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X11 wine window not visible: Jazz Jackrabbit 2

One of my applications, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, had a problem where the window would not be visible, but the game is running.

After testing with using a wine virtual desktop environment (failed) and a different wine context (worked), I realized the problem lies between wine and the game. I learned that by deleting the registry key the game uses to store its window state (full screen or windowed) was somehow invalid or incorrect.

HKLM\Software\Epic MegaGames\Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Special Edition

And anywhere else this Software path would be in the registry, such as HKCU. And then run the game, and you can view the game.

And a link to the JJ2 community: Jazz Jackrabbit Online - Jazz Jackrabbit News, Information and Downloads on Jazz Jackrabbit 1, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, and Jazz Jackrabbit Advance - Jazz2Online

Alternate research

I had done a lot of searching for x11 make window visible. How you would do that is with xdotool:

$ xwininfo -root -children | grep -i mktrayicon
     0x1c00001 "mktrayicon": ("mktrayicon" "Mktrayicon")  10x10+10+10  +10+10

And then you can plug in the id force it to be visible.

$ xdotool windowmap 0x1c00001

But even after doing that with JJ2 did not make the game contents display.
