#!/bin/sh # File: get-albums.sh # Location: extra/ # Author: bgstack15 # Startdate: 2022-07-07 13:50 # Title: Demo for getting albums # Purpose: Download albums easily, but only keep the past so many days # History: # Usage: # adjust variables at top, and album names looped at the bottom. # Reference: # Improve: # switch to bash, and put the list of album names in the top part with the other variables? # Dependencies: # Documentation: see README.md for project OUTDIR=/mnt/public/pictures SCRIPT=./pp.py USERNAME=admin PWFILE=pwfile URL=http://vm4:2342 get_album(){ # Goal: get photos from this named album, and keep only ones from under $DAYS days ago. # call: get_album "${TOPDIR}" "${NAME}" "${DAYS}" _dir="${1}" _name="${2}" _days="${3}" when="$( date -d "-${_days} days" "+%F" )" test -d "${_dir}/${_name}" && find "${_dir}/${_name}" -mindepth 1 ! -type d -mtime "+${_days}" -delete "${SCRIPT}" --url "${URL}" --password "${PWFILE}" --username "${USERNAME}" -a "${_name}" --extra "&after=${when}" --directory "${_dir}" } for album in "Pretty Name 1" "Family Memories 2020-2025" ; do get_album "${OUTDIR}" "${album}" "60" done