path: root/game-engine/src/main/kotlin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game-engine/src/main/kotlin')
10 files changed, 417 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/cards/Requirements.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/cards/Requirements.kt
index e04fa7a0..4417620f 100644
--- a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/cards/Requirements.kt
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/cards/Requirements.kt
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ package
data class Requirements @JvmOverloads constructor(
val gold: Int = 0,
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ data class Requirements @JvmOverloads constructor(
if (producesRequiredResources(board)) {
return true
- return BestPriceCalculator.bestPrice(resources, table, playerIndex) <= - gold
+ val bestPrice = bestPrice(resources, table, playerIndex)
+ return bestPrice != null && bestPrice <= - gold
private fun hasRequiredGold(board: Board): Boolean {
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/data/serializers/ProductionSerializer.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/data/serializers/ProductionSerializer.kt
index 538fdbb4..781ee3af 100644
--- a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/data/serializers/ProductionSerializer.kt
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/data/serializers/ProductionSerializer.kt
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ProductionSerializer : JsonSerializer<Production>, JsonDeserializer<Produc
override fun serialize(production: Production, typeOfSrc: Type, context: JsonSerializationContext): JsonElement {
val fixedResources = production.fixedResources
- val choices = production.alternativeResources
+ val choices = production.getAlternativeResources()
return when {
fixedResources.isEmpty -> serializeAsChoice(choices, context)
choices.isEmpty() -> serializeAsResources(fixedResources, context)
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/BestPriceCalculator.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/BestPriceCalculator.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e7d76f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/BestPriceCalculator.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import java.util.ArrayList
+import java.util.EnumSet
+fun bestPrice(resources: Resources, table: Table, playerIndex: Int): Int? {
+ return bestSolution(resources, table, playerIndex)?.price
+fun bestTransaction(resources: Resources, table: Table, playerIndex: Int): ResourceTransactions? {
+ return bestSolution(resources, table, playerIndex)?.transactions
+fun bestSolution(resources: Resources, table: Table, playerIndex: Int): TransactionPlan? {
+ val calculator = BestPriceCalculator(resources, table, playerIndex)
+ return calculator.computeBestSolution()
+data class TransactionPlan(val price: Int, val transactions: ResourceTransactions)
+private class ResourcePool(
+ val provider: Provider?,
+ private val rules: TradingRules,
+ val choices: Set<MutableSet<ResourceType>>
+) {
+ fun getCost(type: ResourceType): Int = if (provider == null) 0 else rules.getCost(type, provider)
+private class BestPriceCalculator(resourcesToPay: Resources, table: Table, playerIndex: Int) {
+ private val pools: List<ResourcePool>
+ private val resourcesLeftToPay: Resources
+ private val boughtResources: ResourceTransactions = ResourceTransactions()
+ private var pricePaid: Int = 0
+ var bestSolution: ResourceTransactions? = null
+ var bestPrice: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ init {
+ val board = table.getBoard(playerIndex)
+ this.resourcesLeftToPay = resourcesToPay.minus(board.production.fixedResources)
+ this.pools = createResourcePools(table, playerIndex)
+ }
+ private fun createResourcePools(table: Table, playerIndex: Int): List<ResourcePool> {
+ val providers = Provider.values()
+ val board = table.getBoard(playerIndex)
+ val rules = board.tradingRules
+ val pools = ArrayList<ResourcePool>(providers.size + 1)
+ // we only take alternative resources here, because fixed resources were already removed for optimization
+ val ownBoardChoices = board.production.getAlternativeResources()
+ pools.add(ResourcePool(null, rules, { it.toMutableSet() }.toSet()))
+ for (provider in providers) {
+ val providerBoard = table.getBoard(playerIndex, provider.boardPosition)
+ val pool = ResourcePool(provider, rules, providerBoard.publicProduction.asChoices().map { it.toMutableSet() }.toSet())
+ pools.add(pool)
+ }
+ return pools
+ }
+ fun computeBestSolution(): TransactionPlan? {
+ computePossibilities()
+ return if (bestSolution == null) null else TransactionPlan(bestPrice, bestSolution!!)
+ }
+ private fun computePossibilities() {
+ if (resourcesLeftToPay.isEmpty) {
+ updateBestSolutionIfNeeded()
+ return
+ }
+ for (type in ResourceType.values()) {
+ if (resourcesLeftToPay.getQuantity(type) > 0) {
+ for (pool in pools) {
+ if (pool.provider == null) {
+ computeSelfPossibilities(type, pool)
+ } else {
+ computeNeighbourPossibilities(pool, type, pool.provider)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun computeSelfPossibilities(type: ResourceType, pool: ResourcePool) {
+ resourcesLeftToPay.remove(type, 1)
+ computePossibilitiesWhenUsing(type, pool)
+ resourcesLeftToPay.add(type, 1)
+ }
+ private fun computeNeighbourPossibilities(pool: ResourcePool, type: ResourceType, provider: Provider) {
+ val cost = pool.getCost(type)
+ resourcesLeftToPay.remove(type, 1)
+ boughtResources.add(provider, Resources(type))
+ pricePaid += cost
+ computePossibilitiesWhenUsing(type, pool)
+ pricePaid -= cost
+ boughtResources.remove(provider, Resources(type))
+ resourcesLeftToPay.add(type, 1)
+ }
+ private fun computePossibilitiesWhenUsing(type: ResourceType, pool: ResourcePool) {
+ for (choice in pool.choices) {
+ if (choice.contains(type)) {
+ val temp = EnumSet.copyOf(choice)
+ choice.clear()
+ computePossibilities()
+ choice.addAll(temp)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun updateBestSolutionIfNeeded() {
+ if (pricePaid < bestPrice) {
+ bestPrice = pricePaid
+ bestSolution = ResourceTransactions(boughtResources.asList())
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Production.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Production.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a3240c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Production.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import java.util.Arrays
+import java.util.EnumSet
+class Production {
+ val fixedResources = Resources()
+ private val alternativeResources: MutableSet<Set<ResourceType>> = mutableSetOf()
+ fun getAlternativeResources(): Set<Set<ResourceType>> {
+ return alternativeResources
+ }
+ fun addFixedResource(type: ResourceType, quantity: Int) {
+ fixedResources.add(type, quantity)
+ }
+ fun addChoice(vararg options: ResourceType) {
+ val optionSet = EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(*options))
+ alternativeResources.add(optionSet)
+ }
+ fun addAll(resources: Resources) {
+ fixedResources.addAll(resources)
+ }
+ fun addAll(production: Production) {
+ fixedResources.addAll(production.fixedResources)
+ alternativeResources.addAll(production.getAlternativeResources())
+ }
+ internal fun asChoices(): Set<Set<ResourceType>> {
+ val fixedAsChoices = fixedResources.asList().map{ EnumSet.of(it) }.toSet()
+ return fixedAsChoices + alternativeResources
+ }
+ operator fun contains(resources: Resources): Boolean {
+ if (fixedResources.containsAll(resources)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return containedInAlternatives(resources - fixedResources)
+ }
+ private fun containedInAlternatives(resources: Resources): Boolean {
+ return containedInAlternatives(resources, alternativeResources)
+ }
+ private fun containedInAlternatives(resources: Resources, alternatives: MutableSet<Set<ResourceType>>): Boolean {
+ if (resources.isEmpty) {
+ return true
+ }
+ for (type in ResourceType.values()) {
+ if (resources.getQuantity(type) <= 0) {
+ continue
+ }
+ val candidate = findFirstAlternativeContaining(alternatives, type)
+ ?: return false // no alternative produces the resource of this entry
+ resources.remove(type, 1)
+ alternatives.remove(candidate)
+ val remainingAreContainedToo = containedInAlternatives(resources, alternatives)
+ resources.add(type, 1)
+ alternatives.add(candidate)
+ if (remainingAreContainedToo) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ private fun findFirstAlternativeContaining(
+ alternatives: Set<Set<ResourceType>>,
+ type: ResourceType
+ ): Set<ResourceType>? {
+ return { a -> a.contains(type) }.findAny().orElse(null)
+ }
+ override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+ if (this === other) return true
+ if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
+ other as Production
+ if (fixedResources != other.fixedResources) return false
+ if (alternativeResources != other.alternativeResources) return false
+ return true
+ }
+ override fun hashCode(): Int {
+ var result = fixedResources.hashCode()
+ result = 31 * result + alternativeResources.hashCode()
+ return result
+ }
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Provider.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Provider.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d0f3159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Provider.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+enum class Provider(val boardPosition: RelativeBoardPosition) {
+ LEFT_PLAYER(RelativeBoardPosition.LEFT),
+ RIGHT_PLAYER(RelativeBoardPosition.RIGHT)
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceTransaction.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceTransaction.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c500f0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceTransaction.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+data class ResourceTransaction(val provider: Provider, val resources: Resources) {
+ internal fun execute(table: Table, playerIndex: Int) {
+ val board = table.getBoard(playerIndex)
+ val price = board.tradingRules.computeCost(this)
+ board.removeGold(price)
+ val providerPosition = provider.boardPosition
+ val providerBoard = table.getBoard(playerIndex, providerPosition)
+ providerBoard.addGold(price)
+ }
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceTransactions.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceTransactions.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24556d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceTransactions.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+data class ResourceTransactions(private val resourcesByProvider: MutableMap<Provider, Resources> = mutableMapOf()) {
+ constructor(transactions: Collection<ResourceTransaction>) : this() {
+ transactions.forEach { t -> add(t.provider, t.resources) }
+ }
+ fun add(provider: Provider, resources: Resources) {
+ resourcesByProvider.merge(provider, resources) { old, new -> old + new }
+ }
+ fun remove(provider: Provider, resources: Resources) {
+ resourcesByProvider.compute(provider) { p, prevResources ->
+ if (prevResources == null) {
+ throw IllegalStateException("Cannot remove resources from resource transactions")
+ }
+ prevResources.minus(resources)
+ }
+ }
+ fun execute(table: Table, playerIndex: Int) {
+ asList().forEach { t -> t.execute(table, playerIndex) }
+ }
+ fun asList(): List<ResourceTransaction> {
+ return resourcesByProvider
+ .filter { (_, resources) -> !resources.isEmpty }
+ .map { (provider, resources) -> ResourceTransaction(provider, resources) }
+ }
+ fun asResources(): Resources {
+ return resourcesByProvider.values.fold(Resources(), Resources::plus)
+ }
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceType.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceType.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67b176df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/ResourceType.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+enum class ResourceType(val symbol: Char?) {
+ WOOD('W'),
+ STONE('S'),
+ ORE('O'),
+ CLAY('C'),
+ GLASS('G'),
+ LOOM('L');
+ companion object {
+ private val typesPerSymbol = values().map { it.symbol to it }.toMap()
+ fun fromSymbol(symbol: String): ResourceType {
+ if (symbol.length != 1) {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException("The given symbol must be a valid single-char resource type, got $symbol")
+ }
+ return fromSymbol(symbol[0])
+ }
+ fun fromSymbol(symbol: Char?): ResourceType {
+ return typesPerSymbol[symbol]
+ ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unknown resource type symbol '%s'", symbol))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Resources.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Resources.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96ad0b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/Resources.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import java.util.NoSuchElementException
+class Resources(quantities: Map<ResourceType, Int> = emptyMap()) {
+ private val quantities: MutableMap<ResourceType, Int> = quantities.toMutableMap()
+ constructor(singleResource: ResourceType): this(mapOf(singleResource to 1))
+ val isEmpty: Boolean
+ get() = size() == 0
+ fun add(type: ResourceType, quantity: Int) {
+ quantities.merge(type, quantity) { x, y -> x + y }
+ }
+ fun remove(type: ResourceType, quantity: Int) {
+ if (getQuantity(type) < quantity) {
+ throw NoSuchElementException("Can't remove $quantity resources of type $type")
+ }
+ quantities.computeIfPresent(type) { _, oldQty -> oldQty - quantity }
+ }
+ fun addAll(resources: Resources) {
+ resources.quantities.forEach { type, quantity -> this.add(type, quantity) }
+ }
+ fun getQuantity(type: ResourceType): Int = quantities[type] ?: 0
+ fun asList(): List<ResourceType> = quantities.flatMap { e -> List(e.value) { e.key } }
+ fun containsAll(resources: Resources): Boolean = resources.quantities.all { it.value <= this.getQuantity(it.key) }
+ operator fun plus(resources: Resources): Resources {
+ val new = Resources(this.quantities)
+ new.addAll(resources)
+ return new
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new [Resources] object containing these resources minus the given resources.
+ *
+ * @param resources
+ * the resources to subtract from these resources
+ *
+ * @return a new [Resources] object containing these resources minus the given resources.
+ */
+ operator fun minus(resources: Resources): Resources {
+ val diff = Resources()
+ quantities.forEach { type, count ->
+ val remainder = count - resources.getQuantity(type)
+ diff.quantities[type] = Math.max(0, remainder)
+ }
+ return diff
+ }
+ fun size(): Int = quantities.values.sum()
+ override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+ if (this === other) return true
+ if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
+ other as Resources
+ if (quantities != other.quantities) return false
+ return true
+ }
+ override fun hashCode(): Int = quantities.hashCode()
diff --git a/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/TradingRules.kt b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/TradingRules.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6dc09e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game-engine/src/main/kotlin/org/luxons/sevenwonders/game/resources/TradingRules.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+class TradingRules(private val defaultCost: Int) {
+ private val costs: MutableMap<ResourceType, MutableMap<Provider, Int>> = mutableMapOf()
+ fun getCosts(): Map<ResourceType, Map<Provider, Int>> {
+ return costs
+ }
+ internal fun getCost(type: ResourceType, provider: Provider): Int =
+ costs.computeIfAbsent(type) { mutableMapOf() }.getOrDefault(provider, defaultCost)
+ fun setCost(type: ResourceType, provider: Provider, cost: Int) {
+ costs.computeIfAbsent(type) { mutableMapOf() }[provider] = cost
+ }
+ fun computeCost(transactions: ResourceTransactions): Int {
+ return transactions.asList().map { this.computeCost(it) }.sum()
+ }
+ internal fun computeCost(transaction: ResourceTransaction): Int {
+ val resources = transaction.resources
+ val provider = transaction.provider
+ return computeCost(resources, provider)
+ }
+ private fun computeCost(resources: Resources, provider: Provider): Int {
+ var total = 0
+ for (type in ResourceType.values()) {
+ val count = resources.getQuantity(type)
+ total += getCost(type, provider) * count
+ }
+ return total
+ }