Knowledge Base

Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more

Get L2 manager in AD

If you want to use Active Directory to store the attribute for each user, of the level 2 manager (probably "director"), you can get this value programmatically. Some assumptions include that you populate the manager attribute of each user, and that the top-level (CEO) is listed as the manager of himself. The logic of course can be manipulated for whatever your situation is. I wrote this function which returns the L2 (or any other level you want) of the user. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to then plug this in to a ldap attribute.

Function Get-Level-Down-Manager {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True )][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$User,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Level = 2,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Property = "Object",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][boolean]$ShowStack = $False
    Begin { $Stack = @() ; }
    Process {
        Try {
            $thisUser = Get-ADUser $User -properties manager
            Write-Verbose "$($thisUser)"
            $Stack += $thisUser
        Catch { Throw "Invalid user $User. Aborted" }
        $done = $False
        While (!$done) {
            If ($ShowStack) { Write-Host $Stack }
            $newUser = Get-ADUser ( Get-ADUser $thisUser -properties samaccountname,manager,userprincipalname ).manager -properties samaccountname,manager,userprincipalname
            Write-Verbose "$($newUser)"
            Try { $newUser = Get-ADUser $newUser -properties manager }
            Catch { $LevelDownManager = $newUser ; $done = $True }
            If ($newUser.userprincipalname -eq $thisUser.userprincipalname) {
                # if person is the manager for self (so defined for the CEO, at least in AD) we are done.
                $done = $True
                $LevelDownManager = $Stack[-$Level]
            } Else {
                $Stack += $newUser
                $thisUser = $newUser
        # so now that we are done
        If ($Property -ne "Object") {
            $LevelDownManager = ( Get-ADUser $LevelDownManager -properties $Property ).$($Property)
        Return $LevelDownManager
