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Ssh use password this time


If you normally use passwordless authentication for your ssh sessions, you know how helpful it is. It saves you from having to type your password in all the time. You might have ssh keys set up (ssh-keygen) or kerberos. In either case, you found this post because you want to use ssh with a password this time. You need to force ssh to use the password, just this once, without having to make all sorts of complicated requirements.


In either case, you found this post because you want to use ssh with a password this time. You need to force the password. Here's how to do that: function sshp { ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password,keyboard-interactive -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no "$@"; } The above snippet comes from my latest and greatest bgscripts.bashrc in my bgscripts package. What the function does is execute ssh with a few extra options, that are very straightforward. It specifically lists the preferred methods for authentication, while disabling public key (which is what most people use) and kerberos auth (GSSAPI).


