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yum: curl error #63: callback aborted


The following message occurs. [Errno 14] curl#63 - "Callback aborted"
Trying other mirror.

Error downloading packages:
  kernel-doc-4.1.12-124.16.4.el7.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

Possible causes

When yum fails to download a file due to "curl error #63: Callback aborted," that means that reposync downloaded the rpm file incorrectly. It doesn't match the expected checksum in the metadata file.

Fix #1

  1. On the mirror server (probably yum01), delete the offending files and download them manually from upstream.


    urldir= outdir=/var/www/html/yum/repo/EL7_Mirror/Mirror/getPackage cd "${outdir}"

    for word in kernel-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-debug-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-debug-devel-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-devel-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-doc-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.noarch.rpm kernel-firmware-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.noarch.rpm; do /bin/rm -f "${word}" wget "${urldir}${word}" done

  2. On the squid proxy server (probably proxy01), purge the cached files.



    time squidclient -h localhost -r -p 3128 -m PURGE

    urldir= outdir=/var/www/html/yum/repo/EL7_Mirror/Mirror/getPackage

    for word in kernel-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-debug-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-debug-devel-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-devel-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.x86_64.rpm kernel-doc-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.noarch.rpm kernel-firmware-4.0.5-124.16.4.el7.noarch.rpm; do squidclient -h localhost -r -p 3128 -m PURGE "${urldir}${word}" done
