = siteDataUsage + cacheUsage;
+ let [value, unit] = DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits(totalUsage);
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(totalSiteDataSizeLabel, "sitedata-total-size", {
+ value,
+ unit,
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ clearSiteData() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/clearSiteData.xul");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the location exceptions dialog where specific site location
+ * preferences can be set.
+ */
+ showLocationExceptions() {
+ let params = { permissionType: "geo" };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/sitePermissions.xul",
+ "resizable=yes", params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the camera exceptions dialog where specific site camera
+ * preferences can be set.
+ */
+ showCameraExceptions() {
+ let params = { permissionType: "camera" };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/sitePermissions.xul",
+ "resizable=yes", params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the microphone exceptions dialog where specific site microphone
+ * preferences can be set.
+ */
+ showMicrophoneExceptions() {
+ let params = { permissionType: "microphone" };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/sitePermissions.xul",
+ "resizable=yes", params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the notifications exceptions dialog where specific site notification
+ * preferences can be set.
+ */
+ showNotificationExceptions() {
+ let params = { permissionType: "desktop-notification" };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/sitePermissions.xul",
+ "resizable=yes", params);
+ try {
+ Services.telemetry
+ } catch (e) { }
+ },
+ // MEDIA
+ initAutoplay() {
+ let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") +
+ "block-autoplay";
+ document.getElementById("autoplayLearnMoreLink").setAttribute("href", url);
+ },
+ /**
+ * The checkbox enabled sets the pref to BLOCKED
+ */
+ toggleAutoplayMedia(event) {
+ let blocked = event.target.checked ? Ci.nsIAutoplay.BLOCKED : Ci.nsIAutoplay.ALLOWED;
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref("media.autoplay.default", blocked);
+ },
+ /**
+ * If user-gestures-needed is false we do not show any UI for configuring autoplay,
+ * if user-gestures-needed is false and ask-permission is false we show a checkbox
+ * which only allows the user to block autoplay
+ * if user-gestures-needed and ask-permission are true we show a combobox that
+ * allows the user to block / allow or prompt for autoplay
+ * We will be performing a shield study to determine the behaviour to be
+ * shipped, at which point we can remove these pref switches.
+ * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1475099
+ */
+ updateAutoplayMediaControlsVisibility() {
+ let askPermission =
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.autoplay.ask-permission", false);
+ let userGestures =
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed", false);
+ // Hide the combobox if we don't let the user ask for permission.
+ document.getElementById("autoplayMediaComboboxWrapper").hidden =
+ !userGestures || !askPermission;
+ // If the user may ask for permission, hide the checkbox instead.
+ document.getElementById("autoplayMediaCheckboxWrapper").hidden =
+ !userGestures || askPermission;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the autoplay exceptions dialog where specific site autoplay preferences
+ * can be set.
+ */
+ showAutoplayMediaExceptions() {
+ var params = {
+ blockVisible: true, sessionVisible: false, allowVisible: true,
+ prefilledHost: "", permissionType: "autoplay-media",
+ };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul",
+ "resizable=yes", params);
+ },
+ // POP-UPS
+ /**
+ * Displays the popup exceptions dialog where specific site popup preferences
+ * can be set.
+ */
+ showPopupExceptions() {
+ var params = {
+ blockVisible: false, sessionVisible: false, allowVisible: true,
+ prefilledHost: "", permissionType: "popup",
+ };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul",
+ "resizable=yes", params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Utility function to enable/disable the button specified by aButtonID based
+ * on the value of the Boolean preference specified by aPreferenceID.
+ */
+ updateButtons(aButtonID, aPreferenceID) {
+ var button = document.getElementById(aButtonID);
+ var preference = Preferences.get(aPreferenceID);
+ button.disabled = !preference.value;
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ /*
+ * Preferences:
+ *
+ * dom.disable_open_during_load
+ * - true if popups are blocked by default, false otherwise
+ */
+ // POP-UPS
+ /**
+ * Displays a dialog in which the user can view and modify the list of sites
+ * where passwords are never saved.
+ */
+ showPasswordExceptions() {
+ var params = {
+ blockVisible: true,
+ sessionVisible: false,
+ allowVisible: false,
+ hideStatusColumn: true,
+ prefilledHost: "",
+ permissionType: "login-saving",
+ };
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul",
+ null, params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initializes master password UI: the "use master password" checkbox, selects
+ * the master password button to show, and enables/disables it as necessary.
+ * The master password is controlled by various bits of NSS functionality, so
+ * the UI for it can't be controlled by the normal preference bindings.
+ */
+ _initMasterPasswordUI() {
+ var noMP = !LoginHelper.isMasterPasswordSet();
+ var button = document.getElementById("changeMasterPassword");
+ button.disabled = noMP;
+ var checkbox = document.getElementById("useMasterPassword");
+ checkbox.checked = !noMP;
+ checkbox.disabled = noMP && !Services.policies.isAllowed("createMasterPassword");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Enables/disables the master password button depending on the state of the
+ * "use master password" checkbox, and prompts for master password removal if
+ * one is set.
+ */
+ updateMasterPasswordButton() {
+ var checkbox = document.getElementById("useMasterPassword");
+ var button = document.getElementById("changeMasterPassword");
+ button.disabled = !checkbox.checked;
+ // unchecking the checkbox should try to immediately remove the master
+ // password, because it's impossible to non-destructively remove the master
+ // password used to encrypt all the passwords without providing it (by
+ // design), and it would be extremely odd to pop up that dialog when the
+ // user closes the prefwindow and saves his settings
+ if (!checkbox.checked)
+ this._removeMasterPassword();
+ else
+ this.changeMasterPassword();
+ this._initMasterPasswordUI();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the "remove master password" dialog to allow the user to remove
+ * the current master password. When the dialog is dismissed, master password
+ * UI is automatically updated.
+ */
+ _removeMasterPassword() {
+ var secmodDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pkcs11moduledb;1"].
+ getService(Ci.nsIPKCS11ModuleDB);
+ if (secmodDB.isFIPSEnabled) {
+ var bundle = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences");
+ Services.prompt.alert(window,
+ bundle.getString("pw_change_failed_title"),
+ bundle.getString("pw_change2empty_in_fips_mode"));
+ this._initMasterPasswordUI();
+ } else {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://mozapps/content/preferences/removemp.xul",
+ null, null, this._initMasterPasswordUI.bind(this));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays a dialog in which the master password may be changed.
+ */
+ changeMasterPassword() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://mozapps/content/preferences/changemp.xul",
+ "resizable=no", null, this._initMasterPasswordUI.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Shows the sites where the user has saved passwords and the associated login
+ * information.
+ */
+ showPasswords() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://passwordmgr/content/passwordManager.xul");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Enables/disables the Exceptions button used to configure sites where
+ * passwords are never saved. When browser is set to start in Private
+ * Browsing mode, the "Remember passwords" UI is useless, so we disable it.
+ */
+ readSavePasswords() {
+ var pref = Preferences.get("signon.rememberSignons");
+ var excepts = document.getElementById("passwordExceptions");
+ if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing) {
+ document.getElementById("savePasswords").disabled = true;
+ excepts.disabled = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ excepts.disabled = !pref.value;
+ // don't override pref value in UI
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Enables/disables the add-ons Exceptions button depending on whether
+ * or not add-on installation warnings are displayed.
+ */
+ readWarnAddonInstall() {
+ var warn = Preferences.get("xpinstall.whitelist.required");
+ var exceptions = document.getElementById("addonExceptions");
+ exceptions.disabled = !warn.value;
+ // don't override the preference value
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ _initSafeBrowsing() {
+ let enableSafeBrowsing = document.getElementById("enableSafeBrowsing");
+ let blockDownloads = document.getElementById("blockDownloads");
+ let blockUncommonUnwanted = document.getElementById("blockUncommonUnwanted");
+ let safeBrowsingPhishingPref = Preferences.get("browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled");
+ let safeBrowsingMalwarePref = Preferences.get("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled");
+ let blockDownloadsPref = Preferences.get("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled");
+ let malwareTable = Preferences.get("urlclassifier.malwareTable");
+ let blockUnwantedPref = Preferences.get("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_potentially_unwanted");
+ let blockUncommonPref = Preferences.get("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_uncommon");
+ let learnMoreLink = document.getElementById("enableSafeBrowsingLearnMore");
+ let phishingUrl = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "phishing-malware";
+ learnMoreLink.setAttribute("href", phishingUrl);
+ enableSafeBrowsing.addEventListener("command", function() {
+ safeBrowsingPhishingPref.value = enableSafeBrowsing.checked;
+ safeBrowsingMalwarePref.value = enableSafeBrowsing.checked;
+ if (enableSafeBrowsing.checked) {
+ if (blockDownloads) {
+ blockDownloads.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ if (blockDownloads.checked) {
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ }
+ } else {
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (blockDownloads) {
+ blockDownloads.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ });
+ if (blockDownloads) {
+ blockDownloads.addEventListener("command", function() {
+ blockDownloadsPref.value = blockDownloads.checked;
+ if (blockDownloads.checked) {
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ } else {
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.addEventListener("command", function() {
+ blockUnwantedPref.value = blockUncommonUnwanted.checked;
+ blockUncommonPref.value = blockUncommonUnwanted.checked;
+ let malware = malwareTable.value
+ .split(",")
+ .filter(x => x !== "goog-unwanted-proto" &&
+ x !== "goog-unwanted-shavar" &&
+ x !== "test-unwanted-simple");
+ if (blockUncommonUnwanted.checked) {
+ if (malware.includes("goog-malware-shavar")) {
+ malware.push("goog-unwanted-shavar");
+ } else {
+ malware.push("goog-unwanted-proto");
+ }
+ malware.push("test-unwanted-simple");
+ }
+ // sort alphabetically to keep the pref consistent
+ malware.sort();
+ malwareTable.value = malware.join(",");
+ // Force an update after changing the malware table.
+ let listmanager = Cc["@mozilla.org/url-classifier/listmanager;1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIUrlListManager);
+ if (listmanager) {
+ listmanager.forceUpdates(malwareTable.value);
+ }
+ });
+ // set initial values
+ // Librefox
+ if (Services.prefs.prefIsLocked("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled")) {
+ enableSafeBrowsing.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ enableSafeBrowsing.checked = safeBrowsingPhishingPref.value && safeBrowsingMalwarePref.value;
+ if (!enableSafeBrowsing.checked) {
+ if (blockDownloads) {
+ blockDownloads.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ if (blockDownloads) {
+ blockDownloads.checked = blockDownloadsPref.value;
+ if (!blockDownloadsPref.value) {
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ blockUncommonUnwanted.checked = blockUnwantedPref.value && blockUncommonPref.value;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the exceptions lists for add-on installation warnings.
+ */
+ showAddonExceptions() {
+ var params = this._addonParams;
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul",
+ null, params);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Parameters for the add-on install permissions dialog.
+ */
+ _addonParams:
+ {
+ blockVisible: false,
+ sessionVisible: false,
+ allowVisible: true,
+ prefilledHost: "",
+ permissionType: "install",
+ },
+ /**
+ * readEnableOCSP is used by the preferences UI to determine whether or not
+ * the checkbox for OCSP fetching should be checked (it returns true if it
+ * should be checked and false otherwise). The about:config preference
+ * "security.OCSP.enabled" is an integer rather than a boolean, so it can't be
+ * directly mapped from {true,false} to {checked,unchecked}. The possible
+ * values for "security.OCSP.enabled" are:
+ * 0: fetching is disabled
+ * 1: fetch for all certificates
+ * 2: fetch only for EV certificates
+ * Hence, if "security.OCSP.enabled" is non-zero, the checkbox should be
+ * checked. Otherwise, it should be unchecked.
+ */
+ readEnableOCSP() {
+ var preference = Preferences.get("security.OCSP.enabled");
+ // This is the case if the preference is the default value.
+ if (preference.value === undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return preference.value != 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ * writeEnableOCSP is used by the preferences UI to map the checked/unchecked
+ * state of the OCSP fetching checkbox to the value that the preference
+ * "security.OCSP.enabled" should be set to (it returns that value). See the
+ * readEnableOCSP documentation for more background. We unfortunately don't
+ * have enough information to map from {true,false} to all possible values for
+ * "security.OCSP.enabled", but a reasonable alternative is to map from
+ * {true,false} to {<the default value>,0}. That is, if the box is checked,
+ * "security.OCSP.enabled" will be set to whatever default it should be, given
+ * the platform and channel. If the box is unchecked, the preference will be
+ * set to 0. Obviously this won't work if the default is 0, so we will have to
+ * revisit this if we ever set it to 0.
+ */
+ writeEnableOCSP() {
+ var checkbox = document.getElementById("enableOCSP");
+ var defaults = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null);
+ var defaultValue = defaults.getIntPref("security.OCSP.enabled");
+ return checkbox.checked ? defaultValue : 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays the user's certificates and associated options.
+ */
+ showCertificates() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://pippki/content/certManager.xul");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Displays a dialog from which the user can manage his security devices.
+ */
+ showSecurityDevices() {
+ gSubDialog.open("chrome://pippki/content/device_manager.xul");
+ },
+ initDataCollection() {
+ this._setupLearnMoreLink("toolkit.datacollection.infoURL",
+ "dataCollectionPrivacyNotice");
+ },
+ initCollectBrowserErrors() {
+ this._setupLearnMoreLink("browser.chrome.errorReporter.infoURL",
+ "collectBrowserErrorsLearnMore");
+ },
+ initSubmitCrashes() {
+ this._setupLearnMoreLink("toolkit.crashreporter.infoURL",
+ "crashReporterLearnMore");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set up or hide the Learn More links for various data collection options
+ */
+ _setupLearnMoreLink(pref, element) {
+ // set up the Learn More link with the correct URL
+ let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(pref);
+ let el = document.getElementById(element);
+ if (url) {
+ el.setAttribute("href", url);
+ } else {
+ el.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize the health report service reference and checkbox.
+ */
+ initSubmitHealthReport() {
+ this._setupLearnMoreLink("datareporting.healthreport.infoURL", "FHRLearnMore");
+ let checkbox = document.getElementById("submitHealthReportBox");
+ // Telemetry is only sending data if MOZ_TELEMETRY_REPORTING is defined.
+ // We still want to display the preferences panel if that's not the case, but
+ // we want it to be disabled and unchecked.
+ if (Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED) ||
+ checkbox.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ return;
+ }
+ checkbox.checked = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED) &&
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the health report preference with state from checkbox.
+ */
+ updateSubmitHealthReport() {
+ let checkbox = document.getElementById("submitHealthReportBox");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED, checkbox.checked);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize the opt-out-study preference checkbox into about:preferences and
+ * handles events coming from the UI for it.
+ */
+ initOptOutStudyCheckbox(doc) {
+ const allowedByPolicy = Services.policies.isAllowed("Shield");
+ const checkbox = document.getElementById("optOutStudiesEnabled");
+ function updateStudyCheckboxState() {
+ // The checkbox should be disabled if any of the below are true. This
+ // prevents the user from changing the value in the box.
+ //
+ // * the policy forbids shield
+ // * the Shield Study preference is locked
+ // * the FHR pref is false
+ //
+ // The checkbox should match the value of the preference only if all of
+ // these are true. Otherwise, the checkbox should remain unchecked. This
+ // is because in these situations, Shield studies are always disabled, and
+ // so showing a checkbox would be confusing.
+ //
+ // * the policy allows Shield
+ // * the FHR pref is true
+ // * Normandy is enabled
+ const checkboxMatchesPref = (
+ allowedByPolicy &&
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED, false) &&
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_NORMANDY_ENABLED, false)
+ );
+ if (checkboxMatchesPref) {
+ if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_OPT_OUT_STUDIES_ENABLED, false)) {
+ checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
+ } else {
+ checkbox.removeAttribute("checked");
+ }
+ checkbox.setAttribute("preference", PREF_OPT_OUT_STUDIES_ENABLED);
+ } else {
+ checkbox.removeAttribute("preference");
+ checkbox.removeAttribute("checked");
+ }
+ const isDisabled = (
+ !allowedByPolicy ||
+ Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(PREF_OPT_OUT_STUDIES_ENABLED) ||
+ !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED, false)
+ );
+ // We can't use checkbox.disabled here because the XBL binding may not be present,
+ // in which case setting the property won't work properly.
+ if (isDisabled) {
+ checkbox.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ } else {
+ checkbox.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ Preferences.get(PREF_UPLOAD_ENABLED).on("change", updateStudyCheckboxState);
+ updateStudyCheckboxState();
+ },
+ observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ switch (aTopic) {
+ case "sitedatamanager:updating-sites":
+ // While updating, we want to disable this section and display loading message until updated
+ this.toggleSiteData(false);
+ this.showSiteDataLoading();
+ break;
+ case "sitedatamanager:sites-updated":
+ this.toggleSiteData(true);
+ SiteDataManager.getTotalUsage()
+ .then(this.updateTotalDataSizeLabel.bind(this));
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ // Accessibility checkbox helpers
+ _initA11yState() {
+ this._initA11yString();
+ let checkbox = document.getElementById("a11yPrivacyCheckbox");
+ switch (Services.prefs.getIntPref("accessibility.force_disabled")) {
+ case 1: // access blocked
+ checkbox.checked = true;
+ break;
+ case -1: // a11y is forced on for testing
+ case 0: // access allowed
+ checkbox.checked = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ _initA11yString() {
+ let a11yLearnMoreLink =
+ Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("accessibility.support.url");
+ document.getElementById("a11yLearnMoreLink")
+ .setAttribute("href", a11yLearnMoreLink);
+ },
+ async updateA11yPrefs(checked) {
+ let buttonIndex = await confirmRestartPrompt(checked, 0, true, false);
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref("accessibility.force_disabled", checked ? 1 : 0);
+ Services.telemetry.scalarSet("preferences.prevent_accessibility_services", true);
+ Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
+ }
+ // Revert the checkbox in case we didn't quit
+ document.getElementById("a11yPrivacyCheckbox").checked = !checked;
+ },
diff --git a/archive/omni-patching/browser/omni.ja/chrome/browser/content/browser/preferences/in-content/privacy.js.patch b/archive/omni-patching/browser/omni.ja/chrome/browser/content/browser/preferences/in-content/privacy.js.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b8b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/omni-patching/browser/omni.ja/chrome/browser/content/browser/preferences/in-content/privacy.js.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- privacy.js 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ privacy.patched.js 2018-12-11 17:08:48.076552654 +0100
+@@ -1746,6 +1746,11 @@
+ });
+ // set initial values
++ // Librefox
++ if (Services.prefs.prefIsLocked("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled")) {
++ enableSafeBrowsing.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
++ }
+ enableSafeBrowsing.checked = safeBrowsingPhishingPref.value && safeBrowsingMalwarePref.value;
+ if (!enableSafeBrowsing.checked) {