vSphere web client error
If you see this error, you probably see it every time you
log in. Isn't it frustrating?
An internal error has occurred - Unable to load resource module from /EBR2/locales/EBR-en_US.swf.
Reloading the client is recommended, so as to clear any problems left by this error.
Click Yes to reload the vSphere Web Client?
And the error stack:
Error: Unable to load resource module from /EBR2/locales/EBR-en_US.swf
at MethodInfo-666()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at ModuleInfoProxy/moduleEventHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at ModuleInfo/errorHandler()
The solution comes from the bowels of the Internet.
To avoid this issue, add port 9443 into the vsphere Web Client browse request, and then open the vcenter. Type the following address: https://
:9443 where: vscenter_ip is the IP address of the vsphere Web Client.
http://docplayer.net/18033329-Emc-networker-vmware-integration-guide- version-8-2-sp1-and-later-302-001-580-rev-14.html