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Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more (Source)

# vim: set ts=3 sw=3 sts=3:
# File: /etc/installed/fdroid/
# Location: server3
# Author: bgstack15
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# Startdate: 2024-05-29-4 07:36
# Title: F-Droid Sync wrapper
# Purpose: Single command to mirror down only the F-droid packages I use
# History:
# Usage:
# Reference:
# Improve:
#    take a list of hardcoded filenames and prepend them with "P" in the rsync file, to avoid deletion.
# Documentation:
# Dependencies:
#    user fdroid, ~/venv1, custom pip packages installed
#    cd ~/git ; git clone
#    plecho from bgscripts
test -f "${CONF_FILE}" && . "${CONF_FILE}"
prepare_input_file() {
   echo "# BEGIN preparing list of packages I want."
   # installed.txt was the exact output shared from my fdroid instance(s)
   # I do not understand how this appears to limit to just our desired apps, within the icons/ path while also grabbing still the app files. But I think it does, so we will leave it at that.
      #awk -F',' '$1!~/packageName/{print $1}' < "${WORK_DIR}/installed.txt" | awk '{print "+ **/"$0"**";}'
         #awk -F',' '$1!~/packageName/{print "+ **/"$1"*"; print "+ **/"$1"/en*/***"; print "+ icons*/"$1"***";}' | sort
      printf '%s\n' '- org.fdroid.fdroid.privileged*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.api*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.boot*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.gui*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.nix*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.styling*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.tasker*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.widget*' ;
      printf '%s\n' '- com.termux.window*' ;
      # Find all the metadata/*.protect files and use that filename as a deletion-protection filter for rsync
      # Does this, in effect: printf '%s\n' 'P org.qtproject.bibletimemini*' ;
      find "${MIRROR_DIR%%/}/../metadata/"*.protect | \
         xargs basename --multiple | sed -r -e 's/\.protect$/*/;' -e 's/^/P /;'
      cat "${INSTALLED_FILES_DIR%%/}"/installed*.txt | grep -vE '|org.fdroid.fdroid.privileged|\<packageName\>' | \
         awk -F',' '$1!~/packageName/{print "+ **/"$1"*"; print "+ **/"$1"/en*/***"; }' | sort
      printf '%s\n' '+ icons*/'
      printf '%s\n' '- *' ;
      #printf '%s\n' '+ **/index*'
      #awk -F',' '$1!~/packageName/{print $1}' < installed.txt | awk '{print "+ **"$0"*";print "+ icons*/"$0"*";}' ; printf '%s\n' '- *' ;
   } > "${GET_FILE}"
sync_files() {
   echo "# BEGIN syncing files"
   if test -n "${APPLY}" ;
      dashn="-n "
   if test "${USER}" != "fdroid" ;
      sudo -u fdroid -E /usr/bin/rsync --filter "merge ${GET_FILE}" ${dashn}-v -r -d -aHS --delete --delete-delay "${MIRROR_DIR}"
      /usr/bin/rsync --filter "merge ${GET_FILE}" ${dashn}-v -r -aHS --delete --delete-delay "${MIRROR_DIR}"
fix_metadata() {
   echo "# BEGIN fixing metadata"
   cd "${GIT_DIR}"
   git checkout master ; git pull
   cat "${INSTALLED_FILES_DIR%%/}"/installed*.txt | grep -vE '|org.fdroid.fdroid.privileged|\<packageName\>' | \
   awk -F',' '{print $1}' | while read app ;
      destfile="$( find "${MIRROR_DIR%%/}/../metadata/" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "${appyml}" -exec readlink -f {} \; )"
      test -z "${destfile}" && {
         echo "Making new file ${destfile}"
         touch "${destfile}"
      srcfile="$( find "${GIT_DIR}/metadata" -name "${appyml}" -exec readlink -f {} \; )"
      echo "Need to munge ${srcfile} to ${destfile}"
      test -f "${descfile}" || { curl --silent -L "${app}/" | awk -F'"' '/meta name.*description/{print $4}' > "${descfile}" ; }
      if test -f "${srcfile}" ;
         cp -pf "${srcfile}" "${destfile}"
         # too simple, and just one line. this should be rewritten in python bs4
         echo "Summary: '$( cat "${descfile}" )'" >> "${destfile}"
      sed -i -r -e "/ArchivePolicy:/d" -e "/AutoName:/s/^AutoName:/Name:/g;" "${destfile}"
   cd "${_oldpwd}"
fdroid_update() {
      source ~/venv1/bin/activate
      cd "${MIRROR_DIR}/.."
      fdroid update -c --use-date-from-apk
generate_web() {
main() {
   cd "${WORK_DIR}"
   test -z "${SKIP_INPUT}" && prepare_input_file
   test -z "${SKIP_METADATA}" && fix_metadata
   test -z "${SKIP_SYNC}" && sync_files
   test -z "${SKIP_UPDATE}" && fdroid_update
   test -z "${SKIP_WEB}" && generate_web
case "${0}" in
      # dot-sourced
      main | plecho "fdroid_sync"