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How I installed Windows 98 VM in virt-manager

Here are some notes I've assembled during my journey to install Windows 98 SE on a virtual machine on modern hardware. This isn't a complete follow-me guide, but hopefully can get you further in the right direction.


  • Host:
  • CentOS 7
  • kvm, QEMU
  • libvirt
  • virt-manager on remote system (Fedora) with X11
  • existing bridged network interface
  • VM:
  • cpu pentium2
  • memory 128MB
  • graphics cirrus
  • sound (couldn't get to work even with drivers) Realtek AC'97
  • bridge nic, of type rtl8139


I used virt-manager, and selected "Create VM." I gave my new system a 30GB hard drive because I remember that Windows XP kind of wanted 40GB, so 30GB should be in the range. Also, I gave my new VM 128MB of memory because I remember that being in the low end for Windows XP.

It took me quite a while to sus out the types of graphics and sound cards that libvirt can provide that should work with Windows 98 SE. I found that I could manually type in cirrus for the graphics card even thought it wasn't in the drop-down list. In the VM, use driver Cirrus Logic 5446 PCI, which will let you get up to 1024x768x16.

I already had a bridged network card for my virtualized environments, and I emulated the Realtek 8139 for which I found drivers on the Internet. But to get the NIC recognized, I needed to perform a few steps documented on reference 3:

In Windows 98 goto My Computer>Control Panel>System>Device Manager>

Is there a yellow ! next to Plug and Play BIOS(fail safe) ?If so double click on it.

Update Driver>Next>mark Display a list of all drivers....>mark Show all hardware,>click on PCI bus>Next>The driver that you have chosen was not.... CLICK Yes>Next>The driver you have chosen is older than....CLICK Yes>Finish> Yes Restart

I couldn't get sb16 for the sound card, so I tried to find Realtek AC'97 drivers but after I installed them I couldn't get audio to work.

I forgot how many reboots it took the get Windows 98 going! It would have been frustrating if I had to wait for real hardware to boot. The VM of course boots in under 2 seconds. I also discovered that the system would always hang at boot. But it works when I forcibly-reset and at the recovery menu chose "confirm step-by-step", and then half-slowly press ENTER until I had approved every single step. I suspect the speed of the VM has something to do with choking up Windows. Yeah, that's my line and I'm sticking to it.

Injecting files into the VM

Before I got my nic up (and even afterwards, without any usable TCP/IP-based file sharing), I would build an iso file with any files I wanted to pass to the VM. Then I can mount the iso in the virtualized IDE cd drive.

mkisofs -J -rock -V drvdisc1 -o w98drivers.iso path_with_all_files/

Alternatively, you can just pass each filename to be added.



  1. iso file
  2. How to install Windows 98 in QEMU - Computernewb Wiki
  3. How TO install Windows 98 with Qemu Hardy/ Gusty x86/ AMD64 was the most useful part.
  4. virtual machines - How to increase video memory in libvirt/KVM gui? - Server Fault
  6. Windows 98 & Samba –
  7. NfsAxe Windows NFS Client And NFS Server 3.6 Download page
  8. PC Audio Codecs > AC'97 Audio Codecs Software - REALTEK

Specific download files

  1. (my mirror)
  2. (my mirror
  3. (my mirror)
  4. (my mirror)
  5. which lead to CDN file (my mirror)

Internal files

My original Windows 98 SE license key
