# README for pasystray This package is my fork of [Debian's package](https://packages.debian.org/sid/pasystray) to achieve some minor effects I want. ## Upstream The origin of the appplication is on [github](https://github.com/christophgysin/pasystray). Debian's vcs is on [salsa](https://salsa.debian.org/debian/pasystray). ## Alternatives Use native Devuan package, that has broken, and also unwanted, features. For alsa based systems, use package `volumeicon-alsa`. ## Reason for being in stackrpms I wanted small modifications to this application. In 2024 I started [using pulseaudio](https://bgstack15.ddns.net/blog/posts/2024/03/18/change-default-audio-input-on-devuan-with-pulseaudio/) and the alsa-based volumeicon did not control pulseaudio-only sinks, like the "combined sink." ## Dependencies Read the dpkg recipe. ## References All links in this document. ## Differences from upstream. The application code itself is unchanged. My dpkg recipe varies from upstream dpkg slightly, and includes very small patches to the app code, to accomplish the following: * Disable using libayatana-appindicator3-1 and libavahi garbage. The fallback of Gtk3 StatusIcon works better. * Use pulsemixer instead of pavucontrol.