# Readme for fluxbox ## Overview This is for my customized dpkg of [Fluxbox](http://fluxbox.org/index.php) which exists quite happily in vanilla form in [Debian Sid](https://packages.debian.org/sid/fluxbox). ## fluxbox upstream I modified the debian/ from snapshot.debian.org/package/[fluxbox](http://snapshot.debian.org/package/fluxbox/)/ This set of overlay patches probably will not be maintained, so user beware! That being said, upstream is frozen so you won't get behind here either. ## Reason for being in stackrpms I wrote exactly one patch: [debian/patches/add-clientmachine-if-forwarded.patch](debian/patches/add-clientmachine-if-forwarded.patch) Also by using the custom package here I can incorporate all the useful patches added in what appears to be a neo-upstream on [github](https://github.com/fluxbox/fluxbox) which has neat patches like [toolbar: allow labeled general action buttons](https://github.com/fluxbox/fluxbox/commit/393ba45f91480bb10f510248837c6051b7ff6a03) and [document iconified title deco](https://github.com/fluxbox/fluxbox/commit/2047b1a2ba9ea5d3df77c8de9b4e2b3fd3a40a6d) which are not present in the Debian Fluxbox 1.3.5 release. I chose Fluxbox as my daily driver desktop environment/window manager because it is stable. And it is stable, with a few minor flaws! So this one patch I wrote adds to the titlebar of a forwarded window "(on $CLIENT)" which was inspired by [Xfwm4](https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/-/blob/master/src/client.c#L215). ## Improvements * Add a configurable option for "Show (on $CLIENT)" so users can decide if they like it. * Some programs do not properly maintain `WM_CLIENT_MACHINE` X property, like `xfe(1)` so that could be misleading. * Maybe store local hostname on the Display, like Xfwm4 so we do not need to keep calling gethostname() * Find way to rearrange the iconbar window entries ([issue #94](https://sourceforge.net/p/fluxbox/feature-requests/94/) in original repo) which was also requested in one of the github forks ([luebking/fluxbox#1](https://github.com/luebking/fluxbox/issues/1) with comments: > If you however mean to drag around the icon, that's probably not too hard to do in src/Icon{Button,barTool}* ## Alternatives Just use the native package fluxbox for the given distro. Github indicates a large number of [forks exist](https://github.com/fluxbox/fluxbox/network/members) of the source. Almost all of them do not provide substantive improvements. ## Dependencies Exact same as native package fluxbox. ## References Every link in this document. ## Differences from upstream Only one d/p/series and d/p/add-clientmachine-if-forwarded.patch