Knowledge Base
Preserving for the future: Shell scripts, AoC, and more
- 7zip
- 95
- 98
- accelerators
- accessibility
- acetoneiso
- act
- ad
- adblock
- addressbook
- adfs
- adlds
- aftermozilla
- Age of Empires 2
- agenda
- alias
- almalinux
- alsa
- alttab
- analytics
- android
- ansible
- aoc
- aoe2de
- apache
- api
- apparmor
- appimage
- appswitcher
- apt
- arandr
- architecture
- art
- artemis
- aspect
- audio
- audit
- auth
- autocomplete
- autoconf
- autofs
- automation
- automount
- autossh
- available
- awk
- awstats
- b6i
- b6t
- backup
- backups
- bash
- bc
- beautifulsoup
- beep
- bgconf
- bgscripts
- bible
- bitbucket
- blank
- blindwrite
- blink
- block
- blog
- bookmark
- bookmarks
- boot
- bread
- browser
- browsers
- budget
- build
- C
- calc
- calculator
- caldav
- calendar
- cancel
- capslock
- carddav
- case
- cast
- cat
- cd
- cdemu
- centos
- certbot
- certificates
- cgi-bin
- cgit
- chat
- cheat
- checksum
- chicago95
- chmod
- chrome
- chromebook
- chroot
- ci
- cifs
- cinnamon
- circle
- citrix
- civilization
- cli
- client
- clipboard
- clone
- closedsource
- cloud
- cloud-init
- code
- color
- command-and-conquer
- comments
- compare
- compile
- config
- connman
- console
- contacts
- container
- containers
- controller
- convert
- cookies
- copier
- copr
- cpio
- cpu
- credentials
- cron
- csd
- csr
- css
- csv
- cups
- customization
- dash
- date
- datestamp
- dbus
- dconf
- dd
- ddccontrol
- de
- debhelper
- debmirror
- debugging
- debuild
- default
- degoogle
- demo
- dependencies
- deprecated
- descent
- desktop
- detox
- devices
- devops
- devuan
- dhcp
- directory
- disc
- discord
- disks
- display
- distributions
- dnf
- dns
- docker
- docker-compose
- document
- documentation
- domain
- dosbox
- dosbox-x
- dpkg
- drag-and-drop
- drive
- driver
- drivers
- dvorak
- earn
- elogind
- encoding
- encryption
- entropy
- environment
- eol
- epel
- error
- exiftool
- expect
- expectations
- experiment
- expiration
- extensions
- f-droid
- fade
- fcd
- fedora
- ffmpeg
- file-manager
- files
- filters
- find
- firefox
- firewall
- flash
- flask
- floss
- fluxbox
- fonts
- form
- forwarding
- fprintd
- freebsd
- freefilesync
- freeipa
- friend
- function
- fuzzy
- gallery
- game
- gamepad
- gcc
- gedit
- geeqie
- generator
- getent
- gimp
- git
- github
- gitlab
- gksu
- glass
- glibc
- glusterfs
- gmail
- gnome
- gnu
- gnupg2
- golang
- gpl
- graham
- graphics
- grep
- group
- grub
- gssapi
- gtk
- gtk3
- gui
- gzip
- hack
- handbrake
- hang
- hangouts
- hardlink
- hardware
- hdmi
- headset
- help
- hexedit
- hide
- hidpi
- history
- hook
- hostname
- hp
- html
- http
- httpd
- hwclock
- i18n
- i/o
- icon
- icons
- id
- ifconfig
- images
- imaging
- indicator
- indicators
- infcloud
- ini
- init
- inotify
- input
- ip-address
- ipa
- ipasam
- irc
- irfanview
- iso
- isso
- issues
- java
- javascript
- jellyfin
- jenkins
- jira
- jitsi
- jj2
- join
- journald
- joystick
- jpg
- json
- kde
- keepalive
- kerberos
- kernel
- key
- keyboard
- kickstart
- kinit
- korora
- krb5
- kvm
- lan
- laps
- laptop
- lc_time
- ldap
- legislation
- lego
- lenovo
- letsencrypt
- letter
- library
- libreoffice
- librewolf
- libxml2
- lightdm
- line
- links
- linux
- locale
- localization
- log
- logout
- logrotate
- loop
- lua
- luks
- lvm
- mac
- macos
- macros
- magnifier
- make
- makefile
- man
- manager
- map
- math
- media
- meeting
- meier
- membership
- memory
- menu
- menus
- merge
- metadata
- metube
- microphone
- mimetype
- mirror
- mkhomedir
- mktrayicon
- mkv
- mnemonics
- mobile
- mod
- monitor
- monitors
- monthly
- motd
- mount
- mouse
- mozilla
- mp3
- mp4
- mpv
- msad
- mtp
- music
- nagios
- narrative
- nas
- natural
- ncat
- netstat
- network
- newest
- news
- newspipe
- nexus
- nfs
- nic
- nikola
- nonfree
- notepadnext
- Notes
- notifications
- nsupdate
- ntlm
- ntpd
- numbers
- numlock
- nvidia
- oauth2
- obfuscation
- obs
- office
- oneliner
- opensource
- openssl
- operating-systems
- orientation
- original
- outbound
- packages
- packaging
- pages
- palemoon
- pam
- passthrough
- password
- pastebin
- patch
- permissions
- personal
- photo
- photoprism
- photos
- photoshop
- php
- pidgin
- ping
- pip
- pipes
- pixel
- plex
- plugin
- policy
- policykit
- polkit
- portable
- ports
- posix
- post
- postfix
- power
- powercli
- powerkit
- powershell
- preseed
- printer
- privacy
- process
- processes
- productivity
- profile
- programming
- proliant
- protocol
- proxy
- ps
- pulseaudio
- purge
- python
- quilt
- quota
- radicale
- raid
- rancheros
- random
- rant
- raw
- rclone
- rdp
- reaction
- reboot
- recipe
- record
- redirection
- regex
- registry
- reload
- remote
- rename
- replacement
- repo
- research
- reset
- resolution
- response
- retro
- reverse-engineering
- review
- rhcsa
- rhel
- ripcord
- rocky
- rotate
- routing
- rpm
- rpmbuild
- rss
- rsync
- rsyslog
- run
- samba
- saml
- sandbox
- scaling
- scan
- scanner
- scite
- scraping
- screen
- screensaver
- screenshot
- script
- scriptlet
- scripts
- scrolling
- scrot
- scsi
- sdl2
- search
- security
- sed
- select
- self-hosted
- selfhosting
- selinux
- senator
- sendmail
- seq
- server
- service account
- services
- sessions
- setgid
- sftp
- shadow
- share
- shared-mime-info
- sharepoint
- sharing
- shark
- shell
- shopping
- shortcut
- shutdown
- sid
- sigal
- signature
- sites
- smb
- smtp
- sniffa
- socks
- software
- sort
- spec
- speed
- speedtest
- spice
- split
- spreadsheet
- sqlite
- squid
- ssh
- sshd
- sshd_config
- ssl
- sso
- sssd
- starbound
- static
- statistics
- staycation
- stdout
- steam
- sticky
- storage
- stronghold
- su
- subjectaltname
- sudo
- supertuxkart
- svg
- svg.centos
- sword
- symlink
- syncthing
- synology
- sysadmin
- syslog
- sysprep
- system tray
- systemd
- systems
- systemtray
- sysvinit
- tab
- tablet
- tabs
- tag
- tags
- tar
- taskbar
- tcl
- tee
- teleconferencing
- telegram
- telnet
- template
- terminal
- textbox
- theme
- themoviedb
- theory
- thinkcentre
- thinkpad
- thrift
- thunar
- time
- timezone
- tkinter
- tls
- todos
- touch
- touchscreen
- tracking
- traditional
- trayicon
- troubleshoot
- troubleshooting
- trust
- txt2man
- ubuntu
- udev
- unicode
- unix
- update
- updates
- upstream
- url
- usb
- user
- userchrome
- utc
- uuid
- vault
- vaultwarden
- vdi
- vendoring
- veracrypt
- version
- vhost
- video
- vim
- vintage
- virsh
- virt-install
- virt-manager
- virtual
- vlc
- vm
- vmware
- vnc
- volume
- voobly
- vpn
- vsphere
- waterfox
- web
- webapps
- webdav
- webhook
- webhooks
- webrtc
- while
- wicd
- wikipedia
- window-manager
- windows
- wine
- winetricks
- wireguard
- wireless
- wnic
- word-cloud
- wordpress
- workaround
- workspaces
- writer
- wwn
- www
- x11
- x11vnc
- xapp
- xdg
- xdotool
- xfce
- xfconf-query
- xfe
- xfreerdp
- xinput
- xml
- xorg
- xrandr
- xrdp
- xscreensaver
- xterm
- xzoom
- yad
- yaml
- youtube
- youtube-dl
- yum
- zenity
- zoneminder