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Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless headset notes


Status indicator colors on headset:

  • charging = amber
  • done charging = green

If you use headsetcontrol to disable lights, it also disables the mute indicator light, and the mute button on the headset.


One gift to me at Christmastime was the Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless headset.

No, nobody's paying me to say any of this (or not say any of this!). If there are any offers, let me know!

The ear cushions barely fit over my ears, and I suspect they are curling my ears down a little bit, but at least it's not terribly obvious that it doesn't fit on my ears. I don't like that the headband part leans far forward on my head to make that happen too. The shape of the ear cushions depends on it sitting farther forward on my head than I would prefer, but I can probably get used to it.

The headset did not come with a manual, so it's a good thing I searched it and found it on the WWW (reference 1). There was a printed "Safety and compliance information" booklet and a "Warranty guide," but I'd rather just have a real manual. The manual states that for optimal battery life, unplug the headset when it is fully charged. It did not suggest a timeframe for that, but the initial charge was less than 7 hours. It also didn't indicate how the status indicator would tell the user that it was done charging, so that's why I have this note.

The device worked the first time when I plugged in the USB dongle to my Devuan GNU+Linux system. I use pulseaudio on top of Alsa, and pulse easily controlled the new output and input sinks. I never had to drop down to Alsamixer but maybe I should have poked around with it.

I have no ability or interest to deal with any 5.1 or 7.1 stereo stuff. Just I could tell left and right ears worked, and the mic worked. VLC piped music to it, and Discord could play back my voice to me.

My friends recommended this model to me, and in the 5 minutes I tested with it, including with Discord, shows that it should be fine. I hope my friends appreciate that my mic will have less crackle with it.

Extra features

To disable the silly rgb lights, compile and run:

./headsetcontrol -l 0

Interesting links

If I want to research further, check these out.


