Remove only certain duplicate lines with awk
Basic solution
lines-using-awk.html demonstrates
and explains how to use awk to remove duplicate lines in a stream without
having to sort them. This statement is really useful. awk '!x[$0]++'
The fancy solution
But if you need certain duplicated lines preserved, such as the COMMIT
statements in the output of iptables-save, you can use this one-liner:
iptables-save | awk '!asdf[$0]++; /COMMIT|Completed on|Generated by/;' |
The second awk rule prints again any line that matches "COMMIT" or
"Completed on" or "Generated by," which appear multiple times in the iptables-
save output. I was programmatically adding rules and one host in particular
was just adding new ones despite the identical rule already existing. So I had
to remove the duplicates and save the output, but keep all the duplicate
"COMMIT" statements. I also wanted to keep all the comments as well.