import { apply, call, put, take } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { createSubscriptionChannel } from '../utils/websocket'; import { push } from 'react-router-redux'; import { actions, types } from '../redux/players'; function* sendUsername({ socket }) { while (true) { const { username } = yield take(types.REQUEST_CHOOSE_USERNAME); yield apply(socket, socket.send, ['/app/chooseName', JSON.stringify({ playerName: username })]); } } function* validateUsername({ socket }) { const usernameChannel = yield call(createSubscriptionChannel, socket, '/user/queue/nameChoice'); while (true) { const user = yield take(usernameChannel); yield put(actions.setCurrentPlayer(user)); yield apply(usernameChannel, usernameChannel.close); yield put(push('/games')); } } function* usernameChoiceSaga(wsConnection) { // TODO: Run sendUsername in loop when we have the ability to cancel saga on route change yield [call(sendUsername, wsConnection), call(validateUsername, wsConnection)]; } export default usernameChoiceSaga;