使用 --notification 选项。 TeliuTe teliute@163.com 2010 tuhaihe 1132321739qq@gmail.com 2012 通知区域图标

使用 --notification 选项创建一个通知对话框。



<cmd>--listen</cmd>=icon: '<var>text</var>', message: '<var>text</var>', tooltip: '<var>text</var>', visible: '<var>text</var>',

Listens for commands at standard input. At least one command must be specified. Commands are comma separated. A command must be followed by a colon and a value.

The icon command also accepts four stock icon values such as error, info, question and warning.


#!/bin/sh zenity --notification\ --window-icon="info" \ --text="There are system updates necessary!"
通知区域图标范例 Zenity 通知图标范例

The following example script shows how to create a notification icon along with --listen:

#!/bin/sh cat <<EOH| zenity --notification --listen message: this is the message text EOH
Notification Icon with <cmd>--listen</cmd> Example Zenity notification with --listen example