// ***************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0 * // * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved * // ***************************************************************************** #ifndef PARSER_H_81248670213764583021432 #define PARSER_H_81248670213764583021432 #include #include //ptrdiff_t; req. on Linux #include #include "dom.h" namespace zen { /** \file \brief Convert an XML document object model (class XmlDoc) to and from a byte stream representation. */ ///Save XML document as a byte stream /** \param doc Input XML document \param lineBreak Line break, default: carriage return + new line \param indent Indentation, default: four space characters \return Output byte stream */ std::string serializeXml(const XmlDoc& doc, const std::string& lineBreak = "\r\n", const std::string& indent = " "); //noexcept ///Exception thrown due to an XML parsing error struct XmlParsingError { XmlParsingError(size_t rowNo, size_t colNo) : row(rowNo), col(colNo) {} ///Input file row where the parsing error occured (zero-based) const size_t row; //beginning with 0 ///Input file column where the parsing error occured (zero-based) const size_t col; // }; ///Load XML document from a byte stream /** \param stream Input byte stream \returns Output XML document \throw XmlParsingError */ XmlDoc parseXml(const std::string& stream); //throw XmlParsingError //---------------------------- implementation ---------------------------- //see: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/ namespace xml_impl { template inline std::string normalize(const std::string_view& str, Predicate pred) //pred: unary function taking a char, return true if value shall be encoded as hex { std::string output; for (const char c : str) switch (c) { //*INDENT-OFF* case '&': output += "&"; break; // case '<': output += "<"; break; //normalization mandatory: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#syntax case '>': output += ">"; break; // default: if (pred(c)) { if (c == '\'') output += "'"; else if (c == '"') output += """; else { output += "&#x"; const auto [high, low] = hexify(c); output += high; output += low; output += ';'; } } else output += c; break; //*INDENT-ON* } return output; } inline std::string normalizeName(const std::string& str) { /*const*/ std::string nameFmt = normalize(str, [](char c) { return isWhiteSpace(c) || c == '=' || c == '/' || c == '\'' || c == '"'; }); assert(!nameFmt.empty()); return nameFmt; } inline std::string normalizeElementValue(const std::string& str) { return normalize(str, [](char c) { return static_cast(c) < 32; }); } inline std::string normalizeAttribValue(const std::string& str) { return normalize(str, [](char c) { return static_cast(c) < 32 || c == '\'' || c == '"'; }); } template inline bool checkEntity(CharIterator& first, CharIterator last, const char (&placeholder)[N]) { assert(placeholder[N - 1] == 0); const ptrdiff_t strLen = N - 1; //don't count null-terminator if (last - first >= strLen && std::equal(first, first + strLen, placeholder)) { first += strLen - 1; return true; } return false; } namespace { std::string denormalize(const std::string_view& str) { std::string output; for (auto it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { const char c = *it; if (c == '&') { if (checkEntity(it, str.end(), "&")) output += '&'; else if (checkEntity(it, str.end(), "<")) output += '<'; else if (checkEntity(it, str.end(), ">")) output += '>'; else if (checkEntity(it, str.end(), "'")) output += '\''; else if (checkEntity(it, str.end(), """)) output += '"'; else if (str.end() - it >= 6 && it[1] == '#' && it[2] == 'x' && isHexDigit(it[3]) && isHexDigit(it[4]) && it[5] == ';') { output += unhexify(it[3], it[4]); it += 5; } else output += c; //unexpected char! } else if (c == '\r') //map all end-of-line characters to \n https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-line-ends { auto itNext = it + 1; if (itNext != str.end() && *itNext == '\n') ++it; output += '\n'; } else output += c; } return output; } void serialize(const XmlElement& element, std::string& stream, const std::string& lineBreak, const std::string& indent, size_t indentLevel) { const std::string& nameFmt = normalizeName(element.getName()); for (size_t i = 0; i < indentLevel; ++i) stream += indent; stream += '<' + nameFmt; auto attr = element.getAttributes(); for (auto it = attr.first; it != attr.second; ++it) stream += ' ' + normalizeName(it->name) + "=\"" + normalizeAttribValue(it->value) + '"'; auto itPair = element.getChildren(); if (itPair.first != itPair.second) //structured element { //no support for mixed-mode content stream += '>' + lineBreak; std::for_each(itPair.first, itPair.second, [&](const XmlElement& el) { serialize(el, stream, lineBreak, indent, indentLevel + 1); }); for (size_t i = 0; i < indentLevel; ++i) stream += indent; stream += "' + lineBreak; } else { std::string value; element.getValue(value); if (!value.empty()) //value element stream += '>' + normalizeElementValue(value) + "' + lineBreak; else //empty element stream += "/>" + lineBreak; } } } } inline std::string serializeXml(const XmlDoc& doc, const std::string& lineBreak, const std::string& indent) { std::string output = "" + lineBreak; xml_impl::serialize(doc.root(), output, lineBreak, indent, 0 /*indentLevel*/); return output; } /* Grammar for XML parser ------------------------------- document-expression: element-expression: element-expression: pm-expression element-list-expression: element-expression element-list-expression attributes-expression: string="string" attributes-expression pm-expression: string element-list-expression */ namespace xml_impl { struct Token { enum Type { TK_LESS, TK_GREATER, TK_LESS_SLASH, TK_SLASH_GREATER, TK_EQUAL, TK_QUOTE, TK_DECL_BEGIN, TK_DECL_END, TK_NAME, TK_END }; Token(Type t) : type(t) {} Token(const std::string& txt) : type(TK_NAME), name(txt) {} Token( std::string&& txt) : type(TK_NAME), name(std::move(txt)) {} Type type; std::string name; //filled if type == TK_NAME }; class Scanner { public: explicit Scanner(const std::string& stream) : stream_(stream), pos_(stream_.begin()) { if (zen::startsWith(stream_, BYTE_ORDER_MARK_UTF8)) pos_ += strLength(BYTE_ORDER_MARK_UTF8); } Token getNextToken() //throw XmlParsingError { //skip whitespace pos_ = std::find_if_not(pos_, stream_.end(), isWhiteSpace); if (pos_ == stream_.end()) return Token::TK_END; //skip XML comments if (startsWith(xmlCommentBegin_)) { auto it = std::search(pos_ + xmlCommentBegin_.size(), stream_.end(), xmlCommentEnd_.begin(), xmlCommentEnd_.end()); if (it != stream_.end()) { pos_ = it + xmlCommentEnd_.size(); return getNextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError } } for (auto it = tokens_.begin(); it != tokens_.end(); ++it) if (startsWith(it->first)) { pos_ += it->first.size(); return it->second; } const auto itNameEnd = std::find_if(pos_, stream_.end(), [](char c) { return c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '=' || c == '/' || c == '\'' || c == '"' || isWhiteSpace(c); }); if (itNameEnd != pos_) { const std::string_view name = makeStringView(pos_, itNameEnd); pos_ = itNameEnd; return denormalize(name); } //unknown token throw XmlParsingError(posRow(), posCol()); } std::string extractElementValue() { auto it = std::find_if(pos_, stream_.end(), [](char c) { return c == '<' || c == '>'; }); const std::string_view output = makeStringView(pos_, it); pos_ = it; return denormalize(output); } std::string extractAttributeValue() { auto it = std::find_if(pos_, stream_.end(), [](char c) { return c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '\'' || c == '"'; }); const std::string_view output = makeStringView(pos_, it); pos_ = it; return denormalize(output); } size_t posRow() const //current row beginning with 0 { const size_t crSum = std::count(stream_.begin(), pos_, '\r'); //carriage returns const size_t nlSum = std::count(stream_.begin(), pos_, '\n'); //new lines assert(crSum == 0 || nlSum == 0 || crSum == nlSum); return std::max(crSum, nlSum); //be compatible with Linux/Mac/Win } size_t posCol() const //current col beginning with 0 { //seek beginning of line for (auto it = pos_; it != stream_.begin(); ) { --it; if (isLineBreak(*it)) return pos_ - it - 1; } return pos_ - stream_.begin(); } private: Scanner (const Scanner&) = delete; Scanner& operator=(const Scanner&) = delete; bool startsWith(const std::string& prefix) const { return zen::startsWith(makeStringView(pos_, stream_.end()), prefix); } using TokenList = std::vector>; const TokenList tokens_ { {"", Token::TK_DECL_END }, {"", Token::TK_SLASH_GREATER}, {"<", Token::TK_LESS }, //evaluate after TK_DECL_BEGIN! {">", Token::TK_GREATER }, {"=", Token::TK_EQUAL }, {"\"", Token::TK_QUOTE }, {"\'", Token::TK_QUOTE }, }; const std::string xmlCommentBegin_ = ""; const std::string stream_; std::string::const_iterator pos_; }; class XmlParser { public: explicit XmlParser(const std::string& stream) : scn_(stream), tk_(scn_.getNextToken()) {} //throw XmlParsingError XmlDoc parse() //throw XmlParsingError { XmlDoc doc; //declaration (optional) if (token().type == Token::TK_DECL_BEGIN) { nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError while (token().type == Token::TK_NAME) { std::string attribName = token().name; nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError consumeToken(Token::TK_EQUAL); //throw XmlParsingError expectToken (Token::TK_QUOTE); // std::string attribValue = scn_.extractAttributeValue(); nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError consumeToken(Token::TK_QUOTE); //throw XmlParsingError if (attribName == "version") doc.setVersion(attribValue); else if (attribName == "encoding") doc.setEncoding(attribValue); else if (attribName == "standalone") doc.setStandalone(attribValue); } consumeToken(Token::TK_DECL_END); //throw XmlParsingError } XmlElement dummy; parseChildElements(dummy); auto itPair = dummy.getChildren(); if (itPair.first != itPair.second) doc.root().swapSubtree(*itPair.first); expectToken(Token::TK_END); //throw XmlParsingError return doc; } private: XmlParser (const XmlParser&) = delete; XmlParser& operator=(const XmlParser&) = delete; void parseChildElements(XmlElement& parent) { while (token().type == Token::TK_LESS) { nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError expectToken(Token::TK_NAME); //throw XmlParsingError const std::string elementName = token().name; nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError XmlElement& newElement = parent.addChild(elementName); parseAttributes(newElement); if (token().type == Token::TK_SLASH_GREATER) //empty element { nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError continue; } expectToken(Token::TK_GREATER); //throw XmlParsingError std::string elementValue = scn_.extractElementValue(); nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError //no support for mixed-mode content if (token().type == Token::TK_LESS) //structure-element parseChildElements(newElement); else //value-element newElement.setValue(std::move(elementValue)); consumeToken(Token::TK_LESS_SLASH); //throw XmlParsingError expectToken(Token::TK_NAME); //throw XmlParsingError if (token().name != elementName) throw XmlParsingError(scn_.posRow(), scn_.posCol()); nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError consumeToken(Token::TK_GREATER); //throw XmlParsingError } } void parseAttributes(XmlElement& element) { while (token().type == Token::TK_NAME) { const std::string attribName = token().name; nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError consumeToken(Token::TK_EQUAL); //throw XmlParsingError expectToken (Token::TK_QUOTE); // std::string attribValue = scn_.extractAttributeValue(); nextToken(); //throw XmlParsingError consumeToken(Token::TK_QUOTE); //throw XmlParsingError element.setAttribute(attribName, attribValue); } } const Token& token() const { return tk_; } void nextToken() { tk_ = scn_.getNextToken(); } //throw XmlParsingError void expectToken(Token::Type t) //throw XmlParsingError { if (token().type != t) throw XmlParsingError(scn_.posRow(), scn_.posCol()); } void consumeToken(Token::Type t) //throw XmlParsingError { expectToken(t); //throw XmlParsingError nextToken(); // } Scanner scn_; Token tk_; }; } inline XmlDoc parseXml(const std::string& stream) //throw XmlParsingError { return xml_impl::XmlParser(stream).parse(); //throw XmlParsingError } } #endif //PARSER_H_81248670213764583021432