#!/bin/sh # Package: notepadpp # Startdate: 2019-12-28 11:01 # Dependencies: # sudo apt-get install jq wget curl p7zip currdir="${PWD}" tmpfile1="$( mktemp )" # FUNCTIONS ferror() { printf "%s\n" "$@" 1>&2 } get() { # get "https://example.com/example.zip" # get "https://example.com/example.zip" "outputname.zip" ___get_url="${1}" ___get_outfile="${2}" ___wget_options="" test -n "${___get_outfile}" && ___wget_options="-o ${___get_outfile}" test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "wget --quiet --content-disposition \"${___get_url}\" ${___wget_options}" test -z "${DRYRUN}" && wget --quiet --content-disposition "${___get_url}" ${___wget_options} } to_filename() { # call: to_filename "https://example.com/filename.ext" # returns: "filename.ext" printf "${1##*/}" } ### Flow # check dependencies which jq 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Please install jq! Aborted." ; exit 1; } ## 1. learn latest version latest_version="$( curl -s "https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/" | grep -oiE "Current Version [0-9\.]+" | grep -oE "[0-9\.a-zA-Z]+$" )" ferror "USING VERSION ${latest_version}" ## 2. dl npp main version, 32 and 64 get "https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v${latest_version}/npp.${latest_version}.bin.7z" get "https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v${latest_version}/npp.${latest_version}.bin.x64.7z" ## 3. dl 32 plugins # fetch master list of plugins curl -L -s https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/nppPluginList/raw/master/src/pl.x86.json > "${tmpfile1}" # Compare plugin url_current_plugin_32_Compare="$( cat "${tmpfile1}" | jq '.["npp-plugins"][] | select(."display-name" == "Compare") | .repository' -r )" file_current_plugin_32_Compare="$( to_filename "${url_current_plugin_32_Compare}" )" get "${url_current_plugin_32_Compare}" # TextFX plugin url_current_plugin_32_TextFX="$( cat "${tmpfile1}" | jq '.["npp-plugins"][] | select(."display-name" == "TextFX Characters") | .repository' -r )" file_current_plugin_32_TextFX="$( to_filename "${url_current_plugin_32_TextFX}" )" get "${url_current_plugin_32_TextFX}" ## 4. dl 64 plugins curl -L -s https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/nppPluginList/raw/master/src/pl.x64.json > "${tmpfile1}" # Compare plugin url_current_plugin_64_Compare="$( cat "${tmpfile1}" | jq '.["npp-plugins"][] | select(."display-name" == "Compare") | .repository' -r )" file_current_plugin_64_Compare="$( to_filename "${url_current_plugin_64_Compare}" )" get "${url_current_plugin_64_Compare}" ## 5. assemble orig tarball test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "mkdir -p \"notepadpp-${latest_version}\" ; cd \"notepadpp-${latest_version}\"" test -z "${DRYRUN}" && { mkdir -p "notepadpp-${latest_version}" ; cd "notepadpp-${latest_version}" ; } test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "mkdir -p notepadpp-bin32 notepadpp-bin64" test -z "${DRYRUN}" && { mkdir -p notepadpp-bin32 notepadpp-bin64 ; } test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "cd notepadpp-bin32 ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../\"npp.${latest_version}.bin.7z\" ; cd plugins ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../../\"${file_current_plugin_32_Compare}\" ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../../\"${file_current_plugin_32_TextFX}\" ; cd ../.. " test -z "${DRYRUN}" && { cd notepadpp-bin32 ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../"npp.${latest_version}.bin.7z" ; cd plugins ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../../"${file_current_plugin_32_Compare}" ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../../"${file_current_plugin_32_TextFX}" ; cd ../..; } test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "cd notepadpp-bin64 ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../\"npp.${latest_version}.bin.x64.7z\" ; cd plugins ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../../\"${file_current_plugin_64_Compare}\" ; cd ../.. " test -z "${DRYRUN}" && { cd notepadpp-bin64 ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../"npp.${latest_version}.bin.x64.7z" ; cd plugins ; 7za -bd -aoa x ../../../"${file_current_plugin_64_Compare}" ; cd ../.. ; } test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "cd .." test -z "${DRYRUN}" && cd .. test -n "${DEBUG}" && ferror "tar -zcf \"notepadpp_${latest_version}.orig.tar.gz\" \"notepadpp-${latest_version}\"" test -z "${DRYRUN}" && tar -zcf "notepadpp_${latest_version}.orig.tar.gz" "notepadpp-${latest_version}" # CLEAN UP rm -rf "${tmpfile1}" "notepadpp-${latest_version}/" "${file_current_plugin_32_Compare}" "${file_current_plugin_32_TextFX}" "${file_current_plugin_64_Compare}" "npp.${latest_version}.bin.7z" "npp.${latest_version}.bin.x64.7z"