Xscreensaver uses X11 xkbmap!
I use multiple input methods for X11, including QWERTY and Dvorak layouts for English (US). How I do that is with setxkbmap
setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:shifts_toggle 'us,us(dvorak)'
The option grp allows me to use both shift keys at the same time to switch input. I've discussed this before, where I use my fork of fbxkb to display which variant is active.
I learned recently that xscreensaver happily displays which input method is active, so you don't have to get frustrated as to why your password is not working!
Also, as a bonus, as you can see in my screenshot I used Xephyr to run a nested X11 display. I ran these commands (among multiple terminal windows):
Xephyr -screen 800x600 :1 killall xscreensaver DISPLAY=:1 xscreensaver DISPLAY=:1 xscreensaver-command --lock
And then I could take a screenshot of my xscreensaver lock screen on GNU/Linux.