Sharing youtube video to Metube on Android
I recently established my own local metube instance, which facilitates passing links to youtube-dl (er, yt-dlp). It works very well, particularly when I got the watchtower bit running so it reloads with an updated image, because yt-dlp is a fast-moving target.
So, in order to get this link as a sharing target in Android, I needed to set up a few things.
On the Android device in question, install Termux from F-Droid. No additional packages/plugins are needed.
In the terminal on the android device:
mkdir -p bin cd bin nano #!/bin/sh #set -x curl --insecure --request POST --url '' --data "{\"url\":\"${1}\", \"quality\":\"best\"}" printf 'press enter to leave. ' read none chmod +x ln -sf termux-url-opener
The symlink termux-url-opener
is defined in the official Termux docs.
Now, for any link I wish to send, select the "Share" button, and select Termux. I added a prompt so I can see the output of the request, in case it fails so I can investigate.
Use the bookmarklet in a desktop web browser:
javascript:(function(){xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","");xhr.send(JSON.stringify({"url":document.location.href,"quality":"best"}));xhr.onload=function(){if(xhr.status==200){alert("Sent to metube!")}else{alert("Send to metube failed. Check the javascript console for clues.")}}})();
One additional parameter metube uses:
curl --request POST --url 'http://localhost:8081/add' --data '{"url":"", "quality":"720p", "format":"mp4"}
Making a PWA with a sharing target
If Termux is unavailable, I could try making a progressive web app.