# LibreWolf settings LibreWolf settings for all platforms. we encourage users to find **their own setup** and to use our default configuration as something to build on top of. this is now easier thanks to the [overrides](https://librewolf.net/docs/faq/#where-do-i-find-my-librewolfoverridescfg). ## Useful links - [website](https://librewolf.net/): read the docs. - [faq](https://librewolf.net/docs/faq/): for any question you might have, and to help you creating your own pref file. - [all releases](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser). - [issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/settings/-/issues). - if you ignore the pre-requisites and the template the issues might be closed. - issues that have the `provide info` label need user input or they will be quarantined after a week, and closed after ten days. - find us on [gitter](https://gitter.im/librewolf-community/librewolf) / [matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#librewolf:matrix.org) / [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/LibreWolf/) / [lemmy](https://lemmy.ml/c/librewolf). ## Notes and thanks - this repository benefits from the knowledge and research provided by [arkenfox](https://github.com/arkenfox), so special thanks to the project. we do not use arkenfox's `user.js` but we try to keep up with it, and we also consider it a great resource for users who want to find their own setup. - many thanks to the firefox team and to the people working on [bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/home); - thanks to the whole LibreWolf community and to all the contributors of this repo.