# Readme for connman-gtk-xdg-autostart This package exists merely to drop a symlink in /etc/xdg/autostart for connman-gtk. ## connman-gtk-xdg-autostart upstream None. ## Alternatives Manually start connman-gtk in a graphical terminal session. ### How to use in Fluxbox Either use `fbautostart`, or set in ~/.fluxbox/startup an entry for connman-gtk & ## Reason for being in stackrpms I probably should submit a bug report to connman-gtk (on Debian) for making an xdg-autostart file. But why bother? ## Reverse dependency matrix Distro | connman-gtk-xdg-autostart version ---------- | --------------------------------- All dpkg | 0.0.1 ## Make original tarball Use this readme file as the only contents of a tarball in a single directory. Make the tarball resemble: $ tar -ztf ../connman-gtk-xdg-autostart_0.0.1.orig.tar.gz connman-gtk-xdg-autostart-0.0.1/ connman-gtk-xdg-autostart-0.0.1/README.md ## References palemoon-ublock-origin/README ## Differences from upstream None