Sword module repository
This project isn't a mirror, per se, but it is a small repository. I host for myself a small subset of the available SWORD Project modules.
I wanted a private repository for my mobile devices (only places where I use the modules), in case the upstream sources ever disappear. At least one module has, see the fascinating thread.
I took my archive of the BibleTimeMini (now gone too, from where I got it in the Play Store) /.sword/ directory on my old android device and wrote a script to turn that into the modules, but I've since learned how to read the InstallMgr.conf and visit the ftp sites and retrieve modules directly.
files/2024/listings/make-zips-from-sword-dir.sh (Source)
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#!/bin/sh # File: generate-zips-from-sword-dir.sh # Location: server3:/mnt/mirror/sword # Author: bgstack15 # Startdate: 2024-06-06-5 17:21 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # Title: Generate Zips from Existing .Sword Dir # Purpose: convert a .sword dir back into modules for loading into my sword library # History: # Usage: Use when I am converting an existing .sword dir to set of modules for the repo. # Reference: # https://serverfault.com/questions/108024/silent-7za-compression/827833#827833 # Improve: # Dependencies: # 7za # Documentation: /mnt/public/Support/Programs/BibleTimeMini/sword-repo-readme.md SWORD_DIR="${SWORD_DIR:-$( dirname $( readlink -f "${0}" ) )}" OUTDIR="${OUTDIR:-${SWORD_DIR}}" cd "${SWORD_DIR}" { test ! -d mods.d || test ! -d modules ; } && { echo "Error: this is not a sword directory. Aborted." 1>&2 exit 1 } for mod in mods.d/*.conf ; do mod_name="$( grep -h -E '^\s*\[' "${mod}" | head -n1 | tr -d '[]\r' )" datapath="$( awk -F'=' '$1~/DataPath/{print $2}' "${mod}" | sed -r -e 's@^\.\/@@;' )" # OpenHymnal has an incorrect DataPath so drilling up solves that. _x=0 _max=4 while { ! test -e "${datapath}" && test $_x -lt $_max ; } ; do datapath="$( dirname "${datapath}" )" ; echo "For ${mod}, checking ${datapath}" 1>&2 ; _x=$((_x+1)) ; done ; #test $_x -ge $_max && { echo "Cannot build ${mod_name}.zip because datapath is broken. Skipping..." 1>&2 ; continue ;} echo "${mod_name}.zip" "${mod}" "${datapath}" 7za -bsp0 -bso0 a "${OUTDIR%%/}/${mod_name}.zip" "${mod}" "${datapath}" done |
So now that I have the module zip files, I place them in /mnt/mirror/sword/modules/
and run this script.
files/2024/listings/generate-sword-repo.sh (Source)
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#!/bin/sh # File: generate-sword-repo.sh # Location: server3:/mnt/mirror/sword # Author: bgstack15 # Startdate: 2024-06-06-5 14:33 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # Title: Generate Sword Repo and Web Page # Purpose: generate mods.tar.gz for sword repo # History: # 2024-06-13-5 12:58 count number of modules # Usage: Manually when I want to update the repo metadata based on modules available. # Reference: # Improve: # get icons for Bible, book, other? # use all headers # Dependencies: # prebuilt manifest.json # 7za # Documentation: /mnt/public/Support/Programs/BibleTimeMini/sword-repo-readme.md REPO_DIR="${REPODIR:-/mnt/mirror/sword}" MODULES_DIR="${MODULES_DIR:-${REPO_DIR%%/}/modules}" generate_mods_d_tar_gz() { rm -rf "${REPO_DIR:-NOTHINGTODEL}/mods.d/"* rmdir "${REPO_DIR:-NOTHINGTODEL}/mods.d" cd "${REPO_DIR}" for zip in "${MODULES_DIR}"/*zip ; do 7za -bsp0 -bso0 x "${zip}" mods.d done rm -f "${REPO_DIR:-NOTHINGTODEL}/mods.d.tar.gz" tar -zcf mods.d.tar.gz mods.d } generate_web() { echo "stub" { echo "<html>" echo "<head>" echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='sword.css'>" echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">' echo "<title>Example sword library</title>" echo "</head>" echo "<body>" echo "<h1><img src='bgstack15.png' class='headimg'>Example sword library</h1>" echo "<h2>Installing this repo</h2>" echo "<h3>AndBible</h3>" echo 'Paste this link: <a href="https://www.example.com/mirror/sword">https://www.example.com/mirror/sword</a>' _used=0 for mod in "${REPO_DIR%%/}/mods.d/"*.conf ; do if test "${_used}" = "0" ; then _count="$( find "${REPO_DIR%%/}/mods.d/"*.conf -print 2>/dev/null | grep -cE . )" echo "<h2>Modules (${_count})</h2>" _used=1 echo "<ul>" fi mod_name="$( grep -h -E '^\s*\[' "${mod}" | head -n1 | tr -d '[]\r' )" version="$( <"${mod}" awk -F'=' '$1~/\<Version/{print $2}')" license="$( <"${mod}" awk -F'=' '$1~/DistributionLicense/{print $2}')" if echo "${license}" | grep -qiE 'Permission to distribute granted to' ; then # probably not stackrpms, so do not show link. echo "<li>${mod_name}</li>" else echo "<li><a href='modules/${mod_name}.zip'>${mod_name}</a> <span class='smaller'>${version}</span></li>" fi done if test "${_used}" = "1" ; then echo "</ul>" fi echo "</body>" echo "<footer>" printf '%s' "Last generated: " ; TZ=UTC date "+%FT%TZ" echo "</footer>" echo "</html>" } > "${REPO_DIR%%/}/index.html" } test -z "${SKIP_TARBALL}" && generate_mods_d_tar_gz test -z "${SKIP_WEB}" && generate_web |
That second one I can run on demand, after placing any new modules in thet module path. It generates the mods.d.tar.gz used by Sword clients and also a small index.html for the web view.
And the css if anyone cares.
files/2024/listings/sword.css (Source)
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/* File: fdroid.css * Startdate: 2024-06-03-2 14:10 */ .img { max-width: 32px; max-height: 32px; } .headimg { max-width: 64px; max-height: 64px; } footer { font-size: 80%; } .smaller { font-size: 80%; } |