# File: ~/.config/read-cert-template.conf # If you know the whole oid, chop off the M$ part, and the first number (awk $10) is this identifier. Technically it is not enough to identify the exact PKI instance, but it is good enough for this! # You can just use RCT_ALIAS= if you do not want to define per-domain settings. RCT_ALIAS_1234567="" RCT_LDAPSERVER_1234567=ldaps://locale1.example.corp # the "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration," will be added to this: RCT_LDAPBASE_1234567="DC=example,DC=corp" # because i struggled with escaped spaces around this stuff RCT_LDAPAUTH1_1234567="-x -w $( printf '%s' 'base64dPwHere' | base64 -d )" RCT_LDAPAUTH2_1234567="-D CN=Service Account 23498,OU=Accounts,DC=locale2,DC=example,DC=corp" RCT_ALIAS_4928234="DEV" RCT_LDAPSERVER_4928234=ldaps://locale2.example.corp # the "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration," will be added to this: RCT_LDAPBASE_4928234="DC=locale2,DC=example,DC=corp" # because i struggled with escaped spaces around this stuff RCT_LDAPAUTH1_4928234="-x -w $( printf '%s' 'SecurityHatesMe' | base64 -d )" RCT_LDAPAUTH2_4928234="-D CN=Service Account 5822,OU=Accounts,DC=locale2,DC=example,DC=corp"