// ************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * // * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT gmx.de) * // ************************************************************************** #include "zstring.h" #include #include #ifdef FFS_WIN #include "dll.h" #include "win_ver.h" #endif #ifndef NDEBUG #include #include #endif using namespace zen; #ifndef NDEBUG LeakChecker::~LeakChecker() { if (activeStrings.size() > 0) { int rowCount = 0; std::string leakingStrings; for (VoidPtrSizeMap::const_iterator i = activeStrings.begin(); i != activeStrings.end() && ++rowCount <= 20; ++i) leakingStrings += "\"" + rawMemToString(i->first, i->second) + "\"\n"; const std::string message = std::string("Memory leak detected!") + "\n\n" + "Candidates:\n" + leakingStrings; #ifdef FFS_WIN MessageBoxA(NULL, message.c_str(), "Error", 0); #else std::cerr << message; std::abort(); #endif } } LeakChecker& LeakChecker::instance() { static LeakChecker inst; return inst; } //caveat: function scope static initialization is not thread-safe in VS 2010! => make sure to call at app start! namespace { const LeakChecker& dummy = LeakChecker::instance(); } std::string LeakChecker::rawMemToString(const void* ptr, size_t size) { std::string output = std::string(reinterpret_cast(ptr), size); vector_remove_if(output, [](char& c) { return c == 0; }); //remove intermediate 0-termination if (output.size() > 100) output.resize(100); return output; } void LeakChecker::reportProblem(const std::string& message) //throw (std::logic_error) { #ifdef FFS_WIN ::MessageBoxA(NULL, message.c_str(), "Error", 0); #else std::cerr << message; #endif throw std::logic_error("Memory leak! " + message); } #endif //NDEBUG #ifdef FFS_WIN namespace { #ifndef LOCALE_INVARIANT //invariant locale has been introduced with XP #define LOCALE_INVARIANT 0x007f #endif //warning: LOCALE_INVARIANT is NOT available with Windows 2000, so we have to make yet another distinction... const LCID ZSTRING_INVARIANT_LOCALE = zen::winXpOrLater() ? LOCALE_INVARIANT : MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT); //see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb688122.aspx //try to call "CompareStringOrdinal" for low-level string comparison: unfortunately available not before Windows Vista! //by a factor ~3 faster than old string comparison using "LCMapString" typedef int (WINAPI* CompareStringOrdinalFunc)(LPCWSTR lpString1, int cchCount1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int cchCount2, BOOL bIgnoreCase); const SysDllFun ordinalCompare = SysDllFun(L"kernel32.dll", "CompareStringOrdinal"); } int z_impl::compareFilenamesWin(const wchar_t* a, const wchar_t* b, size_t sizeA, size_t sizeB) { //caveat: function scope static initialization is not thread-safe in VS 2010! if (ordinalCompare) //this additional test has no noticeable performance impact { const int rv = ordinalCompare(a, //pointer to first string static_cast(sizeA), //size, in bytes or characters, of first string b, //pointer to second string static_cast(sizeB), //size, in bytes or characters, of second string true); //ignore case if (rv == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings (ordinal)!"); else return rv - 2; //convert to C-style string compare result } else //fallback { //do NOT use "CompareString"; this function is NOT accurate (even with LOCALE_INVARIANT and SORT_STRINGSORT): for example "weiß" == "weiss"!!! //the only reliable way to compare filenames (with XP) is to call "CharUpper" or "LCMapString": const int minSize = std::min(sizeA, sizeB); if (minSize == 0) //LCMapString does not allow input sizes of 0! return static_cast(sizeA) - static_cast(sizeB); int rv = 0; //always initialize... if (minSize <= 5000) //performance optimization: stack { wchar_t bufferA[5000]; wchar_t bufferB[5000]; //faster than CharUpperBuff + wmemcpy or CharUpper + wmemcpy and same speed like ::CompareString() if (::LCMapString(ZSTRING_INVARIANT_LOCALE, //__in LCID Locale, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, //__in DWORD dwMapFlags, a, //__in LPCTSTR lpSrcStr, minSize, //__in int cchSrc, bufferA, //__out LPTSTR lpDestStr, 5000) == 0) //__in int cchDest throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings! (LCMapString)"); if (::LCMapString(ZSTRING_INVARIANT_LOCALE, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, b, minSize, bufferB, 5000) == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings! (LCMapString)"); rv = ::wmemcmp(bufferA, bufferB, minSize); } else //use freestore { std::vector bufferA(minSize); std::vector bufferB(minSize); if (::LCMapString(ZSTRING_INVARIANT_LOCALE, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, a, minSize, &bufferA[0], minSize) == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings! (LCMapString: FS)"); if (::LCMapString(ZSTRING_INVARIANT_LOCALE, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, b, minSize, &bufferB[0], minSize) == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings! (LCMapString: FS)"); rv = ::wmemcmp(&bufferA[0], &bufferB[0], minSize); } return rv == 0 ? static_cast(sizeA) - static_cast(sizeB) : rv; } // const int rv = CompareString( // invariantLocale, //locale independent // NORM_IGNORECASE | SORT_STRINGSORT, //comparison-style options // a, //pointer to first string // aCount, //size, in bytes or characters, of first string // b, //pointer to second string // bCount); //size, in bytes or characters, of second string // // if (rv == 0) // throw std::runtime_error("Error comparing strings!"); // else // return rv - 2; //convert to C-style string compare result } void z_impl::makeUpperCaseWin(wchar_t* str, size_t size) { if (size == 0) //LCMapString does not allow input sizes of 0! return; //use Windows' upper case conversion: faster than ::CharUpper() if (::LCMapString(ZSTRING_INVARIANT_LOCALE, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, str, static_cast(size), str, static_cast(size)) == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Error converting to upper case! (LCMapString)"); } /* #include extern std::wofstream statShared; extern std::wofstream statLowCapacity; extern std::wofstream statOverwrite; std::wstring p(ptr); p.erase(std::remove(p.begin(), p.end(), L'\n'), p.end()); p.erase(std::remove(p.begin(), p.end(), L','), p.end()); if (descr(ptr)->refCount > 1) statShared << minCapacity << L"," << descr(ptr)->refCount << L"," << descr(ptr)->length << L"," << descr(ptr)->capacity << L"," << p << L"\n"; else if (minCapacity > descr(ptr)->capacity) statLowCapacity << minCapacity << L"," << descr(ptr)->refCount << L"," << descr(ptr)->length << L"," << descr(ptr)->capacity << L"," << p << L"\n"; else statOverwrite << minCapacity << L"," << descr(ptr)->refCount << L"," << descr(ptr)->length << L"," << descr(ptr)->capacity << L"," << p << L"\n"; */ #endif //FFS_WIN