#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; open(OUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Couldn't dup STDOUT: $!"; open(IN, "<&STDIN" ) or die "Couldn't dup STDIN : $!"; print OUT ".TH VERACRYPT 1\n"; print OUT ".SH NAME\n"; print OUT "veracrypt \\- create and mount VeraCrypt encrypted volumes\n"; my $section = ""; while(my $line = ) { if ($line =~ m/^([a-z_]+):$/i) { $section= lc($1); } my $out = $line; if ($line =~ m/^[a-z_]+:$/i) { $line =~ s/://; $line = ".SH " . $line; $out = uc($line); } elsif ($section eq "synopsis") { $line =~ s/([A-Z_]+)/\\fI$1\\fP/g; $out = $line."\n"; } elsif ($section eq "examples") { if ($line =~ m/^.*:$/) { $out = ".PP\n.B $line"; } elsif ($line =~ m/.+/) { $out = ".nf\n$line.fi\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ m/^-/) { $out = ".TP\n.B ".$line; } # In general, the hyphen-minus is meant to be a minus. $out =~ s/-/\\-/g; print OUT $out } print OUT ".SH COPYRIGHT\n"; print OUT "VeraCrypt is \\(co 2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.\n"; print OUT ".PP\nThis manual page was automatically generated from the output of \\fBveracrypt \\-\\-help\\fP\n"; close(IN); close(OUT);