# README for Dosbos-x This is a dpkg for [dosbox-x](https://dosbox-x.com/) DEPRECATED! Devuan now has this in the official repos. It entered unstable a few months after I converted this package build, so around 2023-09. ## Upstream The original application is at the above link. This repo is the original location of the dpkg recipe. ## Alternatives Use Dosbox-X on Fedora, or with a Flatpak or from source. See PhantomX's pastured [rpm spec](https://github.com/PhantomX/chinforpms/blob/main/_pasture/dosbox-x/dosbox-x.spec). ## Reason for existence I wanted a dpkg of dosbox-x, and my skillset includes converting rpm specs to debian recipes. ## Using ## Dependencies See file [debian/control](debian/control) for that. ## Building Standard debuild. ## References 1. 2. I [shared](https://github.com/joncampbell123/dosbox-x/issues/3356#issuecomment-1563077184) this in a discussion on the upstream repo.