Convert b6i to iso
Afte some Internet searching, I came across cdemu for GNU/Linux that can convert the files the way I want. I use Devuan Ceres (the unstable release), so I wanted to rebuild the packages for my exact libs.
So I used the OBS to build them: subproject cdemu. I had to borrow one hack that the Ubuntu team came up with, to suit the needs of systemd-free Devuan.
For my headless VM where I was running these tasks, I had to start a virtual X server. In a GNU screen:
Xvfb :1
In another screen, run:
export DISPLAY=:1
sudo modprobe vhba
sudo chmod 0666 /dev/vhba_ctl
cdemu-daemon &
The daemon insists on using X11, so I had to do it this way. But now you can use client commands. I loaded my .b6t file and then listed it to make sure it was available to my system.
cdemu load 0 /path/to/file.b6t
cdemu device-mapping
The output should resemble:
$ cdemu device-mapping
Device mapping:
0 /dev/sr1 /dev/sg2
And now you can mount the contents, and then write a new iso file.
sudo mount -v /dev/sr1 /mnt/cdrom
DISKLABEL="$( sudo file -s /dev/sr1 | awk -F\' '{print $2}' )" ; echo "${DISKLABEL}"
mkisofs -V "${DISKLABEL}" -J -rock -o ~/disc.iso /mnt/cdrom