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FreeIPA on Devuan and sss ssh knownhosts proxy
Automated Devuan CI kickoff process
Devuan preseed, May 2024 edition
Change default audio input on Devuan with Pulseaudio
Package for Devuan: tmdbv3api
Devuan Ceres and zenity that uses gtk3
apt/preferences.d: A Useful Example
Devuan preseed, July 2023 edition
Fontconfig update in January 2023
Devuan updates for January 2023 and FreeIPA
krb5-auth-dialog and the news
Devuan updates for November 2022 and sssd error
Devuan: fix rsyslog hang on shutdown
Improvements to obsmirror
Use gtk3-classic on Devuan Ceres for type-to-navigate in file dialog
Use virt-install to fully automate the install for Devuan Ceres with preseed, May 2021 edition
Unattended updates for Devuan Ceres, 2021 edition
Send desktop notifications through ssh X forwarding
Package for Devuan: xpipe
Package for Devuan: gtk3-automnemonics
Package for Devuan: dragon-drag-and-drop
Grub with a theme, when you have an encrypted root filesystem
LibreWolf dpkg for Debian is now available
Disable apparmor for sssd
Building an apt repo on CentOS that supports apt-file operations
Package for Devuan: myautomount
Some thoughts on connman and wicd
Detect default gtk3 theme
Apt show repositories for currently installed packages
Telegram Desktop and csd
OS updates notes for July 2020
Install Civ2 with UI Additions on GNU/Linux
Gitlab Issue Preservation project
Use Images from Google Photos album as screensaver on Linux
Hide debian-style motd
Package for devuan: powerkit
Package for devuan: logout-manager
Use virt-install to fully automate the install for Devuan Ceres with preseed, March 2020 edition
Package for CentOS 7: gnupg2-2.2.18-2.el7
Mirror an OBS repository locally -- update 1
Package for devuan: freefilesync
Package for devuan: xdgmenumaker
Package for devuan: keyboard-leds-trayicons
Package for devuan: waterfox
Install build dependencies from source files, dpkg and rpm
Build dpkg with Jenkins project
Mirror an OBS deb repository locally
Package for devuan: chicago95-theme-all
Devuan generate new ssh keys for freeipa host
Fix xscreensaver prompt with no words
Devuan wine error: chdir to /run/user/1000/wine/server-fe01-b6066c : No such file or directory
Apt-get show one package per line
Customize binary package for Devuan
How I host a Devuan ceres mirror for myself
Devuan freeipa domain users control local devices
Devuan join freeipa domain
How I run Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator on Devuan ceres
Run spice-vdagent with X11
Devuan with lightdm and xfce will not let user reboot or shutdown from user session
How I use the OBS to build and host dpkgs for Devuan
Use virt-install to fully automate the install for Devuan with preseed
Libreoffice is not using my gtk theme
Fix Palemoon browser mouse scroll wheel goes through history when using Fluxbox
Install 32-bit chroot on 64-bit devuan for compiling i386 packages
List files in dpkg that is not installed
A Devuan guest in kvm and using spice-vdagentd
Connect to wireless network from command line, for wicd
Fixing problem Repository ceres InRelease changed its Label value from Master to Devuan
Netgear AC600 usb wnic drivers for Linux
Devuan and Dell D630 graphics issue
Devuan, Dell Inspiron 1525, and b43 wireless network card
Unattended software updates on Devuan
Install ffmpeg on devuan