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x11vnc to login screen

One of my desktop systems which handles my dvd ripping is now very inconvenient to switch to on my kvm, so I just ssh in and log in to lightdm so my user has permissions to access the DVD drives. I don't get it, and I don't care. I just log in and then all the elogind (read: systemd) baloney works itself out somehow. Forget systemd and elogind and optical drive access.

sudo cp -p /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 /tmp/:0 ; sudo chown bgstack15:admins /tmp/:0
nohup x11vnc -display :0 -forever -auth /tmp/:0 &

And then just connect remmina to $HOST. Port 5900 is implied.


Set up the (copy of the) xauth file to be modified by my user. Then run x11vnc with that auth file. Done.


  1. server - How to setup x11vnc to access with graphical login screen? - Ask Ubuntu
