LibreOffice Customize Keyboard does work, but...
When you go to customize keyboard shortcuts so that there's some keystroke for increasing and decreasing font size, you will discover something. And upon taking screenshots for writing this post, everything makes sense now!
screenshot, too big
Screenshot of a cell with a value too large for the width
You will find the Menu Tools... -> Customize... -> dialog tab Menus
and learn the name of the operation that should happen.
Screenshot of dialog Customize with search of "decrease"
The first identically named operation "Decrease" is the decrease font size. Great! So you move to tab Keyboard
and navigate to Shift+Ctrl+[
, and assign the first-found "Decrease" operation.
Screenshot of dialog Customize, tab Keyboard with decrease assigned to Shift+Ctrl+&5b;
So then you go to do Shift+Ctrl+]
to the first-found "Increase" operation. But it doesn't work! It does something else.
To make a long story short, LibreOffice recognizes the keystrokes only as Shift+Ctrl+[
and (Shift+Ctrl+}
, not Shift+Ctrl+]
). LO doesn't recognize Shift+Ctrl+]
. Not a huge deal, you just have to know it. Also, the "Increase" for font size is the last one in the list, and not the first. Not a big deal if you actually bother to look for it in the first tab.
Screenshot of dialog Customize with search of "increase"
And now, with a few keystrokes, I can make that large number fit in the tiny cell!
Screenshot of a cell with a smaller font so I can see the number