#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Startdate: 2024-03-08-6 15:28 # File: srb_lib.py # Purpose: frontend for srb_lib # History: # Usage: # Reference: # blog posts 2024-03 # delsum from github # bgconf.py # WORKHERE: right now, this only just corrects any file. in the future, offer options like --profile 1 --set-money 3045 --give-plane all or --give-plane marcie # or --take-plan marcie or --set-rank-level 1,general --set-rank-level 1,none --set-rank-level all,general # or --give-weapon pumpkin --take-weapon bees # or --give-balloons-level 10 --take-balloons-level 11 # make chart of level numbers, which ones have balloons # or --reset-level 5 (which zeros out all info about completion of that level) # --set-plane-health 1 (through 4) # --set-plane-weapon 1 (through 5) # --set-plane-stunt 1 (through 4) # --set-profile-name "asdbdf" import srb_lib, argparse, sys from srb_lib import ferror, debuglev HELP_WEAPONS = "" for w in srb_lib.WEAPONS: HELP_WEAPONS += str(w["id"]) + "," + w["name"] + ',' HELP_WEAPONS = HELP_WEAPONS.rstrip(",") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Cli tool for manipulating savegame files for srb.exe", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=f"""LEVELS include {[i['name'] for i in srb_lib.LEVELS]+list(range(0,len(srb_lib.LEVELS)))} WEAPONS include {HELP_WEAPONS} NAME_CHARS include "{srb_lib.NAME_CHARS}" """) parser.add_argument("-V","--version",action="version",version="%(prog)s " + srb_lib.srb_lib_version) parser.add_argument("-d","--debug",nargs='?',default=0,type=int,choices=range(0,11),help="Set debug level") parser.add_argument("--profile",type=int,choices=range(1,4),help="Profile in user menu.") parser.add_argument("--get-money",action="store_true",help="Print current money for profile.") parser.add_argument("--set-money",type=int,help="Set money for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-weapon",action="store_true",help="Print currently equipped weapon for profile.") # choices seems to be too strict here for the numbers. We can live with just the #choices=[i for i in srb_lib.WEAPONS if i != "undefined"]+list(range(0,16)) #parser.add_argument("--set-weapon",choices=[i for i in srb_lib.WEAPONS if i != "undefined"],help="Print currently equipped weapon for profile.") parser.add_argument("--set-weapon",help="Set currently equipped weapon for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-purchased-weapons",action="store_true",help="Print currently purchased weapon for profile.") parser.add_argument("--add-purchased-weapons",action="append",help="For profile, add these purchased weapons. Can be used multiple times.") parser.add_argument("--remove-purchased-weapons",action="append",help="For profile, add these purchased weapons. Can be used multiple times.") parser.add_argument("--get-level",help="Print status for this level for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-name",action="store_true",help="Print name for profile.") parser.add_argument("--set-name",help="Set name for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-profile-in-use",action="store_true",help="Print if profile is in use.") parser.add_argument("--get-tutorial-completed",action="store_true",help="Print if profile has completed the tutorial.") parser.add_argument("--set-tutorial-completed",choices=["True","False"],help="Set tutorial-completed for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-health",action="store_true",help="Print stat health for profile.") parser.add_argument("--set-health",type=int,choices=range(1,5),help="Set stat health for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-stunt",action="store_true",help="Print stat stunt for profile.") parser.add_argument("--set-stunt",type=int,choices=range(1,5),help="Set stat stunt for profile.") parser.add_argument("--get-gun",action="store_true",help="Print stat gun for profile.") parser.add_argument("--set-gun",type=int,choices=range(1,6),help="Set stat gun for profile.") parser.add_argument("--checksum",action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,default=True,help="Correct checksum. Default is to do this. It happens at the end of everything else.") parser.add_argument("file",default="Profile 1.sav") args = parser.parse_args() debuglevel = 0 if args.debug: debuglevel = args.debug if debuglev(1,debuglevel): ferror("debug level", debuglevel) if debuglev(8,debuglevel): ferror(args) # common parameters profile_id = args.profile #print(f"profile_id={profile_id}") # WORKHERE: new actions that need --profile must be added here. if not profile_id and (args.get_money or args.set_money or args.get_weapon or args.set_weapon or args.get_level or args.get_name or args.set_name or args.get_profile_in_use or args.get_purchased_weapons or args.get_tutorial_completed or args.add_purchased_weapons or args.remove_purchased_weapons or args.get_health or args.get_stunt or args.get_gun or args.set_health or args.set_stunt or args.set_gun): ferror("Warning: Cannot perform most actions without --profile. Not all tasks may run.") else: if args.get_money: money = srb_lib.get_money(args.file, profile_id) print(f"Profile {profile_id} has {money} money.") if args.set_money: if args.set_money > 0xFFFF: ferror(f"Warning: Do not set money higher than 65535. While it can technically work, there's no need for that in-game anyways. Continuing...") else: data = srb_lib.set_money(args.file, profile_id, args.set_money) srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_weapon: print(f"Profile {profile_id} has weapon {srb_lib.get_weapon(args.file, profile_id)}") if args.set_weapon: try: args.set_weapon = int(args.set_weapon) except: pass data = srb_lib.set_weapon(args.file, profile_id, args.set_weapon) if type(data) == int and data == -1: # error is printed in the function pass else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_level: print(f"Profile {profile_id} has level {args.get_level} status {srb_lib.get_level_status(args.file,profile_id,args.get_level)}") if args.get_name: print(f"Profile {profile_id} has name {srb_lib.get_name(args.file,profile_id)}") if args.set_name: data, message = srb_lib.set_name(args.file, profile_id, args.set_name) if (type(data) == int and data == -1) or message != "": ferror(f"Failed to set profile {profile_id} name to {args.set_name} because {message}") else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_profile_in_use: print(f"Profile {profile_id} in use is {srb_lib.get_profile_in_use(args.file,profile_id)}") if args.get_purchased_weapons: print(f"Profile {profile_id} has weapons {srb_lib.get_purchased_weapons(args.file,profile_id)}") if args.add_purchased_weapons: data, message = srb_lib.set_purchased_weapons(args.file,profile_id,"add",args.add_purchased_weapons) if (type(data) == int and data == -1) or message != "": ferror(f"Failed to add purchased weapons {args.add_purchased_weapons} because {message}") else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.remove_purchased_weapons: data, message = srb_lib.set_purchased_weapons(args.file,profile_id,"remove",args.remove_purchased_weapons) if (type(data) == int and data == -1) or message != "": ferror(f"Failed to add purchased weapons {args.remove_purchased_weapons} because {message}") else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_tutorial_completed: print(f"Profile {profile_id} completed-tutorial is {srb_lib.get_tutorial_completed(args.file,profile_id)}") if args.set_tutorial_completed: thisbool = False if args.set_tutorial_completed == "False" else True data, newstatus = srb_lib.set_tutorial_completed(args.file,profile_id,thisbool) srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_health: stat, message = srb_lib.get_plane_stat(args.file,profile_id,"health") # error is printed in the function, so if not any error, run if not (stat == -1 or message != ""): print(f"Profile {profile_id} has health level {stat}") if args.set_health: data, message = srb_lib.set_plane_stat(args.file,profile_id,"health",args.set_health) if data == -1 or message != "": print(f"Failed to set health to {args.set_health} because {message}") else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_stunt: stat, message = srb_lib.get_plane_stat(args.file,profile_id,"stunt") # error is printed in the function, so if not any error, run if not (stat == -1 or message != ""): print(f"Profile {profile_id} has stunt level {stat}") if args.set_stunt: data, message = srb_lib.set_plane_stat(args.file,profile_id,"stunt",args.set_stunt) if data == -1 or message != "": print(f"Failed to set stunt to {args.set_stunt} because {message}") else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.get_gun: stat, message = srb_lib.get_plane_stat(args.file,profile_id,"gun") # error is printed in the function, so if not any error, run if not (stat == -1 or message != ""): print(f"Profile {profile_id} has gun level {stat}") if args.set_gun: data, message = srb_lib.set_plane_stat(args.file,profile_id,"gun",args.set_gun) if data == -1 or message != "": print(f"Failed to set gun to {args.set_gun} because {message}") else: srb_lib.write_file(args.file,0,data) if args.checksum: f = args.file #for f in args.file: if debuglev(1,debuglevel): ferror(f"Fixing checksum for file {f}") srb_lib.correct_file(f,debuglevel)