diff options
3 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/map.bat/description b/map.bat/description
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9d70dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map.bat/description
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+load network drives from csv file
diff --git a/map.bat/map.bat b/map.bat/map.bat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..feaf14b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map.bat/map.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+@echo off
+REM Filename: Map.bat
+REM Location: %Data%
+REM Author: bgstack15
+REM Startdate: 2013-03-26
+REM Title: Map Drive Script
+REM Purpose: Reads a config file and maps drives
+REM History: 130326 map.bat started with code copied from shares.bat
+REM 130326.165446 reads CSV and works.
+REM 130326.170749 provides usage and also accepts filename to load
+REM 130326.183604 Version 1.0 complete
+REM 130330.205031 Version 1.1 fixed ping for host-up test
+REM 130523.101231 Version 1.2 added optional volume label
+REM 130716.162420 Version 1.3 Provides some error checking.
+REM References:
+REM CSV standard
+REM refers to subroutines and passing/returning data
+REM refers to calling multiple subroutines
+REM refers to for tokens and delims
+REM if string not null
+REM is a host online
+REM location of registry key for network share volume labels
+REM regedit from cmd
+REM batch for skipping consecutive delims
+REM output redirection
+REM batch if or
+REM command-line windows credentials
+REM Same question as me: cancel prompt about username, password...
+setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
+if "%1"=="/?" (
+ echo Maps network drives as specified by a CSV file.
+ echo.
+ echo %0 [filename]
+ echo filename Specifies which file to load. Default is map.csv.
+ echo.
+ echo An example CSV file includes the following:
+ echo.
+ echo driveletter,sharename,username,password,vollabel
+ echo SERVER,server
+ echo w,vol1,username,password,w_vol1
+ echo x,vol2
+ echo SERVER,
+ echo y,sharename,,,y_share
+ echo z,mydrive,username,password
+ echo.
+ echo Technical details:
+ echo The first line of the CSV is skipped for the purpose of headers. Any
+ echo filename called must exist or Map will load the default file.
+ echo IP addresses may be used in the place of hostnames. Share names may include
+ echo spaces because the data are comma-separated.
+ goto :almosteof
+set filename=map.csv
+if not [%1]==[] (
+ if exist "%1" (
+ set filename=%1
+ )
+set /a servergood=0
+set /a counter=0
+net use * /delete
+set "comma=,"
+for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%l in (%filename%) do (
+ set "line=%%l"
+ set "line=#!line:%comma%=%comma%#!"
+ for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=," %%a in ("!line!") do (
+ if /i "#SERVER"=="%%a" (
+ set servername=%%b
+ set "servername=!servername:~1,99!"
+ call :subPingServer
+ ) else (
+ REM not server, so
+ REM echo %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e
+ set letter=%%a
+ set "letter=!letter:~1!"
+ set sharename=%%b
+ set "sharename=!sharename:~1!"
+ set username=%%c
+ set "username=!username:~1!"
+ set password=%%d
+ set "password=!password:~1!"
+ set vollabel=%%e
+ set "vollabel=!vollabel:~1!"
+ call :subMap
+ )
+ )
+goto :almosteof
+REM the above line ends the program because there are no more CALLs in history
+set /a servergood=0
+ping %servername% -n 1|find "(0%">nul && set /a servergood=1
+echo %servername% is %servergood%
+exit /b
+REM the above line operates as a "return" function
+REM %letter% %sharename% %username% %password% %vollabel%
+if "%servergood%"=="1" (
+ set "TRUE="
+ if [%password%]==[~1] set TRUE=1
+ if [%password%]==[] set TRUE=1
+ del dela delb /f /q 2>nul 1>nul
+ if defined TRUE (
+ echo |net use %letter%: "\\%servername%\%sharename%" /persistent:YES 2>delb 1>dela
+ REM this part is the cool part: the "echo |" passes "" to the net use in case it prompts for username/password.
+ REM When the net use gets that input on the username prompt, it returns "user canceled the action" and we
+ REM capture that later on.
+ ) else (
+ echo |net use %letter%: "\\%servername%\%sharename%" %password% /USER:%username% /persistent:YES 2>&1 1>dela
+ )
+ findstr /r /i /c:"successfully" dela 1>nul 2>nul
+ if [!errorlevel!]==[0] (
+ echo Success: %letter%: as \\%servername%\%sharename%
+ set "FALSE=1"
+ if [%vollabel%]==[~1] set FALSE=
+ if [%vollabel%]==[] set FALSE=
+ if defined FALSE (
+ reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\##%servername%#%sharename:\=#%" /v "_LabelFromReg" /d "%vollabel%" /f 2>&1 > nul
+ )
+ ) else (
+ echo Failed: %letter%: as \\%servername%\%sharename%.
+ REM possible errors:
+ REM 1. syserr 55: "no longer available" = folder doesn't exist. ACTIONS: inform user, continue
+ REM 2. 1223: "canceled" = wrong password/username. ACTIONS: ask for creds, ask to re-run script.
+ REM 3. syserr 3: "cannot find the path specified" = bad sharename. ACTIONS: inform user, continue
+ REM 4. syserr 85: "already in use" = didn't remove old drive maps. ACTIONS: warn user, continue
+ ::type delb
+ ::echo above is delb.
+ set thisErr=
+ findstr /r /i /c:"cannot find the path specified" delb 1>nul 2>nul
+ if [!errorlevel!]==[0] set thisErr=notexists
+ findstr /r /i /c:"longer" delb 1>nul 2>nul
+ if [!errorlevel!]==[0] set thisErr=nolongeravailable
+ findstr /r /i /c:"canceled" delb 1>nul 2>nul
+ if [!errorlevel!]==[0] set thisErr=wrongcreds
+ findstr /r /i /c:"already in use" delb 1>nul 2>nul
+ if [!errorlevel!]==[0] set thisErr=alreadyused
+ if [!thisErr!]==[wrongcreds] (
+ echo Cannot connect to the server due to incorrect credentials...
+ REM echo true=%TRUE%
+ if defined TRUE (
+ set /p uname=Enter the username to connect to '%servername%':
+ REM echo !uname!
+ cmdkey /add:%servername% /u:!uname! /p
+ REM cmdkey /add:%servername% /user:%username% /pass:%password%
+ ) else (
+ cmdkey /add:%servername% /u:%username% /p:%password%
+ )
+ ::echo Break the script and try again, now that the password is added to Windows Credential vault.
+ ::pause
+ echo Restarting script...
+ goto :restartPoint
+ exit /b
+ REM let's see how that works...
+ )
+ if [!thisErr!]==[nolongeravailable] (
+ echo This resource no longer exists. Skipping this drive.
+ )
+ if [!thisErr!]==[notexists] (
+ echo This resource does not exist. Skipping this drive.
+ )
+ if [!thisErr!]==[alreadyused] (
+ echo This drive letter is already in use. Skipping this drive.
+ )
+ )
+exit /b
+REM the above line operates as a "return" function
+REM clean up just in case we left these behind
+del dela delb /f /q \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/map.bat/map.csv b/map.bat/map.csv
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..164ccce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map.bat/map.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+v,science,,,V_science \ No newline at end of file