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Some useful Fluxbox configurations

I am investigating using a lightweight window manager instead of a whole desktop environment. I know how to manually mount external disks, and control files on the command line, so why bother with the overhead of a whole DE when I could just get by with a mere wm? Fluxbox was my first window manager experiment. I already love it. Everything about it spartan. I love spartan. Fluxbox is not terribly xdg compliant, which is something to note but is not really a problem. I haven't found a devuan equivalent of xdg-menu [Arch wiki] yet, so for now I'll just hit Alt-F2 and run applications by binary name. My ~/.fluxbox/startup file includes these lines so far:

# BEGIN apps in startup file
spice-vdagent &
volumeicon &
copyq &
teamviewer &

And my ~/.fluxbox/keys file has some carefully gleaned additions.

Control Shift z :ExecCommand copyq menu

# replace the shade behavior for double mouse click on titlebar
OnTitlebar Double Mouse1 :Maximize

# window tiling like Cinnamon
# half-screen
# adapted from
#       Up 111
# Left 113    Right 114
#     Down 116
Mod4 111 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 100% 50%} {MoveTo 00 00 Up}
Mod4 113 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 100%} {MoveTo 00 00 Left}
Mod4 114 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 100%} {MoveTo 00 00 Right}
Mod4 116 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 100% 50%} {MoveTo 00 00 Bottom}

# quarter-screen
Mod4 Mod1 111 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 50%} {MoveTo 50% 00% Up}
Mod4 Mod1 113 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 50%} {MoveTo 00% 00% Up}
Mod4 Mod1 114 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 50%} {MoveTo 50% 50% Up}
Mod4 Mod1 116 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 50%} {MoveTo 00% 50% Up}
Mod4 Return :ToggleCmd {Maximize} {Restore}

# move to next monitor
Mod4 Shift 113 :ExecCommand move-to-next-monitor --reverse
Mod4 Shift 114 :ExecCommand move-to-next-monitor

The move-to-next-monitor project does not yet have a dpkg debian/ build instructions as of the time of this writing, but check my stackrpms repo to see if it does by the time you're reading this.



  1. Incredible window tiling keybindings Native Window Snapping / Window Tiling with Fluxbox, Openbox, and xfwm4 (Xfce) | Aaditya's Blog
