Source: @browser@ Section: web Priority: optional Maintainer: Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages Uploaders: Mike Hommey Build-Depends: autotools-dev, debhelper (>= 9.20160114), libx11-dev, libx11-xcb-dev, libxt-dev, libgtk-3-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libdrm-dev, libstartup-notification0-dev, libjpeg-dev, %if USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB zlib1g-dev, %endif libreadline-dev, python3 (>= 3.6), dpkg-dev, %if USE_SYSTEM_NSPR %define NSPR_VERSION 4.32 libnspr4-dev (>= 2:@NSPR_VERSION@~), %endif %if USE_SYSTEM_NSS %define NSS_VERSION 3.79 libnss3-dev (>= 2:@NSS_VERSION@~), %endif %if USE_SYSTEM_VPX libvpx-dev (>= 1.8.0), %endif libdbus-glib-1-dev, %if USE_SYSTEM_FFI libffi-dev, %endif %if USE_SYSTEM_LIBEVENT libevent-dev, %endif libpulse-dev, libasound2-dev, yasm, %if DIST == stretch nasm-mozilla (>= 2.14) [amd64 i386], %else nasm (>= 2.14) [amd64 i386], %endif %if DIST == bullseye || DIST == buster || DIST == stretch rustc-mozilla (>= 1.59), %else rustc (>= 1.59), %endif %if DIST == bullseye || DIST == buster || DIST == stretch cargo-mozilla (>= 0.57), %else cargo (>= 0.57), %endif %if DIST == stretch gcc-mozilla (>= 7.1), llvm-7-dev, libclang-7-dev, clang-7, %else llvm-dev, libclang-dev, clang, %endif cbindgen (>= 0.23.0), %if DIST == stretch nodejs-mozilla (>= 10), %else nodejs (>= 10), %endif zip, unzip, locales, xvfb, xfonts-base, xauth, ttf-bitstream-vera, fonts-freefont-ttf, fonts-dejima-mincho, iso-codes Build-Conflicts: graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat, liboss4-salsa-dev, libhildonmime-dev, libosso-dev Standards-Version: Vcs-Git: -b @SHORT_SOURCE_CHANNEL@/master Vcs-Browser: Package: @browser@ Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fontconfig, procps, debianutils (>= 1.16), %if USE_SYSTEM_NSPR libnspr4 (>= 2:@NSPR_VERSION@~), %endif %if USE_SYSTEM_NSS libnss3 (>= 2:@NSS_VERSION@~) %endif Recommends: @LIBAVCODEC@ Suggests: fonts-stix | otf-stix, fonts-lmodern, libgssapi-krb5-2 | libkrb53, libcanberra0, pulseaudio %if TRANSITION Conflicts: iceweasel (<< 45) %endif Breaks: xul-ext-torbutton Provides: www-browser, gnome-www-browser %define RAW_DESCRIPTION Mozilla Firefox web browser %define LONGDESC1 @Browser@ is a powerful, extensible web browser with support for modern %define LONGDESC2 web application technologies. %define firefox_esr firefox-esr %if browser == firefox_esr %define DESCRIPTION @RAW_DESCRIPTION@ - Extended Support Release (ESR) %else %define DESCRIPTION @RAW_DESCRIPTION@ %endif Description: @DESCRIPTION@ @LONGDESC1@ @LONGDESC2@ %if TRANSITION Package: iceweasel Architecture: all Priority: extra Section: oldlibs Depends: @browser@, ${misc:Depends} Description: Web browser based on Firefox - Transitional package This is a transitional package, it can be safely removed. %endif Package: @browser@-l10n-all Architecture: all Section: metapackages Depends: ${misc:Depends}, @L10N_PACKAGES_DEPS@ %if TRANSITION Breaks: iceweasel-l10n-all (<< 45) Replaces: iceweasel-l10n-all (<< 45) Provides: iceweasel-l10n-all %endif Description: All language packages for @Browser@ (meta) @LONGDESC1@ @LONGDESC2@ . This is a metapackage depending on all available localizations of @Browser@. %if TRANSITION Package: iceweasel-l10n-all Architecture: all Priority: extra Section: oldlibs Depends: @browser@-l10n-all, ${misc:Depends} Description: All language packages for Iceweasel - Transitional package This is a transitional package, it can be safely removed. %endif %include l10n/browser-l10n.control