Installing Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour on GNU/Linux
The Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour cds need to both be mounted, and the contents copied to a single directory. Run the setup.exe from that combined directory.
wine /mnt/both-cds/setup.exe
That process needs to be done the exact same way for both Generals and Generals Zero Hour.
Install the Zero Hour patch 1.04.
Set wine to Windows 98 compatibility.
tell Wine to use virtual desktop of any size. You can set the options.ini below for setting the used resolution.
modify ~/Documents/Command\ and\ Conquer\ Generals\ Zero\ Hour\ Data/options.ini
for widescreen.
AntiAliasing = 4 BuildingOcclusion = yes CampaignDifficulty = 0 DrawScrollAnchor = DynamicLOD = yes ExtraAnimations = yes GameSpyIPAddress = Gamma = 50 HeatEffects = yes IPAddress = IdealStaticGameLOD = Low LanguageFilter = false MaxParticleCount = 5000 MoveScrollAnchor = MusicVolume = 76 Resolution = 1920 1080 Retaliation = yes SFX3DVolume = 79 SFXVolume = 71 ScrollFactor = 50 SendDelay = no ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes ShowTrees = yes StaticGameLOD = High TextureReduction = 0 UseAlternateMouse = no UseCloudMap = yes UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no UseLightMap = yes UseShadowDecals = yes UseShadowVolumes = yes VoiceVolume = 70
Observe the Resolution
Copy in the GameData.ini to drive_c/Program Files/EA Games/Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour/Data/INI
Modify GAMEDATA.INI into your "Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data\INI" folder. (typically under Program Files) Edit MaxCameraHeight to adjust the FOV. Default setting is 310. Setting it to 410 is approximately the same as a 4:3 monitor, and 510+ gives you a widescreen advantage.