# Readme for librewolf in stackrpms DEPRECATED **DEPRECATED!** See package [librewolf-prefs-stackrpms](../librewolf-prefs-stackrpms) as of 2022-10. ## Librewolf upstream This is a custom patchset on top of the [Debian OBS](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/debian) repository for Devuan Ceres. ## Reason for being in stackrpms These are changes just for stackrpms and are not appropriate for the upstream AfterMozilla OBS for LibreWolf. ## Alternatives I just use the [AfterMozilla LibreWolf](https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:bgstack15:aftermozilla/librewolf) package which I also build. That is the upstream for this package. ## Dependencies Exact same as Mozilla Firefox. ## References Check the contents of internal prefs package for the various web browsers' prefs.js-type files. ## Differences from upstream The differences are boiled down in simple diff files here. The main differences are just adding my custom prefs.js (now handled by project librewolf-stackrpms in this same [repository](https://bgstack15.ddns.net/cgit/librewolf-prefs-stackrpms/) ([gitlab](https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/librewolf-prefs-stackrpms)) and deleting some search engine entries in the suggestion list.