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Geeqie: add atril as action

The story

I have tried using geeqie as an alternative to Irfanview. It doesn't do everything Irfanview does, but I can at least use mostly native software most of the time.

So, I recently learned that geeqie does have the ability to navigate through paged documents (read: pdf files). But there's no default hotkeys (at least in Devuan GNU+Linux) for these functions, so the user must click through the menu. Instead of hijacking page up/down from their default values (next/previous file, which are also mapped to up/down arrow keys), I decided to make life difficult for myself.

I had seen the menu entries for plugins. And I noticed that my own custom package of Irfanview which follows the XDG standard for desktop menu entries is properly listed. So I read up on how to add an action, so I can open a file in atril, which is a fork of evince back when it was good (read: from the MATE team).

The solution involves placing file /usr/share/geeqie/applications/atril.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Atril Document Viewer
GenericName=Document Viewer
Comment=View multi-page documents
Exec=atril %U

Which I derived by removing the localization (sorry, i18n users) entries from the real .desktop file with a grep statement and also adding the important keywords Graphics, Viewer, and X-Geeqie for good measure.

I think it should have interpreted entries in ~/.local/share/geeqie/applications but I didn't test that.

I'll think I'll add this file to my deployment scripts.
