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Run 640x480 game in wine with mounted cd

I wanted to run an old computer game in Wine, that uses a 640x480 resolution on a touchscreen. This game wants to check the CD volume label, which regular loop mounting doesn't provide. But cdemu does!

I wrote a whole script to run the program after mounting the disc and setting the correct screen resolution.

# File:
# Location:
#    ~/bin/
# Author: bgstack15
# Startdate: 2021-10-30 19:11
# Title: Script that Runs 640x480 game in Wine with CD
# Purpose: get 640x480 screen and run wine game
# History:
# Usage:
# Reference:
# Improve:
# Dependencies:
#    wine32 from dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get install wine32
#    ISO format image of disc
#    cdemu from
#    hand-crafted scripts in ~/.screenlayout/ from arandr
#    rotate solution
#    /usr/local/bin/
# change screensize
#exec 1>&/dev/pts/3 # useful for testing
/usr/local/bin/ inverted
APPLY=1 sh -x /usr/local/bin/ 640 480
#sleep 2 # just in case, for wine
# mount cd
echo "Mounting cdrom..."
sudo modprobe vhba 2>/dev/null
sudo chmod 0666 /dev/vhba_ctl 2>/dev/null
ps -ef | grep -q -E '[c]demu-daemon' || { cdemu-daemon 1>/dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 2 ; }
cdemu load 0 /opt/CDROMs/game.iso
thisdev="$( cdemu status 2>/dev/null | awk '/game.iso/{print $1}' )"
thisscsi="$( cdemu device-mapping | awk -v "dev=${thisdev:-NONE}" '$1 ~ dev {print $2}' )"
mount | grep -qE '\/dev\/cdrom' && sudo umount -lv /mnt/cdrom
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
sudo mount -v "${thisscsi}" /mnt/cdrom
# run game
echo "Running game..."
cd ~"/.wine32/drive_c/Program Files/Game/"
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 wine game.exe
# restore resolution
echo "Restoring resolution"
/usr/local/bin/ normal
APPLY=1 /usr/local/bin/ 1366 768

Screen resolution scripts

I used arandr to make precanned selections for 640x480 and the default resolution of 1366x768.

Menu entry file


  1. Manually generated arandr scripts in ~/.screenlayout
  2. cdemu
  3. wine32
  4. My rotate screen solution
  5. Adjust touchscreen input for fullscreen aspect ratio
